Even Through Abuse
My jaw drops as I see my dad walk out to meet Sierra. Was this the Sarah he meant when I assumed it was my baby sis?!! So, first, I'm not as close to my baby sis, and now I'm falling for my real sister. I'm messed up. I bet she hates me. I find a parking space and can't get out fast enough.
"Dad?" I manage not to yell.
"Son." he says, almost regrettably. I raise my eyebrows as I get closer.
"Is she my sister? And be truthful now only because I'd appreciate it." I say, sarcastically. He slumps, moving his shoulders forward.
"Son, I. This is who I meant, I thought you knew her." he says, pathetically. I almost felt bad.
"How would I have met her?! How am I supposed to even believe that." I exclaim, wiping my stupid tears out of my face.
"Son, you need to understand-" he tries, again, but I cut him short.
"What?" I ask, angrily. Duh, I need to understand. What does he think I've been trying to do this whole time. "Tell me this, dad, how exactly did you lose me or us, so long ago?"
"Hey, leave him alone." Sierra barks at me. I was done letting my heart break, and this obviously couldn't work. I hold up my hands unsympathetically.
"Fine. Good idea, sis." I spit out the words as I flex my arms. I retrace my steps back to my car. I couldn't believe this. I drove as fast as the law would allow. I had to get back to what I knew. My baby sis was who I cared about, and I had almost let her go for someone I never knew anyways. What had I been thinking? I park the car in the driveway and skip the steps to swing the door open.
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