A Visit From Some More Dark Dekus
"Ok. Since I'm in the mood, I've decided to once again bring in some more variants of Izuku who are from darker universes" said Luke.
Portals opened up on stage, and out stepped some Dekus.
The first Izuku stepped forward. This one was an adult in his mid 30's.
(A/N: These first few Izukus are based off a few books I read in the past that I seriously didn't like. So I'm doing my own spin on it.)
"Hello, everyone. This is gonna be very painful to talk about, but I need someone else to talk to about it. In my universe, Uraraka and I never confessed our feelings to each other, but on the night of our graduation party we got drunk, had sex, then both left. I remember having sex with her, but I thought she didn't; other way around with her. A few weeks later, she went up to me and asked if I ever thought of having kids. I was confused as to why she would ask this question, but I assumed she was just curious. I told her not at the moment since I wanted to focus on being a hero, then she immediately left. After that, she moved away and I didn't see her for the next 15 years. I even heard she retired from hero work not long afterwards. Then one day, a teenage boy and girl who both looked like a combination of me and Uraraka came to my door and said Uraraka was their mother... and they believed I was their father. They explained that they found out when they found some old pictures from our UA days and saw how close Uraraka and I were in the pictures and noticed the similarities between me and them. So, I guess they put two and two together. After that, they brought me to their home and I was reunited with Uraraka. She was shocked to see me and I asked why she left and kept our kids a secret from me. She explained she wanted to protect my hero career and that when I said I didn't want to have kids she misinterpreted it and thought I didn't want to have kids ever or be with her ever. I told her I did want to have kids eventually, just not when I was 18. I told her that if I had known she was pregnant I wouldn't have given up being a hero like she did and I would've been there for her and our children" said this Izuku.
"So, you and her are together now?" Mina asked.
"Nope. I then told her she had no right to keep my own children's existence a secret from me and told her I didn't love her anymore. And I told her I wanted to be a part of our son and daughter's lives, just not hers. She was in tears when I told her all of this, but she said she understood. Now I spend a lot of quality time with my son and daughter, and Uraraka and I take turns having custody of them. I'm even in a relationship with a new woman now and I'm very happy with her" said Izuku.
"You turned your back on Ochako? Just like that? The mother of your own children?" Momo said in disgust.
"She left me and kept my own son and daughter from me for a decade and a half, all because of some stupid misunderstanding. And even though I could tell she still loved me, I didn't care. Aizawa adopted Eri in my universe and my mom passed away a few years after I graduated, so I was alone for most of my kids' lives and spent that time getting beat up by villains, while Uraraka kept our children all to herself. I had enough. The only reason I didn't sue her for full custody or have her arrested was because my son and daughter still loved their mother and didn't want to be without her. But I'm done talking about this now" said this Izuku.
The next Izuku stepped forward. This one also in his mid 30's.
"In my universe everything is the same as in the last Izuku's universe, except I found out about mine and Uraraka's kids when they were only a few months old. And not only that, but the rest of our class knew about Uraraka's pregnancy as well and chose not to tell me. So, I got revenge by having them all arrested. Because I don't know about you guys; but in my universe and in Japan, hiding that your pregnant from the father is illegal, and those who also don't tell the father about the pregnancy will suffer as well. So, I used my money and power as the number one hero to have you all locked up for a long time while I got custody of my son and daughter" said this Izuku.
"Next!" said Luke.
Yet another Izuku in his mid 30's stepped forward.
"Similar story with the last two Izukus. Uraraka and our classmates kept my son and daughter a secret from me. But I found out about them when they were a babies and got full custody of them, but didn't have the others arrested, least not yet. After I won the court case, Uraraka was on her knees begging me to give her custody of our kids, or at the very least let her visit them every once and a while, but I told her to go fuck herself. Not long later, our classmates confronted me and demanded I give her custody of our kids and even flat out threatened me. But I wasn't intimidated. After that, me, my son, my daughter, and my mom moved to America to get away from Uraraka and the others. But one night, they all came to America and launched an attack on our home to kidnap my kids, but I was able to stop them and they all went to prison for a long time. Despite them being locked up in a highly secure prison, Uraraka tried to break out multiple times and a few of those times she almost did. But now I live a happy life with my kids and my wife" said this Izuku.
Another Izuku in his 30's stepped forward.
"Similar thing with me. But all my classmates didn't tell me Uraraka was pregnant, AND I didn't find about my son and daughter until they were 15. I was so angry and felt so betrayed by Uraraka and our classmates that I beat them all to a pulp and had them all locked away for a long time. My kids hate me for arresting their mom, aunts, and uncles, but at least I have full custody of them" this Izuku says.
(A/N: I know it seems like I'm obsessed with hating these kinds of books, but I've just seen a lot of them and it always annoys me how Izuku is so forgiving of Ochako for keeping his own child or children a secret from him for so long, so I showed these Izukus to let out my anger.)
Another Izuku stepped forward. This one in his mid 20's.
(A/N: This ones based off a vile book I heard about that was discontinued a long time ago.)
"In my universe, Ochako and I were married and we found out that she was pregnant. But then she told me the baby might not be mine because she had an affair with Kacchan. She said she regretted cheating on me and said she only did it because she gave in to the temptation, but I didn't care. I kicked her out and divorced her, and I told her never to speak to me again. Not long after, me, her, Kacchan, and a few other heroes were fighting a villain and she and Kacchan were in danger. I could've easily saved them, but I chose to let them die" said the next Izuku.
"What about the baby? Did you ever find out if it was yours or Bakugo's?" Todoroki asked.
"No. And I don't care if it was mine or not. It was still the child of her - the woman who broke my heart after everything I had done for her" said this Izuku.
"Next" said Luke.
This Izuku looked like Kurogiri, except he had green mist around him.
(A/N: This Izuku is based off some fanarts and comics I've seen.)
"I'm Nomu Deku. In my universe I was tricked by the League of Villains into becoming a Nomu" said Nomu Deku.
"How so?" Izuku asked.
"They said they would give me a quirk. I didn't know they were villains at the time and I was really desperate to be a hero, so I went with them to a lab and they transformed me into this. But then I learned that they were villains and that they were gonna brainwash me and turn me into their slave, so I escaped and told the pros about what they were doing and they were able to capture some of the League's members and other nomus. Now I'm in UA and am training to use my powers for good" said Nomu Deku.
"Up next" Luke.
The next Izuku stepped forward. This one looked the same as the normal Izuku.
(A/N: This one is based off a book I read a few years ago.)
"In my universe I'm one of three triplets. I have a brother who had a powerful pyrokinesis quirk and a sister who has a powerful gravity quirk and they bullied me for not having a quirk at all while our parents neglected me. I joined the League of Villains while they joined UA. Eventually, my sister regretted bullying me while my brother didn't in the slightest. I was then captured by the pros and I told them what my siblings did to me. My sister confessed to everything, my brother did too because he thought he would get away with it... he didn't. He was expelled from UA and blacklisted from all hero schools. As for my sister, they decided she learned her lesson so she only got detention, cleaning duty, and a few other small punishments for a while. As for me, I agreed to help stop the League, so I was pardoned and took my brother's place in Class 1-A. And my brother flipped out over being expelled, so he took my place in the League of Villains and he lead an attack on UA. Luckily, I knew all his tricks by now, so I was able to slice his hands off, making him unable to use his quirk ever again. The other villains escaped but he was locked up in Tartarus for a long time. Sometimes I go there to mock him, but he always screams at me and says he's gonna kill me, Izumi, Mom, Dad, our classmates, our teachers, and he's gonna burn UA to the ground. That's all from me" said this Izuku.
"Next" said Luke.
The next Izuku that stepped forward appeared to be another Villain Izuku.
(A/N: This one is based off a Villain Deku comic series I read on Tumblr a long time ago that was sadly discontinued.)
"In my universe after I saved Kacchan from the Sludge Villain, the pros were even more harsh on me and All Might once again told me I couldn't be a hero without a quirk. I joined the League of Villains and received some training from them and Stain, but they all made fun of me and mocked me for being weak and quirkless. Then Lord Deku recruited me into his multiverse army and gave me the All For One quirk of my universe's All For One and I used it to take away the quirks of the heroes who yelled at me and then I killed them with their own power. Then I killed All Might and everyone at UA, and then I took away the quirks of the League and Stain and made them all my slaves, and now I rule my world" said this Villain Deku.
"Why would you bring another villain here, Luke?! Especially one that works for Lord Deku?!" Iida shouted.
"Because Lord Deku's slowly losing. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to bring in one of his followers. And here's another Villain Deku" said Luke.
An identical Villain Deku stepped forward.
(A/N: This one is based off a short Villain Deku comic I saw on YouTube years ago.)
"In my universe I was a villain, but the rest of the League had been locked up. I was about to kill Kacchan, but then Eraserhead stopped me and arrested me. I'll never forget the words he said to me: 'That's enough, young man. Haven't you heard? The League of Villains have fallen.' But then Lord Deku's forces invaded my world and freed me and the rest of the League. I then killed Kacchan, Eraserhead, and the people close to them. And as I strangled Eraserhead with his own capture gear, I said: 'That's enough, old man. Haven't you heard? The heroes have fallen.' And now I rule my world" said this Villain Deku.
"I am not old" said Aizawa.
"Next" said Luke.
Another adult Izuku stepped forward.
(A/N: This one is based off a god awful fanfic I read years ago.)
"In my universe I was the number one hero and dating Ochako. Everything was going great for me. But then I was believed to have died fighting a villain, but I was actually kidnapped by this new villain organization and they experimented on my for five years until they brainwashed me and turned me into a weapon. The organization that did all of this to me secretly began taking over our government and arresting multiple heroes. I was eventually freed by my old classmates and we stopped the organization, but then I found something else out... Ochako mourned me for the five years I was gone, but once she found out I was alive she had sex with Kacchan. She explained that it was only a one time thing, but I didn't care. I told her we were never getting back together and told her and Kacchan to never speak to me again. Ochako kept begging me to get back together with her until eventually she couldn't take it anymore and tried to put me under mind control again so I'd be her sex slave, but our classmates stopped her and we had her locked up with all the other villains" said this Izuku.
"Next one" said Luke.
The next Izuku stepped forward. This one looked the same as the normal one.
(A/N: This one is based off a comic I saw on YouTube.)
"In my universe Ochako's parents never approved of me" said this Izuku.
"Why?" Ochako asked.
"Because I'm plain looking and have a flashy quirk. It all started before me and you even started dating. Our class had a test we needed to study for, and you invited me, Iida, and Ashido over to your apartment to study. I was the only one who showed up on time since Iida and Ashido forgot to set their alarm clocks. When I knocked on the door I was greeted by your parents... and they immediately gave me death glares. When you weren't in the room they threatened me and told me to stay away from you, all because of my appearance and abilities" said this Izuku.
"So, basically, we're racist in your universe" said Ochako's dad.
"Pretty much. Once Ochako found out, she was super pissed at you both. You told her to stay away from me, but she instead hooked up with me in defiance. Sometimes she even texts you both pictures of us making out just to piss you both off. Eventually, you both tried to attack me, but Ochako, your own daughter, arrested you both and even testified against you in court. Now me and her are together and you two are in jail" said this Izuku.
"Next one" Luke said.
Another adult Izuku stepped forward.
(A/N: This one is based off a book that I read a few years ago and I think is gone now since I haven't been able to find it since.)
"In my universe, I was with Ochako and my life was going well. But then my mom died and not long after I caught Ochako having sex with Kacchan. Then the two of them lied to the whole world saying I abused Ochako and all of our classmates, teachers, and almost the whole world turned on me; my life was ruined. As the years went on, I continued to be the most hated and lowest ranking hero in the world while Ochako and Kacchan were some of the most beloved and highest ranking heroes in the world. But then I was able to get a meeting with Tsukauchi's daughter who exists in my universe and I told her what really happened. She used her lie detector quirk to see that I was telling the truth and told the public everything. Then, when Ochako and Kacchan tried to defend themselves and make up more lies, Tsukauchi's daughter used her quirk to see that they were lying and told the public this as well. Now they're the most hated and lowest ranking heroes in the world and even our old classmates and teachers went down a few hero ranks for siding with them and not me. As for me, the rest of the world gained sympathy for me and now I'm the number one hero" said this Izuku.
"Last one" said Luke.
The last 'Izuku' stepped forward. This one was a girl the same age as the normal Izuku.
(A/N: This one is based off a Fem Deku book I read a while ago that was discontinued.)
"Hi. My name's Izumi Midoriya. In my universe my life sucked. My dad was gone, and my mom, teachers, and pretty much everyone else at my school bullied and abused me for being quirkless. Shinso was there too and me and him were best friends and he was bullied because of his quirk. But then Luke gave me powers and told the pros what my tormentors had been doing to me and Shinso and they were all arrested by the pros. Now me and Shinso are in UA and I'm dating Ochako, since me and her are both lesbians in my universe" said Izumi.
"Ok. Time for you all to go" said Luke as he opened up a bunch of portals and the other Izukus all left.
Yes, I know it seems like I'm obsessed with some of these books. And I apologize to the authors of the books these Dekus were based off if you think I'm deciding what happens to your stories without your permission, but I'm not. These Dekus were simply based off yours, they're not actually supposed to be yours. Thx for reading.
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