Akansha POV:
Soon lunch time came. "I will keep my books in the locker and come to the canteen", I said to Kryz.
"Okay Kanz", she said and walked away.
I went to my locker and kept my books inside. I still can't accept that he tricked me into taking the longest route. How did I believe him blindly? So stupid of me.
I felt someone's presence behind me. I locked my locker and turned to face the so-called college beauty Jacqueline with her friends Emma and Bella. I tried to move but she blocked my way sending me a glare.
"What do you want?", I asked her.
"I warned you bitch to stay away from Parth but you didn't listen to me", she said glaring at me.
"Let me tell you very clearly that I am not at all interested in Parth, so don't bother me", I said sternly to her.
I guess she was shocked with my reply. I tried to move but she blocked me again. Argh!
"What now?", I asked her.
"Don't flatter yourself that you are sitting on his bench. Soon he will throw you away."
"Thank you very much for your lovable concern. If you are done, can I go now?", I asked her sarcastically.
She looked taken aback by my reply. So, I moved away from them. Luckily, they didn't stop me either. Soon, I reached the canteen.
I noticed Harry, Chloe and Kryz seated at our table. "Hello guys", I said and sat next to Kryz.
"Hi", they replied.
"Since we don't share any classes, I couldn't spend more time with you", Chloe said to me.
"Yeah. But let's make use of our lunch time to know ourselves better", I said cheerfully.
"Yeah", Chloe smiled gleefully.
"You guys can call me Kanz because all my close relations call me like that", I said and smiled at them.
"Sure Kanz", Harry and Chloe said at the same time and looked at each other and smiled lovingly. I observed the love Harry and Chloe had for each other. It's so pure, like the love of my parents . I miss them very much. No..no...don't go to that topic Kanz!
"Can you tell me how you both started your relationship?", I asked them curiously. Both Chloe and Harry smiled at each other again. Cute couple!
"Actually we were best friends at first", Harry said.
"Kryz, Harry and I used to hang out together", Chloe continued.
"I can say my part", Kryz said with a mischievous smile and continued, "Due to sports events, I and Harry skipped breaks and classes and were practicing for the event and Chloe was alone."
"Let me guess, seeing your closeness with Kryz, Chloe got jealous?", I asked Harry.
"Yeah man! You are correct", Harry exclaimed.
"Then Chloe fought with us and I realized that Chloe was in love with Harry. Even Harry was jealous of Kaswin who was Chloe's dance partner. So I decided to make them realize it", Kryz said.
"Ohhoo! So, Krystle was your cupid", I said and laughed.
Chloe blushed and hid her face in Harry's shoulders.
"Then I got a call from Kryz saying that Chloe was badly hurt. I ran and came to the place Kryz said to see Chloe running to me. Soon, we both realized that it was Krystle's plan. And we fought and later confessed our love", Harry voiced with lots of love and affection for Chloe.
"What a lovely cute story! I am impressed", I said truthfully.
"Do you love anyone?", Chloe asked me.
"What? No no...not yet...waiting for my love", I said and smiled.
"Kanz is waiting for her charming prince, Chloe", Kryz said and others laughed.
I gave my puppy face to them and they laughed again. Soon the lunch break came to an end and I went to my class.
Yuck! Yuck! What the hell? The sight I witnessed was disgusting. Psycho was smooching the lips of a random girl! Does he have any sense? What Kryz told about him was cent percent true. The only good quality he possesses is that he cares for his friends.
I went and sat at the third desk. How can I confront him about his stupid trick he played on me? Soon the teacher came and I turned back to see that the psycho was sitting alone at a desk looking bored. He moved his head in my direction sensing my gaze.
I turned my head at jet speed and was seeing the blank board. 'Don't worry Kanz. You are not caught. You are not caught', I calmed myself. Soon the class got over and I was keeping the books inside my bag.
That psycho looked at me while crossing but without any acknowledgement, he walked away. Did he just avoid me? 'Did he really speak to you before or was it your imagination?' my inner voice mocked me. Whatever, who cares!
I went to my next class to see Andrew and Theodore sitting in the last before desk and that psycho is sitting behind, in the last desk. Noticing me, Andrew came with a broad smile on his face and tried to hug me but I stopped him.
"Listen Andrew. I am giving you only one chance for you to explain about that day. If your words don't satisfy me, I will not help you", I said sternly.
"I am very happy that you decided to hear me out. Thank you very much Akansha. It means a lot to me", he half-smiled.
I nodded my head to him. He took my hand and moved towards his group.
"Andrew, I can sit on the first bench. We can speak about it somewhere else."
He noticed my discomfort, "Don't worry Akansha. If someone asks, tell them that I called you to discuss our sports team."
"Okay fine", I agreed reluctantly.
Andrew asked Psycho to move but he just gave him a blank stare.
I tried to go back but Theodore stopped me, "Move Parth. Don't make it more complicated".
He exhaled loudly and moved slightly. I thanked Theodore and took my place near Psycho.
"Well Akansha, I want t...", Andrew started but was interrupted by the teacher who entered the class. The teacher soon started the class. Since the teacher kept on writing on the board, he couldn't see what the students were doing behind him.
So, taking it as an advantage, I stole some side-glances of that psycho.
"Is there anything on my face Miss. nonstop?", he asked, looking at the teacher.
"Why the hell did you dare to tell me the longest route to the library?"
"Oh! Miss. Nonstop has found about it. Great. Rather than answering your question, I would ask you why you believed that I would say the right route?", he laughed.
Why did I believe him? Me and my stupid brain! I ignored him and tried to listen to the boring class. He chuckled but didn't say anything to irritate me. Thank god!
"Students, I would like to inform you that you all should do the project as a pair since the strength of our class is in even numbers. And the topic is Mathematics. You guys can study a particular topic and analyze and give me your input on it. Since you guys are already sitting in pairs, I would just note your names in that order ".
No...no...no...no.... I can't do my project with this psycho. No. Never! Due to my nervousness, I didn't notice the silent conversation between Andrew, Theodore and Psycho.
"No sir", I stood up and spoke loudly.
"Sir, actually this is not my permanent place. I just sat here only for today. I need to chan...", but was interrupted by Psycho, "Sir, actually she is on cloud-nine that she has got a chance to work with me. She is just blabbering".
What the hell? "Sir, he is...",but I was again interrupted by that Psycho Parth, "Ignore the disturbance sir", he said and pulled me down to sit.
"You can continue sir", Andrew said.
"Okay then, the time allotted for the project is three weeks", the teacher said and started to take his class again. Argh! No..noo! This can't happen!
I tried to get up again but Psycho grasped me from behind in such a way that his hands were resting on my waist and I was pressed to his front and my back was pressed to his front. I went stiff on his hands. My whole body was on fire. I could feel the electric sparks flowing through us. I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Damn me!
I turned my head to look at him. That was the biggest mistake I made. I guess he too felt something because his eyes were deeply penetrating me with his gaze like he was looking into my soul. His eyes held so many new emotions that I haven't seen before.
He came close to my ear. I could feel his breath near my ear.
"Don't do anything stupid Miss. nonstop."
His words brought me back to the world.
I tried to move away from his arms but he held me firmly in his muscular arms.
"I won't say anything to sir."
Hearing me, he slowly loosened his arms.
I turned towards the board to see the teacher writing on the board with no clue of what was happening in the class. Thank goodness! Since we were sitting on the last bench, no one noticed it either.
What the hell just happened now? I should not feel like this. He is a playboy. I should not even think about it. Calm down! Calm down!!
It's just a normal thing for him, but...but his eyes.....no no....I must have imagined it. I calmed myself down by taking a deep breath.
"I am sorry Akansha. We just thought that it would be a great excuse for you to speak with us alone", Andrew said.
I just nodded my head. Soon the class got over.
I went to my next class still in my own stupid, foreign feelings I felt toward Parth. But I was interrupted by a hug.
"You are lost in another world. What happened, Kanz?", Kryz asked me with a worried face.
"WHAAATTTT? What happened? Did he do something to you?", she asked worriedly.
Shit! shit!
"Did I say Parth?", I asked her.
She nodded her head in affirmation.
"Actually....Parth and I...are...are going to do a project together." Thank goodness! Great excuse.. "Are you kidding me?", Krystle asked me with little hope.
"I wish Kryz."
"How did it happen, Kanz?"
"They made me sit with them to discuss the sports team's rules. And due to utter bad luck, the staff announced the desk partners to do the project together."
"That's a very bad news."
I just sulked. Soon the staff came and started the class. But I couldn't even listen to a single word the staff had said. Soon the class got over and we went to the locker to keep our books.
"Shall we go?", Kryz asked. I tried to answer her but was interrupted by my phone call. It was an unknown number. I stared at it for a few seconds to check whether I knew that number.
But it was an unknown number.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Wow! Miss. Nonstop knows to speak politely too. I am impressed", Psycho said, from the other end of the call.
"Ho...how did you get my number? ",I asked, astonished.
Kryz looked at me with a worried glance.
"Well, I have my own ways, Miss. Nonstop", he chuckled.
"What do you want?", I asked irritated.
"Is Krystle with you?"
"Say to her that I called you to discuss the timings of the project now in the library. Make sure she waits for you at the parking lot", he said and cut the call.
What the hell? He just cut the call.
"Who is it, Kanz?", Krystle asked.
"It's that Psycho Paxton! He called me to meet him at the library to discuss the timings for the project."
"Okay fine, let's go together."
"No.. no.. you just wait for me at the parking lot. I will come soon."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded my head in affirmation.
"Okay then, I will wait for you in the parking lot. Come soon or I will come looking for you."
He is making me lie to Kryz! But for her happiness, I need to do certain things. I know for sure that she still loves Andrew. I hope that Andrew is loving Krystle truly.
But that Psycho! I will kill him. He is so annoying. He is ordering and bossing around me. Irritating fellow!
I saved his name as Psycho Paxton on my phone. No no...Paxton is his family name. I will not insult his family. I then changed the contact name to Psycho Parth. Perfect contact name for a psycho!
I soon reached near the library but someone pulled me towards the nearby room and pushed me inside. What the hell?
I looked angrily at the person to witness the smirking face of Psycho Parth.
"Like seriously? You just pulled me ins..." but I was interrupted by him, "Miss Nonstop, can you just shut your crap. it's annoying."
I glared at him but he ignored it.
"Why did you push me here?"
"Well, should I say the truth or the lie?", he asked with an evil smirk.
He is definitely a psycho.
"Tell me the truth."
"I wanted to speak with you about the timings of our project."
"This is a lie because you could have said that in the phone call itself."
"Smart girl with a non-stop mouth. Nice, I am impressed."
"Don't change the topic. Now, tell me the truth."
"It was a move to make Krystle speak with Andrew."
"What? But you can't make me help you guys before I know Andrew's side of the story. I am sorry", I said and turned to go but he blocked my way.
"Miss. Nonstop, even if you wish, you will not be able to go out for half an hour", he said and locked the door with the key and sat on the chair.
Did he really think I would just sit quietly? Then he is a big fool. I went near him to grab the key.
But he moved from his place, guessing my thoughts.
"You thought you could outsmart me? If you thought so, then you are a fool", he said and winked at me.
"Just give me the keys or I will.. ", I said but he interrupted me, "Or what? What will you do?"
I tried to get the keys but he held the keys so high that I couldn't get the keys as I was too short when compared to him. Him and his stupid height! Why did he grow so much?
"So sad! Miss. Nonstop is too short! My dear Lilliput, now what will you do?", he asked with a fake sad face.
"Lilliput? What's that mean?", I asked, confused.
"It's a word for shorty, tiny", he chuckled.
How dare he make fun of my height? I glared at him and then started tickling him but he stood like a rock with a stupid look on his face. He raised his eyebrow like asking me what I was doing.
"Why are you not feeling ticklish?", I asked with a frown in my face trying to make him ticklish.
"Wow! You thought that I would feel ticklish? So sad Miss. nonstop, your plan is totally flopped", he said with a stupid smirk.
I glared at him and kicked his leg joint with a great force. I guess he didn't expect it because he stumbled and fell down.
I took his fall to my advantage and tried to snatch the keys from his hands. But he made me trip with his legs and I fell on top of him, losing my balance.
I felt the strange feeling again but controlled myself and tried to get the keys but he threw the key at the corner of the room and gripped me tight.
I tried to move away from him but he rolled with me so that I was down and he was on top of me. I was sandwiched between him and the floor.
He gripped my hands in one hand firmly and looked into my eyes.
Oh no!
I was hypnotized by his eyes. I felt the strong pull between us. My whole body sparkled with a strange feeling.
With his other hand he slowly tucked the hair tendrils behind my ear that had fallen on my face due to the fall.
His touch was so, so soft but electrifying! My whole body shivered.
Hello guys!!! I just love their conversations!!! I hope that you like it too!
If so, then please vote and comment!
Your votes and comments will be a great boost for me to write further!!
Thank you!!
With love,
S.M. Skyler.
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