I'm Ariadne…people usually ignore me not because they hate me, but because I don't usually have a presence. I'm pretty average, in this world where power and looks are on the same stage, everyone is bound to overlook me.
I'm pretty average, no…I'm lower than average, i don't have parents and I'm taking care of my grandma, I'm not good looking nor am i rich. So, people easily forget about me, not that I'm complaining… living in the background as an extra has its advantages, i don't have to get bullied nor do i get pressure from the teachers, but one day all of that changes in a blink of an eye. The world that I once lived in became even harder to survive in. I had to fight for my life…it's either kill or get killed.
I walked silently in my classroom as my classmates loud talking and laughing filled my ears, I made my way towards my desk as I looked down while walking. After reaching my desk, I sat quietly, my desk is at the very corner away from everyone, it's a normal occurrence and it's not surprising that I'm alone. I've always been alone since I was a kid.
I didn't bother talking to my classmates nor did I bother myself to change just so they could like me. I sat there quietly as each and every one of my classmates had friends to talk to, i quietly sigh as looked down at my desk not even looking up.
After a few minutes our homeroom teacher came to start the homeroom. We all stood up to greet him and he just dismissed and said something along the lines of taking our phones and giving it back later. I heard my classmates groan in annoyance as some of them began to hide it, under the desk or inside their clothes. I blankly looked at them before remembering that I don't even have a phone. “Being poor has its advantages” I muttered as I looked out the window knowing the teacher wouldn't even notice me.
But really though, being poor means I don't have the right to have expectations involving money, meaning I don't have to be disappointed nor will I be disappointed.
After all the phones had been collected the teacher went out and the classroom turned loud again. I sighed in both relief and annoyance. Relieved that the teacher didn't care about me and annoyed as everything is noisy again.
A few seconds passed and our first subject teacher walked in. We all stood up and greeted her as she gestured for us to sit down and she began teaching. A few minutes passed by as In the middle of discussion, I heard a loud noise outside of the classroom and it seemed like I'm not the only one who heard it as my classmates exclaimed in shock and began whispering.
“Now, now, calm down, I'm sure it's nothing serious” the teacher clapped her hands twice as the attention went to her and the class started to quiet down. The teacher was about to discuss again when the door abruptly opened, no one could've imagine the horror and shocked looks of my classmates as the person who opened the door is covered in blood and his cheek has a noticeable bite mark, the person, if you could call it that, lunges at the first person he sees, which is our teacher.
My eyes widened in horror as I felt my skin jump when the guy jumped towards our teacher and bit her neck as blood sprayed everywhere. I couldn't forget, not even in a million years, the screams of horror and pain of my teacher as I looked at her and the guy. Everything seemed to slow down as my classmates began panicking, some of them screamed and some cried. I couldn't move an inch nor could I even look away as the guy began biting my teacher's face. My teacher became quiet, her deafening screams went out as I could only hear my classmates screaming and yelling.
Before I knew it, my feet moved, I unconsciously ran out of that classroom running through the empty halls of the school as I heard my classmates scream in the distance. I don't know where i was going or where i was going to run to, i just know that- no, not me, my body knows that i needed to run, run away from that. So I ran and stumbled outside the school as I jumped off of the gate, my body pumping with adrenaline. The moment I got out of there, my body stopped as I tried to catch my breath.
I looked up, I wanted to scream for help but my eyes widened in shock as I saw cars speeding past down the street, bumping into each other or crashing on to a building. I felt my legs shaking as my body couldn't move in fear, I saw people.
People running everywhere, People screaming in pain as other people bite their neck as blood splatter on the pavement. I wanted to scream, there are people who died, I'm sure they did, they were bitten, but they got up and bit other people, their bodies are covered in blood as bites can be seen somewhere on their body.
“Zombies…” I muttered in a daze as fear settled in my body. I didn't notice it at first but there was someone or if you can call it a person, running towards me, I can tell it's a female, she's running towards me at full speed as her whole body is covered in blood. I didn't know what to do, my body is paralyzed in shock and in fear, my legs were trembling and shaking and the lady was running towards me at full force. I braced myself as I know that the moment that lady reached me is the moment I die. I closed my eyes in fear as i expected to be bitten like the others, i expected to feel pain but i didn't.
I opened my eyes to see my left leg up in the air, and the lady, whose head is currently nowhere to be found until it fell a few feet away from me as her headless body fell down. My eyes widened as my mind pieced everything together “I kicked her?” I mumbled in confusion as i slowly lowered my leg, I stumbled back in shock, i stared at her lifeless body in horror, I gulped in nervousness as I looked at her. ‘My body moved on its own’
Shivers went up my spine as I thought about it. But a thought went through my brain.
“Grandma…” i muttered as i ran to go home, ‘Grandma needs to escape, we have to escape’ i thought as i hurriedly ran home, i ran as fast as i could to go home
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