The Funeral and the Training
Artemis POV
I couldn't believe it. Percy Jackson, my Percy, was dead. He sacrificed himself for me, and then died in my arms. I just couldn't believe it. My head was spinning from the nausea that took over from the shock of losing him. Then realization hit, and I started sobbing. My heart ached and my whole soul felt like it was ripped in two. I just kept crying and holding his body close to mine. I kept hoping something would bring him back. After a while I felt someone out their hand on my back. I didn't know how long I was sitting there, but I didn't want to move. The pain would be worse, I would have to accept that he was gone. I would have to face the worst thing that could possibly ever happen to me. I knew everyone was shocked at our declaration of love. I knew it was shocking, but I didn't care about any of their questions I just flashed to Olympus in my temple and went to my room. That night, I cried myself to sleep, and had a dream where Percy and I lived throughout the ages together, even having children together. We got married, he took my first time, I took his. Everything I ever wanted with Percy. A life I wanted with Percy was what I dreamed about. When I woke, it was the worst feeling ever knowing none of it was real.
Apollo POV
'No! This can't be happening! My sister found love in the best man ever and they just admitted it! Then he died! This just can't be happening!' I thought to myself, surprised I cared so much. I loved my sister yes, but I also loved Percy like a little brother or something like that. I wanted to see them together and happy, but him being the selfless hero he was, he sacrificed himself. It was the worst feeling in the world, losing a great friend and knowing my sister may never be the same again. She was broken. All because she loved a boy, and that boy was so selfless he gave his life for hers.
Zeus POV
'What!? How dare she love a man?! She swore off men forever! Yes he was a kind man but still! I know I should be giving her comfort because she just lost him, but it's hard for me to even look at her. She betrayed me. She lied to me!' I thought angrily, hearing Artemis's and Percy's declaration of love.
Aphrodite POV
'I knew it! It's sad to see such a story to end like this though. It could've been the love of the millennia. I mean really! An eternal maiden falling for the hottest guy ever! Man, only if I had some for myself.' I thought this to myself while watching the scene play out.
Annabeth POV
'What?! How could he?! To an eternal maiden no less! I bet she didn't even love him like I did. He was the best person ever and he is tricked so he can be used as a slave for the hunt! This pisses me off so much. I didn't even think that I could be this shocked and angry, especially at the same time. This is the most heartbreaking and soul shattering moment in my life, and it was made ten times worse, by that bitch Artemis!' I thought angrily as I watched the 'love of my life' die.
Two days later: Camp Half-Blood
Artemis POV
Everyone was there. We were all mourning the loss of the greatest hero of Olympus. The love of my life was dead. He was dead and wouldn't ever get to see him again. These type of thoughts ran through my head and I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. We were having a moment of silence when I started to break down. Hestia came up behind me and put an arm around my shoulder. She herself had tears running down her face. I've never seen her so upset over losing a hero. She was always sad, especially if it was a great hero, but she looked like a train wreck. I wondered why she looked so bad.
"Artemis, can I talk to you?" Hestia asked me.
I was slightly confused, but nodded my head anyways.
"Not here, somewhere more private."
"Okay, yeah sure," I sniffled. She walked outside the amphitheater. I followed her outside. She looked nervous and upset, like really upset. I kept wondering why she looked sad.
"Artemis... I need to tell you something... I wouldn't try anything because of you but..." Now I was just confused. 'What is she babbling about?' I thought to myself as she just kept going on and on.
"Hestia, just get on to what you wanted to talk to me about."
"Okay... okay... I may have ummmmmmm... okay, I can do this... promise you won't get mad?"
"Yeah, I promise."
"Good, good... I may have like Percy... a little bit."
I just looked her for a minute or two. I was so shocked, then I started to giggle. That led to a full out laughter. She was so confused.
"What's so funny, Artemis?"
"I'm laughing because think about it, we are two immortal maidens who have sworn off love, and we both fall in love with the same guy. It's pretty funny. I'm not surprised either. If you were going to love anyone, it was going to be Percy. He is the best male, maybe best person to ever live. Not the brightest yes, but definitely the most kind-hearted. The most brave, but not too much so that's its dangerous... most of the time. Also, he's extremely loyal. I'm okay with you that you liked him, because I can't blame you. I mean, I loved him. He was great, and it doesn't shock me that he made another maiden fall for him. You shouldn't have worried, it's fine."
She just looked at me, her mouth gaping like a fish, then tears started to well up in the corner of her eyes, "Really?"
"Yes, really. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if he dated us both, if I allowed it. I probably would have because I know he would've had enough room in his heart for the both us. I know this is hard for you too now, so I'll try and help you, if you help me. We can get through this together, I know it."
She just nodded her head and walked inside. When we walked in, they were just burning his shroud, so we got to say goodbye... one last time.
Same time: Aboriginal
Percy POV
I woke up with a bright light straining my eyes. I instantly squinted my eyes and turned my head out of instinct. 'Where am I?' I thought. I opened my eyes again and remembered I didn't have to let my eyes adjust, they already were. I looked around the room. I could see many other beds and some were occupied. I was about to get up when the doors opened. There was the same guy, the one that seemed to be emitting pure light, Aether I think, and yet, he was wearing a doctor's outfit.
"Oh goody, you're awake. Now, follow me, we don't have much time. We still have to introduce you to the others. Three of them might be happy to see you, but one, eh, she's just dark and not very into feelings all that much," Aether started to walk off and I tried to get out of bed, but I was still a little wobbly on my legs so it took me a moment, "Oh yeah, I should probably help you with that," He said as he turned around. He walked over to me and lifted my arm over his shoulder. Together we exited the infirmary and headed down to that main hall, from which I entered.
There were now four people talking in the middle of the hall. One of them was wearing a blue shirt with a pair of blue shorts on as well. He had blue eyes and his hair was a bluish-greenish color. Another one looked like he just came out of a tanning bed. He had light blonde hair, golden-white eyes and his smile was like a small sun, it was blinding. He was wearing a white shirt and golden shorts, that seemed to slightly glow. The girl next to him seemed to be the complete opposite. She was wearing all black with black hair and pitch black eyes. She was extremely pale, and her eyes seemed sunken in. She had a dark and dangerous vibe as well. The final one looked as if she was Mother Nature. She wore a flower dress, I mean a literal flower dress and didn't even wear any shoes at all. She had soft green eyes, like a meadow. Her hair was a light brown and she seemed to be African American. She was beautiful in a calming, nurturing way.
Once Aether and I eventually got within about ten feet away them, they turned and acknowledged us.
"Lord Aether, what is it that we oh this pleasure?" The blue boy asked.
"Oh, I'm here to introduce you to your newest member and leader after trading," He said, gesturing to me.
"Why him? And also who is he?" The dark girl asked.
"Introduce yourselves and he will introduce himself. Won't you?" He directed the last part to me. I just nodded in response.
"Well then, I'm Mason Fitzgerald, my code name is Speed, and I'm the champion of Lord Aether," He introduced himself and bowed to Aether when he mentioned him. I just nodded showing I heard.
The blue boy stepped up next, "my name is Davis Mills, my code name is Blue, and I'm the champion of Pontus."
The dark girl stepped forward and said in a very monotonous voice, "My name is Selina Stile, my code name is Shadow, and I'm the champion of Tartarus."
The final girl stepped forward, "My name is Jackie Farmer, my code name is Gem, and I'm the champion of Gaia."
"Pleasure to meet you all, my name is Perseus Jackson, but please call me Percy, and I think I might be the champion of... all the Primordials?" I questioned and Aether just nodded his head confirming my suspicion.
The other four just looked at me in shock, "What?" I asked them.
"One, you were blessed by all the Primordials?" Davis asked.
"And two, YOU'RE FREAKIN' PERCY JACKSON?!" Questioned, more like screamed Mason.
"Yeah, what's so special about that?" I questioned, all four of them again looked at me in disbelief.
"You are the greatest hero to ever live, everyone know your name. Some people even think that you're a myth," Explained Jackie.
"Well, either the introductions out of the way, I have to get Percy back to the council. We must make his schedule for training. They all just nodded and started to walk off to their respective rooms, "Oh and Percy, when you go to your room, you'll be staying in the Chaos room. Okay?"
"Yeah, yeah sure... why not?"
"Exactly, now come on. We don't have all Hemera!" (A/N Sorry have to make this comment. Like what I did there?;))
"Okay, okay, I'm coming. Don't get so your shorts in a twist!"
He just looked at me for a second then laughed, "I'm gonna like you kid! You got a sense of humor, maybe you can even rub off on Tartarus and Erebus a little, do you think so?"
"Probably not, they seem as if they haven't smiled in a couple millennia!"
"Your right! They haven't!" We laughed all the way down the hall to the throne room. When we walked in most of the Primordials looked at us with confusion.
Aether just said, "You had to be there."
All the Primordials shook there head and we all waited for Chaos to flash in or whatever she was going to do.
Then, a bright flash filled the room, and Chaos was sitting on her throne, as if she was there the entire time, "Hello and welcome everybody! Anyone want to start talking about Percy's schedule for who he is going to train with, and who is teaching him what."
One hour later
Okay so this was my schedule(20 years for each power and skill) (A/N Ten years on Aboriginal is one month on Earth)
-All Primordials teach me the gifts they give me.
-Ouranos general teach me bow and arrows, plus knives (Includes hunting and throwing knives).
-Erebus general teaches sword (By itself, with a shield, and duel wielded).
-Nyx personally volunteered to teach me spear (By itself and with a shield).
That was my schedule. I thought it was kinda odd that Nyx wanted to teach me her herself, but I wasn't complaining. I looked down at my schedule and was about to head when someone called my name.
"Percy!" I turned around to see who called me. I see it was Eros.
"Yes Lord Eros?"
"No need for that lord crap. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that with the power from mine and Chaos' blessings, you will have ummmm....."
"I will have what?"
"You will have multiple lovers, seven to be exact."
"Yeah... sorry?"
"No, no, it's fine, I'm just shocked, and I know you didn't mean to. So seven huh? Interesting, will I know who they are?"
"You'll just know when you start to get feelings for each other, which can happen very quickly or can happen over a long period of time."
"Okay, well thanks for letting me know. I'll see you around Eros."
I walked down to the Chaos room and there was a note on the door,
Dear Percy,
Your training will begin tomorrow. You will start with me, then go to Chronos, then Pontus, then Eros, then Tartarus, then Erebus, then Ouranos, then Ourea, then Aether, then Hemera, then Ananke, then Gaia, then finally Nyx. After all the training of powers you will stay with Nyx for another twenty years to train with spears. After that you will go to Ouranos's palace and train with his general to work on you bow and arrows and knives. Finally you will train with Erebus's general with swords.
In the morning
When I woke up I got up and put on clothes I found in the closet. They seemed to fit me perfectly. I walked outside of my room to see the other four already outside sitting at a table that held food. I sat down next to Mason at the head of the table.
"Hey guys, what are you all up to?" I asked as I grabbed myself a biscuit.
"Nothing," Came the unanimous reply from the four.
"Okay then, well I just wanted to say bye I guess? I mean I won't see you in about 360 years. Do any of you even care?"
They all just shrugged their shoulders at me in response. I rolled my eyes and finished my breakfast. Once I finished I cleaned my late and walked through the double doors, once again, and walked into the throne room. I saw Chaos waiting for me, and I could tell something was up. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"So... I heard about your... predicament with your lovers," Chaos said calmly. I just rolled my eyes, knowing full well I was going to get teased for it. Oh well, what could I do?
"Yep, now may we begin our training?"
"Of course, but first I want to tell you where you will go once we are done and from there you will go meet Chronos in his palace and he will lead you to Pontus. So on and so forth. When you finish with Nyx with your powers she blessed you with, you will stay there as learn spears. Then you will move to Ouranos's palace, again, and practice with knives and bows, with his general, and finally you will go to Erebus's palace, and you will practice with swords, with his general."
"That all?"
"Yep, we may now begin," And with that she teleported us to an empty void and I knew that these many years were going to be long and hard...
240 Aboriginal years later
I just came from Ananke's palace and learned her skill, and I was heading over to Nyx's palace. I was really excited to see her again, but also incredibly nervous. I didn't know why I was so nervous to see her again, but gods I was. Anyways, I was walking to her palace and started to think over all the powers I had mastered. I had mastered my blessings from all the Primordials, except for Nyx. 'Oh gods, I'm going to spend forty years straight with my crush. Also, if Artemis heard me say that then I would be in deep shit. Oh well, I will have seven lovers, I can already feel one position filled by her, so she is fine.' I thought this as I stepped up to Nyx's palace. 'Here we go.'
I knocked on the door, and it seemed to open instantly.
"Were you waiting for me Lady Nyx?" I asked really confused on how she could have gotten there that fast.
She blushed deeply, then slightly nodded, "I was waiting for my new student, and please, enough with the lady business."
"Of course Nyx, lovely palace," I said with complete honesty. She thanked me and allowed me to enter. I entered and she led me to an arena that seemed to be a forest during the nighttime.
"This is where we will train, today, I want you to go in the forest, and I will hunt you down. If you survive an hour then we will move on to the next part of training. We won't move on until you do. Understand?"
"Yes ma'am," I said, giving a fake salute.
She chuckled at my antics, then she snapped her fingers and a huge time appeared. It read 10 minutes, and then, it started to count down.
"Go young hero, let's see how long you can survive in the night."
With that I ran off.
65 minutes later: 5 minutes till hour is up.
I was running through the forest, running from a shadow creature. I could've sworn they were magnets, because I kept running into them, non-stop while I was running in the woods.
I looked up to see the time read one minute left. I was so close. Then, of course, I had to trip over a tree root. When I got back up, I started to run again. I kept running, until thirty seconds left, I reached the edge of a cliff. I turned around, and there stood Nyx, in all her glory.
"Well, looks like I got you. You were good, almost made it too."
"Who said I lost?" I questioned then jumped over the cliff. I don't know if it was in her state of panic or what, but she jumped down after me. Once she reached me I pulled her against my body. She could've flashed out of there easily, but the adrenaline and fear made her forget at the time. I shot my pitch black wings out, from my back. I slowed our descent. It wasn't enough though, so I put her in my chest and turned my back towards the ground. At the last second I pulled in my wings, so they wouldn't get damaged. We crashed into the ground, and made a crater about the size of a soccer stadium.
After a while, I opened my eyes and felt immense pain. When I did though, the pain went away. It went away because I was too focused on the two beautiful night sky eyes staring into mine. Our faces were mere inches apart. I could feel her breath on my lips, and I yearned to lean my head forward and kiss her. I just kept staring though. She never broke contact either. We both started to lean toward each other, when the timer set off. We both leaned back and blushed, extremely embarrassed. She soon got off my chest, and helped me up. I could already feel myself being healed by the moonlight shining down on us.
"Yeah... well... good first day of training. Be here at 7:00 P.M. sharp. Got it?"
"Got it, goodnight Lady Nyx, see you tomorrow," I said as we parted ways, a little awkwardness still hung in the air. 'Man, this is going to be a long forty years." I thought to myself, as I entered my make-shift room in Nyx's palace.
12 years later
"Percy," I heard Nyx call out after she knocked on my door, "Today, you have a break, no training, I feel like you deserve it. You have almost mastered how to heal in the moonlight. Just wanting to let you know."
"Wait!" I called after her as I opened the door and saw her walking down the door, "Want to... ummmn... I don't know... do something together. Like go walk in the park or something."
Nyx thought for a second, then smiled brightly, "Sure!"
She was about to flash us there when I stopped her, "Why don't we walk to the park?"
"Yeah, okay."
We walked out of her palace together and walked down to the park. Many people kept looking at us, whispering. I had quite a rep with the locals in the Capital and all over Aboriginal. People were probably wondering what, the champion of the Primordials was doing with the primordial of night.
"So, how often do you take time to just relax and explore?" I asked curiously.
"Not very often, hardly at all," Nyx replied kind of sadly.
"Well then, we should do this more often. Wouldn't you agree?"
She had a huge smile on her face when she heard this, "Yes, yes we should."
We walked on in a comfortable silence, walking the rest of the way to the park. When we arrived. We started walking around the lake in the middle.
"So Percy, I was wondering, you were in a relationship with Artemis right?" She asked, seeming nervous.
"Yes and I still lover her dearly," Nyx looked down when I said that, "But then again she probably won't be the only one I will love."
Nyx looked at me curiously, I haven't told anyone about my predicament with my lovers. The only people besides me who know are Chaos and Eros. I mean really though. When does that just casually come up in conversation, like, 'Yeah so I'm going to have seven lovers, you know, the usual.' I mean really!
"Well you see, when Eros blessed me, his blessing kinda combing with Chaos's. Together they made it so I'll have... sevenlovers," I whispered the last part very quickly.
"What?" She asked.
"I'll have... *ahem*... I'll have seven lovers."
She looked at me with shock for about maybe a whole minute. Then, her face broke out into a huge smile of pure happiness and joy. I was so confused why when she started to blush.
"Uhhhhh, Percy. I need to tell you something then."
"Okay, go on."
"Not here, somewhere else," I realized we were still standing in the park. Then I realized we were centimeters away from each other. I blushed and backed up just about.
"Well then, how about this?" I asked as I created a rock dome surrounding us.
"This'll work perfectly."
"So, what did you want to say to me?"
"I... ummm... I just wanted to say that... oh gods this harder than I expected. Okay Nyx, breathe, I can do this. Okay, Percy I like you. Kind of a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I know you probably don't like me, and I'm ranting and I know it, but I can't stop it. I'm so sorry, this is embarrassing. Gods this was stupid-" She was cut off by lips on hers. She was frozen for a second, then reciprocated the kiss. It was amazing. It felt like fireworks were exploding throughout my body. I hadn't felt something this amazing since I kissed Artemis for the first time. It felt great! I felt invigorated!
She finally pulled back for air. I rested my forehead on hers, "That was amazing. I didn't know you could kiss like that Lady Nyx," I said in a mock sincere voice.
She just giggled, "You were good too. What does this make us?"
"Well, I guess I could ask. Nyx, would you do me the honor of being your boyfriend?"
"Of course."
We just laughed and kept kissing, staying under the dome for well longer than we planned too.
28 years later: Nyx's palace
"Do you really have to go?" Nyx asked me for the umpteenth time today.
"Yes love, you know I do."
"But I don't want you to go. What if you meet another girl?"
"Well, one of three things will happen. I will hate her, get a new friend, or find the third lover in my little group of lovers. You wouldn't mind that would you?"
"No, I just want to have you to myself for a little while."
"And I will make sure to spend some days just with you and my other lovers on their own. I will love you all equally, don't forget that."
Nyx just nodded her head and pecked me on the lips. I smiled at her and light traveled back to Ouranos's palace. I walked up to the doors and the guards let me past. As I entered, I ran into Ouranos.
"Ah, my friend, how're you doing? It's been a long while since I've last seen you," Ouranos boomed when he saw me.
"I've been well. How about you?"
"I've been great! Now, come along, meet my general. I'm sure you'll like her."
"Okay, lead the way good sir," I said mockingly. He just rolled his eyes and took me to his arena.
I was about to ask where his general was, but then an arrow flew at target across the arena. I looked to the opposite side and there stood his general. She was wearing a cloak and hood covering most of her face. She was about to notch another arrow, when Ouranos announced our presence.
"We have arrived, my general!"
She pulled down her hood before turning to us, "Are you gonna tell me who it is yet, or am I going to have to look?" She asked in an annoyed voice. The voice was familiar, like, I should have remembered it.
"You will have to turn around."
She turned around and I let out a gasp, I recognized the black eyes, the black hair, that's why I recognized the voice, "Zoe?"
"Percy!" She screamed and rushed forward. She wrapped me in a bone-crushing hug. I returned it instantly, smiling the whole time.
"Zoe, how're you Ouranos's general?"
"Well, when I was put in the stars, Ouranos rewarded me for my bravery and let me join his army. After a couple years I became the general. The only person who doesn't listen to me is Orion," She said, smiling when talking about joining, but scowling when she mentioned Orion.
"Hey, do I need to talk to him for you?" I asked her seriously. She just looked at me oddly then her face broke out in a grin.
"I'm fine, I can handle myself, I'm a big girl," She said and pulled me into another hug.
"So Percy, how're you here?" She asked, worry was clearly evident in her eyes.
"Well, you see, that's a long story Zoe, before I begin though, what happened to your English?"
"Oh, Ouranos got annoyed with my speaking, so he taught me modern English. That's what I use now. Now, onto your story! Nothing happened to you, right?" She asked extremely nervously.
"What is this? The most loyal hunter of Artemis for years worried for a man, what has the world come to?" I teased her. She her red in the face.
"Shut up fish face."
"Rude. Anyways, you sure you want to know my story? If you do, then I will tell you, just know, it isn't the happiest story ever."
"Yes, I want to know."
I told her. I told her everything. I told her how I was betrayed. How I became the guardian of the hunt. How Artemis and I were in a relationship, at this she didn't mind, but also had another look in her eyes that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I told her how I died. I told her how I met the Primordials and everything that had happened during my training and all about my blessings. I even told her about my lovers, I don't know why I did, I just did. When I finished, she just sat back stunned, it had been about two hours.
"Wow," Was all she said, and that pretty much summed it up.
"I'm sorry, for everything bad hat happened to you I guess. I'm sorry that Annabeth would do that to you. I am happy for you and m'lady, but I don't know how she'll react to the multiple lovers. That is interesting though..." She said the last sentence with a thoughtful expression on her face.
"I guess."
She looked at me for couple minutes then shook her head, "Well come on, let's start training with a bow. It might take you a good ten years, just to learn how to shoot a bow correctly, much less master it. Might as well get a head start."
"Uggggggghhhhhhhh..." I groaned.
7 years later: Ouranos's arena
Twack, an arrow embedded itself into a bulls-eye.
"Oh my gods! Percy you did it! I can't believe it! You did it, you did it!" Zoe screamed and ran into my arms. I was laughing at her excitement, and picked her up and spun her in a circle.
She just kept hugging me for a long time, and I could've stayed that way forever. It was perfect. I got a perfect shot from a bow. I know, Percy Jackson, the worst archer ever, hit his first bulls-eye just then in that moment. The moment that seemed the impossible was possible. He held the girl who he grew a crush on and hoped she would be his third lover. The crush developed after three years. She was just too beautiful, and they were so close, he couldn't help but start to fall her.
After a while, Zoe pulled back with a blush on her face.
"Hey, Zoe, why are you blushing, are you hot?" I asked concerned. She just chuckled and shook her head.
"No Perce, but I do need to tell you something."
"What? Zoe, you know you can tell me anything, you know that."
"Yeah, yeah I know. I'm just worried you won't want to talk to me again if I say this."
"Nothing can make me want to not talk to you. I promise."
"Okay, okay. Percy, I like you. I don't mean just as a friend, but I have feelings for you."
For a moment, I just stood there dumbfounded. I was just thinking I would love to have this amazing girl to be my third lover, and she just admitted to having a crush on me. I guess she took my silence as a rejection. She started sob quietly and turned away. I turned her back around and pulled her into a tight hug. She tensed and didn't return the hug right away, but after awhile wrapped her arms around me.
"Zoe, I like you too. I like you a lot. I'm sorry if it seemed like I didn't like you back, I'm so very sorry. I can already feel our bond forming for my third found lover. I can't wait to spend the rest of these next thirteen years with you. I will love every moment of it. I guess I should ask now. Zoe Nightshade, would you do me the oh so great honor of being my girlfriend?"
Zoe giggled at the way I worded the question, "Of course Fish Face, I would love to."
"Great!" I exclaimed, and I then picked her up and twirled her around. I set her down and held out my arm for her to take. She accepted my offer, and together we walked out of the arena after the busy day of training.
Thirteen years later: Percy's bedroom in Ouranos's palace
"Bye Percy, I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too, love, now I must get going," I chuckled in response at the way Zoe was basically clinging off of my arm.
She stood up on her tippy-toes and pecked my lips, "You better come back when you are done with all your training. I'll be waiting Fish Face."
"Goodbye, I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you too, now go my love, I'll see you in a couple years."
I just nodded my head in response, as I walked off. When I was about to shadow travel to Erebus's palace, I felt my sixth sense kick in and I spun around, catching a throwing knife mere inches from my face. I looked up at Zoe who had an innocent look on her face. I just smirked, dropped the blade, and then shadow traveled to Erebus's palace.
When I arrived, a shadow servant was waiting for me. It bowed down to me, and started walking down a corridor, lit by torches. It motioned for me to follow it. I did as it asked. Once we reached the end of the hallway, two huge, double, dark doors. We walked through them, and a girl was kneeling in front of Erebus, who was on his throne.
"Sir? Are you finally going to tell me who I'm going to be training? They are coming today, aren't they?" The girl asked, I guessed she was the general.
"No, I will not tell you. That is mainly because your pupil is right behind you," Erebus responded, while he smirked at me.
The general turned around and I recognized the face immediately, "Bianca?" I asked almost instantly.
"Percy!" Bianca screamed and ran at me. She ran into my arms and almost broke down crying, I didn't know if it was from happiness or sadness.
"Bianca, are you okay? What's wrong?"
"Nothing Perce, it's just really good to see you. I missed you, a lot."
"Oh... um... I missed you too Bianca. I'm really sorry, it was my fault you died, and you should probably hate me, it's just, I am so sorry, and I really missed you."
Once she pulled away the first thing she did was slap me, "You idiot! It was my choice to die, don't blame yourself!" She stopped for a second and took a breath, "I'm sorry too, it was my fault anyway. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be blaming yourself."
"It's okay Bianca, you thought you were doing something nice for your brother, don't sweat it."
She smiled up at me, "Thanks Percy."
"No problem," I said and gave her a huge grin. She blushed a bit when I did.
"Come on, let's head down to the arena, better get started."
"For sure B, for sure."
Three hours later: Erebus's arena
"Man, you've gotten better at sword fighting Bianca, and I thought you were a bow type of girl."
Bianca blushed when I complemented her, "I've had years to practice, and I still like to use a bow. I use whichever one is needed most in the situation."
"That's great B!"
"It's nothing much, you almost beat me, and you probably haven't used your sword in a couple centuries."
"Yeah well sword fighting comes natural for me, I still have stuff to learn, and I'm ready to learn from you."
"Of course, now come on, we got to help you pick out your second sword for duel wielding."
"Where do we do that at?"
"At B. and B. Forge."
"Okay, lead the way then."
She took my hand, and I had to fight down a blush, she looked about eighteen now, and was extremely beautiful. I fought it down right before she shadow traveled us down to Tartarus, right outside a building that had a sign above the door that read, B. and B. Forge. Bianca walked up to the door and knocked on it.
"Come in," A woman's voice called from the inside of the building.
We walked inside, and lava and fire was everywhere. We kept walking and the more we walked, the more I noticed armor and weapons littered across the forge. Some looked plain and normal. Others looked fancy and unnatural. We walked to the back, and a man and woman had their backs turned to us, working on something. Even though they weren't turned around, I knew who they were.
"Beckendorf? Silena? Is that you?" I asked. They turned around, and my suspicions were confirmed.
"Hey Perce, how're you?" Beckendorf asked.
"I'm good guys, how are you two doing?"
"We're doing great, oh, and we are happily married!" Silena said and raised her hand and showed off a ring that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
"That's great!"
Bianca just smiled as I caught up with my friends, "Hey Silena, Beck, we have to help Percy here find a second sword."
"Of course, come on, follow us," Silena said.
We followed behind her and walked to another wing of the forge. There were weapons lining the walls. Some of the weapons are small, simple daggers, or huge, elegant spears. There were hundreds of different weapons, some I didn't even know the name of! We kept walking, and eventually reached the end. At the back were hundreds of swords. They lined the walls, and seemed to fill in all the space. It was magnificent, yet slightly scary.
"Okay, Charlie do you think you can find the weapon? Or should I help?"
"I should be fine, Silena. Now, let's see, knowing Perce, he would have something powerful, yet modest. Hmmmmmmmm, let's try this one."
"Charles! Do you really think he can handle that weapon? It's never had a master before, it's extremely unstable if not held by someone worthy enough," Silena's comment just made me nervous.
"Come here Percy," Beckendorf said, so I walked towards him, "Grab onto the handle. Either it will glow, and this will be your sword, or it'll kill you instantly. Good luck."
I really didn't want to take the sword, but I decided to throw caution to the wind. I reached over and grabbed onto the handle. It didn't do anything for a minute or two.
'Great, now I'm gonna die.' I thought, then the sword started to get warm. After a couple seconds of the warmth growing and spreading throughout my body, it started to glow.
"I was right. I usually am with weapons, but this one is a little unstable."
"Of course you are honey, now let's show these two on the way out," Silena said.
As I sheathed the sword, I felt a hand slip into mine. I looked over towards Bianca, and she blushed, but didn't let go of my hand. I just smiled at her, and nodded my head toward the married couple, showing that we should follow them. She just nodded her head in response. When we finally reached the door, we said our goodbyes, and Bianca and I headed out the door.
I heard a comment by Silena as the door was closing, and I'm guessing Bianca heard it too, since she was blushing just as much as me, "Man, wouldn't they make such a wonderful couple Charles?"
Bianca then shadow traveled us back to Erebus's arena.
Five years later
"Hey Percy! I was wondering if you wanted to go out to Capital and maybe find a restaurant to go eat at for lunch? Thought it could be fun," Bianca asked me as she stood up from the bench in the training arena. We just finished practicing duel wielding swords, and I was getting better, but I sill had some work to do.
"Sure B, I'd love to."
Twenty minutes later: Restaurant in Capital
We walked inside and waited for a host or hostess to show us to our seats. I noticed Bianca acting nervous, but brushed it off. A hostess walked up and motioned for us to follow her to our seats. After she sat us down, she told us a waiter would be coming over soon and taking or order, after she said that she winked at me flirtatiously and smiled as she walked away. I noticed Bianca grip the table so hard, her knuckles were turning white.
"Hey B? You okay? Is something wrong?" I asked her feeling very nervous.
"Yeah... yeah everything is alright. Honestly Percy, I brought you here to tell you something."
"You can tell me anything Bianca, you know that."
She just nodded her head, "Yeah I know that Percy, but I'm scared to tell you this. You'll probably just laugh at me."
"I promise not to laugh at you, I bet I won't even feel the urge to. Just tell me."
She opened her mouth to speak, when a waitress walked over.
"Hey handsome, what can I get ya?" She asked me, completely ignoring Bianca.
"You know what, I think we'll be fine, I am not very hungry anyways. Let's go B," I said as I left a two drachmas on the table and walked out the front door.
"Come on Bianca, let's go for a walk around the city, then you can tell me what it was you wanted to tell me," I said as I put an arm around her shoulder and steered her toward the downtown area of the city. For a while, we just chatted about random, unimportant stuff. When, finally, I had to ask.
"Hey Bianca, what was it you wanted to say to me?"
"Oh... it was nothing... don't worry about it."
"No really, tell me. You brought me out here to tell me, so you might as well."
She took a deep breath, "May as well be blunt. Percy I like you. I had a crush on ever since the quest we went on together to save Artemis and Annabeth. I couldn't help but start to fall for you and it's ten times worse since I've started training you, and... I love you Percy Jackson."
I was shocked, then I felt it. The fourth slot of my lovers being filled in. I didn't respond though, trying to process what just happened. She turned away from me, tears forming in her eyes, when I didn't respond for while.
"Yep, way to go Bianca, you just ruined a perfectly good friendship," She muttered to herself dejectedly.
"Bianca, no you haven't. I already told you I was dating Artemis, but what I didn't tell you was that when Eros and Chaos blessed me, they gave me seven lovers. I'm also dating Nyx and Zoe as well. By the way, I love you too. Don't think that you ruined anything, because you make everything better," I said.
She just looked at me, ecstatic, She rushed forward and pulled me into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck, while I wrapped my arms around her lower back.
"So... Bianca, would you like to be my girlfriend?"
"Of course!" And with that, we shadow traveled back to Erebus's arena, ready to spend the rest of the day training as a new couple.
Fifteen years later: Outside Erebus's palace
"You ready to head back to the throne room and announce my training is done with?" I asked Bianca, as we were waiting a couple minutes before shadow traveling back to the throne room.
"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be. Do you think Nyx and Zoe will accept me as a part of your... thing?" Bianca asked extremely nervous.
"Of course they will, why wouldn't they?"
"I don't know, I just don't think I'll be as pretty as they are, or good enough for you."
"B! Stop that right now! You are perfect. I love you and I love the other three as well, even if I haven't seen Artemis since I've died, I love you all equally, and you are all perfect! Okay?! Please don't ever think of yourself as anything less."
She just smiled at me and pecked me on the lips. I smiled down at her and held out my arm, suggesting that we should head on out. She took it and together we shadow traveled back to the throne room.
When we arrived, everyone was there already. I saw Zoe and Nyx talking, and when they saw us enter, they hurried over.
"Zoe, Nyx, let me introduce you two to the fourth member in our little harem, Bianca di Angelo. Bianca, meet Zoe Nightshade and Nyx."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Bianca, and I must say it is lovely seeing you again Percy, it's been too long," Nyx said and walked over and kissed me passionately when she finished.
"I missed you too," I said chuckling, then I turned my attention to Zoe, "Are you not going to greet your boyfriend with a kiss?" I asked her teasingly.
"Shut up," She grumbled, but obliged with just the same passion as Nyx, "I've missed you."
"Missed you too Zoe."
"Everyone settle down please!" Chaos said from her throne. After a couple moments, all the chatter died down, "Thank you, now, will all the Primordials take there respective places at their thrones?"
All the Primordials did as asked, while Nyx eventually got off me and pecked me on the lips, before walking over to her throne. All the Primordials looked at us in shock
"What? Haven't you seen to people be in a relationship before?" I asked the council as Chaos just snickered at the shocked faces of the Primordials.
I created a couch and sat down on the middle, with Zoe sitting to my left and Bianca to my right. They both leaned on me and got comfortable.
"Now, may we begin Lady Chaos?" I said mockingly.
She just slightly glared at me, then smiled, "Of course, but I think I may need tot explain your... situation to the council first. Percy had seven lovers due to mine and Eros's blessings mix, so he is currently dating four women, with three more still to be found out. Isn't that right mister player?" My girlfriends snickered at the last comment while I just rolled my eyes.
"Yes, Chaos is correct guys. Now close your mouths, don't want to catch any flies, do you?"
They shut their mouths and waited for Chaos to start the meeting.
"Has Percy Jackson mastered all of his skills and powers?" Chaos started off.
Everyone nodded.
"Good, then I guess I must get on with it then. Percy, please stand and come forward," I did as she asked of me, "I, Chaos, give the role of leader of the Chaos Army and the leader of the Chaos Assassins to Perseus Jackson."
I felt power rush through me, then my wings sprouted out of my back. Once they fully extended I noticed everyone was looking at me funny.
"Hey guys, what are you all looking at?"
Chaos just pointed her fingers behind me at my wings. I looked at them, expecting them to be the pearly white I was used to. Instead, I saw a set of pitch black wings that were beautiful and threatening at the same time.
"Black wings show a symbol of power, show them off proudly," Erebus said from his throne.
"Of course," I responded.
"Now that that's done, I guess I should send you on your first job, don't you think?" Chaos asked.
(A/N Talk about a long chapter, this chapter had 8022 words in it. Next chapter will probably be pretty short. I wanted to ask though, do you like this longer chapter more or the shorter chapters more? Let me know so I can write accordingly. Anyways guys, see you on Sunday!)
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