The Scars
Hestia POV
Apollo's temple: morning
I awoke to the feel of Percy's arm wrapped around me. Almost as if he was protecting me and comforting himself. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know if I could. I turned around and watched his chest rise and fall. I saw the scar that was ragged and painful looking that was across his chest. I looked over and felt awful. I wanted to be his hope; I wanted to alight the fire that he lost for the time he was gone. I watched his eyes when he returned. He was broken. It was obvious, and for once, I didn't know what to do. I was so worried fro him, I didn't notice the other five wake up around us. I felt Zoe's arms twitch around his torso, and that brought me back to reality.
I gently shook Percy awake, "Percy? Hey... wake up Percy. It's time to get up for the day."
He opened his eyes groggily as if it hurt to open his eyes. When his eyes opened fully and saw me, he smiled, "Good morning Hestia," Zoe playfully hit the back of his head. He just smiled, "You too Zoe, Reyna, Bianca, Nyx, and Artemis."
"Morning," We chorused to him. He sat up slightly but groaned and flopped back on the bed.
I instantly looked over him, "Percy, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just still a little bit sore."
All six of us just nodded slightly, afraid to hurt him.
"Now come on girls, let's go see the camp and tell the army and campers that their leader is alright."
We all tried to tell him to lay back down, but he wasn't having any of it. He looked at us and just told us to help him up before he hurts himself worse. That got us into action. Artemis and Nyx were the first to reach his side. They both put an arm over their soldiers and helped him limp his way to the door. I held onto his lower back to keep him steady. Bianca was by my side helping me. Zoe and Reyna were both in front of us, just in case if he fell, they would be there. After what felt a life time, we reached the doors. As soon as we reached the doors, they swung open. Apollo was standing there with a worried expression on his face.
"What are you seven doing?! Percy you should not be out of bed! The consequences are unthinkable! You are seriously injured! I mean seriously! How are you even walking right now!? It should be impossible! You have three new scars, THREE! ALSO, WHAT WERE YOU SIX THINKING?! ALLOWING PERCY OUT OF BED?! I THOUGHT HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND, BUT NO, YOU JUST LET HIM ALMOST KILL HIMSELF! I MEAN SERIOUSLY! YOU ALL ARE IDIOTS! THIS IS SOME OF THE MOST IDIOTIC, FOOLISH, STU-" Apollo was caught off by a sudden glare from Percy.
"I can manage you insulting me but insult any of my girlfriends again; I promise you will regret it," Percy threatened. Apollo nodded cautiously and ran out of the room as fast as possible.
We all started to life slightly at the fear radiating off of Apollo a few moments before.
"Now, let's go announce my return officially to the army."
Percy POV
Camp Half-Blood
As soon as we teleported down to the camp, we were bombarded with questions, many directed to me. I tried to quiet everyone down, but I felt too weak to actually control my voice to make it more authoritative.
Bianca must have seen my struggle, because she called out, "EVERYONE SHUT UP!"
Everyone just looked at her strangely before shutting up. I gave her a thankful look. I then turned my attention to the crowd that had appeared.
"Everyone, I believe you all know what happened to me. If not, just know that I was taken and tortured. I don't know why. I just was..." My lips parched and my mouth became suddenly dry, "I just wanted to let you know that I was back. That... that I will lead you again... well as soon as I recover anyways. I know, this must be frightening. It sure was for me, but do not fear. I will make sure that no harm will come to you. I can't promise you that all of you will survive this, but I swear on Chaos's name that none of you will face the punishment that I did. I will not allow you to live though the tragedy that was bestowed on me. I will destroy whoever... whatever did this. I believe I killed someone, yet I don't think that was the main leader. He was too unprepared. I will be more prepared as well. I won't fail you again. I will train to be the best I can be. I will unlock all my powers I have. I will make this right; I will find justice. This man... thing... has declared war, and he doesn't know what will hit him. AM I RIGHT!?" I yelled the end, gaining more and more confidence as my speech went on.
"YEAH!" They all shouted back to me.
My girlfriends smiled at me and helped me to the Chaos cabin. We arrived and headed to the bedroom. They helped me sit down on the bed, and Artemis stood in front of me. She grabbed my hand. That brought me to the time I was trapped by the shadow Artemis. I flinched.
She noticed, "What... what happened to you Percy? Why are you scared of us?"
"You don't want to know," I whispered so they almost couldn't hear.
"Yes we do. We want to help you, but we can't unless we know what happened."
I looked up at her, "Moonbeam... I can't tell you. I'm afraid you won't be the same around me again. I'm afraid that you all will look at me differently. I don't want that."
"We won't... for you, we won't."
I slowly nodded my head. I looked towards the floor, "I woke up in room filled with darkness... darkness I couldn't see through. I was scared... then I heard a voice. It taunted me and... after the torture session... the voice said it was going to harm you all and... and... force you into..." I didn't need to finish. I heard gasps as they realized what I meant. I just continued, "I got so angry that my power dispelled the darkness and showed the man. I ripped out of my chains and stabbed in through the heart with both of my swords. I ran out and tried to find a way to escape. After a while, I found an exit. Right before I left though, I saw you six... except... it wasn't exactly you though. I went up to you all and tried to speak to you. Then you, Artemis, grabbed my hand. It was like you didn't want me to leave that hell. After that, you changed. You... became demonic. I couldn't get free. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I also didn't want to hurt you, but I did. I cut off your hand, and you evaporated into shadows. Afterwards, the other five turned into the demonic creatures too. I ran after that. I knew they were chasing me, but you... they stopped at the doorway and wouldn't come outside. I then walked through the forest and prayed to Apollo when I collapsed from blood loss. I was so afraid of losing you at first. Then, I became afraid of you six. I... I don't know how I can go on. He... he broke me. I'm afraid I can't beat him and..." I broke down. I couldn't control. I couldn't keep up the facade anymore. The dam broke down and the tears came willingly. I was about to say something when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I then felt five other sets of arms wrap around me. I smiled softly and kissed the top of all of their heads. They all looked up and smiled sadly at me. I knew in that moment that they would do anything for me, and I would do anything for them. I kissed them each passionately and lovingly, trying to show them how much I loved them and thanked them for the time they took to help me. I needed comfort, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to help me. These six, they were my light. They were my hope. I needed them just as much, if not more, than they needed me. I prayed to Chaos and thanked her for the blessing she gave me, with Eros, giving me seven lovers. I just couldn't wait for the final lover to take her place. Then hopefully, the scars will fade away into just bad memories.
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