Part One
Dear diary,
That sounds so girly but anyway. Louis was thinking to himself I know it. I know him better than he does himself. But what was he thinking? This is impossible there is know way he will tell me. Should I tell him what I'm thinking? No! No! He will think I'm weird if I say I love him. Does he love me? Oh let me introduce myself I'm Harry Styles and I'm in love with Louis but I don't know how to tell him I love him.
Should I just go and tell him or do I just tell Paul and ask for help? No that's a bad idea too. Ugh I'm just confused maybe it is just a phase. Yeah. Yeah it's just a phase.
See you soon diary,
2 Years later
Hey diary,
It's been two years since I've been here haha. Well today is the day I tell Louis I love him. Here it goes. He's here gotta go see you later.
(Out of the diary)
"Hey Louis." Harry said nervously.
"Hey Hazzy!" Louis said happily.
"Louis I need to tell you something." blurted Harry.
"Me too." said Louis concerned.
"You can go first Louis." Harry said quickly.
"Harry Styles." Louis said.
"Yes Louis." Harry answered. quickly
"Since we met I've wanted to say this let's run away from all this and stay together forever." Said Louis immediately regretting it because Harry looked unsure about it.
"Harry what's wrong? I'm sorry you probably think I'm stupid for thinking you'd ever love me." Louis said turning around to leave to his room in their double hotel room.
"Louis wait I thought you might not love me back for two years I've been trying to tell you that I love you and you have already done it for me." Said Harry crying.
"What?" Louis was wide eyed at this. He thought to himself. "He loves me back? Since when?"
"Yeah I love you" Harry said with tears running down his face.
"Baby don't cry it's ok." Louis said as he kissed Harry's forehead.
They heard footsteps. It was Paul. Harry got himself back together quickly. Paul knocked on Harry's hotel room door.
"Yes?" Harry asked.
"Where is Louis?" Paul asked with worry in his voice.
" I'm in here with Harry. Paul what's wrong?" said Louis.
"Can I come in?" asked Paul.
"Um yeah I guess so." answered Harry.
He came in.
"Louis it's Phoebe." Paul said tearing up.
"What is it?" Louis asked worried.
"She's well um. In the hospital." Paul said tearing up even more
"What!? When!? Why!?" Louis asked while yelling.
"She got hit by a car while at the bus stop." Paul said crying at this point.
"Louis I'm sorry" Harry said while trying to comfort Louis.
"Paul leave please I need to talk with Harry" Louis said.
"Okay Louis" Paul said.
"Harry pack up we're leaving" command Louis.
"Wait I thought you were just joking around about that. Louis we can't run away!" Harry said concerned. "What about Phoebe?"
"First we'll visit her. Ok Harry?" said Louis.
"Okay Louis." said Harry.
(At the hospital)
"We are here to see Phoebe Tomlinson." said Louis.
"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over." Said the lady at the country named Courtney.
"Courtney," Harry said after he read her name tag. "my name is Harry Styles and that's Louis Tomlinson his sister got hit by a car please let us go visit her he needs to see her." Harry said.
Courtney was just trying to do her job but she felt so bad.
"Promise not to tell anyone?" She asked Harry.
"Promise." Harry stated.
"Ok I'll call you back like,you are patients here but I'll say Josh Johnson and Jake Jackson. Got it?" Courtney said.
They nodded
(1 hour later)
Courtney called "Josh Johnson and Jake Jackson."
They got up and went with her. They were there for 5 hours. Then they left.
Dear diary,
Louis called an old friend that is letting us stay with her. Paul called me 14 times since we've left I have to call him back now.
See you later diary,
Calling Paul
Harry: hi Paul
Paul: Harry where are you are you ok?
Harry: I'm fine. Ok Paul?
Paul: Where's Louis?
Harry: Next to me.
Paul: Put him on the phone.
Harry: Ok Paul here he is.
Louis: Hi Paul. What's up?
Paul: Where are you Louis? I need you to tell me. Ok?
Louis: I can't tell you Paul. Ok?
Louis hangs up the phone.
"Harry I hung up on him. Ok?" Said Louis.
"You did what!?" Harry asked.
"I hung up" Louis answered back.
That is the end of part 1 if you like it let me know and I'll continue to write more to this. Ok? Alright. Thanks.
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