The Mayhem
-Reading fanfiction - 2
-Percy is mortal with gods still around AU - 0
This poll will last until the end of the year. Please, vote for what you want. If you don't vote then you might not get want you want next. This fanfic won't end in a while, but I would like to start now and get it started, so I can upload as soon as this one is finished.
The first half of this chapter is going to be graphic. This chapter will be hard for me to write if I'm honest. I'm sorry to all of you who are reading this. This will not be easy to write. I apologize in advance.)
Percy POV
I couldn't understand what he meant by that. At first, I thought he was joking. I mean, I would never harm the ones I love. Until, he stood up and walked over to me. He looked me in the eyes and raised his hand to my forehead. I tried to swat it away, but he was stronger than me. He pressed his against my skin as I felt a wave of darkness roll throughout my entire body. I tried to fight the effects, but it was as if my entire body wasn't listening to my mind. I lost control. I could only sit and watch. I watched as I slowly unsheathed my sword, Void Rider, and walked towards my girlfriends and siblings in everything but blood. I saw as my sword slowly was raised up and up, higher and higher. Then, I froze. I thought that it was over, that all of it was just a dream. Then, they were all chained to the floor as they slowly came out of a daze. They were unfrozen and were going to watch me murder them. I couldn't look away as I stalked closer.
"P-Perce? Whatcha doin' there? Why are coming at me with you sword raised?" Asked Nico nervously as I inched closer to him. I saw fear start to flash in his eyes as I got closer and closer.
"Percy! Percy, what are you doing? This isn't you. You aren't like this. Please, whatever you are doing, stop it," Artemis pleaded with me. I only gave her a cold glare in response. I wanted to tell them it wasn't me, but I couldn't. Artemis had tears in her eyes as she saw my reaction. She watched me pull my sword above my head again and slowly lower it down to Nico. They all watched me rip open his throat slowly, painfully. I saw his eyes show signs of confusion, hurt, and most of all, betrayal. I knew that feeling all too well. I knew of being betrayed and couldn't believe that I was committing the act this time. I slowly puled my blade away and wiped it clean. Everyone was crying now, either out of fear, shock, or pain; everyone was crying. I stabbed Nico in the stomach one last time as I watched the life fade from his eyes.
I next moved onto Thalia. She looked at me with hatred in her eyes, "You bastard! How could you? You were my friend, my brother! Now you are going to kill me? Why? WHY? What happened to you. Did you kill everyone else too? Did you kill all the other hunters and campers as well. Are you a monster?" She looked away as I kept coming, "You aren't the person that I thought of as family. I hate you! I hate you Per-" She didn't finish her sentence as I stabbed her in the chest, just nicking her heart, so she would die painfully. Blood poured from her wound and seeped onto the ground. Her eyes lost the life they held moments ago, just like Nico's did. I turned to my next victim.
I couldn't watch this, yet I had no other choice. There was Jade looking at me in betrayal and hurt, "Percy, you said you would never leave me again. You said that you would always be by my side. YOU PROMISED ME! How could you do this to us? I thought you loved us; I thought you loved me? I guess I was wrong. You are just like that man you saved me from. You are a monster. You are not my big brother," I didn't let her say any more. I merely just looked at her with no emotion and cut her arms off. She screamed in agony. I let her whither in agony for maybe half-an-hour. After that, I simply cut her head off.
I finally turned to the seven women I loved with all my heart and soul. I was already broken; this would kill me inside. I saw Hazel, my newest and youngest girlfriend. I tried to stop myself... I tried to stop myself from swinging the sword down upon her. She didn't say anything. She didn't have to. I saw the hurt and betrayal in her eyes. I watched as I slowly lowered my blade. It slowly cut into her shoulder. She cried out in pain. I wanted to stop. I wanted to help her not hurt her. She wasn't having it though. She kept on being defiant. Not giving my controlled body to have the satisfaction of watching her in pain. I felt awful. I hated myself. I hated that I could do anything like this. Even if I wasn't in control, I should be able to overcome it, but I couldn't. I watched as I slowly pushed the sword deeper and deeper into her shoulder, then her chest, then her stomach. I slowly cut her in half, and her entrails fell onto the ground at my feet. I can still remember myself smiling slightly at the sight of my loved one's internal organs at my feet. I wanted to be sick. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare that held me trapped. I couldn't. I was stuck, with no place to go.
I watched hopelessly as I turned to Reyna. I made small cuts all over her body. I felt horrible. I felt like a monster. I felt just like the things I hunted and killed. I wanted to die. I wanted to end this. Again, I couldn't. I had to watch as I kept adding scar after scar over Reyna's skin. I was repulsed by myself. I hoped and prayed this was a dream, a really terrifying nightmare. Yet, when my eyes opened again I saw the lifeless body of Reyna draped over Hazel's. I wanted to cry. I wanted to give up.
I watched myself turn to Bianca. Again I tortured. I raised the dead and made them turn against her. I made them rip her apart. I watched them rip open her stomach. I watched them eat her inside out. I saw her blood rise up her throat as she struggled against the undead pack surrounding her. She slowly faded from life as her body was ravished by the skeletons and zombies I somehow brought back to life.
I turned to Hestia, sweet, caring, loving Hestia. I couldn't bare to kill the hope of Olympus, but I knew I was going to. I knew that this would be the end. Without Hestia, Olympus would fall for sure. I was going to be the downfall of the world and myself at the same time. These girls were what kept me together. Without them I would die for sure. Just knowing this, my controlled self didn't make this one slow. I just chopped off her head and knew that in itself would leave me broken forever.
I turned to Zoe. The first person to teach me to shoot a bow. I was so thankful and loved her dearly. Then, I was going to kill her. I started to feel cold inside. I realized that after all of this; it was starting to get to me. I didn't feel the sadness anymore. I mercilessly took out two arrows and drove them through one thigh of Zoe and Nyx's thighs. They both screamed in agony. They both pleaded with me to stop. I didn't. I just kept twisting and twisting until I reached their chest. I left a canyon of blood and cuts to their hearts. Then, with a swipe of my hands, I stabbed them both in the chest. They slowly faded from this realm and entered into a deep forever long sleep.
I turned to my last victim, Artemis. She stared at me defiantly. I could see the fear in her eyes though. The silver eyes I fell in love with even before I had my special relationship status given to me by Eros and Chaos. The eyes that made me get over Annabeth and be happy. The eyes that were my heart and soul. I could see the fear emitting from her. I could see how it washed over her in waves.
"Go to Tartarus you bastard! I don't know why I ever loved you. I hate you! Do you even care?" She asked as she stared into my eyes.
I wanted to say yes but instead what came out broke us both at the same time, "No."
"I-" She didn't get to finish as I stabbed my sword into her arm. She winced and flinched in pain but never uttered a sound.
"Since you aren't screaming like I would hope you wold be, I have another idea," I said evilly as I slowly started to undress her. (A/N I'm not going to add this in because I'm trying to keep this as less mature as possible... well I don't want to make it even more mature.) I did what she always feared a man would do to her. What she thought men always do to women. I raped her. She cried for me to stop. I didn't. I kept going. I didn't even feel any pleasure. I just did this to harm the woman I loved. I couldn't live with myself. I finally finished, and as I was getting cleaned up, I stabbed her in her throat killing her slowly.
I looked around at the carnage. I realized I had control over my body again. I hated myself. I couldn't live myself. 'I'm sorry... but I can't go on.' I thought to myself. I grabbed Void Rider one last time and plunged it into my chest.
(A/N I thought of ending it here. I was very tempted. I wanted the suffering of not knowing what was going to happen next to prolong, but then, I thought I was cruel enough. So, here you go guys. What I thought was going to be the next chapter is the second part to this one.)
Unknown place and time
I woke up and was surrounded by darkness. At first, I thought I was in Tartarus for the things I had done to the ones I loved. Then, I saw a figure walk out of the pitch blackness. At first, he was kind of blurry. Then, he seemed to clear up as if he just came out of a foggy haze. I didn't know who this was. I was worried that he was going to harm me for murdering a primordial. I didn't even know that was possible. Wait... is it possible? Is it possible to kill a goddess by just stabbing them. I didn't think so. Then, why did Hestia, Artemis, and Nyx die? As this was going through my head, the man arrived right in front of me.
"Perseus Jackson, what an honor it is to meet you in person. I bet you have many questions, yes?" The strange man asked me.
"Yeah, I do. First, who are you?"
"I'm Order, brother of Chaos. One of the first three being ever created."
"Oh... wait, three?"
"Yes, Chaos and I had another brother, you just had the pleasure of meeting him. His name is Mayhem."
"Why is Mayhem doing what he is doing?"
"He is... spiteful, I guess is a good way to describe it. At first, it was only us three. Then, we learned about our powers. Chaos could created anything and everything. I had the power to make sure everything was balanced correctly and was, well orderly I guess. Mayhem though, he had a different power. He only had the power of destruction. He felt left out basically. He was furious when my sister and I made things and kept them peaceful. So, he caused mayhem at those places. Where he went, death followed. He would destroy our creations. Then, he went too far. He targeted life. Before that, he only attacked things that didn't hold life. Afterwards though, he attacked the planet we first created where other species could live without us there with them. He went there and killed everything before blowing up the entire planet. Chaos and I both saw how he turned insane, and we had to stop him. We both used our powers to put him into an endless sleep, or so we thought. He was resisting us and we couldn't hold him much longer, so I decided to make the ultimate sacrifice. I used my being's life force to hold him. This is all that remains of me. You are in the void right now Percy. I brought you here. Actually, you are still in the infirmary tent. You never left. I created that world Percy. I created that, so you know that if you don't accept this offer, then that will happen. Percy, I'm going to give you the rest of my power. I will vanish from existence. I won't fade; I just will cease to exist. You have to though Percy. You can do what I couldn't. You can defeat Mayhem, Percy, once and for all. I want my sister and our creations to live on. That can't happen if you don't accept this. I'm so sorry to put you through that, but I also knew your stubbornness. I knew that if you didn't know what could happen, what would probably happen, that you wouldn't accept. Tell me this Percy. Do you want to see all your loved ones die?"
At first, I didn't know how to respond. Then, I did something very stupid, again. I punched Order straight in the face.
"You have got to be kidding me. You put me through that torture to show me a FUCKING POINT?! That pisses me off so much; you have no idea. I had to watch all my loved ones get tortured then murdered right in front of my eyes?! My gods, you could have just told me what was going to happen. Gods, I think sometimes stronger beings are idiots."
"You know, I probably deserved that. That also proved my point. You would do anything to not see your loved ones get hurt; such as, you hurting one of the most powerful beings in the universe. You are the only one who could hold this power without dying. Trust me, it won't be easy, but this will give you a chance now."
"Okay," I said as I recollected my cool, "Now, what do I have to do to accept it?"
"That's going to be the tricky part. You see, I actually can't access my power right now. I'm so weak and almost gone that I can't get to it. I will give you what I have once you unlock the rest. You will have to go through one of the hardest trials anyone has ever faced before to get it though. Hate to break it to you. You see... you kind of have to enter Tartarus and...." He trailed off so I couldn't hear him.
"And what?" I asked impatiently.
"You have to fight off all the demons and monsters in the deepest and darkest parts of the pit."
"That doesn't seem that bad. Why would that be so hard?"
"Well, one there are the giants down there. Also, all of the primordials evil side is down there as well."
I gulped, that would be harder than I thought, "Oh, well then why don't you teleport me down there and I could get a start on my journey."
"I will, but first, I must warn you of one last thing. Mayhem plans on releasing the dark side of all the primordials if he hasn't already. He is also creating dark sides for all the Titans and major gods. Good luck, have fun... and don't die," He finished as he snapped his fingers.
I found myself at the heart of Tartarus. I saw a steep hill leading down. I saw the death this place was radiating. All I could think to say was though, "What a comforting way to send someone off Order. So helpful, I feel so revitalized right now."
I looked behind me one last time to see the rest of Tartarus. Then, I entered the eerily silent darkness as it swallowed me whole.
(A/N See guys, it wasn't that bad. It was all fake. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the twist. I will see you Sunday.)
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