Chapter Sixty-Sixty: "Prophecy Of The Night"
Letting out a deep and disappointed sigh, Nathan beckoned to the Moth Priest as he led him back out of the cave. The Moth Priest chipperly trotted after him like a puppy on a leash. Only adding to Nathan's unease. He felt like he had a stalker and it creeped him out. Upon exiting the cave, Nathan swung himself up onto Walter and grumbled out to himself. "So, the Dawnguard know about this... That's interesting." Putting a hand down, he helped the Moth Priest swing up behind him on the horse. He didn't want to be this close to him, but riding was faster than walking. Turning Walter to head back through Dragon Bridge, he rode up the road heading toward Solitude. While behind him, the Moth Priest asked curiously. "Master? May I ask where this Castle Volkihar is? I've never heard of such a place." Glancing around at the travelers along the road, he flatly told him. "Don't worry about it. I'll get you there." The Moth Priest didn't press him, but instead asked. "What am I to do once we get there?" Straightening up, Nathan answered swiftly in his same flat tone. "You'll read something for a friend."
Satisfied, the Moth Priest didn't ask anything further. Leaving Nathan to feel guilty about this. He was leading this guy to a possible slaughter but didn't know how else to get around this mess. Riding up to the little rowboat, Nathan tied Walter someplace safe and climbed in. By the time they arrived at the island, the sun had gone down, and everything was eerily dark. Walking slowly up to the gatekeeper, the old man nodded to him and uttered out. "Been awhile since I've seen you. Lord Harkon will be in a mood..." Ignoring him, Nathan pushed open the door and whispered to the Moth Priest over his shoulder sternly. "Say nothing. Do nothing. Unless I tell you. Got it?" The Moth Priest nodded, straightening himself up to look more professional. Taking a deep breath out of old habitat, he casually strolled toward the little balcony stairs that overlooked the dining hall. The hall was filled with vampires that were all dolled up and sipping their breakfast blood. What was dinner for mortals was breakfast for vampires. The place was buzzing with soft conversations and snobbish laughs. Yet, Nathan's eyes went directly to the head table.
Sitting in the largest chair at the center of the main table, Lord Harkon looked to be in a foul mood. His dark eyes were guarded and glared around the room, while his finger circled the rim of his goblet absently. It was hard to tell if he was plotting the deaths of everyone in the room or simply judging them by their conversation choices. On his right, Serana sat very still in a fine red corset dress. The bright red dress hugged her slender frame and made her look thinner and younger than the last time he'd seen her. Her long dark hair was pulled up on top of her head with diamond hair pins, but her long bangs hung loosely. Around her neck was a diamond choker that glinted in the dim candle lighting with a large red ruby at the base of her throat. She sipped from a glass of blood that looked heated and looked utterly tense. She was the first to see him. On Lord Harkon's left, sat Escher. Seeing him immediately got Nathan's blood pumping. Just like the others, Escher was dressed very nicely. Wearing tight black pants and a silky white ruffle shirt that hung low down his torso to show off his flawless chest. His blonde hair had grown out longer and was braided down one shoulder with golden beads.
Escher was slumped back in his chair with his arms crossed as he stared at Harkon with a guarded look. It was clear that Escher was worried about something and was unsettled by Harkon's mood. So much so that he was the only one not touching his glass. As Serana straightened up, Harkon took notice and turned his eyes to the balcony. Nathan bowed his head in respect, gesturing to the Moth Priest as casually as he could. When Lord Harkon rose from his seat, the entire room went silent. All eyes stared at Harkon with nervous looks. Giving him an amused smirk that held no humor, Harkon announced aloud. "Good to see you are alive. I was beginning to wonder. But the prodigal son returns." Nathan beckoned the Moth Priest to follow him, descending the steps slowly. Lord Harkon pushed his chair back, walking around the table and stepping over the hounds to stand before it. Opening his arms out in a light welcome, he told him in a warmer voice. "Well done. Somehow, I knew it would be you who found our Moth Priest. Have some trouble along the way?"
Stopping to stand before him, Nathan coolly regaled to him in the hopes of calming or directing his mood off himself. "As a matter of fact, yes. Finding him was hard enough. But it seems the Dawnguard were tipped off. They got to him before I did. I managed to kill them and get him back, as you can see. However... seems... word got out about why we want him." Harkon glared at the vampires of his court, causing some of them to shift and squirm in their seat. Harkon's voice became darker as he glared at them more but directed his question to Nathan. "I trust his capture was not too difficult a task for you? You managed to bring him here AND kill a few Dawnguard, after all. A task I am led to believe is... difficult for others." Shaking his head, Harkon met Nathan's eyes and smirked out with glinting eyes that were filled with a strange bloodlust. "I wish I could have been there to hear the sounds of their screams." Placating to him, Nathan took a step forward and practically purred out. "It was over far too quickly. But trust that even if I had not been unable to retrieve him. I had a back-up plan in mind."
One of the Vampire Nobles stood up and huffed out. "The Dragonborn? As if you could have brought him here. Don't lie to our lord! My people tell me you were playing house with him. I hardly acquaint that with having him under your control. More like he was using you." She shrugged, telling the others openly. "I've even heard rumors of him befriending a filthy werewolf! That's what you get from a bard, I suppose. Sleeping with animals." The other Nobles gasped and those close to her eased their chairs away with loud screeching sounds. Lowering her goblet, she asked a little dumbfounded. "What? What did I say?" Nathan watched Harkon's eyes flare into a bright red, before he stormed over to her table. Seeing the icy wraith in his eyes, she dropped her goblet and began to stammer out. "Oh! Wait! I meant no offense to you, my lord! I was only trying to say that-" Before she could finish, Harkon removed a small thin dagger and sliced her throat in a fast swift motion. The woman staggered back, clutching her sizzling throat as blood leaked between her fingers. The hounds rushed to lick up the blood from her spilled goblet, then trailed after her to lick up the blood spewing from her neck that dripped to the floor.
When she started to flee, Harkon straightened up and gave his guards a kill gesture. The vampires dressed in armor bowed to Harkon respectfully, then briskly walked over to grab her arms. Escorting her quickly from the room, with the hounds happily trotting behind. Clearing his throat, Harkon snorted and composed himself. Giving Nathan time to calmly inform him. "If you'll permit me, Lord Harkon. I can explain my actions." Harkon huffed sarcastically, blurting out confidently. "No need. Actions speak louder than words. And you, my boy. You came back with my Moth Priest and had a back-up plan in place. No need to say more." Nathan bowed his head, respectfully replying. "Thank you." Harkon waved a dismissive hand, stating coolly. "Think nothing of it. Now. I'm eager for my reading." Turning slightly, Harkon pipped up firmly. "Serena. Be a dear and fetch me my scroll, would you darling." Serena eased gracefully up from her chair, her long leg slipping out of the high slit in her dress as she moved around her chair, replying almost too softly. "As you wish, Father." Harkon flashed her a smug grin, then lightened up to call out next. "Escher, my love. Nathan is parched from his trip. Bring over some breakfast?"
Escher eased up from his chair, asking Nathan with a warm smile. "Served warm or chilled?" Trying to keep himself from grinning like a giddy schoolboy, he answered calmly. "Warm." Escher moved to the end of the table, waving a mortal servant away from a pot that was being warmed and stirred over a little fire. Pouring the thick blood into fresh glasses, Escher picked up three and carefully sauntered over to them. Handing one to Nathan and the other to Harkon, Escher raised his glass and excitedly told Nate. "Congratulations." Harkon raised his glass to clink them together, causing the other Vampires to raise their glasses to toast with them. Keeping his eyes locked on Escher, Nathan took a swig from his glass, but his mind was elsewhere. He felt so guilty leaving Escher for so long. He wanted to make it up to him. He wanted to say things in private to him. The wait was killing him. Although, he was enjoying how beautiful he looked tonight. When Serena finally returned with the scroll in hand, Harkon's mood changed drastically as he excitedly stated aloud. "Perfect! Thank you, my dear."
Strolling forward to carefully take it from her, Harkon walked back to Nathan and said with barely contained excitement. "Here. Give this to your Thrall. Command him to read it and let us hear the words of the prophecy together." Escher took back Nathan's glass and backed away to make room for Harkon and Nate. Reaching out slowly, Nathan put his hands on the ends of the Elder Scroll like Harkon was holding it. When Harkon let go, Nathan was surprised how heavy it was. He'd handled scrolls in the college that weren't this heavy or encased in such fine bone and metal. Turning to face the Moth Priest, Nathan held out the scroll. The Moth Priest bowed deep, raising his arms to accept it as he regaled submissively. "Master, I will do as you ask. I admit, I am looking forward to this." The Moth Priest accepted it just as carefully and Nathan told him nicely. "Good. Then you may begin your reading for all of us to hear, if you please?" The Moth Priest straightened up but tipped his head as he answered. "Of course, Master." The Moth Priest took a deep breath, his own firm personality shining through when he announced seriously. "I would appreciate it if everyone would please be absolutely quiet. I must concentrate. This will not be like reading a normal scroll. It will take a lot out of me, and I cannot afford to repeat myself."
Everyone fell into silence as the Moth Priest slowly opened the scroll and asked nicely. "Please snuff a few candles. Thank you." Harkon gestured to the ones he knew would darken the space for the Moth Priest. The scroll glowed and swirled with images of what looked to be ancient magic symbols and compass points, but Nathan could see nothing more. After a moment, the Moth Priest began to say in a clear tone. "I'm beginning to see something. I see a vision before me... an image... of a great bow. It's made with what appears to be gold... Yet, it looks... Oh, wait! I know this weapon! It is Auriel's bow!" Nathan furrowed his brows. Why did that name sound familiar? He pushed the thought aside as the Moth Priest continued. "There is a voice. It's whispering to me, saying... 'Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise. In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night, and the day will be as one." The Moth Priest winced a bit but added on. "The voice is fading, and the words are beginning to shimmer and distort. But wait... there is more here. The secret of the bow's power is written elsewhere. I think there is more to this prophecy, recorded in other Elder Scrolls."
The Moth Priest turned the Elder Scroll sideways like he was reading something along the edges, telling them quickly. "Yes. I see them now. One contains the ancient secrets of the dragons, and the other speaks of the potency of ancient blood. My vision darkens... and I see no more." Closing the Elder Scroll, the Moth Priest told Nathan with breathless excitement. "To know the complete prophecy, we must have the other two Elder Scrolls." Nathan winced as he recalled where the Dragon Elder Scroll was. How was he ever going to get that from Jack? Turning to look at Harkon, Harkon's expression was a deep scowl. Exhaling loudly, Harkon told him in a voice dripping with disappointment. "That was... not as useful as I would have liked. Even so, you did well, Nathan." Hoping he could find a way to slip around finding them, he asked Harkon lightly. "Do you know where the other Elder Scrolls might be? Who do you want to send to find them?" Harkon huffed sarcastically, downing his glass as he walked away a bit, upon answering gruffly. "My traitor wife stole one of them away and disappeared. No one I've sent out has been able to find her for years and are not likely to now... As for the other, I heard it was in the bowels of a Dwemer ruin and retrieved by the Dragonborn."
Harkon stopped in place, menacingly turning around to tell him with a smile. "A friend of yours, I hear. And since you did such a fine job of retrieving my Moth Priest. It is only fair that I send you to handle the Dragon Scrolls retrieval. Yes?" Nathan nodded stoically with slight defeat. Harkon moved on to refill his glass, dryly announcing. "It seems our work is not yet done. But I have waited this long, and we are so very close now. I can wait a bit longer." After gulping down his drink, Harkon let out a loud exhale before telling Nathan firmly. "I'll give you time to rest with us. Then I want you back out there. Retrieve that Scroll from the Dragonborn. Maybe it will give me what I need." Harkon started to turn away, but quickly turned back to add with a narrowed look. "Oh... and one more thing, Nathan? Take as long as you did last time... and I'll send more then a message for you to return. I'll show up myself and massacre EVERYONE you are so distracted with. Understand?" Nathan nodded, allowing Harkon to snatch the Scroll back from the Moth Priest as he left to lock it away again. Nathan looked to Escher then, who sipped his drink and teased out. "Did you miss me? Or did you find pleasurable company with someone else in Red Water?"
Nathan shook his head, leaning closer to whisper back teasingly. "No. Just nibbled on a few people to sate my palate for you." Escher raised his eyebrows, leaning closer to whisper close to his ear. "How crazy do you wanna get? Cause I know a nice spot on the roof..." Nathan almost purred loudly, until Serena tapped his arm and nervously asked him. "Nathan? Do you have a moment to talk?" Nathan licked his dry lips, asking her a bit tensely. "Can it wait? I just-" Pulling him away into a corner a bit forcefully, Nathan tried not to spill his drink as he hissed out. "Hey! What are you doing?!" Shushing him, she whispered so softly that other vampires couldn't hear her say. "Just listen! I think I know where we can start looking for my mother's Scroll. And the best part... We don't even have to leave the castle." Escher inched closer to them with a calm look on his face, while Nathan glanced between them and said to her curiously. "I'm listening." To Be Continued...
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