Fallout 4 Pt. 2
The elevator took Izuku back up to the surface. The large metal doors at the top opened and Izuku was blinded by the sun light.
He took a few steps forward as his vision cleared and he saw that the world was now destroyed.
"*pant* Oh god *pant* *pant*" he said as he saw what was left of Sanctuary Hills.
Before the bombs fell:
After the bombs fell:
"Oh my god..." said Momo putting her hands over her mouth.
"The world is gone..." said Iida.
"Katsuki please never use quirk too much. I don't want our world to end up like this one" said Camie, "Don't worry babe I won't" said Bakugo.
Izuku then ran back down the hill. Then he picked up the pace and kept going until he reached what was left of Sanctuary Hills. When he got there the location was automatically marked on his map.
He collapsed to his knees when he saw what was left of his home... the place where he was gonna raise a family.
Some of the houses were still standing, while some were completely destroyed and had collapsed. There were destroyed and rusted cars, tipped over trees and lamp posts, it was a mess.
Izuku then heard a noise. He turned his head to see his old house, which was, thankfully, still intact. But he saw something, or rather someone, in front of it trimming what was left of the bushes. It was Codsworth.
"Is that Codsworth?!" said Ochako.
Izuku rushed over to his robot butler. He had a bit of rust on him now.
"Codsworth?" Izuku said from behind him. Codsworth turned around, his robot eyes widened.
"As I live and breathe! Oh! It's... it's really you!" cried Codsworth.
"How the fuck can a robot live and breathe?" said Bakugo, "Iida's a robot and he lives and breathes just fine" said Kaminari, "I am not a robot!" said Iida doing his robotic hand gestures.
"Codsworth? You're... you're still here! So... other people could still be alive too" said Izuku in relief.
"Well of course I'm still here! Surely you don't think a little radiation could deter the pride of General Atomics International?" said Codsworth.
"General Atomics is the company that made Codsworth and all the other Mr. Handys" said Luke.
"But you seem the worst for wear. Best not let the wife see you in that state. Where is the missus by the way?" asked Codsworth as he looked left and right to see if Ochako was there but she wasn't.
"Oh boy... he doesn't know..." said Kaminari.
"They... came into the Vault... Maybe you saw them? Armed, wearing strange outfits?" said Izuku.
"Hmm... Only Ms. Rosa's boy running around in his Halloween costume, more than a week early. I swear, the nerve of that woman leaving her brat unsupervised. Haha! Not like this family, sir. You and the missus have always been such a... responsible couple. Oh, where is she by the by?" asked Codsworth.
"They... they killed her" said Izuku with his head down.
"Sir, these things you're saying. These... these terrible things I... I believe you need a distraction. Yes. A distraction to calm this dire mood. It's been ages since we've had a proper family activity. Checkers. Or perhaps charades! Toshi does so love that game. Hahahaha! Is the lad uh... with you?" asked Codsworth.
"He doesn't know about Toshi either. Oh boy..." said Jiro.
"Codsworth... listen to me carefully. Have you seen him? Have you seen Toshi?" asked Izuku in desperation.
"Why, the missus had him last remember? Ooh perhaps she's gone to the Parker residence to arrange a play date? I'm sure she'll be back with him momentarily" said Codsworth.
Izuku clenched his fists. "He's gone! God... damnit! Someone took him! Someone stole my son!" shouted Izuku in rage.
"It's worse than I thought. Hmm hmm. You're suffering from hunger-induced paranoia. Not eating properly for 200 years will do that I'm afraid. Haha" said Codsworth.
"Wait did he just say 200 years?!" said Sato.
"200 years? What? A- are you...?!" said Izuku in disbelief.
"A bit over 210 actually sir. Or give or take a little for the Earth's rotation and some minor dings to the 'ol chronometer. Hahaha" said Codsworth.
Izuku looked at his Pip-Boy and saw that the date was October 23, 2287.
"I/MIDORIYA/IZUKU/DEKU WAS FROZEN FOR 210 YEARS?!?!" shouted the audience.
"That means you're uh... two centuries late for dinner! Ha ha ha ha ha! Perhaps I could whip you up a snack? You must be famished" said Codsworth who was acting a bit too happy, and Izuku noticed this.
"Codsworth you're acting... a little bit weird? What's wrong?" asked Izuku.
"I... I... Oh sir it's been just horrible! Two centuries with no one to talk to, no one to serve. I spent the first. Ten. Years! Trying to keep the floors waxed, but nothing gets out nuclear fallout from vinyl wood! Nothing! And don't get me started about the futility of dusting a collapsed house! And the car! The car! How do you polish rust?!" cried Codsworth.
"Stay with me pal. Focus" said Izuku, trying to calm the robot butler down.
"I'm afraid I don't know anything sir. The bombs came, and all of you left in such a hurry. I thought for certain you and your family were... *sniff* dead" said Codsworth.
"I'm still impressed a robot like Codsworth could survive a nuclear blast" said Izuku.
"I'm totally gonna make my own Mr. Handy when we get back to our universe" said Mei.
"I did find this *sniff* holotape. I- I believe the missus was going to present it to you. As- as- as a surprise. But then, well... everything happened" said Codsworth as he handed Izuku a holotape labeled 'Hi Honey!'
"What's a holotape?" asked Izuku, "Basically a cassette tape but it can store more than just songs and recordings on it" said Luke.
"A holotape? What's on it?" asked Izuku.
"I believe it's a private message for you. My etiquette protocols would not permit me to play it for myself" said Codsworth.
"He's had that thing for over 200 years and he never once played it because Uraraka asked him not too. That's one loyal robot" said Ojiro.
"Any standard holotape reading device should be able to play it back. Oh, like that Pip-Boy on your arm. That should work brilliantly" said Codsworth.
"Now. Enough feeling sorry for myself. Shall we search the neighborhood together? The missus and young Toshi may turn up yet" said Codsworth.
"Have you seen anything dangerous?" asked Izuku.
"Oh just the usual sir. Pesky neighborhood dogs and mosquitoes. Shall I investigate?" asked Codsworth.
"Alright. Lead the way" said Izuku, "Proud to serve, sir!" said Codsworth.
Izuku put the holotape away and they headed up the road to investigate the other houses.
Codsworth was humming a tune when he picked up movement in a house. They went in there to see giant overgrown flies.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS?!" screamed everyone, "They're called bloatflys. And those are just some of the weaker enemies" said Luke.
Izuku fired a few rounds at the bloatflys with his 10mm pistol, causing them to explode into multiple tiny pieces.
"Nothing here but a few flies. Wait... my sensors are picking up movement in another house. Follow me!" said Codsworth as they headed out of that house, and headed to another one.
When they entered the next house Izuku pressed a button on his Pip-Boy and activated V.A.T.S. and time slowed down and he targeted another bloatfly.
This is what it looks like for those of you who haven't played Fallout:
"What is THAT supposed to be?" said Ochako, "He just activated a thing called V.A.T.S. It stands for Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System. It's one of the many things a Pip-Boy has. It allows the wearer to temporarily slow down time and target an enemy, making it easier to get a hit on them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't" said Luke.
"I can't wait to make my own version of this tech!" said Mei, "No way. Then anyone will be able to just copy my quirk" said Snipe, "Calm down you Courier 6 knockoff" said Luke, "What?" said Snipe, "Let's just keep watching" said Luke.
Izuku locked on the bloatfly and fired his gun, killing it.
Suddenly, two more bloatfly's came at them. But Izuku killed them using V.A.T.S. too.
"Sir. Your... your family isn't here either. They're... they're really gone aren't they?" cried Codsworth.
"Toshi's out there, Codsworth. I need to find him" said Izuku.
"What about Concord, sir? Plenty of people there. And last I checked, they only pummeled me with sticks a few times before I had to run back home" said Codsworth.
"There's still people alive in Concord?" asked Izuku.
"Yes, although they're a bit rough. You remember the way? Just across the southern footbridge out of the neighborhood and pass the Red Rocket Station. I shall remain here and secure the home-front!" said Codsworth.
After that Izuku headed back down the road to leave Sanctuary Hills. Although he stopped to go inside what was left of his house real quick.
When he entered he saw the house was a mess. There was tipped over furniture, holes in the walls and ceiling, leaves everywhere. He saw his copy of Grognak the Barbarian and the Jungle of the Bat Babies still sitting there on the counter, he grabbed it and put it in his inventory. He then went into Toshi's bedroom.
Some of the furniture was knocked over. His toys were on the floor. His crib was, thankfully, still in mostly one piece.
He walked over to the crib and put his hand on it, "I'm coming buddy" he said.
He then saw something sticking out from underneath one of the dressers. It was the YOU'RE SPECIAL book. He pulled it out from under the dresser and looked at it. He used it to enhance his Luck level. He then placed the book in his inventory.
He then went into his and Ochako's bedroom. Their bed had been completely destroyed, now it was nothing but an old, broken, wooden frame. He looked in one the dressers that was still in tact and he found his old army uniform and military cap. At least those things survived the blast. He decided to leave them in there since he didn't need them right now.
He then left his house and continued heading down the road. He passed by a few radroaches but he killed them. He saw a few pre-war cars that were in mostly one piece. He checked them to see if they could be fixed, but after closer inspection he saw that they couldn't be. He noticed that there were a few workbenches and other crafting stations around the neighborhood that weren't there 200 years ago.
He went digging through an old pre-war mailbox and found some grenades in it for some weird reason. He put those in his inventory.
He then crossed a large wooden bridge that was falling apart and left Sanctuary Hills. When he made it to the other side he saw two corpses, one was a dead human wearing some sort of wastelander outfit and holding a short double barrel shotgun, the other was a dead mutated dog of some sort that had a tire iron jabbed in the side of it.
"And that thing is?" said Ochako, "A mongrel. They're mutated dogs" said Luke.
Izuku looted the shotgun, some shotgun shells, and some stimpacks, off the wastelander, and pulled the tire iron out of the mongrel. He put both weapons, and the ammo, in his inventory.
"He's just looting their bodies?! That's completely disrespectful to the dead!" said Iida, "It's a post apocalyptic wasteland. He needs as much supplies and weapons as he can get" said Luke.
Izuku passed by a large statue of a revolutionary war soldier and decided to check it out. When he walked over to it he saw a duffel bag sitting next to it. He went digging through the bag to find what looked like a crappy gun that was made of wood and screws and other junk.
"That's a pipe pistol. They're the most common weapons in the entire game. They're just wood, screws, and other junk all put together. They're crap but they do work" said Luke.
He put the pipe pistol in his inventory and continued walking down the road. He then saw the Red Rocket Truck Stop and decided to check it out to see if there were any supplies in there.
As he approached the building he saw a German Shepard there. The Shepard ran over to him.
"DOGGY!" said everyone.
"Woof!" said the dog.
"Hey boy. What are you doing out here all by yourself?" said Izuku.
"Woof!" said the dog.
"You lose your owner buddy?" said Izuku as he crouched down and rubbed the dog's head.
Izuku realized that he needed as much help as he could get out there in the wasteland so he decided what to do.
"Ok then. Let's stick together" said Izuku.
"Awwww he's got a dog now!" said Mina.
Izuku and his dog then went inside the truck stop to check for any supplies. He found some stimpacks, some tools, and a few other things. There was a radio there that was still working. It was playing classical music. He went into what looked like an office of some sort.
He walked over to a desk that had a working terminal and a few other things on it. He checked the terminal, it just said stuff about vehicles that needed repairing and stuff.
He then noticed a metal container that had some bottle caps in it. He decided to put those in his inventory.
"Seems kinda pointless to carry all those bottle caps with him" said Kendo, "Actually bottle caps are currency in the wasteland now. So pretty soon he's gonna be glad he grabbed them" said Luke.
After that Izuku went to the back of the truck stop to find an old Nuka-Cola machine that still had a Nuka-Cola in it. He grabbed it and chugged it down. It was pretty flat now but it was good to drink something after so long. He and his dog then continued heading down the road when they saw a dead two headed cow of some sort with two giant mosquito creatures sucking blood out of it.
"The cow thing is called a brahman. The mosquitoes are called bloodbugs" said Luke.
Izuku killed the bloodbugs and he and his dog then reached Concord. As soon as they reached the sign that said "Entering Concord" the location was automatically marked on the map on his Pip-Boy. He also leveled up.
"Did he just level up? Pffff! What is this a video game?" said Kaminari, "Yes. That's literally what I said when I first told you all about this world" said Luke, "Oh yeah I forgot" said Kaminari, "No you're just dumb" said Luke, "Hey! I'm not that dumb!" said Kaminari, "You are babe. You are" said Jiro.
As Izuku and his dog travelled through Concord, they passed by a group of crows that flew away when they got near them, at least there were some animals besides dogs that weren't horribly mutated.
They then heard gunshots down the road. They headed down the road to see the old revolutionary war museum that had a verti-bird crashed into the roof on it. There was a bunch of people in front of the museum shooting at someone who was standing on top of the museum balcony. They were wearing leather, armor, and other strange clothes. They looked like savages.
Izuku approached the two closest to them. "Uh... excuse me!" he said.
The two men turned to him, pulled out their guns, and immediately opened fire. Izuku dodged the bullets and shot them instead.
The rest of the guys there also started attacking Izuku and his dog.
"I take it these guys aren't friendly" said Izuku, "Nope. I mentioned them to you all before. They're called raiders. They're savages that enjoy killing things. They're everywhere in the wasteland" said Luke.
Izuku and his dog killed the rest of the raiders. Izuku shot at them with his guns, and Dogmeat mauled them to death.
"Hey! Up here! On the balcony!" shouted a voice.
Izuku looked up to see the man the raider's were shooting at, still standing there on the balcony. It was Iida.
"Iida/Tenya/Me?!" said the audience.
"I've got a group of settlers inside! The raiders are almost through the door! Grab that laser musket and help us! Please!" shouted Iida as he pointed down to a dead body with a strange rifle of some sort (laser musket) next to it on the ground. Izuku grabbed the laser musket and he and his dog headed inside the building.
When they got inside they saw multiple raiders on the floors above them trying to shoot at Iida. Who was shooting at them with his laser musket from an open window. Izuku winded up his laser musket and fired at one of the raiders on the upper floors, disintegrating them.
"Whoa! He just disintegrated that guy!" said Sero, "Indeed he did. Laser weapons are in this game. And occasionally when you shoot someone with them, you can reduce their entire body to ash" said Luke.
Izuku tried opening the metal gate that lead to the stairs, but it was locked. So he and his dog took the long way around. They were heading down a hallway when they heard a strange voice.
"No more British occupation!"
Izuku was confused but when he and his dog entered the next room they saw it was from a bunch of old revolutionary war manikins, with the speaker still working. They entered the next room, which was supposed to be the Boston Tea Party exhibit.
"Have your tea back you... jackanapes!" said the speaker.
They entered the next room where they were attacked by another raider. The raider fired a bullet which grazed Izuku's shoulder. But he then shot the raider in the face with his laser musket. Izuku then injected a stimpack into himself and the wound healed.
"Stimpacks seem to work the same as Recovery Girl's quirk" said Nezu, "We need to have these developed in our world. I'm done healing Midoriya" said Recovery Girl, "Hey! I don't break my bones as much anymore!" said Izuku in his defense.
After that Izuku looted some stimpacks and ammo off the dead raider, then headed up what was left of the stairs. He saw a switchblade on a table, next to what was left of a skull, and grabbed it.
He and the dog then headed down a hallway but they crouched down when they heard two raiders talking.
"I'm telling you man. Let's just get the hell outta here. We got no reason to hang around and get shot" said one raider.
"Stop bein' such a fucking pansy. We hold out for the others. Like we're supposed to" said the other raider.
"What are you deaf? Somebody's out there, shootin' the place up. I ain't sittin' around, waitin' to die" said the raider.
"I swear to god, you make a move for that exit, and I'll gut you myself. Now shut your mouth, or we'll never get the drop on this guy" said the other raider.
Suddenly, Izuku and his dog sprung out from their hiding place. "Too late" said Izuku as he fired his laser musket at one raider, while his dog attacked and killed the other.
They passed by a large mural of American soldiers through the years, then headed up the stairs to the top floor.
"I'm comin' in there, and I'm gonna skin every last one of you!" shouted one of the raiders as he tried to get the door open and kill Iida and the others.
"C'mon man. They ain't goin' nowhere. We got other shit to deal with" said another one of the raiders.
"You hear that? I gotta go take a little walk. But I'll be back... and you'll be dead!" shouted the raider.
As soon as they turned around they saw Izuku and his dog standing there. Izuku had his laser musket pointing at them. "I beg to differ" said Izuku before pulling the trigger and disintegrating one of the raiders, the other raider charged at Izuku with a tire iron, but Izuku hit him in the face repeatedly with the stock of his gun until he was dead.
Suddenly, the door opened and Izuku saw Iida standing there. "Come on!" he said.
When Izuku and his dog entered the room they saw Iida standing there as well as a few other people in the background. Iida was wearing what looked sort of like an outfit from the revolutionary war. He was wearing a tan duster, brown gloves and boots, a revolutionary war militia hat, a satchel, and a few other things. He also had a more upgraded laser musket, and a few scars on his face.
"Man, I don't know who you are, but your timing's impeccable. Tenya Iida, Commonwealth Minutemen" said Iida.
"Tch. Minutemen? I thought this was a violent, bad ass game. Not an educational game" Bakugo scoffed, "It is a violent, bad ass game. Keep watching" said Luke.
"Minutemen? So now I'm traveling backward in time?" said Izuku.
"Protect the people at a minute's notice. That was the idea. So I joined up, wanted to make a difference. And I did, but... things fell apart. Now it looks like I'm the last Minutemen left standing" said Iida.
"He didn't ask for your life story Iida" said Shoji.
"Who are these people?" asked Izuku as he pointed to the others in the room.
"Just folks lookin' for a new home. A fresh start. I've been with 'em since Quincy. Lexington looked good for a while, but the ghouls drove us outta there. A month ago... there were 20 of us. Yesterday there were 8. Now, we're 5. It's just me, the Longs - Marcy and Jun - that's old Papa Sasaki on the couch" said Iida pointing to an old Nighteye who was sitting there on the couch.
"NIGHTEYE?!?!" said Izuku, All Might, and Mirio.
"And this here's Maijima" said Iida pointing to a normal looking Power Loader, who was busy trying to hack into a terminal.
"Hey" said Power Loader who didn't even bother to look at him since he was too busy with the terminal.
"Power Loader is that you?" asked Aizawa, "Yeah. But I don't have my gear on. And I go by my real name in this it seems" said Power Loader.
"Ghouls? What are ghouls?" asked Izuku.
"Wow, you really aren't from around here, are you? Ghouls are... irritated people. Most are just like you and me. They look pretty messed up, and live for a long time, but they're still just people. The ones I'm talking about are different. The radiation's rotted their brains. Made them feral. They'll rip you apart, just as soon as look at you" said Iida.
"I really hope we won't have to see any of those things in this" said Kaminari, "Oh you will. You will" said Luke.
"Anyway, we figured Concord would be a safe place to settle. Those raiders proved us wrong. But... well, we do have one idea" said Iida.
"Will it be enough? To stop those maniacs?" asked Izuku.
"Maijima? Tell him" said Iida.
"There's a crashed verti-bird up on the roof. Old school, pre-war, you might've seen it" said Power Loader in a Texas accent as he turned around.
"You've got a nice accent in this Power Loader. It reminds me of home back in America" said Pony.
"Well, look's like one of it's passengers left behind a SERIOUSLY sweet goodie. We're talking a full suit of cherry T-45 power armor, military issue" said Power Loader.
"That's some serious protection" said Izuku as he remembered what brutal war machines the soldiers in power armor were back in the pre-war era.
"Oh it gets better. Get the suit, and you can rip the minigun right off the verti-bird. Do that, and those raider get an express ticket to hell. You dig?" said Power Loader.
"Minigun. Now we're talkin' " said Izuku with a grin on his face.
"I know right? Only there's one hitch. The suit's out of juice. Probably been dry for a hundred years. It can be powered up again, but we're a bit stuck" said Power Loader.
"So... what's the solution?" asked Izuku.
"What you'll need is an old pre-war F.C., a standardized fusion core. Your high-grade, long-term nuclear battery. Used by the military and some companies, way back when. And we know right where to find one" said Iida.
"But we can't get to the damn thing. It's down in the basement, locked behind a security gate. Look... I fix stuff. I tinker. Bypassing security ain't exactly my forte. You could give it a shot" said Power Loader.
"Can't be too hard. I'll see what I can do" said Izuku.
"Well all right. Maybe our luck's finally turning around. Once you jack the core into the power armor and grab that minigun, those raiders'll know they picked the wrong fight. Good luck" said Iida.
Izuku grabbed a magazine called 'RobCo Fun' off the table that had the terminal on it. It came with a holotape called 'Atomic Command'. He put both the magazine, and the holotape in his inventory.
"RobCo's the company that made the Pip-Boy, and all sorts of other stuff. And Atomic Command is a game he can play on his Pip-Boy or any terminal. Although it's actually just a parody of Missile Command" said Luke.
Izuku then walked over to Nighteye, who was still sitting on the couch.
"Dogmeat sure did find us some help. Just look at ya" said Nighteye.
"Wait he knows the dog's name?" said Mirio.
"So... he's your dog?" asked Izuku who was a bit sad cuz he wanted to keep Dogmeat.
"Oh he ain't my dog. No sir. Dogmeat, he's what you'd call his own man. You can't own a free spirit like that. But he chooses his friends, and sticks 'em. He'll stay by you now. I saw it" said Nighteye.
"You 'saw it'?" said Izuku as he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh so Nighteye can still see into the future in this?" asked Izuku, "Yeah but... it works a bit differently in this" said Luke, "What do you mean?" said Izuku, "Just keep watching" said Luke.
"It's the chems, kid. They give ole Papa Sasaki the "Sight." Been that way for as long as I can remember" said Nighteye.
"What are chems?" asked Mirio, "Drugs" said Luke, "WHAT?!?!" said Mirio, All Might, and Izuku, "Yeah he takes drugs to help him see into the future" said Luke.
"What's the sight?" asked Izuku.
"I can see a bit of what was, and what will be. And even... what is, right now. And right now I can see there's something coming. Drawn by the noise, and the chaos. And... it... is... angry" said Nighteye.
"What could it be?" said Todoroki.
"Whatever it is, I'll stop it" said Izuku.
"Oh, I wish I could help you, kid. But the Sight ain't always clear. I'll... keep concentrating. Now, if I ain't mistaken', you've got a job to do" said Nighteye.
Izuku then walked over to Marcy Long, who was pacing back and forth in the room. "We need help, and we get a vault dweller? What are you going to do in that stupid suit? Bleed to death?" said Marcy.
"This Marcy person seems to be a complete bitch" said Bakugo, "I know she is. She's like the most hated character in all of Fallout 4. She does nothing but whine and complain. Kinda like you Bakugo" said Luke, "WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU-?!"
"Moving on" said Luke.
Izuku then walked over to Jun Long. Who was sitting there on the floor, curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth. "You alright?" asked Izuku.
"Promised we'd get there I promised I promised we'd get there couldn't keep promise I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" he said to himself.
"Is that guy alright?" asked Kirishima, "No he's not. He's been through a lot. They all have" said Luke.
Izuku then grabbed a bobble head of Vault Boy that was on a desk. And his perception level was increased.
"Throughout the Commonwealth there are these Vault-Tec bobble heads that can increase the player's skills. Izuku just got the Perception Bobblehead, so now his Perception skill's one point higher" said Luke.
Izuku placed the bobble head in his inventory and he and Dogmeat headed back down stairs to the basement. The floor was mostly caved in so they were able to get down there pretty easily. He could see the generator beyond the door, with the fusion core in it.
There were two ways he could open the door: he could try hacking the terminal next to it, or picking the lock. He saw some bobby pins on top of the terminal and decided to grab those. He then pulled out the screwdriver he got in the Vault and put it and one of the bobby pins in the lock.
"Is anyone gonna point out how Deku's able to put tons of stuff in his inventory, even though he has no pockets, and then pull those objects out from thin air?" said Ochako, "It's video game logic" said Luke.
Izuku used both the screwdriver and the bobby pin to get the door open, he also gained a bit of xp from doing so. He then pulled the fusion core out of the generator, causing the lights in there to flicker on and off for a few seconds.
Izuku and Dogmeat then headed back upstairs and through the room where Iida and the others were. "Through the back room, and up to the roof. I'll hold 'em off from here. Go!" said Iida.
Izuku and Dogmeat then headed up to the roof. When they got up there they saw the suit of power armor still standing there. It was rusty, and looked like it hadn't been used in centuries, because it hadn't been.
"T-45 power armor is the weakest power armor in the game. There's also the T-51, the T-60 which I already mentioned, and the X-01 which is the strongest power armor in the game. There's also raider power armor, which is just a bunch of scrap metal attached to the main power armor frame" said Luke, "None of these raiders have power armor, do they?" asked Ochako, "No they don't. But other raiders out there do" said Luke.
Izuku jammed the the fusion core into the back of the power armor. He then twisted the valve on the back of it, and the back of the suit opened. Izuku climbed inside and the suit closed behind him, encasing him in the suit.
"The mech suit I made is better" said Mei, although she was secretly also writing down blueprints for her own version of power armor.
Izuku then walked up to the crashed verti-bird, and removed the minigun (gatling gun) from it's stand.
Izuku then walked over to the edge of the roof. "Up here. Boss! We got somebody up here!" shouted one of the raiders standing on the roof of one of the other buildings, but then Izuku filled that raider with led, using the minigun.
The raiders on the ground opened fire on Izuku and Dogmeat, but Izuku killed tons of them with his minigun.
"Why don't you get down here? Show me that fancy gun up close?" shouted the raider boss from the ground.
"Sure thing" said Izuku in a staticky voice since he was wearing his helmet.
He jumped down to the ground completely unharmed, creating a shockwave. Dogmeat also somehow made it to the ground unharmed.
Izuku mowed down even more of the raiders with his minigun, while Iida provided him and Dogmeat with cover fire from the museum balcony.
"Not a lot of people can get past my boys. I'll give you that!" said the raider boss as he and the remaining raiders continued shooting at Izuku, but the bullets just bounced off him cuz of the power armor. Izuku then shot the raider boss to bits with his minigun.
Suddenly, out from under the sewer grates, a giant lizard-like hand came out. And out came a giant mutant monster, it had black scales, horns, a tale, and razor sharp claws and teeth.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!?!" screamed the entire audience, "It's called a Deathclaw. They're some of the most powerful enemies in Fallout. They'll kill anything that moves" said Luke.
The Deathclaw killed multiple raiders, and then lunged itself at Izuku and Dogmeat. Izuku tried to shoot it with his minigun, but the Deathclaw was too fast for him to hit.
The Deathclaw slammed Izuku into the ground and slashed at him with it's claws, damaging the armor and causing pieces to fall off. Izuku then got back up and continued firing his minigun at the beast.
Dogmeat tried to attack the Deathclaw, but it just knocked him away.
"DOGMEAT!!!!!" screamed the audience.
This made Izuku mad. He then started firing at the Deathclaw even more. Then he noticed the Deathclaw was right next to a car that looked like it could be blown up. Izuku shot at the car causing it's engine to light on fire, then the car blew up, injuring the Deathclaw. Izuku then finished it off with a few more bullets.
When the fight was over Izuku's power armor was pretty busted up. The plating on one of the arms and one of the legs had fallen off. He then finished off the remaining raiders with his laser musket and 10mm pistol. Izuku then ran over to Dogmeat see if he was ok.
Dogmeat was hurt and whimpering a lot, but Izuku gave him a stimpack and he was all better.
After that they headed back inside the museum to talk to Iida. When they entered they saw Iida and the others on the main floor resting.
"Take it easy Papa, you ok?" said Iida.
"I'm fine, Tenya. Quit fussin' " said Nighteye.
Izuku approached them and got out of his power armor suit.
"That was... a pretty amazing display. I'm just glad you're on our side" said Iida.
"You guy's gonna be ok now?" asked Izuku in concern.
"Yeah. For a while, anyway. We can at least move someplace safer. Listen... when we first met... you asked about the Minutemen. One thing you should know about us, we help out our friends. So here. For everything you've done. Thank you" said Iida as he gave Izuku some bottle caps and ammo.
"What happens now?" asked Izuku.
"For the longest time, Papa Sasaki's had a vision of a place called Sanctuary. Some old neighborhood but one we can make new again. Why don't you come with us? I could really use your help" said Iida.
"What would I need to do?" asked Izuku.
"You'd need to stay strong. Like you been. Cause there's more to your destiny. I've seen it. And I know your pain" said Nighteye.
"My "destiny"? What do you mean?" asked Izuku.
"You're a man out of time. Out of hope. But all's not lost. I can feel... your son's energy. He's alive" said Nighteye.
"Toshi's alive! Oh thank god!" said Ochako in relief.
"Where is my son? Where is Toshi?!" said Izuku in desperation.
"Oh, I wish I knew, kid. I really do. But it's not like I can see your son. I can just... feel his life force, his energy. He's out there. And even I don't need the Sight to tell you where you should start lookin'. The great, green jewel of the Commonwealth. Diamond City. The biggest settlement around" said Nighteye.
"Diamond City? What's that place supposed to be?" asked Izuku, "You'll just have to wait to find out" said Luke.
"Please, Papa Sasaki, I'm working from nothing. I need more!" Izuku pleaded.
"Look, kid, I'm tired now. Maybe you bring me some chems later, the Sight will paint a clearer picture" said Nighteye.
"No! Papa Sasaki we talked about this. That junk... it's gonna kill you!" said Iida.
"Aw shush Tenya. We're all gonna die eventually. We're gonna need the Sight. And our new friend here, he's gonna need it to. Now let's get goin'. Sanctuary awaits" said Nighteye.
"Alright folks. Thanks to our friend here, it's safe to move out. We're heading for that place Papa Sasaki knows about. Sanctuary. It's not far" said Iida.
"He knows about it?! You mean he had one of his "visions" while he was stoned out of his gourd?! And now you want us to just head out on another wild goose chase based on no better plan than Papa Sasaki saw it?!" said Marcy.
"It can hardly turn out any worse than-"
"Hold on! Hold on!" said Power Loader.
"Everybody just take it easy. We're all in this together, right? So Marcy. You got a better idea of what we should do next?" asked Power Loader.
Marcy didn't say anything.
"Anybody?" said Power Loader as he looked around for an answer, but no one said anything.
"Well then. Sanctuary it is. Let's just hope it lives up to it's name" said Power Loader.
They then got up and left. "Come on Jun it's time to go" said Marcy to her husband.
"Oh, ok" said Jun.
Izuku got back in his power armor and they headed out the door.
"Let's move out. I'll take point, stick close everyone" said Iida.
As they headed up the road Izuku looted a few pieces of leather armor off some of the raiders he killed earlier and put them in his inventory.
A few minutes later they arrived back at Sanctuary.
"Well I'll be damned. It's the monument to the original Minutemen. I knew that was somewhere around Concord" said Iida as he walked over to the Minutemen statue.
"That means... this right here... must be the Old North Bridge. Where the first shots of the American revolution were fired! I'd call that the best omen I've seen since we left Quincy" said Iida as they approached the bridge that lead to Sanctuary.
"Eh I don't know what you're talking about boss, but I'm glad you're happy about it" said Power Loader.
Once they entered Sanctuary Izuku took off his helmet.
"I'm glad you decided to come with us. I should've listened to Papa Sasaki all along. Pretty nice place he's found for us. I think we could settle down here, make it a place to call home. What do you think?" asked Iida.
"So... do you believe in these visions he has?" asked Izuku.
"I didn't used to. But... how did he know about this place? I think he has some kind of a gift. Best not to ignore it. I mean, look at this place. I really think this could be what we've been looking for" said Iida.
"Yeah, I used to like living here... Before the war" said Izuku.
"What do you mean? Before what war? Are you saying..." said Iida.
"I lived here... over 200 years ago. I was... frozen or something for most of it. Just woke up a little while ago" said Izuku.
"Damn. Like one of those old prewar ghouls. You say you were frozen... anybody else make it out with you?" asked Iida.
"My son. Somebody took him away while I was still trapped. I've been looking for him" said Izuku.
"Damn. I'm sorry. I hope you find him. Let me know if there's anyway I can do to help. Anyway. I am glad you're here" said Iida.
"And I hope you don't mind, but I've got another favor to ask. I've had word from a settlement asking for help. They're still hoping there are Minutemen out there... somewhere. The only chance to start rebuilding the Minutemen is to show people that they can count on us when they need us. Trouble is, I've got my hands full here. Do you think you could go help out the settlement?" asked Iida.
"Iida he literally just said he's busy trying to find his son" said Mina, "It's still good to help others out there in the wasteland!" said Iida doing his hand gestures.
"What kind of help do they need?" asked Izuku.
"Sounded like the usual: raiders. You'll have to get all the details when you talk to them" said Iida.
"I'd be glad to help" said Izuku with a smile.
"That's fantastic. The Minutemen could use more people like you. By the way, if you wanna help out around here at all, talk to Maijima. I'm sure he'd be glad for all the help he can get" said Iida.
After that Izuku walked over to the settlers. "Hey, do you have a moment?" asked Jun.
"I wanted to thank you, for helping us out in Concord... if only we'd run into you sooner" said Jun.
"Don't mention it. You guys have been through Hell, huh?" said Izuku.
"You have no idea. In these past few months... we've lost everything. My son, he's... he's gone" said Jun with his head down.
"He also lost his son" said Ochako.
"Your son... what was his name?" asked Izuku.
"Kyle. My son's name was... Kyle" said Jun.
Izuku sighed. "I understand how you feel. I... lost someone, too" said Izuku.
"But you and I. We're still here, right? We have to go on. For them" said Jun.
After that Izuku walked over to Nighteye.
"Sanctuary. I knew you'd join us here, kid. Your energy is tied to this place" said Nighteye.
"I used to live here. A long time ago" said Izuku.
"Ah, but the distant past ain't so distant for you. I saw you leave that ice box. This whole world is like some bad dream you can't wake up from, isn't it? The Sight can help you, kid. It always has answers. Just gotta bring me some Jet, so I can see what it wants to tell you" said Nighteye.
"What's... Jet?" asked Izuku.
"It's a little inhaler that packs a big kick. They say it makes you move faster, but at my age, it's more of a quick rush" said Nigheye.
"It's a chem that allows the user to slow down time for 10 seconds from their point of view" said Luke.
"The chems fuel the Sight, so it's not always gonna be Jet I'm askin' for. But that's what's on the menu this time" said Nighteye.
"Maybe. Let me think it over" said Izuku.
"Midoriya, Iida said chems could kill him!" said Mirio.
"I need to find my son though!" said Izuku.
"Well, ain't like I'm going anywhere. The Sight will be here when you need it" said Nighteye.
After that Izuku walked over to Power Loader.
"You willing to do some work?" asked Power Loader.
"What kind of help do you need?" asked Izuku.
"Well, for starters we could use some real beds. We've been sleeping on the ground for too long" said Power Loader.
"I'd be glad to help" said Izuku.
"Ok, good deal. Just make sure we can sleep with a roof over our heads. Some of these old houses still look solid enough to do the trick. There's a workbench over there you can use. Give me a holler if you need anything" said Power Loader pointing to a nearby workbench.
After that Izuku saw Codsworth and went over to him. "Welcome back sir! I do hope you were able to find some assistance in Concord" said Codsworth.
"You could say that. I've made a few new friends" said Izuku pointing to Iida and the others with his thumb.
"Can't have enough of those these days! I realize that I'm no Mr. Gutsy, but if needed, I'd be honored to accompany you throughout the Commonwealth. Just say the word" said Codsworth.
"Would you like to?" asked Izuku.
"As you wish, sir" said Codsworth.
"Yes, of course" said Izuku.
"Right behind you, sir" said Codsworth.
Dogmeat then whimpered. "Not to worry there, pup. Your master is in good hands" said Codsworth turning to face Dogmeat.
"Wait so he can't just travel with both of them? He can only have one of them at a time?" said Ochako, "One of the dumb things about Fallout 4" said Luke.
After that Power Loader taught Izuku how to use the workbench and he cleaned up most of Sanctuary. He scrapped the destroyed houses and all the rubble and debris, cleared the road. And he also fixed the furniture in his house. He made beds for everyone, and planted some crops, set up a water pump and purifier, and set up some defenses.
He scrapped what was left of his old bed and put a smaller one there.
He then grabbed Dogmeat and sent Codsworth to the Red Rocket Truck Stop, and they also headed there to set up shop. He got out of his power armor and put it in the power armor repair station and repaired it. He and Dogmeat then went to go help the settlement real quick.
"Deku our son's more important than helping some random settlement!" said Ochako, "Calm down. This is what a lot do people did when playing the actual game. They did all sorts of other stuff instead of actually trying to find their son" said Luke.
One settlement mission later...
Izuku and Dogmeat arrived back at Sanctuary and went to talk to Iida. The sun was starting to set.
"You know that settlement you sent me to help? They've decided to join the Minutemen" said Izuku.
"That's great news! I knew you were the right person for the job. By the way, you should have one of these flare guns. You can use it to signal for help from any nearby Minutemen. Not much use yet, but once we have more allied settlements, you'll have help whenever you need it" said Iida as he handed Izuku a flare gun and some flares.
"So... there's something I need to ask you. I guess you know I'm one of the last Minutemen, but I never really told you what happened to us" said Iida.
"Are you really the last Minuteman?" asked Izuku.
"Maybe not literally. There must be a lot of former Minutemen out there who gave it up in disgust after the Quincy Massacre. But we were the last active group of Minutemen. And now, well... it's just me" said Iida.
"What was the Quincy Massacre?" asked Izuku.
"I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now. I was with Colonel Hollis's group. A mercenary group called the Gunners was attacking Quincy; the people there called for the Minutemen to help. We were the only ones that came. The other groups... they just turned their backs. On us, and the folks in Quincy" said Iida.
"That's disgraceful! They should've been helping their fellow Minutemen!" said Iida doing his hand gestures.
"Only a few of us got out alive. Colonel Hollis was dead. So I ended up in charge of the survivors. We never found a safe place to settle. One disaster after another... you saw how it ended, in Concord" said Iida.
"I know how it feels to be the last survivor" said Izuku.
"Yeah. I guess you do. That's why I'm taking to you. I can't rebuild the Minutemen... but I think you can" said Iida.
"Wait what?" said Izuku.
"Why can't you lead the Minutemen?" asked Izuku.
"That's not who I am. I can get my men through a firefight. I can defend a perimeter against all odds. But that's not gonna be enough to bring the Minutemen back from the brink. We need someone who can bring the whole Commonwealth together in a common cause. And I think you've got it in you to be that leader" said Iida.
"What makes you think I can do this?" asked Izuku.
"You saved us in Concord. There wasn't anything in it for you. You had your own problems to deal with. But you did it anyway. That kind of selflessness has been in mighty short supply around here for quite a while" said Iida.
"Can you explain what the Minutemen are all about?" asked Izuku.
"We're citizen soldiers. The people of the Commonwealth banding together to protect ourselves and decide our own future. That was the original idea, and it was a good one. The Minutemen fell apart because our leaders forgot what we were supposed to stand for. I think you're the one who can bring the Minutemen back, and bring the whole Commonwealth together" said Iida
"It's a big responsibility" said All Might.
Izuku thought about this for a moment. If he wanted to find Toshi, and restore any law and order at all to the Commonwealth, than this was the way to do it.
"Ok. I'll do it" said Izuku.
"Good. Good! Welcome aboard. I feel like this is a whole new start for the Minutemen, and the Commonwealth, too. Don't worry, I'll be right beside you all the way... General" said Iida.
"Oooh General" said Ochako.
"Why are you calling me General?" asked Izuku.
"The leader of the Minutemen has always held the rank of General. Our last leader was General Becker. After he died back in '82, nobody couldn't could agree who should take his place. The one good thing about being the last Minuteman is there's no one to argue with me when I say you're the new General. Now it's your job to make it more than empty title" said Iida.
"Alright! General Midoriya!" said Kaminari.
"I've gotten word of another settlement that's being threatened by raiders. I'll mark it on your map. Go find out what they need. We could use more settlements supporting our cause" said Iida.
"Wow. He just became General and your already sending him off to go help another settlement, Iida?" said Sero, "It's good to help the people of the Commonwealth!" said Iida, "I've kinda got my son to find first" said Izuku.
Izuku then went to bed for the night.
When he woke up the next morning he was disappointed. He was hoping all of this was a dream and that he would wake up to see Ochako alive and well, and Toshi safe and sound. But he didn't. It was all real.
He and Dogmeat then went back to the Red Rocket Truck Stop where Codsworth was. Izuku made a few modifications to his weapons, and strapped on the pieces of leather armor he looted off the dead raiders in Concord.
He and Dogmeat then stood at the road. He looked at the map on his Pip-Boy to see where Diamond City was, it was in Boston. This was the best place to start his search for Toshi.
He patted Dogmeat's head. "Let's go pal" said Izuku as he and Dogmeat headed down the road on their way to Diamond City.
Motherfucker! Making this chapter consumed my soul! Let me know if you wanna see part 3 of Fallout 4, or something else, in the comments.
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