Chapter Two
What a strange world this is.
There are no more horse drawn carriages for transport. Apparently, people's transportation, was now were some sort of contraption, with wheels. There's also what appears to be a bird that could take us anywhere in the world.
There are no more villages, instead it is replaced by cities?
People no longer need to send men to communicate for them. They now have phones.
There are plenty of more things I do not know of, but I am being taught.
" Ok, Bellamy. Repeat after me. What's. Up. Bro?" Tatia told me.
" What's. Up. Bro?" I repeated even slower than she had. " I do not understand how people would need to be asked that. Isn't the answer, the sky? Any man would know that."
Tatia rolls her eyes. " It's a figure of speech, Bellamy!" She says exasperatedly. " I don't know how you would be able to survive in this world. You would most likely get beat up by thugs, the moment you step out of this door. We need to find a way to make you fit in."
"What are.... Thugs?"
"Ugh! My point exactly. What am I going to do with you, Bellamy?" She says getting up from our spot on the floor. She's been teaching me about the new world for hours.
I furrow my brow. " Why do you have to be so harsh, Tatia? You weren't like this centuries ago."
" People change." She simply says, not lifting her eyes from her phone. But it sounded more like a question than an answer.
" If you want to get rid of me so bad, why don't you just leave me for those things you call.... Thugs?"
" Look, I am sorry. I know I am being bitchy, but...."
" Why are you referring to yourself as a female dog?"
" You know what!? I take back my apology!"
" So then it wasn't very sincere in the first place?"
" I'm Leaving! If anyone comes through that door, deal with them. Just like I taught you."
" So I rip them to shreds?"
" Exactly." She retrieved her coat, and walked out of the door.
Finally something fun.
I just watched a handsome lad burn his face off. Tatia - or should I say, Katherine- surely seemed surprised that I didn't help her, but instead hid in the shadows.
When I first heard the strangers enter the home, i was prepared to do just as Katherine had said. But I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a thousand years- my sister's. Instead I took to the shadows and watched them. Doing this I learned that Tatia isn't really Tatia at all, but a woman named Katherine who wears the same face.
Katherine was about ready to run with the cure before I see my sister run in front her. These vampires, sure are remarkable.
" Give it to me, or your dead." Rebekah tells Katherine.
" Now, Now, Rebekah. Is that any way you should treat your host." I say as I come up out of the shadows.
" Bellamy? How?" Her eyes go wide and she stops in shock. How else would she react when she just saw her brother who is presumed to be dead.
" No questions. Right now, we need to get this little betrayer to hand over the cure." I hiss turning to Katherine. I don't know why this woman woke me up, but it probably wasn't for a good reason. This woman was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Or a bitch, rather.
" You guys are going to kill me anyway. So what's more important, killing me, or getting the cure?"
It took me a moment to realize what exactly is happening.
One second Katherine has the cure. The next it's falling to the floor. Before I can even think, Rebekah made her choice. She chose the cure. Is being immortal that despicable? Why, of course it is. For more than a millennia I had been stuck in my own damn thoughts. If I were human, I would've died many centuries ago. I understand why Rebekah would want the cure. But it doesn't mean I think it's the best choice.
Taking the cure would mean you have wasted centuries of life in one lifetime. I myself have only lived sixteen years of my life. That isn't nearly enough. Sure, I had been dormant for a long time, but I have never really lived.
" Rebekah, don't even think about it." The man burned his skin off, demanded. He had healed by now, though.
Rebekah rose from her position, and stared at the cure in awe.
" Let's just talk about this, like the two rational vampires that we are. Bekah!" he continued.
" Oh give it a rest. Me taking this cure is the best thing that will ever happen to you." Rebekah hissed.
" Don't do anything stupid." He demanded once again. And here I was standing, and staring at the two like a fool.
" Admit it. You don't want human Elena running back to Stefan while your left out in the cold, again." She paused, waiting for his reaction. " Go on Damon. Tell me why you want Elena to have the cure." Another pause. You can tell the hesitation the man they call Damon, is feeling right now. He doesn't know what he wants. I am feeling the exact same way. I know what Rebekah is doing, is wrong. I haven't even met this Elena. But, her morals are not in the right place. " That's what I thought." she continues.
When she lifts her arm to take the cure. I speed to her, but it was too late. The minute I grab the small bottle, I feel nothing inside it. It had all gone down Rebekah's throat. What have you done, dear Bekah?
Rebekah's breathing became rapid. Something went completely wrong.
Shouldn't the cure free you from immortality? Why does it have this effect on her?
With these questions, I realize how little I know of this new world. I can't even speak the same way these people can. This is surely a strange world; However, It's a world that I would like to get to know.
It doesn't take long to realize my twin sister is on the couch.
I know what you may be wondering. Twin? Yes, Rebekah Mikaelson is my twin. We do not look any alike, for our mother gave birth to fraternal twins. It sure is remarkable how we do not even look like siblings.
A man arrived and quickly made his way to Bekah. He looked about my age. Well, the age I had been when I was human. " Is she okay?" I ask him.
" I don't know?" He answered. He then looked to the handsome man. " Did you even try to stop her!?"
" You forgot the part where I was bobbing for boxes in vervain water." He says raising his brow.
" All you had to do was stall her, Damon!"
" Sorry. It's Rebekah. I didn't have a pony to distract her, Stefan!"
" You let her take it? Didn't you. You were never on my side. Now Elena will be a vampire for the rest of her life. Just like you wanted."
" Quit your bickering! And help my sister! God dammit!" I yell. These grown men act like children, I swear.
As if on cue, Rebekah suddenly regains her breath.
" Rebekah! How do you feel?" I immediately ask, going to her side.
" I feel good... I feel great. I feel alive!" She says. My heart fills with joy to see my little sister, so happy. Even when we were young she seemed so brooding. She was never quite settled with her life. But now, in this moment, she seems like the happiest woman alive.
" Slight problem with being alive, I can kill you know." Damon started. I saw something whisk by me, and was caught by Rebekah. She was never really cured. No human could ever have reflexes like she has.
She showed her injury. It was there for a second and gone in the next. She healed.
Suddenly, all in one moment, the brooding Rebekah came back. She no longer had the joyous smile that makes my heart lighten. She no longer had that sparkle in her eyes, hinting that she truly wanted to be human. She wanted to redeem herself for all her wrong doings. It makes me wonder how bad things have gotten for my poor twin sister all these years.
" I am still a vampire? The cure didn't work?" She asks herself breathlessly. She was miserable. It makes me want to make her the most joyous vampire in the world. And, that is nearly impossible. But, I hope my sister can one day find the light in her life, that brightens her miserable path. I hope she would get her happy ending.
" It worked just like she wanted it to. The cure was a fake. It must have been a concentrated shot of vervain, or something." Stefan declares.
" Katherine." Damon whispers exasperatedly.
" You and Katherine? And here I thought you were the smart brother." Rebekah tells Elijah, Bellamy once again watching in the shadows.
" You don't have a smart brother. It turns out I am just as stupid as the rest of them." Elijah replies.
" Why don't give her the cure, Elijah? So she can judge you silently else where." I begin
" Bellamy? Is that you?" Elijah furrows his brow.
" No, Elijah. It's a ghost." I reply sarcastically.
" H... How are you alive?"
" Oh you mean, how am I alive after you stood and watched as mother betrayed me?" I seethe, standing in front of the man I call brother.
" I didn't have a choice!"
" You most definitely had a choice, Elijah!"
" Stop your bickering, you two." Rebekah demands in a bored tone. She then turns to Elijah, raising a brow in the process. " Are you going to answer the question, Elijah, or not?"
" Well, dear sister. What could you possibly want with the cure? And make it quick..." he begins, and turns to me with narrowed eyes. " Bellamy and I have some unfinished business to attend to."
" I want to be human again." Elijah looks at her in awe.
" How do you know that being human is the answer your looking for. I mean, it's nothing but a romantic notion." He shrugs. " The grass won't necessarily be greener, Bekah."
" You know, your right. But I don't care. I want to live a simple life, i want to be a normal person, and when it ends, it ends. We have lived through twenty lifetimes Elijah. Isn't that enough?"
" I still don't understand. I mean, why must you always consider our family a burden." He pauses, and captures eye contact. " Always and forever. I mean, those words are as important to me today, as they ever were."
" You will always be my brother. And I will never stop loving you. But now it's time for me to live and die the way that I choose. Not the way that you and Nik want me to." She steps forward. " Please, please just give me the cure." She begs. It breaks my heart to a million pieces to see my little sister so vulnerable. It makes me realize that she truly deserves a happy human life. She shouldn't live this miserable life of an immortal. Take Katherine for example. She had to trick me into trusting her, instead of earning it herself. She has to trick people to even be in her presence. Under that bitterness is a miserable insecure little girl who wants more to life, than being immortal. My sister does not deserve that kind of life. And I hope she doesn't get to that point.
Bekah's device rings, breaking the moment, and turning it into an awkward one.
" What do you want Nik!?" she asks clearly exasperated.
" An update on our search for the elusive cure." I hear.
" Let's just say that things have gotten complicated. In fact why don't you speak to one of those complications." She then turns to me and hands me her device. " Here." And she walks away.
" Complication speaking." I declare sarcastically.
" It's the other side you nitwit." Bekah corrects.
I quickly turn it around and repeat myself. " Complication Speaking."
" Who's this?!" Niklaus asks.
"Who do you think, brother."
" Bellamy? Is this some sort of sick joke?"
" I assure you, dear brother, it most definitely is not."
" But You're... You're dead." Nik states, confused.
" Well apparently I am not." I remark, rolling my eyes.
" How?"
" Another story for another time. Would you like to speak to complication number two." I say with even more sarcasm.
" Gladly." One simple word, and I passed the contraption to Elijah.
" Come, Bellamy. Get in the car." Rebekah calls.
I fumble with the handle, but soon enough, I get it to open.
" So how's life?" She asks.
" Great. I have only just been dormant for a little over a millennium. I have the best life in the whole universe." I say with my heavy accent.
" Yeah, and you have way to much sarcasm for a person to handle."
" Thank you for your kind compliment." I retort.
" It wasn't."
" That's sarcasm again, Bekah." I laugh.
" Stop with your tantalizing. Have you seemed to forget your over one thousand years old. You should be as mature as the president of the United States should be." Elijah demands playfully, getting into the car. I could tell he was glad another part of his family was back. Well, I hope so. You see, for years when I was human, all I wanted was the approval of my big brother. I still do, I presume. Even after his betrayal. When he brought Tatia to mother, bloodied, and watched as our mother used her for the ritual and used me for god know's what. He was still my big brother, I still needed him.
" Yeah, yeah, Elijah. We know you love us."
" That I do, Bellamy. That I do."
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