Fallout 4 Pt. 8
"Now for the final chapter of the Fallout 4 universe." said Luke as he snapped his fingers and the kids were gone.
It showed Izuku arriving back at the Red Rocket Truck Stop in the morning. He walked over to Iida.
"I've made my choice. The Institute... is now our enemy." said Izuku.
"I always knew that day was coming. The question now is what are we going to do about them?" Iida asked.
"I say we attack. Take the fight to the Institute." Izuku suggested.
"I'm all for that, but we don't have any way to hit them yet. With any luck, Majima will find some way in all that data you swiped. In the meantime, we can focus on building up our strength while Majima is working on his end. No half measures. This time, when we attack, we finish the job, once and for all." said Iida.
After that, Izuku and Dogmeat went to see Tetsutestu on the Prydwen. The Elder was PISSED.
"Lancer-Captain Kaibara has informed me that the Institute's on high alert and you're to blame. Explain yourself, Knight!" Tetsutetsu demanded.
"There isn't much to explain. What's done is done." said Izuku with an annoyed look.
"That's your explanation?!" Tetsutetsu shouted, "Your instructions were clear. You were to infiltrate the Institute, find Doctor Li and convince her to return to the Brotherhood. I'm extremely disappointed in you, Knight."
Izuku was seriously starting to get tired of Tetsutetsu and his Brotherhood bullshit.
"I stand by my actions... Sir." Izuku said defiantly.
"Ooooh." said the audience.
"Do you? Well, if nothing else, you have the courage to stand your ground. That doesn't absolve you from your mistake, but let's just say you've earned back some of my respect." said Tetsutetsu, "Fortunately, this incident doesn't change our current strategy. We have a contingency plan that's already being put into effect that should ensure completion of our project. Now, I believe you still possess an important piece of data that Proctor Ingram is eagerly waiting. I want you to bring it to her immediately. And, Knight... don't disappoint me again. Dismissed."
Izuku left, but he didn't even bother to obey Tetsutetsu's orders and instead went back to helping the Minutemen gear up to take on the Institute.
We see a montage of Izuku and his companions building up the Minutemen and helping settlements. We even see Izuku doing other quests with his settlement.
We see Izuku becoming the hero the Silver Shroud. And for part of that quest we see Kaminari as Grognak the Barbarian.
"Izuku went to Goodneighbor and took up the identity of a comic book superhero from the pre-war era that he was a fan of - The Silver Shroud. Kaminari helped him in the final part of that quest as another comic book hero, one you're familiar with - Grognak the Barbarian. Together they killed an evil raider boss and rescued the ghoul who inspired Izuku to become the Silver Shroud." Luke explained.
We see Izuku recruiting Sero as a companion.
"Izuku got involved in sort of a heist to break into the Diamond City strong room to get tons of supplies, but the person who hired Izuku - a female ghoul named Bobbi-No-Nose - tricked Izuku into helping her break into a place that Sero owned. Luckily, Izuku was able to persuade Bobbi not to rob Sero and instead disappear. After that, Sero forgave Izuku for the whole thing and decided to join Izuku on his adventures." explained Luke.
We see Izuku and Kaminari rescuing a human and Sato, who was a super mutant, from other super mutants at the top of a tall building.
"Izuku rescued Sato, who's a super mutant named Strong in this, and Izuku recruited Sato as a companion." explained Luke.
We see Izuku and Sato traveling to Shishida's cave in the Glowing Sea. Izuku gave Shishida the serum to make him human again, much to Sato's anger.
Then we see Momo asking Izuku if he can find a way to make her more like a human. Izuku brought her to Recovery Girl in Goodneighbor and she brought in Miruko, who also brought in the body of a deceased Gen 3 synth who looked just like the Momo in the main MHA universe. With a little persuasion, Izuku was able to convince Miruko to allow Momo's conscious to be transferred into the synth body. Now Momo was a synth.
"Like I said, Momo was able to transfer her conscious into a synth." Luke said.
We see Izuku and Kaminari defending the U.S.S. Constitution and the robots living in it. Then they helped the ship fly into the air before it crashed into and got stuck on top of a building.
"The U.S.S. Constitution can fly now. Don't question it." Luke said.
We see Izuku and Sato heading back to see Shishida, who was now human again.
"You look good as a human, bro." said Kaibara.
We see Izuku solving some detective cases with Todoroki. Then we see Izuku and Kaminari helping the Diamond City radio host - Tamaki - gain confidence.
"Thanks to Izuku, Kaminari, and this Russian bar owner, Tamaki is a lot more confident on the radio now." said Luke.
"If only we could do that with our Tamaki." said Nejire.
We see Izuku, Tsu, Iida, and some other Minutemen taking back Fort Independence from giant mutated crabs and one colossal mutated crab queen.
"Izuku and the Minutemen just took back Fort Independence, which was renamed The Castle by the Minutemen. It used to be the Minutemen's main base of operations decades earlier before it was taken over by those mutated crabs, which are called mirelurks." Luke explained.
We see Izuku and Kaminari doing various quests for the Railroad. And we see Izuku occasionally do some smaller quests for the Brotherhood with the help of Kirishima. Such as collecting pieces of tech to give to Yui, and clearing out hostile areas that Awase ordered Izuku to clear, Izuku also brought in a lot of technical documents and blood samples from dead mutated creatures and gave them to scribes onboard the Prydwen. That was how Izuku made so many bottle caps.
During Izuku's adventures, he would usually hear a message from Toshi on Diamond City radio.
"People of the Commonwealth." Toshi's voice was heard saying on Izuku's Pip-Boy, "For years now, you have suspected that the Institute still exists, that we are among you. It is true, but... it is not the whole truth. We are here, and we are the future. Our superior technology represents the best hope for the Commonwealth. Today, we activate our nuclear reactor, ensuring that we will persevere long after the world above ground has ceased to exist. Ensuring that mankind has a future. We have no desire to interfere in the unimportant details of your daily lives. We simply ask that you do not interfere with the Institute's operations. To do so will result in dire consequences. You may rest easy. Know that the future is in safe hands, that mankind will thrive under our guidance!"
"Yeah. Leaving the people on the surface to suffer while you're all safe in your cushy high-tech facility. Real fucking noble." said Bakugo.
During Izuku's adventures, he would occasionally be aided in battle by a man wearing a trench coat and fedora and armed with a revolver. A piano theme played whenever he appeared and disappeared.
"That guy is called The Mysterious Stranger. He appears in almost every Fallout game and will occasionally help the player kill an enemy while they're using VATS." Luke explained.
"That was him! The Stranger! He was just here! Where'd he go?" Todoroki, who was currently with Izuku, said.
"Todoroki's also been investigating a case about the Mysterious Stranger for some time." said Luke.
We then see Izuku, Kaminari, and a mercenary rescuing a scared young woman from a group of synth haters and killing all the people in a very nice and protected settlement, then turning the place into a Minutemen settlement.
"Izuku and Kaminari went to a fancy settlement called Covenant. But they learned that the people there were kidnapping and torturing people who were synths or who they thought were synths. Izuku, Kaminari, and this mercenary they met rescued a scared young woman who was a synth and they killed all the anti-synth people behind it." Luke explained.
We see Izuku meeting and joining a group of cool people who wear power armor suits with hot rod flames painted on them.
"That group is known as the Atom Cats. They're a gang of cool people who wear power armor." Luke explained.
We see Izuku and Iida meeting a scared little ghoul boy who was trapped in a refrigerator for the last 200 years and reuniting him with his family in the remains of Quincy, but not before wiping out all the Gunners in Quincy and recovering two power armor suits that he would give to Power Loader in Sanctuary afterwards.
"As most of you know, Iida and the Minutemen were protecting Quincy but they lost a fight against the Gunners and had to leave. Those power armor suits belonged to Power Loader because he bought them from the Atom Cats, but then when the Gunners took over the Quincy they took the suits for themselves. After Izuku killed all the Gunners and reunited that ghoul child with his parents, Izuku gave the suits back to Power Loader." Luke explained.
(A/N: Yes, it's actually possible to get the power armor suits in Quincy and return them to Sturges. You're gonna need some stealth-boys, a good stealth level, you have to be good with V.A.T.S., and there are some other requirements. But it is possible.)
We see Izuku and Todoroki going around the Commonwealth and collecting holotapes to find a pre-war criminal who was a ghoul. Then they found the ghoul and killed him.
"Like I said before, Todoroki was a human detective in the pre-war era, but what I didn't tell you was that he also had a fiancée who was murdered in the pre-war era. And the one behind it was a notorious criminal named Eddie Winter. The synth Todoroki wanted to find Winter and get revenge because he knew Winter turned himself into a ghoul to be immortal. Izuku and Todoroki found the holotapes that contained the code to the bunker Winter was hiding in, then the two of them confronted Winter and killed him." Luke explained.
We see Izuku doing some more quests and helping some more settlements, but there was one specific one.
Izuku decided to bring Sero to Diamond City, even though ghouls weren't allowed there. But when they entered the city they saw Danny Sullivan shot and injured with other people around him.
"You gotta listen. Mayor Sero... I saw him with one of those Institute synths. Tsu was right... he's one of them." Danny said weakly.
"So my brother is a synth! What happened to the real him?" Sero asked.
"Dead, probably." Luke said.
Izuku gave Danny a stimpack to save him, then Izuku and Sero went up to the mayor's office to confront the synth Mayor Sero. When they reached the office, they saw Tsu trying to kick down the door that lead into the mayor's office.
"I knew it! I knew you were a synth, Sero!" Tsu shouted as she kicked at the door.
"Yes, Tsu. Congratulations. You've won. I hope you break your foot trying to kick that door down!" Mayor Sero shouted from the other end of the door.
"Damnit! It won't budge!" Tsu said as she couldn't get the door down.
Izuku walked over to Tsu, who finally stopped trying to get the door down.
"Damnit. Sero's locked the door." she said.
Izuku noticed a button underneath the desk of Mayor Sero's secretary and pressed it. That opened the door. Izuku, Tsu, and Sero entered to see Mayor Sero pointing a gun at them and keeping his secretary hostage.
"That's far enough!" Mayor Sero shouted.
"Help me! He's crazy!" Mayor Sero's secretary cried.
"Holding an innocent hostage. A coward's move." said All Might.
"I am NOT just going to be discarded and tossed to the wolves. I'm the mayor, goddamnit!" shouted Mayor Sero.
"Mayor Sero, I can help you, but not when you're holding a hostage. Let her go." Izuku said calmly.
"All... alright. She can go." Mayor Sero said.
The secretary ran out of the room.
"Now I'll tell you what's going to happen next. I'm walking out of this city. Unharmed. With my dignity intact." Mayor Sero said.
"You're not getting off the hook that easy, Sero! You have to answer for what you've done!" Tsu said as she pointed her gun at Mayor Sero.
"I'm either walking out of this city a free man, or I'm killing as many of you... disgusting, filthy savages as I can." Mayor Sero said.
"What are you going to do then, Sero?" Izuku asked.
"I can't go back to the Institute. I can't stay here. But I'm a man of... resourcefulness. I'll make my way." said Mayor Sero, "Just let me go. Hasn't there been enough bloodshed? Think about poor Mister Sullivan."
"You're going to stand trial, and these people are going to have justice." Izuku said.
"Lord knows, you've got plenty to answer for." said Tsu.
"Trial? Please. You know how these people feel about synths. I won't be stuck in a prison while they gloat." Mayor Sero said coldly.
A fight began, but Izuku was able to quickly kill Mayor Sero by gunning him down.
"He's dead. I can't say Sero didn't deserve worse, but..." Tsu sighed, "Without a mayor, the city council will be next in line to pick up the pieces. Let's hope they do a better job. I don't know when people are going to be better for another mayoral election. Not gonna be soon, that's for sure. But at least now, Diamond City will finally have the truth."
"So the Institute replaced him with a synth after all. How many years was I angry at that bastard for the wrong reasons?" Sero asked himself.
After that, Izuku continued to do more quests with his companions. During his adventures, he gained his companion's trust, respect, and friendship. He already reached max affinity with Kaminari, Todoroki, Iida, Tsu, and he had made a lot of progress with his other companions as well.
After that, we cut to the next scene of Izuku and Dogmeat walking through the remains of Boston along the coast when they saw a little boy at the docks pointing at something in the water.
"There it is! I see it!" the boy said.
They approached the boy.
"You saw something out here?" Izuku asked.
"Did you see it? The big eye in the water?" the boy asked as he pointed to something in the water. It was covered in seaweed, but sticking out of the water and moving.
"Slow down, son. Start from the beginning." Izuku said.
"There's a sea monster in the harbor! I saw its big eye peek up from out of the water and look around." the boy said, "Hey, do you think it's dangerous? It hasn't attacked anyone yet, but maybe it's just waiting."
"Have you seen more than just its eye?" Izuku asked.
"Nah, just the eye stalk, you know like the ones bugs have. Every once in a while, it comes out of the water and looks around, like it's hunting for something. I bet it wants fresh meat. Like us. Only then you'd have to kill it and leave its dead body here all bloody and stuff. That would be some awesome." the boy said.
"You want it to attack us? That's nuts, kids." said Izuku.
"Yeah, cuz then I'd get to see a cool fight." said the boy.
Izuku and Dogmeat went in the water and swam towards the eye. Izuku went underwater and turned on his Pip-Boy light to see that it wasn't a sea monster, but a gigantic submarine. The eye was its periscope.
"That can't be good." said Tsu.
Izuku and Dogmeat entered the submarine through the hatch. Once they were inside, they entered the control room of the decrepit and leaking submarine and saw a man on the other end of the room using the periscope. Izuku snuck up behind the man, but then he turned around to face Izuku and Dogmeat.
The man was a ghoul wearing a Chinese navy uniform.
"I watched you talk to a boy on the docks. Swim out here. You appear... able. But not a threat? No. Come in he ping. Ah... peace?" the ghoul asked in a Chinese voice.
"Who are you?" Izuku asked the Chinese ghoul.
"Rin. Captain of the Chinese Navy. I sail the Yangtze-31. This qianting. Submarine. My beautiful boat." the ghoul, now revealed to be Hiryu Rin, answered.
"The ghoul is me?" Hiryu Rin of Class 1-B asked.
"He is. You're the one who fired the nukes in Massachusetts." said Luke.
Rin was shocked by this and lowered his head.
"Speak harsh words of me if you must. But my Yangtze... Speak of her with respect." said Rin, "Why are you here? War is over. Long over. And my Yangtze holds no bao wu. No... treasure. Nothing for you to plunder."
"Have you been here for 200 years?" Izuku asked.
"Wa! Has it been that long? Shi de. Yes. I suppose it has. Long ago. Just after the fire. Yangtze struck a mine. My qianting barley made it here into harbor. City already ruins by then. Few noticed us. Fewer cared. Too much tong ku." said Rin, "Your arrival is good xingyun for me. I need help, you see. Yangtze is not... ahh... Seaworthy. You will help me fix her?"
"Even though he's the one who nuked the Commonwealth, the war happened over 200 years ago. Maybe it's time to move on from all that." said Midnight.
Izuku personally still felt a lot of hate for the people that nuked his home.
"You can go to Hell. You're part of the enemy that destroyed my country." he said angrily.
"Or maybe not." said Present Mic.
"That is... sad. Um... unfortunate. Bu xing. I hoped that after 200 years, we could forget past hatred. I shall wait for someone more willing to help me." said Rin.
Izuku then stormed out of the submarine with Dogmeat and left. He didn't even bother to talk to the kid.
"Izuku later on has a change of heart and helps Rin, but that's after the ending of the main game." said Luke.
We then cut to Izuku helping some more settlements before talking to Iida at the Truck Stop.
"Bad news. The Institute has been scouting the Castle. Looks like they're getting ready for a major attack." said Iida.
"Looks like Toshi was serious about Deku being an enemy of the Institute." said Ochako sadly.
"If they can knock out the Castle, it could set us back to square one. We can't let that happen again. I've sent word for all available Minutemen to rally at the Castle. We've got to win this one." said Iida.
After that, Izuku arrived at the Castle with all his companions - Dogmeat, Iida, Kaminari, Tsu, Kirishima, Sero, Todoroki, Sato, Momo, Ojiro, and Mina. There was also a number of Minutemen there, armed and ready to take on the Institute invaders.
Izuku had also changed into his Minutemen General uniform and armed himself with the laser musket that he got when he first met Iida and the settlers that would end up living in Sanctuary. He had modified the weapon so it did much more damage and had other improvements.
"Looking sharp, Midoriya. Rocking that tricorn hat and blue coat." said Sato.
Shortly after that, the Institute began attacking. There were quite a few coursers and Gen 2 synths attacking the Castle, but luckily they weren't able to get in so easily because Izuku had managed to repair the broken Castle walls by placing cement foundations in their place.
The battle waged on for a few hours, but in the end, Izuku and his friends and Minutemen soldiers were able to destroy the Institute forces. Once that was done, Izuku went to talk to Iida.
"It's time for us to strike back against the Institute." Izuku said.
"I have some good news for you. Majima found a way into the Institute. We can launch an attack whenever you say the word." said Iida.
"What's this secret way in?" Izuku asked.
"He's been analyzing that data you brought back. Turns out it includes maps of their whole underground complex. He found some old tunnel that's still open to the surface - cooling water for their reactor, I think." said Iida, "I figure you can get in that way and secure the teleporter, then use it to bring in the rest of our troops. We fight our way to the reactor, fix it blow, and get the hell outta there."
"Do we have enough troops for the assault?" asked Izuku.
"Yes, I think we do, now. Enough to fight our way to the reactor, which is all we need." said Iida, "Get the details from Majima. I'll make sure the Minutemen are standing by to teleport into the Institute on your signal."
After that, Izuku and Dogmeat travelled back to Sanctuary and left the other companions back at the Castle. Izuku and Dogmeat went up to Power Loader.
"Hey, boss. I've been hoping you'd stop by. I found a way in to the Institute." Power Loader said.
"What was on the holotape?" Izuku asked.
"One of the things in the data you stole was a plan of the whole Institute complex - including the older sections that used to be part of CIT." Power Loader explained, "Turns out they're still using an old water pipe that runs out to the river. Brings in cooling water to their reactor. Its entrance is underwater and is blocked by a security grate. Also the whole pipe is labeled high radiation danger. But there isn't any other way in that I can find, so it's this or nothing."
"How do I get past the security grate?" asked Izuku.
"Oh, right. I found the code that should open it, so all you have to do is survive the trip. Soon as you get in there, you need to access the main relay control and use this holotape to teleport everybody into the Institute." said Power Loader as he handed Izuku a holotape.
After that, Izuku and Dogmeat headed back to the Red Rocket Truck Stop and geared up. Izuku dressed Dogmeat up in a red bandana and some goggles, while he changed back into his Vault 111 jumpsuit and leather armor. He then got into his suit of T-60 power armor that he found on his adventures.
"Alright... here we go." Izuku said.
"It all comes down to this." Aizawa said grimly.
"Yes, but what about Toshi? Is he going to kill his son, or take him as a prisoner? Because there's no way Toshi would leave his home willingly, nor would he allow his father to destroy it." Midnight said.
Izuku and Dogmeat traveled to the CIT ruins, then they went into the river near the ruins and went to an old water pipe that lead to the Institute. They reached a sewer area and Izuku typed in a code on a nearby keypad that was on a wall and typed in the code Power Loader gave him. That opened a nearby sewer grate.
As Izuku and Dogmeat made it deeper into the sewers, they faced several obstacles. They took out some turrets, killed some mole rats, and they even entered an abandoned CIT classroom that had a ton of those mechanical monkey toys with the cymbals, although these ones had glowing eyes.
"That's creepy." said Iida.
Izuku and Dogmeat then went through a sewer pipe that lead into the main Institute facility. They were in the teleporter room.
"He made it back inside the Institute. Now it's time to end this." said Toru.
Izuku went over to the console to use the teleporter. He took his helmet off and placed it on top of the console, then accessed the terminal. He inserted the holotape Power Loader gave him and initiated the Remote Relay Sequence.
One by one, Iida, Power Loader, and several other Minutemen were teleported into the Institute. As they did, the alarm went off.
"Looks like they know we're here, boy." Izuku said to Dogmeat as he grabbed his helmet.
Iida stepped out of the teleporter chamber.
"Man, that was something else. I guess I'm still in one piece. Everybody else made it? Good." said Iida.
Izuku walked over to Iida as Power Loader walked over to the terminal.
"So this is the Institute. They could've just held down here forever. Why'd they need to come mess with us?" Iida asked Izuku.
"They think they're better than us." said Izuku.
"They should've read their own history. That hasn't ever turned out well. In any case, here we are. No turning back now..." Iida said.
"No turning back indeed." said All Might.
"You're going to need this. It's a Fusion Pulse Charge; once it's attached to the reactor it can be detonated remotely." Iida said as he handed Izuku a device with a radioactive symbol on it, "You get that on the reactor, and we can trigger an explosion that'll destroy everything the Institute has ever built. Just make sure we give the civilians a chance to escape before we blow the place. We're not here to commit mass murder."
"At least they're not gonna brutally murder everyone who lives in the Institute." Ochako said in relief.
"We'd better hurry. They're going to realize what's going on before too long." Iida said.
Iida then turned to Power Loader.
"Majima, you'd better get to work on this teleporter of theirs. We need that thing running as soon as possible. You pull us back up as soon as we give the signal. And anyone from the Institute who wants out, you let 'em go so long as they aren't shooting at you." Iida said to him.
"You got it, boss." Power Loader said as he operated the console.
Izuku put his helmet on, and he, Dogmeat, Iida, and the other Minutemen headed to the elevator, but it wasn't working. They realized they had no choice but to go through the old robotics section.
They fought their way through a number of Gen 2 synths and a lot of turrets, but then Izuku was able to power on an old sentry bot that looked like it had been offline for some time.
"That robot's called a sentry bot. They're quite powerful." said Luke.
They then made it out of the rusty and decrepit robotics wing and into the main Institute facility, specifically the BioScience division.
"Oh... so this is what it looks like." said Iida, "Man, no wonder they prefer it down here."
"I really like saying man a lot, don't I?" Iida said.
Luke nodded.
Izuku and his forced opened fire on the hostile Gen 2 synths, but then two gorillas got free from their containment and attacked Izuku and the Minutemen.
"Those are not real gorillas. They're synth gorillas." said Luke.
Izuku was able to kill the synth gorillas, then he took some synthetic gorilla meat from their bodies.
"He's seriously gonna eat meat from a robot animal? The fuck is wrong with him?" said Bakugo.
Izuku and the gang then made it to the main Institute atrium and killed a number of hostile gen 2 synths and coursers. There were also some Institute scientists who were hostile to them, so Izuku and the others had no choice but to kill them.
The Mysterious Stranger also appeared and helped Izuku kill a Gen 2 synth when Izuku was using VATS.
"That's right. The Mysterious Stranger can also follow the player character into the Institute." said Luke.
"How is that possible? Did the Stranger also teleport into the Institute when Midoriya wasn't looking or something?" asked All Might.
"I have no fucking clue. In Fallout 3 there's a DLC where the player character goes to space and the Mysterious Stranger will follow them there as well." Luke said.
Then they heard Power Loader on the intercom.
"Hey there, General. Found the reactor. Looks like you need to get yourself to the Advanced Systems area. Only, well, it's locked. Can't override it from here; looks like the command can only come from the Director's personal terminal." Power Loader said on the intercom as the main elevator came down to Izuku's level, "You're gonna need to get access to it somehow."
"Does that mean...?" Momo said.
"Yeah. He's gonna see Toshi again." said Kirishima.
"But will he be able to save his son and get him out of the Institute before it blows up?" Todoroki said.
Izuku and Dogmeat took the elevator down to the lower level and went down the hallway, then they took the smaller elevator up to Toshi's room. When they entered, Izuku didn't see Toshi anywhere. They went upstairs to the second floor of Toshi's room to see...
Toshi in his bed... and he appeared ill.
"Oh, no..." Ochako whispered as she put her hands over her mouth.
"Please tell me he's just in bed because he's tired... Please just have it be that..." Izuku whispered.
Izuku got out of his power armor and slowly approached his son.
"I didn't expect to see you again." Toshi said weakly, "Come to see the reactor, have you? We got it working without you."
"What's happened to you? Are you sick?" Izuku asked worriedly.
"Don't pretend to care now. You had your chance to help me, and cast me aside instead. It's not enough that I lay here, dying... Now you plan on what, destroying everything?" Toshi said.
"That's the other reason why Toshi unfroze Izuku. He had discovered that he had cancer and was dying, so Toshi unfroze his surviving parent so that he could have a successor. If Izuku did the Institute ending, he would've taken over as the new Director of the Institute in his son's place once he had passed on." Luke explained.
Izuku, Ochako, Inko, Ochako's parents, and many others were in tears.
"Toshi..." Ochako whispered.
"Tell me, then. Under what righteous pretense have you justified this atrocity?" Toshi asked his father.
"It's for the greater good. The Commonwealth deserves to determine its own fate." Izuku answered.
"Spare me. You've spent time up there. You know as well as I that it's doomed." Toshi spat, "Well, none of it matters now, I suppose. You'll accomplish your task, and ruin humanity's best hope for the future. The only question left, then, is why you're standing here. Is it regret... or did you just come to gloat?"
Izuku was just barely able to fight back tears.
"Toshinori, I- I hoped there was something more I could do... I wanted to save you." Izuku said.
"This isn't some fairy tale, father. There's no saving me. I'm dying, and you're going to destroy everything I've ever loved. You're going to have to live with that." Toshi said.
The audience began crying even more.
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to be alone for my last few moments. Go, do what you must. But I hope someday you realize what will be lost here." Toshi said.
Izuku slowly walked over to Toshi's terminal and activated the evacuation protocol, then he override the security lockdown.
"Alright, good job! Looks like that's opened things up enough for you to reach the reactor." Power Loader said on the intercom, "Some other good news: I've almost got the teleporter working. Should be ready to pull you out whenever you need."
Izuku got back in his power armor suit, but before he left, he took off his helmet and walked over to his son... one last time.
"Toshinori..." Izuku said.
"Just... get out. There's nothing more to say." Toshi said weakly.
"Toshi... I'm sorry that it's come to this." Izuku said.
"It's too late to be sorry." Toshi said.
Izuku walked away and was about to leave the room, but he turned back to his son and looked at him for the last time.
"I love you." he said to his child.
Toshinori didn't respond. He just glared at his father with hatred in his eyes.
And with that, Izuku and Dogmeat left the room... leaving Toshinori Midoriya to die, alone.
"DEKU, HOW COULD YOU?! HE'S OUR SON!!!" Ochako shouted at Izuku, who was just as angry at his other self.
All Might walked over to Ochako and put his hand on her shoulder.
"He had no other choice, Young Uraraka. It was either to leave Toshinori to die quickly in the place he grew up in, or leave him to die in a wasteland surrounded by people he hates." All Might said.
Ochako, still crying, realized that maybe All Might was right; Izuku had no other choice.
Izuku put his helmet back down, and charged with his minigun at the remaining enemies in the atrium while screaming in rage.
He and the Minutemen then fought their way through the Advanced Systems area, and then to the reactor level. It was another rusted and decrepit room, but there was a large and advanced nuclear reactor running.
"This must be the reactor." Iida said, "We'll cover you while you plant the charge. We only got one shot at this, remember. Good luck."
Izuku and Dogmeat fought their way through the hostile synths and Institute scientists. During the fight, the power armor plating on left arm and left leg were damaged and fell off of Izuku's power armor.
Once all the enemies were dead, Izuku entered the reactor and placed the Fusion Pulse Charge on it. Then he walked back to Iida.
"We need to get out of here, and fast, before they figure out what we've done." Iida said, "Majima! You reading me? We're done down here. Zap us back to the relay room!"
Iida was teleported back to the relay room, and a few moments later, so were Izuku and Dogmeat.
Once they were teleported back there, they saw Power Loader using the console... but someone else was there, too.
"Alright, Majima, we're done here. Get us the hell outta here." Iida said.
"I would, man, but, uh... this kid showed up. Says he's the General's son." Power Loader said.
Izuku, as well as the audience watching, saw who the kid was... it was Toshi, or at least the child synth version of him.
The audience didn't know what to make of this.
Izuku took off his helmet and walked over to the child.
"Please, Dad! Don't leave me here! I want to go with you!" the child synth Toshi cried.
"Wait, why does he think I'm his father? Doesn't he know he's a synth?" Izuku said.
Luke didn't say anything.
"Why did you call me Dad?" Izuku asked.
"What? You're my father. Why else would I call you that?" Toshi said.
"Who told you that I was your father?" Izuku asked, as he was extremely confused.
"What do you mean? Nobody told me, you just are." Toshi said.
Izuku didn't know what to do. But he couldn't just leave a kid to die here.
"Right! Of course I'm your father." Izuku said.
"Oh, good. For a second, I thought you forgot who I was." Toshi said in relief, "Now let's hurry up and get outta here!"
"Alright... you can come with me." Izuku said, still very sad from losing the human Toshi.
"Really?! Do you mean it?" Toshi asked.
"Yes, I mean it. Now let's get outta here." Izuku said.
"I'm glad you were here to save me." Toshi said with a smile.
"I don't understand. Why does the synth Toshi think Deku's his father?" Ochako asked.
"You'll see at the end." Luke said.
Izuku put on his helmet and walked over to Power Loader.
"Alright, Majima... Fire it up." Izuku said.
"Didn't leave anything behind, did ya? All set to get outta here?" asked Power Loader.
"Absolutely. Let's get the hell outta here." said Izuku.
"You got it!" Power Loader said, "I'm sending you to the detonation site, then set the relay to shoot the kid back to the Castle - we'll get him a change of clothes and look after him. You press that button extra hard when you get there. See you on the other side."
Izuku got back in the relay area, then he, Dogmeat, and Iida were teleported on top of a giant building that overlooked the CIT and the rest of the Commonwealth.
It was nighttime now. Izuku could see lights of Diamond City nearby. He got out of his power armor and walked over to a detonator that was sitting on some metal crates.
He flipped some switches and a button was exposed. He started at it for a few moments, then he reached for it with his left hand. But then he noticed the ring he had on his left hand... Ochako's ring.
All the memories of his life before the bombs fell played in his head. The time when he had a wife and son, the time when he was happy.
"Ochako... Toshinori... I'm so sorry..." he whispered.
"Here we go..." Ochako whispered.
And then... he pressed the button.
A gigantic nuclear explosion went off in the CIT area - a blast so loud that it woke the entire Commonwealth.
Izuku then closed his eyes and the screen faded to black, and we hear Izuku narrating again, just like at the start of this universe.
"I can feel it wash over me..." Izuku said as it showed everything in black and white again and we see Izuku standing in front of nothing but nuclear fire.
"The heat, the force, the radiation... the fear..." he said as it cut to black.
It showed the giant crater that was what was left of CIT and the Institute.
"It's the end of the world all over again." he said as it showed more of the wasteland.
"I close my eyes, I see my life before all of this... Before the bombs." he said as it showed the pre-war era in black and white.
"Everything can change in an instant, and the future you plan for yourself shifts, whether or not you're ready." Izuku said as it showed Toshi's crib with Toshi in it, before it changed to Toshi's crib after the bombs fell. Dogmeat was sitting under the crib, but Toshi was gone, "At some point... it happens to all of us."
It showed the destroyed remains of Commonwealth.
"This... wasn't the world I wanted, but... it was the one I found myself in." Izuku said as it showed raiders and super mutants in the remains of Boston.
"The Commonwealth... my home... ripped apart and put back together." he said as it showed Goodneighbor and then Diamond City.
It showed the remains of Sanctuary next.
"I thought, I hoped, I could find my family, cheat time, make us whole again..." Izuku said as it changed to Sanctuary in the pre-war era and we look through the window to see Ochako sitting in the living room of their house. "The way we were..."
It changed to the remains of their house after the bombs fell as a variant of the Fallout 4 theme began to play.
"But now I know... I know I can't go back... I know the world has changed. That the road ahead will be hard." Izuku said as it showed him walking through the streets of pre-war Sanctuary before it changed to him walking through Sanctuary after the bombs fell. There were settlers working there and Dogmeat ran up next to Izuku.
It showed Izuku repairing his T-60 power armor.
"This time... I'm ready." he said.
It then showed Izuku and Dogmeat walking down a road in the wasteland.
"Because I know war... war never changes." he said.
The screen faded to black.
"So wait, that's it?!" said Izuku.
"Nope. Now for sort of an epilogue to this universe." said Luke.
Izuku opened his eyes and we see that the Institute was completely destroyed. The explosion was gone, but there was black smoke everywhere. The sun was also starting to rise.
Izuku turned back to Iida.
"Holy shit... That was one hell of a bang, wasn't it?" Iida said, "So that's it. The Institute is destroyed. It's finally over. You did issue the evacuation order, right? I didn't notice in all the chaos."
"Yeah. We gave everyone a chance to get out." Izuku said.
"Good. I thought so. It was just... watching that explosion... I just hope as many people as possible got out. I hate that we had to do that, but they left us no choice. It was war. But now the war against the Institute is over. The way's now clear for the Commonwealth to finally come together and build something good for the future. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows from here on out." Iida said.
"Wasn't the Institute the main threat?" asked Izuku.
"Definitely. I don't want to minimize what we've accomplished here today. The Institute was the most insidious threat we've ever faced. They kept the Commonwealth divided for centuries. But there are plenty of other problems to deal with. I don't think the Minutemen are going to be out of a job for a long time yet, as much as I might wish it. We deserve to enjoy our victory. But soon enough, it's going to be time to get back to work." said Iida.
After that, Izuku, Dogmeat, and Iida headed back to the Castle. Izuku got out of his power armor as all his companions ran over to him.
Kirishima talked to Izuku first.
"So... it appears the Commonwealth is about to enter a new era of peace thanks to you." Kirishima said.
"That peace cost a lot of innocent people their lives." Izuku said with a sad look.
"The price of war is steep. It takes its toll on both sides of the battlefield. But we have to be willing to accept those losses if it means winning the Good Fight. Do you have any idea what's happened here? What you've done will be felt for years to come. It's destined to become part of history. A tale of a lone soldier who made this land a better place. A place where people no longer have to live in fear, but instead, live in peace. And even though you elected to carry out the mission with the Minutemen at your side, the end resulf is the same. The Commonwealth is safe, because you chose to take a leap of faith and make a difference. Ad Victorium." Kirishima said.
After that, Izuku talked to Todoroki.
"And the people of the Commonwealth slept soundly, for the greatest monster was gone. It took a lot of guts to do what you did. And I know it couldn't have been easy." Todoroki said.
"What do you mean?" Izuku asked.
"It's just not the sort of thing most folks could handle, changing the face of the Commonwealth forever. It's hard to even wrap your head around - a world without the Institute, lurking in the shadows. But that's the life the people of the Commonwealth will get to lead now. All thanks to you." said Todoroki.
"I didn't do it alone." Izuku said, trying to force a smile.
"Sure, sure. But we both know, without you, none of this would've been possible. This is a brave new world you've ushered in. But I suppose it'll do." said Todoroki.
Izuku talked to Tsu next.
"I- I can't believe it. They're gone. The Institute's gone. Do- do you know what this means?" Tsu asked.
"I know a lot of people sacrificed themselves to get here." Izuku said.
"They did. But thanks to them, and you, we get to live free. It means no more kidnappings. No more sleepless nights, terrified neighbor's plotting against you. No more fear. Thanks to you, we don't have to be afraid anymore." Tsu said.
"They don't have to be afraid thanks to us. I never could have done this by myself." Izuku said.
"True, but the Institute was around for a long time before you got here. Not anymore." Tsu said, "Welcome to day one of the new Commonwealth."
Izuku then saw the child synth Toshi, now wearing normal clothes, and walked over to him.
"Dad! I was so worried! I thought I'd never see you again!" Toshi said in relief, "Is it true? Did you really blow up the Institute? Why would you do that?"
"They were dangerous, Toshi. To everyone in the Commonwealth." Izuku said.
"Yeah, that's what Majima said. As long as you don't leave me, it'll be ok. You're... You're not gonna leave me, right?" Toshi asked.
"Oh, Toshi. Where would I go?" Izuku said.
"I don't know. You're busy, and lots of people need you. Just... Just make sure you don't forget about me." Toshi said.
"At least he's being nice to the kid." Bakugo said.
"Oh. Before I forget. Father, uhh, he told me to give this to you. I didn't listen to it, so I don't know what it says, but I think it's important." Toshi said as he handed Izuku a holotape.
Izuku then went up to the roof of the Castle and overlooked the ocean. He played the holotape Toshi gave him.
"If you are hearing this, then whatever conflicts you and I have endured... are over." the voice of the elderly and human Toshi played, "I have no reason to believe you'll honor the request I'm about to make... but I feel compelled to try anyway. This synth, this... boy. He deserves more. He has been re-programmed to believe... he is your son. It is my hope that you will take him with you. I would ask only that you give him a chance. A chance to be part of whatever future awaits the Commonwealth."
The tape ended.
"So that's why the boy thinks I'm his father." Izuku said.
"Now for the final part of the story." Luke said.
Izuku put the holotape away, but then another holotape fell out of his pocket. It was the one Codsworth gave him when he first left the vault months ago... the one Ochako wanted him to have.
He was so busy with trying to find Toshi and then stop him, that he completely forgot about the tape.
He played the tape and the first thing he heard was feedback sounds.
"Oopsie!" Ochako's voice was heard saying and baby Toshi was heard making babbling noises.
"Oh my god..." Izuku whispered.
Izuku put his hand over his mouth as he heard the recording.
Ochako giggled in the recording.
"No, no, no. Little fingers away. There we go. Ok. Just say it. Right there." Ochako said to Toshi as he continued to make babbling noises, "Right there. Go ahead."
Toshi giggled in the recording, making Ochako giggle as well.
"Yay! Hi, Honey! Listen. I don't think that Toshi and I need to tell you how great of a father you are... but we're going to anyway. Isn't that right?" she whispered that last line to Toshi.
Toshi began laughing more and getting excited.
"You are kind, and loving..." Ochako said as Toshi giggled some more "and funny!"
She herself giggled from hearing Toshi giggle.
"That's right." she whispered to the child.
"And patient." she said to Izuku, "Sooo patient. Patience of a saint, my mom used to say. Look, with Toshi, and us all being at home together... It's been an amazing year. But even so, I know our best days are yet to come. There will be changes, sure. Things we'll need to adjust to. You'll rejoin the civilian workforce, and I'll shake the dust off my law degree. But everything we do, no matter how hard... we do it for our family." Ochako said.
Izuku tried to fight back tears.
"Say goodbye, Toshi. Bye bye? Say bye bye. Come on." Ochako whispered to Toshi.
The baby blew a raspberry and Ochako giggled.
"Bye, Honey! We love you!" Ochako said to Izuku.
The tape ended.
Izuku gazed out at the ocean as tears ran down his cheeks. It was the same shot as the picture at the top of the chapter.
"What kind of father am I?" he said.
He then sat down, buried his face into his knees, and began crying.
The screen faded to black.
"And that's the end of Fallout 4. Minus the DLCs, of course." Luke said.
Izuku, Ochako, and many others cried. Luke also snapped his fingers so that Eri and the other children were back in the theater. Izuku and Ochako ran over to their daughter and hugged her.
"Mom? Dad? What's wrong?" Eri asked, confused.
"We just want to hold you right now, Snowball." Izuku whispered.
"How 'bout I bring in another kid of yours real quick to cheer you all up?" Luke said as he snapped his fingers.
A portal opened and Toshinori Midoriya from the next-gen universe stepped out of it.
"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. I heard you just saw a sad universe where I died, so I thought I'd- OOF!" was all Toshi could say before being tackled to the ground by his parents, sister, and grandparents in a group hug.
Thx for reading. And thanks to all of you who read all the chapters of the Fallout 4 universe. I had a lot of fun making it. Now to wait for the Fallout show on Amazon Prime to come out (which will be on my birthday) and see if anything I had Izuku do ended up being canon.
Also, when I do Deku-Verse 2 I plan to have them react to Fallout 3 with Izuku as the Lone Wanderer and maybe I'll even have them react to a version of the Fallout show where they're the characters.
Now there's only a few chapters left. Thx for reading. And remember:
War... war never changes.
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