Chapter 17
It was 6:30 the rumble was set for 7. Ponyboy was staring at himself in the mirror in the bathroom. Steve and Soda were in the dining room playing poker and Darry was waiting in the living room for Twobit. It was weird only waiting on one person but there wasn't anything we could do.
"I don't think you should be in this fight Ponyboy." Darry said as he looked back at Pony.
"Why not? I've been in them before." Ponyboy sounded disappointed.
"Well you were in better shape then and you're all tense up all the time." Darry pointed out.
"Oh come one Darry let him fight. Skin on skin ain't ruff plus everyone is always tensed up before a fight." Sodapop butt in. Darry was about to respond with a 'no' but when Twobit came through that door with Icicle behind him everyone froze.
"What the hell Two?" It was Sodapop.
"Her father got her pulled out of the hospital today but she didn't want to go home without Blaze. I was thinking maybe we just leave her here during the rumble." Darry walked up to her slowly and placed a hand on her left shoulder which caused her to flinch.
"Sorry kid. You can sleep in my bedroom if you'd like." She nodded softly as Darry lead her it his more so clean room. When he came back he nodded and everyone left to head for the park. Shepards gang and the Brumly boys were all already there waiting. Everyone stuck to the own groups until the Socs began to show up. Sometime durning the group up everyone had decided that Darry would lead the rumble. Ponyboy stood to his right and Soda to his left. As the Socs began to line up Darry whispered softly to Ponyboy.
"Stay close to me kid. The odds are as even as we can get." Darry whispered softly. Ponyboy nodded softly as he looked at the Socs. Darry stood forward.
"I'll take anyone." He grinned softly. A smaller blond male shoved his way through the crowd and grinned at Darry.
"Hello Darrel. I'll take you." Darry smiled as stepped forward. The first punch would start the rumble.
"You know it ain't a rumble without me!" Someone shouted in the distance. Darry's head snapped in that direction to see Dallas Winston and Icicle running up. As his attention was on something else Pule threw the first punch. Darry stumbled back and glared at him. The rumble was on. Dallas was quick to run in and join the rumble but Icicle stayed behind to watch. Ponyboy was already pinned down in the mud as Darry and Paul fought above him. The soc that had pinned Ponyboy in the mud was beating the crap out of him. Soon the weight was lifted by none other then Darry. Soon Pony was back in the action helping Dallas because he only had one arm. He jumped onto the back of the male and dragged him to the ground. Using his own weight he held Ponyboy down as someone else kicked him. He released the other male as the receive a hard blow to the head. He lay in the mud as he watched people run and jumping over him.
"Their running!" He wasn't sure if it was Twobit. He felt himself being dragged to his feet.
"Come on we need to go see Johnny and Blaze. Johnny wants to see you." Dallas's voice was filled with worry. The boys ran back the the house with Icicle behind them. They all jumped into the car as Dallas speed to the hospital. As they drove Dallas saw the flashing light and pulled over.
"Where's the fire?" The officer asked in sarcasm.
"The kid. He fell off his motorcycle. My sister and I were taking him to the hospital." The lie rolled easily off of Dally's tongue. The officer looked over to Ponyboy.
"How bad is he?"
"I don't know man"
"Follow me." The officer walked away and got back into his car. He turned on his lights and drove ahead of them. Icicle was watching the lights go by them as she ignored Dallas as he ranted off to Ponyboy about something or another. When they arrived Dallas helped Ponyboy out of the car and into he hospital. A nurse stopped him outside the room.
"You can't go in there." Dallas pulled a blade in him. The nurse gulped softly and looked over to the doctor.
"Let them in there's no harm in it now. He's been asking for them anyways." The doctor sighed softly. They entered the room slowly and looked at Johnny's still body.
"Johnny..." Dallas whispered softly.
"Hey Dal..." Johnny whispered softly.
"We bet the Socs. We beat them. Chased them right out of our neighbourhood." Dallas explained.
"It's useless... The fighting... Icicle... Tell Blaze I love her... Ponyboy. Stay gold Ponyboy... Stay gold..." He fell still and lifeless.
"Johnny... Oh god Johnny. Don't die Johnny. Don't die on me now." Dallas whimpered softly as he stumbled back. He slammed his fist into the wall as he ran out. Icicle looked at Ponyboy with tears in her eyes and she whispered, "We need to tell Blaze." She chocked on her own words. Ponyboy nodded as they went to Blazes room. Their father was sitting in a chair by her bed as Icicle ran in. She was openly sobbing by now due to both pain from her burns and the list of a dear friend. She went straight to Blazes side and grabbed her hand.
"Blazes. Johnny's gone... Johnny's gone." Icicle sobbed softly. Blaze smiled softly as her grip on Icicles hand loosened and she looked up at her with tears.
"I'll see him soon. I love you Ice." Blaze said softly.
"I-I love you too Fire. Please don't leave me! I can't lose my other half!" Icicle screamed as her sister got weaker and soon the line went dead. Her shoulders shook in anger as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"This is your fault!" She screamed as she snapped her attention to her father. "If you hadn't hit her we wouldn't have left! She wouldn't have died! I hate you! I hate you!" She was sobbing, "I wish we were still with Mom." Ponyboy grabbed her and dragged her back. She quickly turned to him and hugged him tightly.
"We need to get home..." He whispered in her ear softly.
(Okay let's face the elephant in the room right now. *looks to the elephant a crossed the room* hi Gorge. Anyways I'm sorry this chapter took so long but hey there's the water works. This was upsetting for me to write but hey there's only one more death and a few more chapters. The next chapter will be on Outsider_and_etc account. More waterworks are to come shortly!
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