Chapter Sixty-Three: "Friendly Fire"
Nathan followed Valga into her large bedroom within the inn. Taking his hand, she pulled him close, while Narri closed the door. Valga ran her hands up his arms, her body racked with nerves as she asked him in a small voice. "Do you do this often?" Smirking, Nathan stayed still to try and help her relax, replying calmly. "A few times. Comes with being a Bard. We're on the road a lot." Valga nodded, asking him curiously through a blush. "Will it... hurt?" Nathan beckoned her closer, leaning in slowly to whisper into her ear. "You won't notice it too much. I'm getting pretty good at it." Valga chuckled out doubtfully. "Oh, I don't like the sound of that..." Narri slipped up beside them, telling Nathan in a slightly jealous tone of voice. "Alright, Fangs. You get her started and then... slid out of the driver seat. Got it?" He wanted to stay something snarky, but just nodded. He was too hungry to care. Although, he knew who he was biting first. Looking back to Valga, he gently cupped her face and whispered to her in his most tender loving voice. "I'll go slow... but don't be afraid to command me. I'll gladly move the way you want me too." Valga blushed, stepping up against him.
Her lips brushed over his, whispering playfully to him. "Oh? You say that to all the girls. Or just the older ones like me?" Nathan brushed his lips over hers to part them, before replying with a grin. "I prefer a perfectly aged wine. It's richer and knows how to knock a heavy drinker like me onto my ass." Valga wrapped her arms around his neck, cooing out with growing excitement. "Nice save. What a sweet talker you are." Pressing his lips to hers, he let her control the kiss until he learned how she liked it. When she wanted him to take over the kiss, she nipped his lower lip, and he took the hint. His hands slid down her back, unlacing the corset with just a few pulls of the string. Then his hands moved over her ass and rested on the back of her thighs as his fingers slowly pulled her skirt up. Narri paced the room, trying to set up the bed and candlelight. Although, he could tell by his brief glances at her that she was irritated with him. Once he had Valga's skirt hefted up to her mid-thighs, he slipped his hands under and stroked her legs until she shifted her legs apart. Breaking the kiss, he pulled her firmly against him and curled his hands around her legs to slid her up off the ground and into his arms.
He made sure that her parts rubbed against his, before taking her to the bed to lay her down. Valga giggled and blushed up to him. "I'd say you've done this more than a few times." Leaning over her to kiss her neck, he purred over her skin in a deep soothing tone. "There are a few Noble women that pay a thousand coins for the pleasure of my company. Lucky for you... I'm off the clock." Valga's hands moved over his body to feel out his strong muscles as she breathlessly stated. "I bet their husbands love that..." Lifting his head to meet her eyes, he teased back with fake innocence. "Some of them did. I've fucked them too." Valga laughed, her hand running up into his hair to bring him down into another long kiss. Standing at the foot of the bed, he heard Narri mutter out under her breath with distaste. "Tramp." Easing from Valga's kiss, he looked over his shoulder to narrow his eyes lightly on Narri. Narri jerked, realizing that he had heard her. To try and ease the tension, he beckoned Narri onto the bed, coolly telling her. "Come here." Narri eased up her skirt to climb into the large bed, mumbling out to him regretfully. "Sorry..."
Grabbing her neck with a gentle hand, he pulled her into a brief kiss. Narri was far more reluctant to kiss him, since she clearly wasn't attracted to him. So, he kept the kiss very brief and instead went to her ear to whisper casually. "You take her. I'll take you." Narri turned her head to protest, until she saw his fangs slid out. Realizing that he wasn't referring to sex, she nodded. Valga's hand kept touching his arm and shoulder, while Narri laid down beside her and coaxed her into kissing her with fleeting ones to ease her into it. Nathan watched them for a bit, occasionally leaning in to open the front of Valga's blouse to kiss her breasts. Which would spur her into kissing Narri a bit more greedily. Once Narri had her moaning and actively enjoying herself, Nathan eased off to focus on Narri. Pushing her skirt up her long legs, he stroked them and shifted them open without being forceful. He timed everything to match up with their interactions. Manipulating things a bit, he took Valga's hand and sucked on her fingers, before easing them between Narri's legs. Narri broke the kiss, looking at Nate like she was going to protest, until she realized that it wasn't HIS hand playing with her.
Narri began to writhe and moan, giving Nathan the opening that he wanted. Holding one of her legs, he held it open and quickly leaned in to bite her inner thigh. Narri shuddered, her leg tensing as she whined in slight pain before the pleasure hit from both his bite and what Valga was doing to her. Gulping down her rushing blood, he savored the sweet taste of her arousal. It was hard to stop once he started, but he eventually did before he hurt her. Easing back to settle himself, he licked his lips and let her warm blood satisfy his insides. Shifting a little as he got ready to take a bite out of Valga, he stopped inches from her leg. Easing up, his ears caught a strange noise. Falkreath was full of people snoring with a few up late that were cleaning or writing. Yet, this particular sound wasn't normal. It sounded like soft distressed whimpering. Easing off the bed, Nathan moved closer to the window to listen and pinpoint where the sound was coming from. From the bed, Narri asked him curiously. "Something got you spooked, Fangs?" Nathan ignored her as he heard familiar drinking sounds. Straightening up, he uttered out under his breath. "Mark..." Whirling around on his heels, he told the women quickly. "I'll be a minute." Dashing from the room with inhuman speed, he took off into a run through the town and then the woods. Walter would be too slow.
Stopping on the hillside that overlooked Mark's manor, Nathan let out a low hiss and rushed to the front door. Slinking into the house, Nathan sniffed the air, catching the smell of the rogue vampire. Seeing the kids' bedroom door open a creak, he quietly moved up to the door. Peeking inside without entering, he saw the vampire crouched over Mark. Mark appeared to be paralyzed but was trying to move and call out. The kids slept peacefully not knowing the danger they were in. Putting a hand on the door, Nathan opened it slowly, allowing the soft creaking to draw attention to himself. The vampire jerked his head up to the noise, his eyes reflecting in the dim candlelight behind Nathan. Putting a finger to his lips, Nathan then beckoned the vampire out as his fangs grew out menacingly. The vampire glanced down at Mark, before rising to his feet. Nathan stepped back from the door but kept his eyes on him. One second the vampire was there and the next, he was gone. Nathan closed his eyes, relying on his hearing to track the soft tapping of the man's boots on the wood. The sound was as subtle as a raindrop, but the house was so quiet that there was just no way the vampire could hide it.
When the vampire raced up behind him, Nathan smirked and told him without turning around. "You're faster than the others..." Whirling around to strike the man in the throat with a hard punch, Nathan snarled out quietly. "But I'm faster, asshole." The vampire staggered back, clutching his throat as he gagged on his crushed windpipe. The vampire recovered quickly though, hissing out as he pulled out two jet black ebony daggers. "Good. My mistress said that you'd put up a fight. She also said that I should kill Lord Harkon's Ward after delivering Lord Harkon's message. So, now that your guard dog is down... This should be an uneven fight." Nathan smirked a little, shrugging out. "Well, you're right about one thing." Dashing forward, Nathan grabbed his arm and flipped him to the ground. The vampire flipped but dropped his feet down to catch himself. Twisting in Nate's grip, he slashed out at Nathan's slide with the blade. Nathan jerked back to avoid the blade cutting him, then yanked the vampire close as he brought his leg up to kick him in chest. The blow knocked the vampire into the air, where Nate released him to let him fall.
Landing like a spider, the vampire hissed at him and went into a fast roll to try and circle around him. Following him, Nathan blocked his fast swings that aimed for random places. The blows got faster and faster, before Nathan snatched his wrists. Staring at the blades in his hands, Nathan huffed out without breaking a sweat. "Laced blades. You think you can paralyze me?" The vampire smirked, twisting his wrists to get out of Nate's grip and tried to plunge the two blades into his chest. In response, Nathan kicked a broom over and caught to block the blow. Shoving the vampire's wrists up with the handle, Nathan jumped and kicked the vampire back into the next room where the trapdoor to the cellar was. The vampire landed on his ass, chuckling up at him. "A broom? And here I expected... more." Nathan twirled the broom in his hand as he approached the guy, smugly retorting. "Dude... I knocked you on your ass with this thing. Give me a little credit." The vampire got to his feet, dashing out at him and Nathan swung the broom out toward the man's neck to spook the man back. The man leaned back to avoid the swing and Nathan swung the broom back faster to strike the man off his feet. The vampire cursed, falling roughly to the floor before clutching his shins.
Nathan didn't hesitate, he moved fast to strike the vampire across the face with the broom so hard that the broom broke. The vampire went limp across the floor as the blow knocked him unconscious. Flipping to point the broken side of the broom out, he impaled it into the vampire and watched him puff into ash. Upon straightening up to dust himself off, Nathan chuckled out to himself. "Well, shit... Now how am I going to sweep the floor with you?" Realizing that Mark hadn't joined into the fight, he dashed downstairs to grab a few of his spare potions and rushed back to the room with so much speed that barely a second or two ticked by. Dropping beside Mark, he looked him over for any deep wounds. Finding only a cut on his arm, Nathan blew his bangs out of his eyes with relief. Cleaning Mark's arm to remove the toxin, Nathan told him in a whisper as he gave him the antidote. "I took care of him... but he broke your broom." Mark coughed a little, stiffly shifting to his side. Nathan started to back up, but Mark grabbed his wrist and strained out. "Check... the kids." Leaving Mark, Nathan crept up on the first boy and carefully checked him for bites or any cuts. When he didn't see anything, he moved to the next boy.
After confirming the three boys were good, he moved to the little girl. Brushing her hair away from her neck, Nathan winced when he saw the bite in her neck. Pressing his fingers to her neck, he waited to feel a pulse. When he barely felt one, he pulled his potion satchel off to dig through it. Mark sat up slowly, straining out. "Nate...?" Nathan shushed him, focusing on finding the right bottle. Popping the cork, he poured it quickly into his mouth. Tossing the bottle down, he angled her head and pressed his lips to her to give it to her a little at a time to monitor that she was getting it down and not drowning. When he let the last of it into her mouth, he rubbed her throat one last time to trigger her swallowing reflex. The potion made his mouth feel numb and it burned... but it would cure the sanguine blood disease before it spread enough to turn her. One of the many things he learned at the college. He was so uncomfortable doing this with a kid, but he didn't want her to turn or become scarred. So, with great reluctance, he leaned in to lick his tongue over the holes of the bite to seal them while they were still fresh. When he saw them closing, he stopped and took a struggled breath.
It made him shiver to have the taste of her skin on his tongue. While a lot of vampires preferred biting kids, he wasn't one of them. He didn't care how pure their blood tasted before puberty tainted the blood in hormones. Bites were intimate in nature and that was the last thing he wanted with a kid. When Mark finally got up, he grabbed the footboard for support and whispered out. "She ok?" Nathan nodded, showing him the empty bottle's label to explain what he did. There was a good chance that she wouldn't turn, but he didn't want to take the risk. Mark patted Nathan's arm in a thankful gesture. Nate placed a hand on Mark's hand to hold it, telling him as he looked down at the little girl. "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I'll fix it, Mark... I promise." Mark tugged on his arm a little, asking softly. "Nathan? Can you?" Nathan looked to see him pointing at the raw bit on his shoulder. Bowing his head, Mark whispered out. "We'll keep this between us. I don't want them to worry." Nathan nodded, taking Mark out of the room. Helping him sit at a dining chair, Nathan looked over the wound and chuckled out. "Well... At least you can't become a vampire as long as you stay a werewolf."
Mark huffed darkly, then turned his head as Nathan leaned in to press his lips to his flesh. Licking the holes, Nathan stayed longer on Mark's skin as a way of washing the taste of the girl from his mouth. The sweat of the wolf was more than strong enough to overpower her taste. When he removed his mouth from him, Nathan quickly picked up a wine bottle off the table to sip it to happy get the taste of Mark out of his mouth. Relaxing in the chair, Mark told him nicely. "Thank you... you couldn't have come back a little sooner though?" Nathan rolled his eyes, taking another sip of the wine, before chuckling out. "I was having dinner. They are pretty noisy. You're lucky I heard you." Mark chuckled a little, then told him a bit reluctantly. "If you're looking for a Moth Priest, try seeking out the Penitus Oculatus. They are the Emperor's new security force. After the Blades were disbanded, they took over the job. If a Moth Priest is on the move. They'll be traveling with one of their vanguards. You'll know the one you're looking for because every few miles they'll stop and ask taverns or locals strange questions about the area. They don't just collect Elder Scrolls but any relic that holds inhuman power."
Nathan eyed him closely, asking him curiously. "Why are you telling me this?" Rising from the chair, Mark honestly told him. "I didn't want to tell you... because I have a feeling that I know what will happen to that person... but you did just save me and my daughter. So... I owe you. And... it's sad to say that I would rather lose a Moth Priest, then Jack." Bowing his head, Mark inched closer to him and whispered a lot softer. "From one man who struggles with an inner animal to another... I understand why you can't just walk away from what you are and what you have to do. So, I'm not going to force you to be someone that you are not. But as your friend... Be careful who you trust on the other side. And if you find yourself unable to tell friend from foe... our door is always open." Nathan smiled, letting Mark put a hand on his shoulder before teasing closer to his ear. "Just... knock first. Wouldn't want to stake you by accident now that I have to up my security patrols. Oh... and no more having friends over." They shared a laugh, until Jack asked from the stairs sleepily. "Mark? Nate? What are you two doing up so late? You're not fighting, are you?"
Nathan shook his head, then pointed to Mark and blurted out coolly. "No. But he did scare me and made me dump the ashes of a dead guy in the other room. So, you should have him clean that up before the kids get up and breathe that shit in. Don't want them to become assholes like that dead guy too." Mark squeezed his shoulder, softly growling out to him discreetly. "I take it back. I'm gonna spray the house in holy water." Smirking, Nate added innocently. "Oh, and Mark broke your broom. You should crate him at night." Mark let out a deep friendly growl that prompted Nathan to grin at him. Jack rubbed his temples with a tired groan, but Nathan shrugged out. "I'd love to stay and help... but my dinner is getting cold. See you in the morning for breakfast." Nathan winked at Mark smugly, then headed casually for the door. Slowly easing out though, he listened as Jack called sweetly out to Mark. "Mark, don't. We'll clean it in the morning. Please come to bed? I'm cold." Mark moved up the steps, giving Jack a kiss upon purring back to him. "Alright. I'm coming." Smiling, Nathan closed and locked the door. Adding a powerful protection spell under the doormat that would burn any intruder.
The spell would wear off by morning, but that was fine. Then he dashed back to the inn. Slipping into the room, Valga beckoned to him and giggled out. "There you are. I was getting worried that you weren't coming back." Removing his tunic, Nathan crawled into bed with the women and chuckled out. "No. Just went to work up an appetite. Now where were we?" To Be Continued...
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