Chapter 4
"Excuse me??!" Her head turns into a ripe tomato, ready to burst through its skin by the rage. "What did you just call me?"
"Annabitch." I repeat calmly. At least I have class. "And it's still Lord Apollo for you."
"My name...isn't ANNABITCH!!"she starts almost screaming now, attracting everyone's attention to us."It's ANNABETH."
I remain silent and she stares at me furiously not an ounce of respect in her body.
"Oh were you talking to me?" I ask grinning. "Cause I didn't hear my title and name."
"Fuck you." She groans then adds."Lord Apollo."
"Well, I'd rather fuck someone else..."
"Oh, just shut up already!" He snapped and pushed me hard enough so that I fell off the bed. I laughed as I was spread on the floor.
"Hey, I'm the mighty Lord Apollo! You should pay me some respect!"
"Yeah, whatever..." he rolled his eyes and I pouted at him, hoping for a reaction, which ended up having him laugh with his head thrown back adorably." Aw, c'mon I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wasn't aware of how fragile you're and I might've miscalculated my strength too." He continued still laughing and even stuck out his tounge at me. "Oh so marvellous Lord Apollo!"
"You need to be taught a lesson, you misbehaving little punk! " I got up from the floor and crawled towards my prey. " You shall be punished Perseus Jackson, for talking that disrespectul to me."
As I neared him he scrambled away in direction of the bed's end where I could successfully corner him. I got on top of him and pressed him down into the mattress, from where he was giving me those adorable huge innocent eyes.
"I mean it wasn't like that..."he started explained himself."I mean you look like you're my age and you're also my cousin after all and...WAIIIIT!!!"
Something changed in his playful expression midsentence, which was absolutely horrified now.
"What's wrong, babe?" I asked completely unable to comprehend what was the sudden change in his whole posture.
"THIS..."he shook his head and pushed me away from him. I fell from his chest and sat up trying to get closer to him, but he - for some reasons - didn't let me back. That alone left my heart aching. "This is so wrong."
"But what's this?"
"Everything. Everything that's just happened between us. We're related after all, and thanks to that we shouldn't be doing those things. The kiss, the flirting...ew it's so gross." he confessed eventually, not once looking at me.
"Oh, so I'm gross now?" I became hella mad. Percy was just as much enjoying the situation before as me and now he was preaching about blood relations?? It's never been a problem to us, gods after all."You surely didn't look like you thought that a minute ago while you were teasing me, practically almost begging to be played with."
"I wasn't thinking...This shouldn't have happened, and I should definitely leave righ now." He turned his back to me in order to get out of the bed and get away from my intense stare.
"No," I said somewhat calmer now, and much quieter. "you're not going anywhere."
I was still in the mood to play with him a little and I wasn't gonna let him get away that easily.
"I'm sorry, Lord Apollo, but I really should be going now. I don't know what has gotten into me but we both should forget this night and just pretend it never happened. That is for the best."
"I said no." I started getting really annoyed how easily he forgot what a fun we had moments ago, and how ready he was to be punished by me in a quite erotic way.
"I'm reaaally sorry Lord Apollo, if I have offended you but this between us just can't continue or else the end would be disastrous." Now he was up, standing next to the bed, and started backing to the door. "This will never happen again, I promise."
He quickly turned around when he almost reached the door but not fast enough. I already flashed over there and now I was pretty pissed off by the young demigod. I really didn't understand why he needed all this fuss.
"Let me say it again,"I said now coldly, without emotions compared to what I was like minutes ago."you are not going away. Firstly you still need to be punished. Secondly after teaching you a lesson, we're gonna have a talk about your small problem. And after that, we can do whatever you wanted to do before this strange thought came to you. Am I clear?"
"EXCUSE ME??!" now he didn't look so apologetic. Rather than that he seemed quite angry and shook."Why can't you just let me go??"
"I told you already, now come back to bed with me, baby. You were a bad boy earlier, but we are going to fix this problem, don't worry." I grabbed his arm and pulled him after me onto the bed much to his protests.
With just one thought the door closed and that seemed to make Percy take a bit back from trying to escape from my grip. He looked at me in disbelief, and I could see a small sparkle of fear in his eyes.
"Apollo please I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." he pleaded, which made me smirk again.
"Now that sounds like a good boy. But we still have to go through the punishment, sadly. Don't worry, you'll enjoy it very much." I pushed him down onto my bed and sat next to him. "Now tell me babyboy, do you know why you're getting punished?"
Percy looked at me in disbelief, but I kept staring at him not saying a word.
"Are you for real?" he asked completely dumbfounded, but gave in in the end. "Okay yes, I know. I'm getting it for talking disrespectful to you, am I right?"
"Oh yes baby."I was starting to feel so much happier now, that he decided to play along with me. I was back to my previous mischievous state. "Now lie on my lap. You're getting spanked for that."
"You've got to be kidding me..."he started but when he saw my face starting to get all serious again he shut up and lay down on my lap.
"You're a good boy, Percy, I know it. So that I'm only giving to you ten spanks. Do you think it's an appropriate amount?" I asked hoping he would be back to his teasing sassy old-self and play along with me.
"Yes, Apollo, "he sighed after a short pause and I smiled down on him. I was soo relieved that he decided to play roles. "I find it really generous."
I felt extremely joyful as he added those words, and started giving him the punishment he obviously enjoyed. After each spank he moaned and groaned and I even felt his erection grow hard, being totally pressed onto my lap. I couldn't stop smirking at that, and he tried to hide his sinful noises with no luck.
"Now, as for the last three spanks, please take off your boxer."I ordered and chuckled at his face when he looked up at me. He was utterly perplexed and he was blushing like a crazy. He soon gave in, realizing he had to do so, since he already went this far. He took it off trying to cover himself with his hands then quickly lay down onto my lap again. His tempting ass was sticking up in the air, and I already saw the result of my spanking on it. Redness was beautifully spread across his round cheeks and my crotch twitched at the sight.
Oookay, now with that I'd like to end this chapter. I seriously don't know what I did here, this certainly wasn't how I planned it at first, but this just happened and I couldn't do anything against it. I kinda like this cocky Apollo now and I'm looking forward to see him get more gentle and reasonable. Anyway love💕
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