Chapter 1 - Meeting Ventress
3rd pov:
Narrator: A planet under siege! Separatist forces mercilessly batter the beautiful and elegant world of Christophsis. Unable to defend themselves any longer, the people of Christophsis call on the Jedi for assistance. Hoping to save lives and prevent further destruction, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker plan a daring ambush which could turn the tide in the fight for this crucial star system. However, they are unaware of a new powerful enemy about to enter this war.
A C-9978 landing craft was slowly descending down to the surface of Christophsis. Inside was an entire battalion of droids all under the command of a powerful droid. This droid was none other than Sephtis, an enhanced super tactical droid.
Sephtis pov:
I was within a C-9979 landing craft along with an entire battalion of droids all freshly made from several different factories. The banging and clanging of working droids resonated throughout the ship. Several droids greeted me as they walked by making sure everything was ready for landing.
Two commando droids were flanking me on both sides carefully supervising the droids. They are meant to be my bodyguards, but if I'm being honest I don't think I need any protection. The one on my left is unit BX-115 and to my right is unit BX-500.
Count Dooku: Sephtis, are you paying attention?
I looked down at my left hand where a hologram of Count Dooku was speaking with me. He had an eyebrow raised as he waited for my response.
Sephtis: My sincerest apologies, Count. I was reminiscing about the time when we first met.
Count Dooku: It's a fond memory, but don't let that distract you from this mission. Now, are you ready to receive your mission briefing.
Sephtis: Yes, Count.
Count Dooku: Due to the defeat of Admiral Trench the Republic fleet has managed to break through our blockade, and provide aid to the resistance on Christophsis. Your objective is to assist Asajj Ventress, my apprentice, and General Whorm Loathsom push back the Republic at any cost.
Sephtis: It will be done.
I ended the transmission just as a B1 battle droid approached me.
B-10: We're about to land, general.
Sephtis: Good.
The B1 walked away as I pressed a few buttons on my wrist link, allowing me to speak with every droid on the ship.
Sephtis: All units get in formation. We will be landing very soon.
At my command all droids lined up perfectly as I walked to the front of the battalion. The two commandos followed closely behind me. The ship touched down causing the droids to slightly wobble while I just stood there unmoving. The deployment doors opened up as a ramp descended.
I could now clearly see the once beautiful city, battered and broken from all the battling that has taken place here. Many buildings were destroyed and there was rubble everywhere.
A sad fate for this once mesmerizing city but I'm not here to sightsee.
I began leading the battalion down the ramp as a cloaked figure walked toward us. She removed her hood as she stopped at the base of the ramp waiting for me. I halted in front of her causing the droids to stop in unison.
Asajj: And who might you be?
I lifted my arm out of my cloak and removed my hood allowing her to see my bright red sensors.
Sephtis: My name is Sephtis.
She was somewhat surprised by my appearance and my deep robotic voice. But her shock quickly turned to confusion.
Asajj: You're the general my master sent?
Sephtis: One of the generals. I believe General Whorm Loathsom is supposed to arrive here as well. But may I ask what your name is, ma'am?
Asajj: Asajj Ventress.
So this is the Count's apprentice.
I placed a hand on my chest before slightly bowing.
Sephtis: It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Ventress.
Asajj: Just Ventress will suffice, general.
Sephtis: Very well. I'm here to assist you and General Loathsom push back the Republic.
Asajj: Then you've arrived at the perfect time, general. My little worm has just informed me of the enemy's movement.
She turned around and gestured for me to follow. I ordered the battalion to standby before I followed after Ventress along with my two commando bodyguards.
Sephtis: So who is this "little worm" of yours?
Asajj: A clone sergeant.
That slightly shocked me as the clones are extremely loyal to the Republic.
A clone is capable of turning on his own brothers? Interesting.
Sephtis: That is... surprising.
Asajj: Indeed, but this works for us rather nicely, doesn't it? The Jedi will never suspect one of their own soldiers being our informant.
I wonder if more clones are capable of betraying the Republic. But I can dwell on this later, right now I have a job to do.
We soon approached a building that was acting as our headquarters on this planet. We walked up the set of stairs before approaching the door. I held it open allowing Ventress to enter first.
Asajj: Thank you.
I nodded and entered after her as my commandos shut the door behind us and stood guard outside. Inside a tactical droid was looking at a holotable before it looked up and stepped away.
Ventress walked over to the holotable and stood where the tactical droid was previously. I made my way to the opposite side so I could face her.
Sephtis: What is the information he provided?
She looked at the tactical droid and motioned him over. He approached and tapped the holotable making a hologram of two towers appear.
TJ-55: The Republic plan to ambush our army using the north and south towers here.
A few holograms of clones appeared in the towers firing down at a column of droids. The holographic droids were quickly destroyed.
TJ-55: They'll be on level 46, general.
Sephtis: Thank you for the information.
He nodded before stepping aside once more. I turned back to the holograms thinking of a way to effectively ambush the Republic forces.
Those clones are more than likely being led by a Jedi. So sending a small detachment of droids to attack wouldn't work, but overwhelming forces will.
With a plan in mind I shut down the holotable before looking up at Ventress, who seemed to be waiting for my plan of action.
Sephtis: I suppose I shouldn't waste any time and go greet them. TJ-55 would you mind assisting me?
TJ-55: Not at all, general.
As we began walking away Ventress called out to us.
Asajj: What do you plan to do?
The two commandos opened the door and held it open for us, but before we left I turned around and responded.
Sephtis: Just going to give them a nice welcome party.
With that we walked out the door and toward the ready battalion. TJ-55 entered a tank while I opted to walk right beside the tank. I pressed a few buttons on my wrist link allowing me to speak with the droid battalion.
Sephtis: All units listen up. Our mission is to eradicate the Republic presence here on Christophsis. We will drive the clones off this planet, so show no mercy. Is that clear?
A large reply of rogers echoed out as TJ-55 ordered the battalion to advance toward the towers. I observed the droids for a moment before pulling my hood over my head and walking with them. My two commandos quickly caught up with me walking just a little bit behind me.
This will be a nice welcome party indeed.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
The towers were soon in sight and if you looked closely you could see some movement in the windows.
It seems we're on time to greet our guests.
Sephtis: TJ-55.
He looked down at me from the tank.
TJ-55: Yes, general?
Sephtis: I'm putting you in charge of the assualt on the south tower.
TJ-55: But sir what about the Republic forces in the north tower?
Sephtis: Me and my commandos will deal with the ones in the north.
TJ-55: By your command, general.
He turned back to the battalion and redirected half the forces to go into the south tower. I gestured for the two commando droids to follow me as we quickly made our way to the north tower.
We bursted through the doors and after a quick scan of the room we saw nobody was here, but there was an elevator. The three of us entered the elevator as one of my commandos pressed floor 46. There was no music so it was awkwardly silent as we waited for our stop.
How can there be no elevator music? Now I'm glad we are invading Christophsis.
I kept my word about installing a radio in my body as I activated it tuning into the CIS Shadowfeed.
My two commandos turned to me confused on why and how I was playing music.
Sephtis: What? As your general I command you to not judge my selection of music.
They looked at each other before BX-115 shrugged as they both slowly turned back around. I began to tap my foot as the song continued playing. The elevator soon came to a halt just as the music began to get louder.
Maybe the clones will appreciate some music.
The doors opened revealing three clones who gasped when they saw us. BX-115 and BX-500 immediately slammed the two closest clones into the wall before drawing their vibroswords, and driving them into their necks.
The last clone raised his blaster, but I smacked the weapon out of his hand as I picked him up by his neck. I closed my hand resulting in the clone's neck being completely crushed. I dropped the lifeless body before turning to my two commandos who were patiently waiting for me.
Sephtis: I say that was a good first impression, wouldn't you?
BX-115 & BX-500: Yes, general.
Sephtis: Let us continue on.
I took point as the two commandos checked each room we passed. What caught our attention was the sound of glass shattering followed by something being fired from up ahead. As we made our way to the origin of the noise the song began to get louder.
Clone: Where's that music coming from?
Anakin: There's no time to investigate we need to go help Obi-Wan!
A few more clones were guarding the hallway, but we made quick work of them without much trouble. We soon made it to the final room just as Skywalker and his clones began ziplining across to the south tower.
I grabbed one of the lines and yanked it down successfully breaking the anchor on the other side. Without anything to hold on to the wire fell along with two unfortunate clones.
Clones: AAAHHH!
The clones hit the ground hard as a large pool of blood began to form beneath their twitching bodies. I looked back up to see the rest of the clones had already made it to the other side.
We are going to lose so many droids by the end of this. But that's unavoidable when dealing with Jedi.
I observed the fight noticing several cannons pointing out the windows.
Laser cannons? They still appear operational. However, the ones that have been thrown will need to be somewhat repaired. But still perhaps we can use them to our advantage.
The sound of a ship interrupted my thoughts. An LAAT gunship was flying toward the south tower just as the Republic forces entered an elevator.
More than likely their exfil.
I pressed a button my wrist link, opening communications with TJ-55 in order to inform him of this new information.
Sephtis: TJ-55, they plan to escape from the roof. Cut them off.
TJ-55: Rest assured, general. They will not escape.
He cut off the transmission just as he followed the droids into the elevator.
I highly doubt that statement.
I grabbed onto the two remaining cables since I knew just one wouldn't be able to support my eminence weight. I began ziplining across as my music continued blaring for all to hear. My two commandos quickly followed after me.
The droids looked up at us with a B1 waving while saying "Look, it's the general!" I gave a nod, in acknowledgement of his greeting before focusing back to the task at hand.
Once near the end I let go of the cables allowing me to drop into the room and on top of a dead clone. My feet were now covered in red and the body was practically destroyed.
Sephtis: Apologies clone. I'll be sure to wipe your blood off my feet later.
I walked into the elevator along with the commandos leaving a trail of bloody footprints behind me. A few droids got into the elevator with us and together we made our way to the roof. My music was continuing to play, but the droids didn't seem to mind in fact they were humming along.
Sephtis: Music is a wonderful thing, isn't it?
B1: It really is.
Droids: Roger, roger.
The elevator stopped and the droids began to funnel out once the door opened. I stopped the music and exited soon after just as the surviving Republic forces began entering the gunship.
But one of the clones grabbed TJ-55's head and decapitated him before running into the gunship. I activated my minigun and fired into the ship only for Kenobi and Skywalker to deflect them away.
However, the fast rate of fire overwhelmed them as one shot hit a clone in the arm before the gunship took off. Two B1 battle droids approached me carrying TJ-55's headless body.
B1: Sir, they escaped and they took the commander's head with them.
Sephtis: Yes, but they suffered heavy losses in the process.
I pressed a few buttons on my wrist link allowing me to speak with the entire battalion. I looked up at the droids on the roof who gathered around me waiting for further orders.
Sephtis: Not only did you foil the Republic's ambush, but you also made them flee with their tails between their legs. From all the dead clones I say this was a good first victory for this battalion.
The entire droid battalion cheered before my commandos quieted them down allowing me to speak once more.
Sephtis: But remember winning one battle does not win the war. After all we still have a planet to wipe clean of the Republic's presence. Is that clear?
Droids: Yes, general!
That response made me as happy as my programming will allow me.
Sephtis: Good. Now collect every laser cannon on level 46, even the broken ones. We will use the Republic's own weapons against them.
The droids immediately got to work moving back down to level 46 in order to haul the laser cannons back to base.
Hopefully this is the first of many victories for this battalion.
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
We were back at the Separatist headquarters with the laser cannons being carried by the tanks. Ventress was standing at the steps of the headquarters waiting for me.
I made my way over to her along with my two commandos. I lowered my hood as I approached before stopping in front of her.
Sephtis: Apologies Ventress. I hope I didn't make you wait too long.
I did a slight bow with a hand on my chest plate.
Asajj: Not at all general. How did your little assault go?
Sephtis: Surprisingly well. The droids managed to not only drive the Republic forces away, but also secure their laser cannons.
Two B1s that were carrying a laser cannon yelled out to us.
B1: Yeah we did!
I let out a light chuckle at the droid's antics before returning my full attention back to Ventress.
Sephtis: Is there something you wish to tell me?
Asajj: Yes my informant has just told me Kenobi and Skywalker are on their way here.
Sephtis: Oh, I shall prepare our defenses--
Asajj: That won't be necessary.
I was confused on her statement.
Sephtis: I'm afraid I don't understand, Miss.
Asajj: Leave the headquarters unguarded, with only a few droids spread around the area to inform us of their movement. I want to lead them into a trap.
Sephtis: Very well, Miss. I'll get everything ready for their arrival. I'm thinking of preparing some refreshments as well. Would you like some?
She just gave me a blank look before turning around and walking into the base.
Sephtis: Is that a yes?
I turned to my two bodyguards who just shrugged.
I'll assume she would love to have a drink later. I just need to find something for us to drink. Maybe I should clean up the headquarters while I'm at it.
Immediately I went to work, removing rubble and broken furniture from within the base. I also had my commandos go out and find something for our us to drink, while I had some B1s bring in a new table with two chairs.
Soon the area we would be meeting the Jedi in was spotless with a table off to the side along with the two chairs. The commandos soon returned with two cups of tarine tea.
Sephtis: Good work you two. Go with the battalion and help them prepare for the ambush.
BX-500: Yes, general.
They walked over to the table and carefully placed the hot drinks down before walking back into the elevator.
Okay the rubble is gone, we have seats, a table and refreshments. I say I did a good job setting up this welcome party.
Asajj: You actually prepared a welcome for the Jedi?
I turned around and saw Ventress walking down the stairs toward me. She was looking around the area genuinely surprised I went through with my plan.
Sephtis: Yes, second impressions are important.
I walked over to the table and pulled out one of the chairs for Ventress to sit in.
Asajj: What do you mean by second?
She sat down allowing me to push her chair in before I walked over to the one across from her. I sat down making the seat creak loudly.
Sephtis: My first encounter with Skywalker and Kenobi wasn't very... polite.
She grabbed one of the cups of tarine tea before motioning me to explain myself. I looked down at my hands, thinking back to our first meeting.
Sephtis: I ripped Skywalker's arm off before tossing him on top of Kenobi.
I looked back up to get her response, but all she had was an amused smile on her face as she took a sip of her tea.
Asajj: I see how that could cause them to not think too fondly of you. Especially Skywalker.
Sephtis: Yes well, I'm hoping this second meeting will help improve their view of me.
I grabbed a cup and lifted it up to my face spilling a bit where my mouth would be. Ventress let out a silent chuckle as I wiped the tea off my face.
A beeping sound came from my wrist link. I pressed the blinking button opening the communication with the droid unit.
B1: Sir, the Jedi are on the way.
Sephtis: Thank you for the information unit. Take the rest of your team to the ambush sight.
B1: Roger, roger.
I ended the communication and faced Ventress once more.
Sephtis: The Jedi will be here soon.
She finished the rest of her tea before putting down the cup and standing.
Asajj: It's about time.
I moved our cups off to the side before getting up and pushing both our chairs back in. She moved into a darkened corner of the room before motioning me over. I pulled my hood up and stood behind her as we waited for the Jedi.
We didn't have to wait long as the elevator dinged and opened revealing Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin: So this is the belly of the beast.
Obi-Wan: The room is rather clean.
Ventress silently stepped out of the shadows while my footsteps were loud and heavy. The Jedi were surprised before the expressions on their faces became serious.
Obi-Wan: Ventress. And here I thought this mission would be unpleasant.
Asajj: The pleasure's all mine, my dear Obi-Wan.
She removed her cloak, but before it could touch the ground I caught and swiftly folded it.
Asajj: I've missed you.
They looked from Ventress to me still unaware of who I was.
Obi-Wan: Might I ask who your giant friend is?
I moved Ventress' cloak to my left hand before using my right to remove my hood.
Sephtis: Hello again Kenobi, Skywalker.
Instead of recognizing me they instead had looks of confusion as Kenobi voiced his uncertainty.
Obi-Wan: Have we met?
Sephtis: For a brief moment on Geonosis. I had my cloak on, so you may not have gotten a good look at me. I was the one who... tore off Skywalker's arm.
Anakin: That was you?
Skywalker was glaring at me while he reached for his lightsaber, but he stopped when Kenobi placed a hand on his shoulder.
This is already going bad.
Sephtis: Yes, I apologize Skywalker. Would it make you feel better if we fought?
Anakin: It wouldn't be much of a fight.
Sephtis: We shall see.
I removed my cloak revealing my hulking physique. Needless to say everyone, including Ventress, was surprised at my appearance. I folded my cloak and walked towards the table.
Skywalker and Kenobi got in a defensive position when I walked past them. I placed the cloaks on the table before picking up my cup of tarine tea. I walked back to Ventress' side just as she activated her lightsabers.
Asajj: My loyal informant let us know you were coming.
Obi-Wan: Well, then, we thank you for your hospitality.
Skywalker wasted no time and immediately charged me while Kenobi ran past us to fight Ventress. Skywalker launched several quick attacks, but I dodged them with ease, all the while making sure not to spill my tea.
Sephtis: Careful, you might hurt yourself.
With each dodge he began to grow frustrated and my comments only added to his anger. He went for a powerful overhand strike, intending to end the fight by slicing me in half.
I swung my left arm at an arc successfully smacking the blade away surprising him. This allowed me to throw my cup of hot tea in his face.
Anakin: AAAHHH!
Sephtis: The tea has cooled down some, so you'll suffer first-degree burns at most.
I grabbed his shoulder and slammed my knee into his stomach before throwing him at Kenobi's feet. He pushed Ventress away before his attention focused to his fallen friend.
Obi-Wan: You'll regret that.
Sephtis: I doubt that, Kenobi.
His focus on me allowed Ventress to lift up the table and launch it at him. However, he sliced it in half before pushing the two broken pieces at me. I punched one of the pieces causing it to shatter before dodging the second.
Skywalker finally recovered from my attacks as he rose up clutching his stomach. Ventress and I took this chance to run past them and into the library within the building.
Obi-Wan: Come on!
Anakin: Right behind you!
Ventress stopped and raised her hand to one of the bookshelves while I made sure to not get in the way of her attack. She launched several books towards Kenobi and Skywalker just as they rounded the corner.
However, Kenobi stopped the books before they could hit him, and with Skywalker's help they sent the books back at Ventress. Knowing the two Jedi could overpower her I quickly got in front of Ventress and shielded her from the books.
Who knew knowledge could be used as a weapon.
I dropped down to one knee pretending their combined attack badly damaged me while Ventress sat calmly to my right.
Obi-Wan: Give up, Ventress.
Asajj: I'm all yours, Obi-Wan.
They walked forward with their lightsabers ignited and when they got close enough I slammed my fist into the ground. The floor beneath them gave way as they fell down a floor. We got back up and I stepped away to speak with one of our droids while Ventress began speaking with the Jedi.
Sephtis: Unit O-45D are you in position?
O-45D: Yes, general. The rest of the battalion is on standby as well.
Sephtis: Good, we'll be there soon.
I ended the transmission and walked right back to Ventress' side.
Asajj: It's already too late. So hard to know whom to trust these days, isn't it?
The people you would never suspect of betraying you are usually the ones you need to watch out for.
Anakin: What's the plan, Master?
Obi-Wan: Bringing us here was a mistake, my sweet. You've overestimated you and your droid's abilities.
Asajj: Really?
We both turned around and ran right toward the giant window just as the Jedi jumped out the hole. I got in front and ran right through the window shattering the entire thing.
Just as they were about to catch us we jumped off the roof and onto an octuptarra droid. Behind us several battalions of droids were waiting and more were on the way.
Sephtis: Thank you, O-45D.
He sent me a short transmission before he cut it off.
O-45D: You're welcome, general.
Asajj: Come and get us, boys.
Obi-Wan: You didn't tell us you were bringing friends.
Asajj: Poor Obi-wan. You've been betrayed. And now we're about to take control of this world.
Kenobi and Skywalker jumped onto the droid's front legs and destroyed them causing O-45D to fall back. Ventress charged Skywalker while I called in for assistance.
Two B1s riding STAPs came flying in to assist us, but they were spotted by Kenobi.
Obi-Wan: Anakin!
Skywalker pushed Ventress into me before they jumped on the two poor STAP pilots. I picked Ventress up before jumping off O-45D and landing on the ground just as the octuptarra droid crashed behind us.
I looked at the fleeing Jedi in time to see Skywalker kick off the B1 unit.
How rude.
My attention was quickly brought back to Ventress when she ignited her lightsaber and held it close to my face.
Asajj: You have three seconds to put me down before I slice you in half.
Sephtis: Apologies, ma'am.
I quickly put her back on her feet before raising my hands and backing up. She gave me one last glare before walking toward General Loathsom's tank.
Asajj: Prepare to march on the city.
Loathsom nodded before ordering the army to move out. I continued to follow right behind her as a tactical droid joined us.
Asajj: I need you and General Loathsom to delay the Jedi as long as possible. I will need time to execute the next part of my master's plan.
Sephtis: Of course, Ventress.
I stopped and watched as she walked away.
I fought two Jedi, killed a few clones and become acquainted with Ventress. All in all I say this was good first mission and tomorrow I need to delay the Republic forces for as long as I can. I'm excited.
Word count: 4561
Don't know if this chapter is good. I'm tired.
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