Eri In UA
"Alright, since you're all pretty saddened by that last universe, here's a lighthearted one" said Luke.
"What is it?" asked Izuku.
"We're returning to the next-gen universe, but it takes place between the first time you saw it, and the second time. We're gonna be focusing on Eri and her time at UA" said Luke.
"Yay!" said Eri.
It began in what looked like a destroyed city. We see a teenage Eri, wearing a costume that was a combination of Izuku's and Mirio's, except it was purple, and she was fighting with a large purple sword. She was also wearing what looked like Mirio's tattered cape, and shoes that looked like Izuku's.
"She's wearing my cape?" Mirio asked.
"That's correct. You give it to her eventually" said Luke.
"And she's using the sword she got for Christmas?" asked Ochako.
"Yep. Since her quirk isn't really the offense type, she uses the sword to fight enemies" said Luke.
Eri ran through the battlefield and met up with Kota, Katsuma, Satsuki, some other students, and the kids Bakugo, Todoroki, Camie, and Yoarashi knew. Kota was wearing a costume based off his parents' but with a few similarities to Izuku's, including the sneakers. Katsuma was wearing a costume based almost entirely off Izuku's, he also had red sneakers. And Satsuki was wearing a costume that looked almost entirely like Tsu's.
"I see Eri, Kota, and Katsuma took inspiration from me" said Izuku.
"You're our hero. Of course we'd wanna dress like you" said Katsuma.
"Satsuki got into the hero course?" asked Tsu.
"Of course. You inspire her eventually" said Luke.
"Hey, those are some of the brats me, Camie, Half and Half, and Baldy had to babysit!" said Bakugo as he, Todoroki, Camie, and Yoarashi recognized the kids.
"That's right. You and Todoroki inspired them to become heroes and enroll in UA" said Luke.
"I see only half of them. Where's the rest of the kids?" asked Camie.
"The other half were inspired more by you and Yoarashi to become heroes. So they enrolled in Shiketsu instead" said Luke.
"There you are! Where have you been, babe?" asked Kota.
"Sorry. I got separated" said Eri.
Large footsteps were heard as they saw glowing red eyes through the dust.
"What's happening? Are they fighting a villain?" asked Izuku in concern.
"You'll see" said Luke.
When the dust cleared, they saw it was just a giant training robot.
"It's actually just a training session" said Luke.
Kota fired blasts of pressurized water at the robot, blasting its arms off, and Eri threw her sword at the robot, slicing its head off.
The horn then went off.
"Alright, now report back to the control room" said Aizawa's voice over the speaker.
Eri's sword flew back into her hand.
"Her sword's been modified with special magnets so that Eri can summon it back to her" said Luke.
The students exited the fake city and went into the control room, where Aizawa was there waiting for them. His hair wasn't gray yet, but he had a beard.
"You kids did good out there. I truly am impressed. I'd dare even say you're the strongest class I've had since the Class of Deku" said Aizawa.
"Class of Deku?" said Izuku in confusion.
"After you became the number one hero, you're class went down in history as 'The Class of Deku'" explained Luke.
"Kind of annoyed that we're all remembered just for being Midoriya's classmates" said Kaminari.
"You're not just remembered for that. You're all remembered for being amazing heroes" said Luke.
"You really mean that, sir?!" said Eri.
"I do. That's all the training for today. You can head back to the dorms now" said Aizawa.
They went back to the dorms. Eri was in her room, which was full of Deku, Uravity, and Lemillion merchandise.
"I see she's a big fan of us still" said Mirio.
"You should see the amount of Deku merch Kota and Katsuma have" said Luke.
Eri was currently sitting on her bed and writing some stuff down in her journal that said 'Hero Analysis For The Future: Vol. 10'
"Eri's also started writing hero analysis in journals. Like father like daughter" said Luke.
Eri then received a knock from her door. She opened it see Kota and Katsuma standing there.
"They're here" said Katsuma.
Eri ran downstairs to see Izuku and Ochako who were holding one-year-old Akito and Saeko, five-year-old Toshi, three-year-old Nanako, the rest of the original Class A, and their spouses and children.
"Big sis!" said Toshi and Nanako as they ran over to Eri and hugged her.
"Ewi!" squealed Akito and Saeko as Izuku and Ochako set them down and they toddled over to her.
"Hey, you little rascals!" said Eri as she hugged her brothers and sisters.
"Hey, Snowball" said Izuku as he and Ochako hugged Eri.
"Snowball's the nickname you call Eri in the future, Izuku" said Luke.
"Hi, Dad! Hi, Mom!" said Eri as she hugged her parents back.
"Eri!" said the other next gen kids as they all ran over to her and tackled her to the ground while hugging her. Toshi, Nanako, Akito, and Saeko also climbed on top of her.
"Eri's sort of a big sister roll model for the rest of the next gen kids as well" Luke explained to the audience.
"Can we get some love?" said Kota.
"Big brothers!" said Toshi and Nanako as they, Akito, and Saeko ran over to Kota and Katsuma and hugged them as well.
"Why do Deku's kids consider me their big brother?" asked Kota.
"Because you and Katsuma are like big brothers to them. I know you see Deku as more of a big brother figure to you, but as time goes on he becomes more of a father figure. So that's why they call you their big brother. Instead of Deku being a big brother to you, you're a big brother to Deku's children" Luke explained.
"Hey, Sis" said Satsuki as she hugged her sister.
"Auntie!" said five-year-old Tsubame and a three-year-old boy who looked like a human Fumikage but with green hair ran over to Satsuki and hugged her.
"The boy is Kage Tokoyami. He's Tsu and Fumikage's second born. They later on have another son named Gurimu Tokoyami around the same time Izuko is born" said Luke.
A teenage Mahoro then entered the building.
"Heard a bunch of little rug rats are here" she said.
"Big sis!" said five-year-old Katsumi and a three-year-old boy who looked sort of like a male Camie, but still had red eyes and spiky hair, ran over to Mahoro and hugged her.
"The other kid is Itsuki Bakugo. He's their second born. And guess what, Bakugo? He ends up being quirkless" said Luke.
"Shit" said Bakugo.
"Don't worry, he still becomes a hero" said Luke.
Mirio, Melissa, their seven-year-old son and three-year-old daughter, Tamaki, Nejire, and their seven-year-old daughter also entered the building not long afterwards.
"Hey, Eri!" said Mirio.
"Mirio!" said Eri as she hugged him.
"Sis!" said Mirio's and Melissa's kids as they hugged her.
"Mirio and Melissa's kids are named David and Lucy Togata, named after Melissa's parents. They also later have another son who's named after Nighteye. David and Lucy are both quirkless, but they still become heroes. In fact, David becomes the worlds first quirkless hero" said Luke.
"I'm so proud" said Mirio.
"Me and Tamaki also have a kid?" asked Nejire.
"Yep. Her name's Jori Amajiki. She takes after you" said Luke.
Then Aizawa, Ms. Joke, and their seven-year-old son arrived.
Ms. Joke was overjoyed while Aizawa groaned.
"Aizawa and Ms. Joke also have a son, they also later have a daughter. Their son's name is Oboro Aizawa" Luke said.
"We named him after..." Aizawa said in surprise.
"Yes, Aizawa. You name him after Shirakumo. Eventually, Oboro, David, and Jori become the Big Three when Toshi and the other kids are in their first year" said Luke.
After that, they all ate dinner together.
"How are you holding up, Eri? Did she come here to see you again?" asked Ochako.
"No. She's keeping her distance, and I'm glad" said Eri.
"Who are they talking about? Who's been coming to see me?" asked Eri.
"Your biological mother. Eventually, she regretted abandoning you and came to see you at UA, but you told her to take a hike. You told her that Ochako was your mom now and that she lost the right to call herself your mother when she left you with the Yakuza" said Luke.
"And what about him? How's he doing?" asked Izuku.
"He's doing fine. I still go to visit him every now and then" said Eri.
"Who else is she talking about?" asked Izuku.
"Her biological grandfather. The former leader of the Yakuza" said Luke.
"He woke up?! Oh, thank God!" said Overhaul in relief.
"Eventually he does, but don't get too excited. Once he found out what you did to Eri he had you disowned and kicked out of the Yakuza" said Luke.
"Why do I visit my grandfather?" asked Eri.
"You still care about him a little bit. Even though he's the one who brought Overhaul in to the Yakuza, he didn't know what he was gonna do to you. And although you consider All Might and Ochako's dad your grandfathers now, you still go to visit him in prison every now and then out of respect" said Luke.
"Eri, can I talk to you in private real quick?" asked Kota.
"Sure" said Eri.
They both went into the hallway.
"I think we should tell your parents we're dating" said Kota.
"They haven't told us they're a couple, yet?" asked Izuku.
"Nope. They started dating not too long ago" said Luke.
"That is a horrible idea. One of your worst" said Eri.
"Come on, they have to find out eventually" said Kota.
"My dad will kill you!" said Eri.
"No, he wouldn't. He saved my life when I was a kid" said Kota.
"That doesn't mean he won't kill you now!" said Eri.
"It'll be fine. Trust me" said Kota.
"You better be right" said Eri.
They went back into the dining area.
"Mom, Dad, we have an... announcement" said Eri.
"What is it, sweetie?" asked Izuku.
"Me and Kota are, well, we're..." Eri tried to find the words.
"They're dating" said Toshi who was standing next to them.
"WHAT?!" said Eri, Kota, Izuku, and Ochako.
"How did you know?!" said Kota.
"I was leaving the bathroom and I saw you both talking in the hallway. You said you both were dating and you wanted to tell mom and dad" said Toshi.
"You two are dating?!" said Izuku as he got up from his seat.
"Dad, please don't hurt Kota!" Eri pleaded.
Izuku walked over Kota, and then................ he put his hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Welcome to the family" he said.
Kota and Eri sighed in relief.
"Good to know Deku's not a complete psycho dad" said Bakugo.
Izuku then leaned closer to Kota.
"But if you break her heart then there will be consequences" he whispered in Kota's ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
"Never mind" Bakugo said.
"You should have seen how you reacted when Toshi and Katsumi told you they were dating" said Luke.
Eri walked over to Toshi.
"Toshi, that was a private conversation. You weren't supposed to be listening" she said.
"I'm sorry, sis. I didn't mean to be rude" said Toshi.
"I'll let you off the hook this time since you're so cute" she said before kissing Toshi on the forehead, making him giggle.
Aizawa then entered the building.
"Eri, we have some bad news" he said.
"What is it?" asked Eri.
"Overhaul's escaped from prison" Aizawa said.
"HE'S WHAT?!" said Izuku.
"Overhaul was busted out of prison by members of the Yakuza who were loyal to him" said Luke.
Eri looked at the ground, clenched her fists, and her horn glowed slightly. She looked back up.
"He won't be free for long" she said.
The screen then went black.
"Eri fought Overhaul and got him thrown back in jail. Don't worry" said Luke.
"You have a bright future ahead of you, Snowball. I can't wait to see you grow up" Izuku said to Eri as he hugged her.
I'm actually thinking of doing a side series in my next gen universe that focuses on Eri during her years at UA. Let me know if you want to see that in the comments.
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