Chapter Thirty-Five: "A Match Made In Helheim"
A few of the vampires stared at him with blank expressions, but one or two left to carry out the message. Taking ahold of the bars, Nathan leaned against them and watched the others whisper amongst each other. They were speaking low enough that even his good ears couldn't pick it up. Moving away from the bars, he moved back to Ivolin's body. Kneeling, he closed her eyes and crossed her hands over her chest with the broken bone in her hands. Keeping his hand on hers, he bowed his head and tried to think of something to say. Should he thank her? Wish her a better life with her family beyond? Nothing felt quite right. It felt like it would just be less sincere coming from him. So, he just patted her hands and got up. Upon hearing the Death Hound growling and pacing outside the cell, he looked over his shoulder. The Death Hound was licking his chops and impatiently waiting to get to her body. Nathan's eyes moved to the bones scattered around and he snapped his fingers to create a spark in his hands. Raising his hands, he held them out to engulf her body in flames. It wasn't traditional by Nord standards. Normally a loved one would set the blaze to melt the body down and send their spirit up to the sky faster with any belongs they owned.
However, this would have to do. He didn't want to regret not trying to lay her to rest later. When her body had completely crumbled into ash, he looked back at the snarling Death Hound and shrugged out smugly. "Oops." The Death Hound tried to wedge its face between the bars, snapping at him aggressively. Looking around at the other cells, he saw all the Nords staring at him with powerful expressions that gave him goosebumps. He didn't feel like he had earned their respect... but he had it. Being a half-breed, he had never felt so accepted before. Although, his dad had always said that once a Nords respect was earned, they were family. Which is partly what made them the powerful force that they were. Their bonds were forged in iron. Betrayals resulted in being dispatched by that same iron. One of the oldest Nords in the cell next to him, moved closer to the bars and told him with a nod. "What you did for her... You have my respect and my sword. And if you should require it... my blood, Brother." Nathan gave him a confused look, saying softly. "But... I..." The old Nord smirked, extending his hand through the bars as he told him in an ironclad voice. "I'd rather stand by a Nordic Vampire. You didn't have to send her home. But you did. You gave her a fighting chance. That is more than we could hope for here."
Nathan gently took his hand, feeling him squeeze his hand with enough strength that might have broken the hand of a lesser man. He guessed the man was a blacksmith from his strength. Nathan held his hand as tightly as he could without hurting him. He didn't want to break his hand. After all, he was already forming plans in his mind. He might need these Nords later. If they survived that long. Leaning closer to the bars, he whispered to the old Nord. "Help me and I'll help you. All of you." The old Nord nodded, stating aloud. "You shall have it. What's your name, Brother?" Nathan gave him a charming grin, answering promptly. "Nathan. Nathan Sharp." The Nords eyes widened, starting to blurt out in shock. "Sharp? Tarin Sharp's lad? The vampire-?" Nathan clawed his nails down the iron bars, making a high pitched squeal that made them all flinch. Nathan's eyes then darted to the doorway as Harkon strolled in regally. The Nords all moved to different sections of their cells, understanding why Nathan had done that now. Lord Harkon chuckled to himself, bellowing aloud. "Having fun scaring the livestock, Nathan?" Moving to lean on the cell door, Nathan charmingly replied. "A little. I did as you asked."
Harkon stopped before his cell, peering around him, when he said coolly. "I see. And you think that is supposed to make me feel better?" Nathan shook his head, calmly retorting. "No. But I can't prove myself to you from in here." Harkon crossed his muscular arms, almost growling out. "So, you want to cause me trouble outside your cage now?" Staring into his eyes, Nathan told him without emotion. "I'm a fast learner. I clung to my humanity. It was a mistake. I see that now. I fed. I understand what I am now." Harkon stepped closer to the bars, his hand darting out to grab Nathan's neck faster than Nathan had anticipated. Pulling Nathan closer to the bars, Harkon purred out to him commandingly. "Do you? Understanding and knowing one's place... are two VERY different things." Staring into Harkon's dark predatory eyes without fear, Nathan told him a bit gruffly. "Command me. Then watch me take care of your problems without question. Without complaint. I'm not what you want, but I'm EXACTLY what you need. Just say the word... and I'll prove it." Harkon released his neck, letting out an amused chuckle. Circling away from him, he chuckled out to Nathan. "You've got spirit, kid. It's a wildfire... My lessers would think me a fool for unleashing you upon the world so soon."
Resting his arms on the bars, Nathan shrugged and asked casually. "What do you care what your lessers think? Do you want my help or not?" Harkon snapped his fingers, pointing at him as he excitedly told him. "Exactly. That is what I've been missing. Too many vampires here are unwilling to get their hands dirty. Too afraid to do what needs to be done. They are greedy... and I can't turn my back on them. And finally, Molag Bol has seen it too! I believe you just might be a sign from him. His chaos runs in you. And I need that! It is the push this coven needs to further pursue our goals. To take Skyrim as our own!" Nathan stayed still and just let Harkon ramble on. He had his own goals in mind, but he was going to play nice for now. Anything to get out of a cage. Harkon moved back up to the bars, continuing seriously with less excitement and more concern. "However... A wildfire that I can't control is troublesome. You defy my orders to fed unless caged. You rally the cattle into song. Where witnesses tell me you let cattle attack you, before feeding? Now, you want to be let loose... to prove yourself to me. You puzzle me. I can't help but wonder why you change faster than the seasons?" Nathan's lips curled up into a wicked smile as he purred out to Harkon confidently. "Molag Bol said you'd say that. He told me to do it. To show how I could help you."
Nathan gripped the bars menacingly, sliding his hands up the bars without looking away from Harkon's suspicious look. Letting his fangs slide out slowly, Nathan licked his lips and told him with a deep animalistic purr. "Unleash me on your enemies. I'll make them fear you again. I'll spread stories of your great deeds again." Harkon seemed to consider it, but defensively huffed out. "If what you say is true... then how am I to be sure that he isn't planning to turn you on ME." Nathan pressed himself against the bars, his smile fading as he told him a brutally honest lie. "He isn't. Why else would he have me fall in love with Escher? A man YOU control. He sent Escher to me. Knowing that I'd follow him straight to YOU." Harkon thought about that, then grinned brightly. Laughing happily, he raised his hands and stated aloud. "Praise Molag Bol! FINALLY! Some good news. He even brought you here with my daughter and my missing scroll. I was a fool to doubt. This truly is a sign!" Nate leaned his head against the bars, giving Harkon a smaller smile. Sometimes he amazed himself with his silver tongue. It truly was a gift to talk himself out of tight spots. Pulling back his cloak, Harkon pulled a ring of keys off his hip and unlocked the cell.
Nathan calmly stepped back from the door, letting Harkon push it open. Harkon then beckoned him with a finger, telling him openly in a calmer tone of voice. "Follow me. I'm sure Escher has informed you about a little job that I want you to do." Following a few paces behind Harkon, he replied diligently as he looked around the place. "He did. Something about 'Redwater Den.' He said you'd tell me more." Harkon looked over his shoulder, catching his eyes before saying curtly. "Indeed. Escher said he could get you to fall in line. And you did. I'm pleased with his results. Now I see why. Inside." Harkon walked up some steps and pushed open a heavy wooden door to a large warm chamber. Inside, Escher scrambled off a large fur bed and asked quickly. "My lord? What did he... Nathan?" Nathan started to take a step to rush over to him but stopped himself. Behind him, Harkon slammed the door shut and informed Escher lightly. "All is well, Escher. Sit." Escher slowly sat back down on the bed, his worried eyes going to Nathan. Nathan gave him a wink as Harkon moved behind him toward a large fireplace. The gesture relaxed Escher only a little.
Nate could see the blood leaking down Escher's pale neck from two vampiric punctures. Escher was even stripped down from when he last saw him. Wearing nothing but an overly large silk nightshirt that went down to his knees. Harkon dropped into a throne chair beside the large roaring fire, before informing Nathan in a cool tone of voice. "Have you heard of the Bloodstone Chalice, Nathan?" Nate shook his head, moving to stand a bit closer to the fireplace. Harkon smirked, regaling as he stared into the fire. "It is a rather well-kept secret. The Chalice has been in my possession for quite some time now. It is, when used properly, able to increase the potency of our powers. I've neglected using it for ages because I did not want others to know that I have it. But... the time has come. I can feel it. I need it filled now." Nathan shrugged, pointing off a bit disheartened as he asked a bit put out. "You want me to make you a drink? I thought-" Harkon shushed him, giving him a hard glare, before continuing. "It's more than that. While my powers are more than adequate... I find myself lately feeling... I desire more. This war that is coming. I need to be sure of my victory."
Nathan discreetly moved his tongue over his teeth. Was Harkon getting weaker? The vampiric beast inside him relished the idea. Like an animal sensing weakness, he felt a slight rush. Harkon looked up at him with guarded eyes, telling him seriously. "I shall give you the Chalice. Where you will take it directly to my Bloodspring that is the source of Redwater Den. But that alone isn't enough. Once that is done, the blood of a powerful vampire needs to be added to it." Nate inhaled slowly as he waited to see what else Harkon had planned before asking questions. Drumming his fingers on the arm of his chair, Harkon reluctantly growled out. "And it just so happens that one has slithered their way into my establishment. I want him and his less reputable members of society removed." Rising from his chair, Harkon moved slowly toward a large glass display case as he continued coolly. "With the vile creature gone. I will need someone to take control there. Someone that I can trust. Someone that can easily go from hold to hold giving out... free samples? Someone like you. An unsuspecting Bard." Nate straightened up, trying not to sound defensive when he asked curtly. "What kind of samples?"
Harkon looked over his shoulder with a devilish grin, before answering proudly. "A very special blend of Skooma. Redwater Skooma. Very powerful stuff. Even more addictive than the original blend." Nate tensed, grumbling out. "Skooma? Really?" Harkon unlocked the cabinet, cutting in openly. "You don't understand. So, let me explain. Hunting humans out in the open is... dangerous. Messy. The trick is to get them to come to you." Removing a very large Chalice with spikes and strange writing engraved around the brim, Harkon slowly walked over to stand by his chair, while continuing lightly. "Then once you have them. You want them docile and willing to let you feed on them. Redwater Skooma provides that. One taste... and they crave more. Regular Skooma won't do it. They'll travel far and wide for it. Then get lost in it." Nate leaned back against the wall by the fireplace, stating uneasily. "And when they overdose? What does this do to the vampires that feed on them?" Harkon rolled his eyes, looking to Escher. Escher took the hint and answered promptly. "Nothing. That's the thing. Redwater only makes the blood more filling. For mortals it is a rush of... euphoria. We've been studying the water a long time. The result is the mortals fall into a blissful orgasmic state. They enjoy themselves."
Escher then raised a hand to keep Nate calm, finishing off in a even calmer voice. "We've never had a case of a mortal overdosing because we regulate it. Feeding on them cleanses them off it. And if some remains... we make healing potions that clean their system." Nathan felt a little better. Harkon leaned on the back of his chair with the Chalice balanced in his hands, upon telling him casually. "Redwater Den has been our primary source for collecting cattle. Then our Thrallmasters like Rargal, collect them and transport them here without drawing any attention. It has worked for thousands of years... until my recent Dealer decided to cut me off. Apparently, he came to Skyrim looking for the Bloodspring... and I had my informant take him right to it. Only now he thinks he can cut me off from it. He's wrong. And YOU are going to make him see that. Then you are going to take his place as my Dealer. Any staff you require, I will provide." Nate inhaled very slowly as he realized the position that he would be in. Licking his dry lips anxiously, he asked Harkon in a very soft tone of voice. "Any staff that I require?" Escher narrowed his eyes on him, but Harkon only nodded without concern.
Stepping away from the wall, Nathan told Harkon in a confident voice. "Alright. I'll take the job. But once I clear it out. I want the Nordic Thralls you have to help me run it." Escher's jaw dropped, while Harkon huffed out curiously with an unfazed expression. "Why them?" Nate shrugged, responding casually. "Why not? Mortals serving other mortals skooma won't look as suspicious. They are easier to control then other vampires. Less temped to possess the Bloodspring. Strong enough to haul large crates of the stuff. Even move bodies. Plus, Skyrim is full of Nords. They'll blend in. They are fighters if things go wrong." Harkon snorted, muttering out. "They won't be strong enough to fight off other vampires after the Bloodspring." Nathan bit his lip, thinking quickly before stating out to Harkon with a smile. "Think you can spare a few Death Hounds that know the difference between staff and prey? Gargoyles?" A devilish grin pulled at Harkon's lips, when he answered him coolly. "I'm sure we can train a few. But who will run the place while you are gone? Keep the Nords in line from... protecting their own?" Nate lifted his chin, dryly purring out. "I know some Necromancy spells to help with that. Dremora Lords in particular."
Inching up to the chair, Nate stared down Harkon fearlessly as he added with a devilish grin of his own. "And I wouldn't worry about them playing favorites. I'm sure they have a few enemies they want removed that will help them side with us. You want a loyal dog... you've got to pet them every now and again." For the first time, Harkon looked at him with amused affection in his dark eyes. Then chuckling warmly to himself, he purred out to Escher's shocked face. "I like the way this one thinks. Looks like we are all going to get along quite nicely." To Be Continued...
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