Avengers Academia
"Alright alright alright, this universe is a combination of yours and the Marvel universe" said Luke, "The Marvel universe? What's that?" asked Ochako, "Marvel's a comic book company on my world, the same one Spider-Man comes from" said Luke, "Oh so I'm Spider-Man again in this?" asked Izuku, "No, that's Sero, in this universe your Captain America" said Luke, "But I'm Japanese" said Izuku, "Well All Might was the original Captain America, and he's American so it makes sense. Basically, UA is called Avengers Academy, and instead of having One For All you have this thing called the Super-Soldier serum, and you fight with a shield also your name is Izuku Rogers. Bakugo's name is Katsuki Stark and he's a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist" said Luke, "Ha! I'm rich in this universe!" said Bakugo, "But your also Quirkless" said Luke, "God damnit not again!" said Bakugo, "But your a superhero called Iron Man and you wear a high tech suit of armor you built yourself. Ochako's name is Ochako Romanoff and she's known as the Black Widow, she's also Quirkless but she's trained in multiple forms of combat and uses guns and other cool stuff, she's basically a secret agent" said Luke, "My daughter uses a gun?!" said Mrs. Uraraka, "Calm down she doesn't kill anyone, at least not when she doesn't need too, anyways let's watch the alternate universe" said Luke.
It showed what looked like UA high, but instead of having the UA symbol on it, it had the Avengers symbol instead. We then see Class 1-A sitting at their desks, Izuku, Ochako, Katsuki, Eijiro, Denki, Fumikage, Hanta, Mashirao, Tenya, Shoto, Momo, Rikido, Toru, Yuga and Hitoshi looked the same, but the rest of their classmates looked different, Tsu was black (not trying to be racist or anything), Mina was blue and purple and bald and she didn't have horns and her eyes were all black, she also had what looked like a piece of metal around her left eye as well as a robot hand, Koda was made out of wood, Mineta had a raccoon tail, Mezo had gray skin and what looked like red tattoos or something, and Kyoka was green and her hair had pink highlights in it.
"Why am I green?" asked Jiro, "Why am I gray?" asked Shoji, "Why am I black? Not trying to sound racist ribbit" said Tsu, "Why am I made of wood?" asked Koda, "Why do I have a Raccoon tail?" asked Mineta, "And why do I look like a weird alien cyborg thing?!" said Mina, "Because you guys are aliens and Tsu's from a place in Africa called Wakanda" said Luke, "Wakanda? I've never heard of it before" said Tsu, "That's because it doesn't exist in your world, it's this super advanced country with technology none of you could ever dream of" said Luke, "I must see this place!" said Mei, "Mei no!" said Iida, "Wait we're aliens?!" said Jiro, "I'm supposed to be the only one who's an alien!" said Mina.
Shota then entered the room, he was dressed like this:
"What's this? Aizawa wearing a suit?" said Midnight, "Shut up" said Aizawa.
"Good morning class" said Shota, "Good morning Mr. Coulson" said the class.
"Coulson? My name's Aizawa" said Aizawa, "That's another thing I forgot to mention. You ALL have different last names in this universe, just like you all have different powers, skills, and abilities" said Luke, "So what are our names in this?" asked Todoroki, "Your name's Shoto Barnes, Momo's name is Momo Maximoff, Sato's name is Rikido Banner, Shinso's name is Hitoshi Barton, Sero's name is Hanta Parker, Kaminari's name is Denki Quill, Kirishima's name is Eijiro Rhodes, Tokoyami's name is Fumikage Wilson, Ojiro's name is Mashirao Strange, Aoyama's name is Yuga Wong, Tsu's name is Tsu'challa, Mineta's name is Mineta Raccoon, Iida's name is Tenya Odinson, Koda's name is just Koda, Toru's name is just Toru, Shoji's name is just Mezo, and Jiro's name is just Kyoka" said Luke.
"Listen up class, today your gonna be boarding the Helicarrier for training" said Aizawa.
"The Helicarrier? What's that? It sounds cool" said Kirishima.
They were in the locker rooms changing, Izuku put on his Captain America costume, and pulled out his shield and Katsuki got in his suit of armor.
Mei nearly passed out from seeing Bakugo's high tech armor.
"Koda can you hand me my helmet?" asked Izuku, "I am Koda" said Koda as a branch grew from his hand and passed Izuku's helmet to him, "Thanks" said Izuku.
"Why did I only say 'I am Koda'?" asked Koda, "Cuz those are the only words your species can say I, am, and Koda, specifically in that order" said Luke, "His Quirk seems to be the same as mine" said Kamui Woods, "Yeah basically, except their not called Quirks their just called super powers" said Luke, "What are our powers in this?" asked Kaminari, "Well not all of you have powers, most people in this universe don't, so some of you guys including you Kaminari, also don't have powers, but you do have cool gadgets and stuff. The ones who are powerless besides you, Ochako, and Bakugo are Kirishima, Tokoyami, Mineta, Shinso, Mina, Shoji, and Jiro" said Luke, "I clearly have 4 arms in that universe" said Shoji pointing to his alternate self, "And I clearly have earphone jacks" said Jiro, l and I'm clearly a bird" said Tokoyami, "Ignore all those things, they have nothing to do with you having super powers" said Luke.
Eijiro also had a suit of armor like Bakugo but his was black and silver, and it was bulkier and had machine guns on it and stuff.
"Whoa I also have a suit of armor?!" said Kirishima, "You look awesome babe!" said Mina, Mei also nearly passed out from seeing Kirishima's armor. "In this your called 'War Machine' Kirishima" said Luke, "War Machine? That sounds manly!" said Kirishima.
Tenya was wearing armor and had a red cape, he also had a hammer, "I find it hilarious how you keep one of the most powerful weapons in the universe in a locker" said Izuku, "Well Izuku it doesn't matter since very few people can lift Mjölnir anyways" said Tenya.
"Wait Mjölnir? That's Thor's hammer!" said Momo, "Who?" said a Kaminari, "Thor, the Norse god of thunder, he wields a magical hammer called Mjölnir that can summon lightning, but to lift it you need to be worthy" said Momo, "So I'm worthy in this?" said Iida, "Maybe so, but it's an alternate universe Iida. This version of you is worthy but I don't know if you are" said Luke, "But I'm Thor in this?" asked Iida, "Yep" said Luke.
Rikido was wearing nothing but purple pants and a tank top. Todoroki took off his shirt to reveal he had a robot arm.
"What he hell what happened to my arm?!" said Todoroki, "You lost it a long time ago, you were actually brainwashed by your dad who's evil in this universe, and turned into an assassin called the Winter Soldier" said Luke, "Wait an assassin? You mean I killed people?!" said Todoroki horrified, "Yes, and not bad people. But Izuku, who's your childhood friend in this, freed you from your Dad's control and he got what he deserves" said Luke, "Good" said Todoroki. 'If Dad ever does anything like that to you I'll kill you both, Shoto' said Dabi in his head.
"When are you gonna sell me that arm?" asked Mineta in a city accent, "Never" said Shoto.
Some of the students couldn't help but snicker at Mineta's accident, "Why does he want to buy my arm?" asked Todoroki, "Mineta wants to get his hands on people's robotic body parts for some weird reason" said Luke, "Well it's better than him wanting to get his hands on our boobs" said all the girls, "Unless they're robot boobs!" said Mineta, "SHUT UP!" said everyone.
"Oh I'll get that arm some day" said Mineta as he pulled out a huge space rifle from his locker, and Shoto pulled out a modified M249 SAW from his.
"I also use guns?" said Mineta, "Yep, space guns" said Luke, "Space guns?" said Mineta, "Just watch" said Luke.
Denki was listening to music on a Walkman while changing into his outfit, "Quill can you pass me those grenades?" asked Mineta, but Denki didn't hear him as he was busy listening to music, "🎵Come and get your lo-ove!🎵" he sang in a horrible voice.
Jiro couldn't help but laugh at his horrible singing voice, "My singing voice is better than that" said Kaminari, "Not in this universe it ain't babe" said Jiro.
"QUILL!" shouted Mineta, "W-what?" said Denki as he took off his headphones, "Can you pass me those grenades?" said Mineta, "Oh yeah sure" said Denki as he handed Mineta the bandolier of alien tech grenades.
Fumikage put some sort of metal thing on his back that had another metal thing attached to it shaped like a bird, "Redwing you there?" asked Fumikage, "Yep, ready for action" said a voice coming from his comlink that sounded a lot like dark shadow.
"Is that supposed to be me?" asked Dark Shadow, "Yeah in this your the drone attached to the thing Tokoyami wears on his back, also your name is Redwing" said Luke, "What's the thing on his back for anyway?" asked Tsu, "You'll see" said Luke.
Mashirao put on some blue robes and some sort of necklace, also a red cloak flew onto his back, "Easy cloak, I know you don't like having to be stuffed in that locker all day but it's the school rules" said Mashirao.
"THE CLOAK IS ALIVE?!" said Toru, "Yep. It's called the Cloak of Levitation, Ojiro is a sorcerer in this called Doctor Strange, Aoyama is also a sorcerer in this who has the exact same powers and abilities" said Luke.
Hanta got in his spider man costume and equipped his web shooters, his costume looked a little bit different than the one they saw Izuku wear in that other universe.
"Luke wasn't kidding, you really are Spider-Man in this Sero" said Izuku, "Heh, I guess I am" said Sero with a smile on his face.
Hitoshi pulled a bow and a quiver of arrows out of his locker.
"Wait. All I use is a bow and arrow?" said Shinso, "Yeah but your still really cool, your a hero called 'Hawkeye' in this because you never miss your target when using a bow and arrow, or any object that can be thrown really" said Luke, Aizawa was proud of the person who was like a son to him.
Mezo was just wearing pants and boots, he also sheathed 4 knives, two on one boot, and two on the other.
"That's all I use? Knives?" asked Shoji, "What exactly is wrong with using knives?" asked Toga as she held up one of her knives, ready to stab him, "Whoops, forgot to remove your gear from you Toga, hang on" said Luke as he snapped his fingers and Toga's knives and equipment were gone, Toga crossed her arms and grumbled.
Meanwhile in the girl's locker room...
The girls were gearing up to go on the Helicarrier for training.
"Aww they're already dressed!" Mineta whined before Luke threw him into a wall using one of his many powers.
Ochako was in her Black Widow costume, as she was currently putting on the rest of her equipment.
"So how are things between you and Rogers going Ochako?" asked Momo as she put on a red jacket, "Pretty good, we're taking about moving in together after graduating" said Ochako, "That's great, you two always were a cute couple" said Momo, "Also when are you gonna give me my jacket back?" asked Ochako, "I will, soon" said Momo.
"Wait the jacket belongs to me?" asked Ochako, "Yeah, Momo's has magical powers in this, very similar to Ojiro and Aoyama, and she's called the Scarlet Witch, but yeah she borrowed the jacket without asking" said Luke, "But I'm rich, I can just buy my own jacket" said Momo, "You seem to forget, alternate universes" said Luke, "Oh right" said Momo.
"How's your brother doing Maximoff?" asked Ochako, "He's doing good" said Momo.
"What? I'm an only child" said Momo, "*sigh* Alternate. Universes." Said Luke, "Oh right, but who is it?" asked Momo, "It's Tetsutetsu" said Luke, "Me?" asked Tetsutetsu, "Yeah you're twins in this, like I said some people are gonna be related in these universes" said Luke, "Like hell someone from Class 1-B would be related to any of those Class 1-A scum!" said Monoma before getting hit on the head by Kendo.
Tsu'challa's outfit formed around her automatically, it was black with silver lines on it, and her helmet had cat ears on it.
"What's this? Another cat themed super hero?" said Pixie-Bob, "In this Tsu's a hero called the Black Panther, she's also queen of Wakanda" said Luke, "Oh look at that Tsu! You're royalty in this!" said Mina, "How did her costume just appear around her like that? It's kinda like those gauntlets I had Deku wear" said Melissa, "Her costumes made out of this metal called Vibranium, it's this material that's almost completely indestructible and is only in the Vibranium mines of Wakanda, it's also the same material Izuku's shield is made out of, I forgot to mention that earlier" said Luke, "So the Wakandan people made my shield?" asked Izuku, "No it was Bakugo's Dad" said Luke, "Me? But I don't know anything about making shields" said Masaru, "Didn't you hear what he said? It's another universe you old fart!" said Bakugo before Mistuki slapped him, "DON'T SPEAK TO YOUR FATHER THAT WAY YOU BRAT!" she yelled.
Kyoka pulled what looked like a sword hilt out of her locker, a blade then ejected out of the hilt before she retracted back in the hilt and attached it to her waist.
Mei began scribbling down schematics for the retractable sword.
Mina pulled out two retractable swords and attached them to her hips. "So how have you been doing sis?" Kyoka asked her, "Good" said Mina.
"Sis?" said Mina and Jiro, "Forgot to mention, you guys are All For One's adopted daughters in this" said Luke, "WHAT?!" they both said, "These two are my daughters in this universe?" said AFO pointing at them with his thumb, "Yeah, in fact most of the League of Villains are also your adopted children in this" said Luke, "Then why are we in UA- I mean the Avengers Academy?" asked Jiro, "You met Kaminari, Mineta, Koda, and Shoji and switched sides. The 5 of you then became a group called the Guardians of the Galaxy. Toru, who's also an alien I forgot to mention that earlier, later on joined you guys, and you traveled the universe going on adventures and stuff. Mina was then sent to kill you by All For One but then you got her to turn good and join you guys. You then came to Earth cuz that's where Kaminari's from, and Aizawa convinced the 7 of you to enroll in Avengers Academy and become an official hero team" said Luke.
The students then headed down the hallway when suddenly a man in a red and black suit with a silver helmet appeared out of nowhere. "Whoa! Lang where did you come from?" said Izuku, the man's helmet then retracted revealing Mirio.
"Mirio!" said Eri, happy to see her other hero on the screen. "Where the hell did I come from?!" said Mirio, "You're a hero called Ant-Man in this, your body can shrink and grow, you can also control ants, also your names Mirio Lang" said Luke, "So wait I still have a Quirk in this?" Mirio asked, "No. It's the suit your wearing that grants you all these amazing abilities. It runs on this thing called Pym Particles, created by Nighteye, who's name was Mirai Pym in this" said Luke, "Nighteye?" said All Might, "Yeah Nighteye created the suit and was the original Ant-Man and a technical genius in this before he died" said Luke.
"I was on my way to class" said Mirio, "Why were you tiny? You could've been stepped on" said Izuku, "I wanted to surprise you by coming out of no where" said Mirio, "Of course you did. Anyway, see you later" said Izuku, "Say hi to Eri for me!" said Mirio before shrinking and hopping on a winged ant and flying away.
They then went outside to what looked like a flight deck, where Shota Coulson was there waiting for them. "Everyone get on Quinjet 5, and we'll go to the Helicarrier" said Shota.
"What is the Helicarrier? I really wanna know" said Ochako.
"Why can't we take the Milano?" asked Kaminari pointing to an orange and blue ship sort of shaped like a bird, "We're not taking your ship because it smells, and I don't trust you to fly us up there after what happened last time" said Shota.
"I have my own spaceship?!" said Kaminari excitedly, "Yeah. How else did you and the other Guardians of the Galaxy travel the universe going on adventures and stuff if you didn't have a ship?" said Luke, "What does the other me mean by 'last time'?" asked Aizawa, "Let's just say... Kaminari's known for some very fancy flying in this" said Luke.
They then boarded the Quinjet where a pilot was already there waiting for them. The Quinjet took off and flew off the coast. "Attention Helicarrier, this is Quinjet 5, requesting permission to land" said Shota, "Permission granted" said the person on the radio.
Suddenly, a large ship with huge turbine engines appeared out of no where.
"That's the Helicarrier?!" said Sero, "Where the Hell did it come from?!" said Sato, "It uses cloaking technology" said Luke. Mei nearly had a heart attack from seeing the ginormous airship.
The Quinjet then landed in one of the hangars, and the students and teacher got out. They then headed to the command bridge, where they were greeted by Nezu, who was wearing a black trench coat and had an eye patch over his right eye.
"What happened to Nezu's eye?" asked Aizawa, "I guess that cut was a lot deeper in this universe" said Nezu.
"Ah Couslon, you're here" said Nezu, "Me and my students are here to use the training area Principal Fury" said Shota, "Of course, training room 3 is available" said Nezu.
"I take it my name's Fury in this not Nezu?" asked Nezu, "Yep" said Luke, "Sounds badass though, and manly as hell" said Kirishima.
They then entered the training room, "Alright class, this is gonna be some of the most intense training of the year. If you wanna be Avengers then you've gotta prove yourselves" said Shota.
"Wait Avenger is an actual thing? It's not just the name of the school?" asked Bakugo, "Yep. Basically the strongest students have the choice of being apart of a team called the Avengers once they graduate, the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. All Might and some of the other pros in your universe were apart of the team in their day" said Luke.
"Now for this first part you're gonna-" but suddenly an explosion was heard outside making the whole Helicarrier shake. The alarms then went off, "Attention! We are under attack by villains!" said the man on the PA.
"Shit! New plan everyone! Get ready to fight the villains!" said Shota. They raced down the hallway and entered a large room where they were greeted by Toga, Muscular, Spinner, and Kurogiri.
(Instead of describing them just picture them looking like the children of Thanos. Toga looks like Proxima Midnight, Muscular looks like Cull Obsidian, Spinner looks like Corvus Glave, and Kurogiri looks like Ebony Maw A.K.A. Squidward)
"Hey guys look it's us!" said Toga, "We can see that" said Spinner.
"Uhhhh... why is he in this?" asked Kota, scared from seeing the man who murdered his parents on screen.
"Don't worry Kota it's just an alternate universe, he can't hurt you" said Izuku.
"Here me... and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of All For One-" Kurogiri started, "We don't want to hear your stupid speech again, just leave the Helicarrier or my students will kick your asses" said Shota, "Hand over the Tesseract and maybe we will spare your lives" said Kurogiri.
"The Tesseract? What's that?" asked Ochako, "This glowing cube thing that can open up space portals and stuff" said Luke, "Well why does the League want it?" asked Izuku, "Cuz it contains this thing called the Space Stone, one of the six infinity stones. If you have all 6 of them, you can do pretty much anything, even destroy the universe. All For One's after them because he wants to wipe out half of all life in the universe" said Luke, "Why would I want to do that?" asked AFO, "Because you want to solve world hunger, if there are less people, than there's more food and resources to go around" said Luke, "Why don't I just double all the resources in the universe?" asked AFO, "I have no idea" said Luke.
"ATTACK!" yelled Kurogiri as he and the other villains charged at Shota and the others. "You know what to do" said Shota to his students, "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!!" yelled Izuku as he raised his shield in the air.
"Yeah it's go time!" said Kirishima.
The students and villains charged at each other. Katsuki fired his repulsor blasts, Hitoshi fired his arrows, Ochako fired electric blasts out of her wrist bracelets, Shoto, Denki, Fumikage, Mina, Mineta, and Eijiro fired their guns at the villains, Izuku threw his shield and it bounced off multiple walls and hit multiple enemies.
"How is my shield able to deflect off walls like that?" asked Izuku, "Vibranium can absorb any kinetic impact, and it can ricochet off any wall with little loss of velocity" said Luke, "That's crazy" said Izuku, "So basically Deku's fighting with an oversized metal frisbee" said Bakugo, "Yeah pretty much" said Luke.
Two metal wings then ejected out of the thing Fumikage was wearing on his back and he soared into the air.
"Oh that's what the thing on his back if for" said Tsu, "Yep. Tokoyami's a hero called Falcon in this" said Luke.
Suddenly Sato started turning green and his body started to grow, his shirt ripped leaving him in only his pants.
"WHAT THE HELL'S HAPPENING TO ME?!?!" said Sato, "That's your power in this" said Luke.
"RAAAAGH! HULK SMASH!!!" yelled Sato who was now the Hulk.
"Hulk?" said Sato, "The Hulk's this unstoppable monster you turn into whenever you get angry" said Luke.
The Hulk then grabbed a nearby fighter jet and threw it at the enemies. But Muscular stopped it and threw it back at the Hulk and two of them charged at eachother.
The battle waged on for a few more minutes until Izuku realized something. "Wait a minute! This is just a distraction! Tenya!" said Izuku, "What is it Rogers?" said Tenya, "Your brother might be trying to get the Tesseract!" said Izuku, "Torino's beard your right! We have to stop him!" said Tenya.
"His brother? You mean me?" asked Tensei, "No. You don't exist in this world. Iida has an adopted bro in this, and it's someone else in this theatre" said Luke, "Well who is it?" asked Iida, "You'll just have to wait and see" said Luke. "Why the hell did he make a joke about my beard?" said Gran Torino, "Just watch" said Luke.
"Ochako! Katsuki! Momo! Strange! Come on we need to stop him!" said Izuku as he, Tenya, Ochako, Katsuki, Momo, and Mashirao raced down the hallway while the others held the villains off. They then reached a holding chamber where they saw a man with a horned helmet, and a green cape, taking the Tesseract out of the thing holding it. They couldn't see his face cuz he was facing the opposite direction.
"I wonder who it is?" said Momo, "Who ever it is I pity them since they're the brother of one of those Class 1-A scum in this" said Monoma.
The person then turned around revealing Monoma.
Everyone just sat there in silence for a few seconds. "So you pity yourself Monoma?" said Tetsutetsu.
And 3...2...1
"WHAT THE FUCK?!?! WHY AM I THE BROTHER OF SOMEONE IN CLASS 1-A IN THIS! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!" screamed Monoma as he went ballistic. Luke then grabbed Monoma and dragged him through a portal, "We'll be right back" he said.
A few minutes later...
"Ok I gave Monoma a few tranquilizers so he'll be out for about an hour" said Luke as he put the unconsious Monoma back in his seat. "Back to the show" said Luke as he resumed the alternate universe.
"Ah brother, good to see you again" said Neito, "Neito! Relinquish the Tesseract at once!" said Tenya, "Oh I don't think so, I promised All For One I would bring it to him" said Neito as he used the Tesseract to open up a portal which he then stepped through and closed behind him.
"NO!" yelled everyone, "He just got away?!" said Kendo, "They stop him eventually don't worry" said Luke.
Kurogiri, Toga, Spinner, and Muscular then also escaped through portals. "They got the Tesseract" said Shota.
Meanwhile in space...
"Here is the Tesseract All For One" said Neito as he handed the Tesseract to All For One, who was big and purple in this. "Thank you Asgardian" said All For One as he crushed the Tesseract revealing a blue stone. He then put the stone in a gauntlet he was wearing on his left hand that already had a purple stone in it. All For One let the power flow through him. "Two down, four to go" said All For One as the screen then turned black.
"That's all for this universe" said Luke.
Thx for reading. Sorry it took so long to update. And sorry if the ending was lousy and rushed, I just needed to get this done.
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