The Primordials
Percy POV
Never accept a spear to the gut unless you have no other choice. In my situation I didn't have a choice, but that didn't make it feel any better.
You know what was worse? Meeting Charon as a dead person. He made fun of me for an hour or two saying, 'Ha, you finally died, took you long enough!' And, 'What happened? Did you drown in a bathtub?! Hahahaha!'
"Yeah yeah Charon, whatever," I had some drachmas in my pocket when I died. They apparently had transferred to my ghost when I died, so I pulled them out and put them on his desk, "Can you just take me to the Underworld?"
"Sure, sure kid. That's the most fun I've had in years," He said, as wiped tears from his eyes. He took the drachmas and led me to the boat that crossed into the underworld.
When we got to the underworld, I waited in line to be judged. When I got there, they all eyed me like I was the most interesting thing there. Like they were trying to decide whether or not I was worthy of something different.
Then Minos spoke up, I recognized him from four years ago, from inside the labyrinth, "Does he really deserve anything better than Asphodel?"
"Oh Minos, you're just angry because this was one of the demigods who helped return you to the underworld. I think he deserves the... special... treatment."
"Are you insane, Aeacus?"
"Actually, I agree with Aeacus, Minos."
"What?! What is wrong with you Rhadamanthus?!"
"Nothing! There is something wrong with you, Minos! You don't judge fairly the people you don't like! This boy deserves the special gift and I say we offer it to him. Whether he will accept or not is up to him. I know for sure that she would love to have him in the army. Maybe even fill in the missing role!" A judge, Rhadamanthus I gathered, whisper-yelled.
At this, Minos didn't say anything and just looked at me in disgust. I just kept watching on, confused out of my mind.
Then, a voice that sounded familiar, echoed throughout all of the underworld, "He very much deserves to be in my army! He is the greatest hero to ever live!" At this, my face started to blush as red as a tomato, "I can take care of this," Then a woman appeared out of no where. She had black eyes with white dots in them, almost like stars. Then I realized, they were stars! She also had a soothing voice that could calm anyone down. The lady had long, black hair, and had an aura that could scare or reinvigorate anyone. I immediately recognized who it was, because Annabeth always wanted to teach me about Greek mythology, so I bowed.
"Lady Chaos," I said respectfully.
She just chuckled, "Please don't bow or have formalities with me dear. Just Chaos is fine."
"Oh... okay. May I ask a question?"
"Go right ahead!"
"Why are you down in the underworld m'la- Chaos?"
"Oh, that's because you're here!" I just looked at her confused, "You see, this would be better to discuss at the throne room dear."
"The god's throne room?"
"No," Was her simple, yet confusing answer.
"Then whose?" I asked, even more confused than before.
"All in good time my dear, all in good time," That didn't help any with my confusion.
I just nodded my head yes, realizing that she wasn't going to tell me. She then created a portal and beckoned me to step through. I did without question, better not to anger the creator of the universe.
When I stepped out, I was in a city. It was the most beautiful city ever. It was clean too, no litter, no exhaust, no plumes of smoke. It was perfect.
"Where are we, Chaos?"
"We are on the first planet ever, called Aboriginal."
"What?" I had no idea what she just said, there was no way I could spell it, much less say it.
"It means existing before time. Yes it's an English word, but I technically knew that before it was created as well, so...
"Anyway, this planet was the first planet I created all those billions of years ago. Anyway, this city, is the capital. Just called Capital. I wasn't very creative at first. Okay, so this city is always clean, and everything everyone uses never gets the air, streets, basically anything, dirty. It's 100% clean energy!"
"I know right?!"
We kept walking, and people started to notice us, and pointed out Chaos, then me. I got a little antsy with all the attention.
"Calm down, it's not everyday they see me waking with someone, especially someone new. You are special though, I bet they'll love to meet you."
"You'll find out soon enough," She said mysteriously, but just kept walking.
I shrugged my shoulders and followed after her. We soon arrived at a palace that was ten times the size of Olympus. Ten times better looking too. 'Annabeth would never be able to come up with something as good as this.' I thought delightedly.
"Lady Chaos, who is this you have brought to see the court?" A guard asked, fully decked out in armor that was made out of metal I had never seen before. He seemed to have a very regal, yet militaristic stance, as if he was once royalty, and at the time guarded the most important thing to ever exist. Which, from the look of the palace, he might've been.
"This is the one. Oh, and his name is Percy Jackson."
The guard looked at me in surprise, then awe, "Are you really him?"
"Are you really Percy Jackson? The twice hero of Olympus, the titan killer, the giant's bane, the Minotaur slayer, the..."
"Yes, that's me," I said hastily, before he could continue on.
Chaos chuckled at my reaction, "You really are quite modest. You are a great hero and everyone here knows your name, some even think you're a myth. People hope to become anywhere near the strength you are. You're a role model."
I just stood there with my mouth agape, "But... but... I'm nothing special, just a demigod who has done a few things. There were and are many others are better than me. Also, without my... ex and current friends I wouldn't be alive today! I don't deserve that much credit!"
The guard looked at me in disbelief. Chaos just shook her head, "Like I said, you are quite modest."
She then walked past the guard and entered the palace, I followed soon after. We were walking down a hallway that had thirteen rooms, four of which seemed to be filled, while the other nine rooms completely empty and unused. I was about to ask why, when we stepped in front of two huge double doors. They were grand but simple at the same time, dark and light contrasting beautifully. They were obviously meant for something that was, dare I say it, out of this world.
There were thirteen thrones placed in the shape of a U. Chaos walked over and sat on one, her's was obviously meant to be the most grand. It had planets, galaxies, and pretty much everything on the throne, it looked magnificent. To the right of Chaos's throne was a throne that was pure gold with what seems to be clock cogs for the legs. Another one was all black. The one next to that, was one that seemed to have waves rolling through the throne. It made me think of my father and how much I missed him. The one after was one that seemed to remind me too much of Tartarus. It had monsters seemingly rolling over it and I could almost feel the death rolling off of it. The one next to that was all purple and seemed to slightly resemble Aphrodite's throne; I was already wary of the one to occupy that throne. The one next to that was one that looked like it was made of pure clouds.
To the left of Chaos was a throne that seemed to be pure light, and if you looked at it for too long you might go blind. The one next to it was a throne that was in the shape of a mountain with a piece cut out of it so someone could sit down. Next to it was one that resembled Earth. It had all the continents and seas and oceans. I was slightly scared of whose that might be. The one next to it was one that resembled the sky during the day. The one after, unlike the one next to it, was showed the sky during the night. The one at the end was one that didn't really resemble anything, it was flicking through picture after picture so fast that no one, not even a gods eyes would be able to see them clearly.
After I admired each throne, there were twelve presences that flashed in the room. I looked around and the one at the end on the right looked like someone who looked regal and had extremely pale blue eyes. He had blonde hair that and wore a shirt with clouds on it. Then, next to him was a guy version of Aphrodite. Extremely handsome, but looked almost like a man whore. Next to him sat a man who looked like he never smiled. He had blackish red eyes that showed true horror. He was frowning at Chaos, and I assumed it for calling the meeting. Right after him, sat someone who had a slight blue tinge to his skin, he had ocean blue eyes and his hair seemed to almost be like the ocean, blue and rolling in waves. Next to him sat someone wearing all black, with black hair and black eyes. Darkness seemed to be rolling off of him in waves. Finally for this section to Chaos's right,was a man who looked normal enough with a slight tan, brown hair, and the thing that scared me the most so far, golden eyes. They reminded me so much of Kronos's eyes, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sitting next to him was Chaos herself. To her left was someone who looked like a more mature Apollo. He radiated light but seemed not give off as much heat as he should have from the brightness, almost like he was controlling it. Next was a guy who was African American and seemed to be rugged looking, almost like Hephaestus, but where Hephaestus was ugly, he was slightly handsome. Next to him sat a woman who looked like a mother. She had caring greenish brown eyes and gave off calming waves. Next to her sat sat someone who looked like she could watch clouds all day. She had a dreamy look on her face and looked like she was far off in another land. Next to her was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She had eyes similar to Chaos's but had the moon in them as well. She had an almost perfect face with startling features. She wore simple clothing but that were still regal looking. I had to take a moment and admire how she looked before continuing. Then finally was someone who slightly reminded me of the fates, just younger.
"Okay everyone, introduce yourselves to our guest," Chaos said gesturing to all of them then me.
"Who's our guest?" The man on the purple throne asked.
"His name is Percy Jackson," The lady who seemed like a mother tensed a little bit when Chaos said this.
"Well might as well get this over with," The guy on the far left from my view grumbled, "My name is Ouranos, the primordial of the sky."
After him went the next person, "My name is Eros, the primordial of procreation."
Next to him the stone cold man got up, "My name is Tartarus, don't think I need to state my domain," I scowled remembering the time I spent in Tartarus, and also meeting Tartarus himself down there. (A/N Annabeth and Percy didn't run into Nyx in Tartarus, but everything else happened the way it was supposed to, just without Nyx. Just a heads up.) He seemed less evil than before somehow, here on a throne alongside others.
Next stood up the man that reminded me of my father slightly, "My name is Pontus, the primordial of the sea."
The next primordial got up, "My name is Erebus, the primordial of darkness."
The final one to the right of Chaos stood up, "My name is Chronos, and before you worry, it's spelled with a 'Ch' not a 'K'," I just nodded in response.
Chaos stood up with a smile, "You already know me."
Next to her stood the man that seemed to emit light, "My name is Aether, the primordial of light."
After him stood the African American looking man, "My name is Ourea, the primordial of mountains and terrain."
The lady next to him stood and gave me a fearful expression. I didn't understand why at the time, "My name is... *ahem* excuse me... my name is... Gaia, the primordial of Earth."
"What?!" I screamed right after she whispered the last part.
I was about to take out Riptide, when Chaos stopped me, "Stop! Percy, you know how the gods have a Roman and Greek half?" She questioned, I just nodded, not taking my eyes off Gaia, "Well, Primordials have that too, just not with Greek and Roman. We have a good and evil side. Usually, our evil side is asleep in an endless slumber, but they can be awakened. You stopped the bad Gaia. The good side of her is free because of you and your friends. You also freed Tartarus when your group defeated Gaia."
I just nodded understanding, "Then my apologies Lady Gaia. I'm just still a little jumpy from the war is all."
"Ummm... thank you Perseus," She responded sounding surprised.
"Just Percy m'lady," She just nodded in response to my statement.
The next primordial stood up, "My name is Hemera, the primordial of day."
The beautiful lady next to Hemera stood up and I swore I saw a slight blush on her cheeks when I turned my full attention to her, "My name is Nyx, the primordial of night." (A/N None of the Primordials are married. If some had children together then they used to be married or created them from their domains. Nyx was never married to Erebus.)
Finally the last one stood, "My name is Ananke, the primordial of compulsion and fate."
"Well, it's nice to meet you. The real you that is for some of you," I said as I looked at Gaia and Tartarus. Tartarus nodded his head in appreciation, while Gaia smiled warmly at me.
"Okay, so I thought he should be a part of the army. Any objections," Chaos asked. Nobody said anything, she just smiled and continued on, "I'm also going to give him my blessing. He has earned it and I believe he may be the only mortal able to withstand the power that comes with it, without it corrupting him."
I was surprised but all the other Primordials also nodded their heads in response, then Gaia said, "I would also like to bless him. He is quite special."
I was shocked, but even more so when I heard eleven more shouts that they all wanted to bless me. I didn't say anything, I was too frozen in shock to even breathe. They all turned to me and shot me with thirteen beams of light. I felt power and pain explode through me. I felt my back cracking open and something expanding as well. I felt power coursing through my body when I slowly rose from my knee getting up. When I looked up all the goddess Primordials blushed, except for Chaos. All the god Primordials looked jealous. All the gods gave me something pretty useful and helpful (Ouranos: able to use the winds, lightning, and anything that dealt with storms. Eros: gave me better looks, and gave me an extremely powerful charms speak. Even stronger than Aphrodite's. Tartarus: gave him power over all common monsters, such as hellhounds, empousa, dracnae, cyclops, etc. Pontus: stronger power over water and his natural abilities. Erebus: ability to use shadows and shadow travel. Chronos: ability to manipulate time. Chaos: her own powers, just not as powerful but still able to create things and such, wings to fly, and ability to transform into any animal. Aether: ability to light travel and have faster speed reaching well past the speed of sound. Can't be blinded either. Ourea: ability to manipulate the terrain. Gaia: control over the Earth, such as the ground, plants and other natural things on Earth. Hemera: able to heal in sunlight and stronger in sunlight as well. Nyx: same as Hemera but during the night. Ananke: able to compel someone to do something, but not to a major god or anyone with power at that level or higher, minor gods is difficult but doable.)
"Why thanks, but... I think I may need to take a rest." I said as I drifted off into unconsciousness, but before I drifted off into the peaceful darkness, I saw a pair beautiful eyes that represented the night. I then finally passed out from the pain running through me from the blessings.
(A/N Ha, see what I did there? Just like Artemis, am I right? Anyways this chapter was more A/Ns than I normally like but I thought they were necessary but I still apologize. I don't normally like doing them because I find them slightly pointless to have them in a chapter. If I ever need to write an author's note then I'll make it it's own chapter. I don't see the point of it wasting space in an actual chapter, like this one is doing right now. Anyways guys, see you Wednesday!)
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