Christmas Special
Luke suddenly pressed a button on his remote and the screen turned off and the lights came back on. "What the? What's going on Luke?" asked Izuku, "Come with me everyone" said Luke as he lead them to the cafeteria.
As soon as they stepped inside there saw there were Christmas decorations everywhere. There was a Christmas tree with My Hero Academia ornaments and presents underneath, there was a large table with a huge feast on it, and there were other Christmas decorations all around the room as well. Also this song was playing:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!" shouted Luke who was now wearing a Santa hat.
"Christmas is over" said Aizawa, "Not in my universe it ain't! Remember time and space work very differently in other universes, so for you guys Christmas already ended, but for me it's today, and we're all gonna be celebrating it. Think of it as sort of a late Christmas for you guys" said Luke, "Alright" said everyone.
"Alright I got gifts for everyone, some of you are on the naughty list, just so you know" said Luke. Luke passed out gifts to everyone, some people got gifts, while other people who I'm not gonna name *cough* Endeavor *cough* Bakugo *cough* Mineta, got coal. "Why did I get coal?" asked Endeavor, "Because I know what you did to your wife and Shoto you flaming landfill. Look at the bright side, coal has a lot to do with your Quirk" said Luke, "WHY THE FUCK DID I GET COAL?!?!" yelled Bakugo, "You know why you fucking degenerate" said Luke, "Why did I get coal?" asked Mineta, "Because your disgusting and have no respect for women that's why" said Luke.
"Alright everyone I have an announcement to make, since Christmas is about getting together I wanted to invite some people here, some of them you already know" said Luke as he snapped his fingers.
Suddenly, multiple portals opened up and out came a bunch of people, some of them were alternate versions of Izuku and the others, while others were people they've never seen before.
The people were: Sir Deku, Lady Uraraka, and their companions, Toshinori Midoryia and his siblings and classmates, Izuku and Katsuki Shimada, Villain Deku, Spider-Man Izuku, Regret Ochako, Quirkless Hero Izuku and Stopwatch, Villain Bakugo, Pyro Deku and One For All Bakugo, Sword Art Online Deku and Ochako, A Reason to Keep Fighting Izuku, Ochako, and Eri, and there was a bunch of other people there they've never seen before.
"The other versions of us we saw?" said Izuku, "Holy shit is that Villain Midoryia and Villain Bakugo?!" shouted Kaminari, the students and pros quickly got in a fighting position. "Calm down I disabled their quirks, they're not gonna hurt you" said Izuku, "He's right we're not gonna hurt any of you since that Luke guy would just stop us anyway" said Villain Deku, "At least I get to be out of that jail cell for a bit" said Villain Bakugo. "Who are those guys?" asked Kaminari pointing to the other 7 they've never seen before, "These are my friends Ryan, Lily, Cramp, Poké, Super, Wolfie and Shadow" said Luke, "Thanks for inviting us Hansen" said Ryan, "Hansen?" said Ochako, "Hansen's the other name I go by, I forgot to mention that earlier" said Luke.
"Wait a minute Pyro Deku, how did you escape from the League of Villains?!" asked Ochako, "And Sword Art Online us, how did you escape Sword Art Online?" asked Izuku "Luke asked us not to spoil it for you guys" said Pyro Deku.
One For All Bakugo walked over to normal Bakugo, "So in your universe I was born with a Quirk? And I was an asshole to Deku because of it?" asked OFA Bakugo, "Yeah? So what?" said Bakugo, "You told Deku to kill himself! I'm glad I was born without a Quirk now, otherwise I'd be a fucking asshole like you" said OFA Bakugo.
Toshi, Nanako, Akito, Saeko, and Izuko walked over to their parents and Eri, "Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Hi sis!" they all said, "Uh... hi kids" said Izuku, "Oh my god Eri you're so adorable as a child!" said Nanako and Saeko as they immediately hugged her, "Little sisters stop! I can't breathe!" said Eri, they then let her go, "Sorry sorry" they said, "Oh my god you're my grand babies! I'm so happy!" said Inko as she hugged her grandchildren, "Grandma stop... we can't breathe" said Toshi, "Sorry sorry" said Inko as she let them go. All Might walked over to the family, "So you're all Young Midoryia's and Young Uraraka's children?" said All Might, the children stared at him for a few seconds, not believing they were standing in front of the man who died in their universe, "Uhhhn... are Mom's last name is Midoryia now not Uraraka, but yeah we're their kids" said Toshi, "Well it's good to meet you all, I'm sure you'll make great heroes" said All Might, "Uh, All Might? Can we talk to you for a second? Alone?" asked Toshi, "Sure" said All Might.
The 6 of them then went in the theater, "Your dead in our universe All Might" said Toshi, "..... I know" said All Might, "You know?" said Nanako, "Nighteye told me I was gonna die at the hands of a villain one day, he had foreseen it" said All Might, "Well we just wanted to tell you who it was that killed you so you can prevent it" said Saeko, "Ok, who is it?" said All Might, "It's Shigaraki" said Toshi, "How?" said All Might, not believing the fact that his mentor's grandson kills him, "You thought you could turn him back to the light but you were wrong. Near the end of our parents's third year you guys were fighting him and you tried to talk to him, he pretended to have turned back to the light and you fell for it, and then you hugged, but then... he used All For One and punched a hole in your stomach, in the exact same spot All For One punched you 6 years ago, the same punch that destroyed your respiratory system, you were able to survive the punch once, but not a second time" said Akito, "I know how you want to save him, but there's no good left in him... We're sorry" said Toshi, "So the next time you see him, don't try talking to him, let our parents deal with it, ok?" said Saeko, "Ok" said All Might, "Also take good care of Grandma Inko ok?" said Nanako, "W-w-what?" said All Might.
They then went back into the cafeteria where they saw all the people having a good time, Eri and Kota got Deku action figures for Christmas and were currently playing with them, some people were eating the Christmas food at the table while Sato and Bakugo were cooking their own. Izuku was talking with his alternate selves while Ochako watched him from across the room, her alternate selves walked over to her. "You should hook up with him" said Regret Ochako, "W-what?" said Ochako, "Look in my universe I never got to tell Deku how I feel and I've regretted it ever since, don't make the same mistake I did" said Regret Ochako, "Ok... I'll go talk to him" said Ochako. Meanwhile with Izuku and his alternate selves, "You should hook up with Ochako" said Quirkless Izuku, "W-what?" said Izuku, "Look most of us here have already hooked up with her, you should too" said Spider-Man Izuku, "I myself have told Mercy- I mean Ochako how I feel, you should go talk to your version of her" said Izuku Shimada, "Ok... I'll go talk to her" said Izuku.
The two of them walked over to each other. "What are you doing?" asked Ochako, "I was about to walk over to you. What are you doing?" asked Izuku, "I was about to walk over to you" said Ochako, "Oh" said Izuku.
"Listen Uraraka-" "Ochako" she interrupted, "What?" said Izuku, "Call me Ochako" said Ochako, "Ok O-Ochako, but only if you call me Izuku" said Izuku, "Ok Izuku, but I like Deku better" said Ochako.
"Ochako listen I... it's already obvious that I have feelings for you from all the alternate universes we've seen, and I... just wanted to say that I- I- I LOVE YOU!" shouted Izuku, "I- I love you too" said Ochako.
"Awwwwwww" said everyone, Izuku and Ochako looked to see that everyone was watching them, Mina was even filming it. "Hey love birds, look up" said Luke.
Izuku and Ochako looked up to see that there was mistletoe above them. "Well I- I guess we have to follow tradition, heh" said Izuku, "Yeah, I- I guess we do" said Ochako.
They leaned in to each other, there faces less than an inch apart and then...
(This picture is edited just so you know)
Everyone cheered for the new couple, All Might was giving a thumbs up in his buff form, Iida was crying tears of joy, so was Inko, "My baby's growing up!" she said, "Yay! Mama and Papa love each other!" said Eri.
Luke turned to Ryan, Lily, Cramp, Poké, Super, Wolfie, and Shadow, "Well guys we did it, IzuOcha finally happened, at least for this version of them it did. Mission accomplished!" he said, "YEAH!" said everyone as they all jumped in the air like this:
"I love you so much Ochako" said Izuku as he put his forehead against hers, "And I love you, so, so much" said Ochako.
Afterwards they continued partying for a little bit, until Luke stood on top of a chair, "Attention everyone, I have an announcement to make. I'm going to be sending you all back to your universe for a while" he said, "WHAT?!" said everyone, "It won't be forever, it'll just be for like a month and then I'll bring you guys back here to watch more universes. The reason is, my powers are depleting, the more of it I use, the more weaker I become, so I need to wait a little bit and recharge" said Luke.
Luke then opened up multiple portals for everyone to go home to. "Now remember, when you guys get back to your universes only a few seconds will have passed. See you all in a month" said Luke.
After that they all returned to their universes, Class 1-A was back in the common area of the Dorms, it was pretty late though, the sun was setting. "Hey Deku? Can you meet me in my room in 10 minutes? Alone?" asked Ochako, "Sure Ochako" said Izuku. "Boy am I beat" said Bakugo as he was about to go up to his room, but Aizawa and Nezu stopped him, "Not so fast Bakugo, we said we were gonna have a talk with your parents remember? You're coming with us to the principals office" said Nezu.
"Guys? Can you tuck Eri in? I need to go talk to Ochako" said Izuku, "Of course Midoryia" said Iida.
Izuku then went up to Ochako's room, he knocked on the door, "Come in" he heard her say from inside. He entered to see Ochako in her pajamas. "Can you cuddle with me for tonight Deku?" asked Ochako, "Sure" said Izuku.
For the rest of the night Izuku and Ochako cuddled, Bakugo was cleaning out his Dorm because his parents and teachers decided he should be expelled, and the rest of the class went to bed, but they couldn't sleep, because they couldn't wait until they get to go back to the theatre and see more universes.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas everyone! I'm going to be taking a break from this fanfiction for like a month or so. No reason, just for plot convenience. I might work on other fanfictions in the mean time. Anyways, see you all in a month. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
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