A Reason to Keep Fighting
"Alright guys, here's a simple IzuOcha story" said Luke, "YES!" said Mina, "What's it about?" asked Kirishima, "In this universe Ochako never attended UA" said Luke, "Why?" asked Ochako, "Well in this universe your parents never had financial trouble" said Luke, "What does he mean Ochako?" asked Tsu.
Ochako sighed, "Well I guess you all had to find out at some point. My parent's run a construction company, but business isn't going so well and they're losing money. That's why I want to become a hero, so I can earn money and help them" said Ochako, "Ha! So you're a peasant! Disgusting. Just what I expected from someone who's in Class 1-A" Monoma mocked, but then Izuku punched Monoma in the face and slammed him into the ground, "YOU DON'T EVER SAY THAT TO HER YOU FUCKING PIECE OF HUMAN GARBAGE!!!" yelled Izuku, everyone gasped at the Class 1-A cinnamon roll swearing like that, even Bakugo was shocked.
"Or what?" said Monoma who wasn't scared. Izuku then grabbed Monoma's arm and started twisting it, "Ah! What are you doing?!" said Monoma, "Apologize to Uraraka or I'll break your arm" said Izuku, "Make me- ahhh!!!" screamed Monoma as Izuku started twisting his arm even more, "SAY IT!!!" yelled Izuku, "Ok I'm sorry!" cried Monoma. Izuku then let him go, "Good. If I ever hear you were mean to Uraraka, or any other of my classmates again, you'll wish you never to came to UA. Got that?" said Izuku, "Y-yes" whimpered Monoma, "Good. Now go back to your seat and don't speak again" said Izuku, after that the two went back to their seats.
"Aaaanyways as I was saying, in this universe Ochako's parent's never had financial troubles, so she never had a reason to become a hero, therefore she never went to UA" explained Luke, "If I never went to UA then how am I gonna meet Deku?" asked Ochako, "You'll just have to watch it and see for yourself" said Luke as he pulled out the remote and began the alternate universe.
It showed an 18-year old Izuku in civilian clothes at a coffee shop one day.
"Oh my god Izuku! That's the coffee shop where I met your father!" said Inko.
As soon as he entered he bumped into a young woman with brown bob-cut hair, and spilled her coffee. "Oh my god I'm so sorry are you ok?" said Izuku, "I'm fine. It's my fault I should've looked to see where I was going" said Ochako, "How bout I buy you another coffee?" asked Izuku, "That's really not necessary" said Ochako, "Please I insist" said Izuku.
"That's so manly Midoryia! Being a gentleman like that!" yelled Kirishima.
Izuku bought there coffees and the two of them sat down at a table outside. "This is very kind of you, but it really wasn't necessary" said Ochako, "Well it's the least I can do for a pretty girl like you right?" said Izuku, "Y-you think I'm pretty?" said Ochako, "Who wouldn't?" said Izuku, "That's very kind of you... mister?" she trailed off, "Midoryia, Izuku Midoryia" said Izuku, "I'm Ochako Uraraka" she said extending her hand for him to shake it, but as he did he started floating. "Whoa what the?!" said Izuku, "Sorry! Sorry! Release!" she said putting her fingers together, cancelling out the effect.
"Is that your quirk?" asked Izuku, "Yeah, it's nothing special. Basically whenever I touch things with all five fingers I make them float, and when I put my fingers together it cancels out the effect" explained Ochako, "That's a really cool quirk, does that mean you could..." and then he went on another one of his mumbling charades, "Uh are you ok?" she said, "Oh sorry. I do that sometimes" said Izuku, "Oooook" she said, "Anyways your quirk is really cool, have you ever thought of becoming a hero? You quirk seems pretty powerful" asked Izuku, "I did think about being a hero once, but I didn't really have a reason to" said Ochako, "That's a shame. I'm a hero though" said Izuku, "Really? Which one?" asked Ochako, "Oh you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you. Anyways you wanna got to the park or something?" asked Izuku, "Are you asking me out on a date?" said Ochako, "Let's say I am" said Izuku.
After that the two of them dated for a few months, until one night he took her home. They stood outside her house, "I had a really great time Ochako" said Izuku, "Me too, we should do this again someti- LOOK OUT!" she yelled as a villain came out of nowhere and slashed Izuku in the arm with a knife.
"AGH!" screamed Izuku, "IZUKU!" screamed Ochako, "I've been waiting a long time for this hero!" said the villain, "Ochako get out of here! I've fought this villain before, he's extremely dangerous!" yelled Izuku as he got in a fighting stance.
"ONE FOR ALL 100%" yelled Izuku as green lighting emitted from his body. He then punched the villain repeatedly with all his strength. 'The way his quirk works... wait! I know who he is!' thought Ochako, "Time to die All Mighty!" yelled the villain. 'He's the number one hero All Mighty!' Ochako said in her head.
"All Mighty? That's his hero name in this?" said Bakugo, "Yeah" said Luke, "Why isn't it Deku?" asked Ochako, "You seem to forget that in this universe you two never met. So you never told him the name 'Deku' sounded cute, henceforth he never went with it as a hero name" said Luke, "Oh yeah" said Ochako, "All Mighty sounds super unoriginal. Wait Midoryia was that name you were gonna go with before Uraraka told you Deku sounded cute?" asked Kirishima, "Y-yeah, I couldn't really think of anything else" said Izuku.
Ochako then made a run for it. But she suddenly stopped in her tracks, she then turned around and headed back, 'What am I doing? He told me to run. Why am I going back to help him?' Ochako said in her head. When she got back she saw that the villain had Izuku pinned to the ground and was punching him in the face repeatedly. "Time to die All Mighty" said the villain, "Do it then. I was about to give up this job anyway" said Izuku, 'Give up this job? What does he mean by that?' thought Ochako. The villain was about to deliver the finishing blow when suddenly he started floating. "What the?!" said the villain, he looked over his shoulder to see that Ochako had touched him with all five fingers, "OCHAKO?!" said Izuku, "Oh your in for it now bitch!" said the villain as he aimed his arms at Ochako and fired two blasts of energy at Ochako, fortunately Izuku had gotten back up and used full cowl to move Ochako out of the way, unfortunately the blasts of energy hit her house, causing it to explode. "My house!" screamed Ochako.
Izuku then finished the villain off and passed out from his injuries immediately afterwards. The pros and medics showed up immediately afterwards and took Izuku to the Hospital and the villain to the police. Ochako rode in the ambulance with Izuku.
Izuku woke up in the hospital a few hours later. "Ah All Mighty, your awake" said the nurse, "How long was I out?" asked Izuku, "A few hours. You should be able to leave tonight though. You had us all worried though, especially your girlfriend" said the nurse, "My girlfriend?" asked Izuku, "The girl with brown hair in the waiting room, she wouldn't stop asking about you" said the nurse, "Well I guess she's sorta my girlfriend, we have been dating for a few months. But is she ok?" asked Izuku, "She's fine, she's been crying all night though" said the nurse, "Can she come in here?" asked Izuku, "Sure, I'll bring her in" said the nurse as she left the room.
Ochako was down stairs in the waiting room, talking to her parents on the phone, "Yeah Mom, yeah Dad I'm fine, Izuku saved me. Ok, talk to you guys later, love you bye" said Ochako as she then hung up. Suddenly the nurse came in, "Ms. Uraraka? He's awake now, you can come see him if you'd like" said the nurse.
As soon as she entered the room, she latched onto Izuku tightly, "Careful you might break something" Izuku joked, "Sorry. I was just so worried about you" said Ochako, "I'm fine, but Ochako what were you thinking going back there like that? You could've been killed!" said Izuku, "You would've been killed if I didn't" said Ochako, "Look just please don't do anything like that again, I don't want you to die, you almost got blown up" said Izuku, "You mean like my house?" said Ochako, "Oh shit I'm so sorry I wasn't able to save your house!" said Izuku, "It's fine really, I can just stay with my parents, until I find a new place or they can build me a new one" said Ochako, "Build you a new one?" said Izuku, "They run a construction company, and a successful one at that" said Ochako.
"Can't say the same for them in my universe" said Ochako.
There was a moment of complete silence, "Izuku why didn't you tell me that you were All Mighty?" asked Ochako, "I didn't think you'd believe me if I told you, plus I was worried I might put you in danger" said Izuku, "Ochako listen I... I'm sorry for not telling you, I just-" suddenly Ochako pulled him into a deep passionate kiss, Izuku was surprised by this but soon sunk into the kiss. The kiss lasted for a full minute until they both broke off for breathe.
"Wow... where'd that come from?" said Izuku, "I love you" said Ochako, "I love you too" said Izuku.
"Wait I minute I just realized you might actually be in danger!" said Izuku, "What do you mean?" asked Ochako, "That villain I fought, he works for a group called the League of Villains. They might know that your my girlfriend now and come after you" said Izuku, "Oh crap what do I do?" said Ochako, "Well you won't be safe at your parents place but you could..." he trailed off, "Could what?" said Ochako, "Well you could stay at my place. Butit'sfineyoudon'thavetoifyoudon'twanttoIjustthought" "Izuku it's fine I'd be glad to stay with you at your place" said Ochako, "Alright then, we can go there as soon as I check out of the Hospital if you want" said Izuku, "Sure" said Ochako.
After that the two then went to Izuku's house. It wasn't really a house, it was more like a mansion, a big huge mansion. "Holy shit your house is huge!" said Ochako.
"His house is even bigger than my mine!" said Yaoyorozu.
As they approached the front door Ochako had a question, "Do you live here by yourself?" asked Ochako, "Of course not" said Izuku as he opened the door. As soon as he did a little girl with white hair and a horn ran up to him, "Daddy!" said Eri as Izuku lifted her in the air, "Hey Eri how was your day?" asked Izuku, "Good. Who's this?" asked Eri pointing at Ochako, "This is Ochako, the person I've told you about so much, she's gonna be staying with us for a while" said Izuku.
Eri walked over to Ochako and stared at her for a few seconds, "Are you gonna be my mommy?" asked Eri with big innocent eyes. "Well I'm not sure if-" said Izuku, "Sure Eri, I'll be your mommy if you want me to be" said Ochako, "What?!" said Izuku, "Yay!" said Eri.
"Hey Deku it's about time you got back I- who's this?" asked Bakugo who entered the room, "Oh Kacchan! Thanks for looking after Eri, and this is Ochako, she's gonna be staying with me and Eri for a little bit" said Izuku, "Uh why exactly?" asked Bakugo, "Look I'll explain later, right now I'm tired after a long day" said Izuku, Bakugo then headed for the door, but before he left he looked at Ochako, "Take good care of Deku ok?" he said before leaving. "Deku?" said Ochako, "It's a nickname he calls me. It's more of an insult though" said Izuku, "I think Deku sounds kinda cute, it gives off a sort of 'I can do it' feeling" said Ochako.
After that Izuku brought Ochako to the guest bedroom, "This will be your room Ochako" said Izuku, "Actually I was wondering if I could sleep with you for the night. If you're ok with it" said Ochako, "Uh sure" said Izuku, with a slight blush on his cheeks.
The two got in bed and cuddled up, "Hey Izuku, I have a question" said Ochako, "What is it?" said Izuku, "Right before I saved you from that villain you said that you were 'gonna give up this job' what did you mean by that?" asked Ochako, Izuku sighed, "Because the truth is... I've been thinking of quitting Hero work" said Izuku, "What?!" said Ochako, "Look, lately I've been feeling kind of empty inside. Besides Eri I really don't have as much of a motivation for being a hero as I used to anymore until I met you that is, now I have both you and Eri as my inspiration for being a hero, I have a reason to keep fighting" said Izuku, "That's very sweet of you... Deku" said Ochako, "Why are you calling me that?" asked Izuku, "Cause I think it sounds cute, plus if you ever think about changing your hero name I think Deku would be a good replacement" said Ochako, "Hmmm... I'll have to think about that" said Izuku.
"This is so romantic!" said Mina and Toru.
Two years later they were married. Ochako became Eri's mom, Izuku changed his hero name to Deku, and they had lots of kids together and lived happily ever after.
The screen then went black.
"Without young Uraraka and young Eri, young Midoryia wouldn't have a reason to keep being a hero, he needs them both in his life" said All Might.
"I wuv you Mama and Papa!" said Eri as she hugged them both, causing them to blush and everyone else to coo at the adorableness.
Thx for reading everyone.
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