Chapter Sixty-One: "Visit In The Night"
The journey back to Riverrun was a peaceful one. After the hustle and bustle of the College, the long trip in the open air was freeing. Until by early morning, he turned off the road and through the lightly forested area to the estate that overlooked a nice crystal clear lake. As the sun broke through the trees, Nathan pulled Walter into a stop with a smile. Working in the small garden was Mark and even before he rode out into the clearing, Mark stopped to look up at him. There was no sneaking up on him with that damn nose of his. Straightening up, Mark dusted off his arms of fresh soil before approaching him. When he was close enough, Mark smirked and asked him. "This is a surprise. Here to see Jack? Something happen at the college?" Sliding off his horse, Nathan walked Walter to the little stable, casually telling Mark. "No. Just thought I'd come by and tell him how things are going. Drop off a few reports that only the Archmage can sign off on. Otherwise, I'm on winter break." Mark helped untack Walter, telling him warmly. "Oh, good. You can help me with a few chores before everyone gets up." Nathan rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Why are you up so early?"
Mark shifted uneasily, before leaning on the stable wall to answer softly. "I don't sleep much anymore. Not since becoming a werewolf. I toss and turn all night... Every sound in the house puts me on edge that someone might be..." Bowing his head, Mark exhaled out grimly. "It's just something I live with now. I keep them safe." Nathan reached out to pat Mark's shoulder, teasing out. "Just imagine all the things you'd have to do if you never had to sleep." Mark chuckled to himself, shoving Nate playfully as he shot back. "Ya... No thanks. I like what little sleep I get. Staying up all night would drive me insane. I'd run out of things to do." Nathan let Mark lead him around the manor, telling him openly. "You'd think that, but you'd be surprised what you find yourself doing. I've been learning new languages and got the college caught up on about eight years of work in about two months. So, I think you'd find something to fill your time." Mark snorted, moving into a small fenced off pen with a single cow and fours chickens. Shrugging, Mark told him with a smirk. "No. I don't have access to THAT much stuff. Besides, I try to keep things quiet. Let them sleep. You know?"
Nathan nodded, hopping over the fence so quickly that it spooked the chickens. Petting the calm cow, Nathan replied lightly. "Ya. Fortunately, I get to use the Archmage tower. So, I'm not disturbing anyone. Unless... I blow something up." Mark turned wide eyes on Nate who shrugged and blurted out. "What? It was one time. I used the wrong powder in the potion. Besides, no one was around, and I healed." Sitting down on a stool, Mark started to milk the cow as he muttered out. "I feel bad for the college. With you around, it must be chaos." Nathan blew a raspberry at him, then leaned on the back of the cow to ask curiously. "So? How's retirement? The kids? The... where is Tiidgein?" Mark focused on his work but answered happily. "The kids are fine. Jack and I are doing good. Tiidgein is... bigger. The town isn't happy about him, but Jack has managed to keep him out of their way for now. He's out hunting. He'll be back before they get up for breakfast tomorrow." Nate raised an eyebrow, asking a little worried. "You let him hunt alone?" Mark shook his head, answering swiftly. "Of course not. Paarthurnax is with him. Think of it like... He's at school. He's been learning the way of the voice and is able to stretch his wings a bit."
Nathan didn't want to bring it up but asked him in a much softer tone. "And the war? Jack still refusing the offer to become the Emperor? Still refusing to pick a side?" Mark stopped milking the cow, finally looking up at him with a guarded look as he said firmly. "Yes. And I don't blame him. He's been through a lot. WE have been through a lot. At some point, enough is enough." Nate shifted his weight as he leaned more heavily on the cow, mumbling out seriously. "I don't know, Mark. I don't think he can run from this. With the Emperor dead... The Nords see this as a sign that the line of Dragonborn Emperors is to return. And with this war going on over the High King of Skyrim... The fastest way to end it would be for him to accept the-" Mark stood up abruptly, cutting in defensively. "He said no and that's the end of it. He's done enough for Skyrim." Nathan watched Mark cover the bucket of milk with a cloth to set aside, before very gently stating out to his back. "Mark... You know that he can't remain neutral. The College is still under threat from Ulfric and the Imperials. I've come to like my students... I don't want to see them drafted and used. There is a war coming... You can feel it too. He is the only one that can put an end to it. He's an Imperial and he's the Dragonborn. Both sides respect him and all that he has done... but he HAS to choose."
Turning to face him, Mark told him just as seriously. "That's for him to decide. Not me." Nathan reluctantly nodded, easing off the subject. Mark began to collect eggs from the chicken nests, while asking him coolly. "Speaking of running from things... You gonna tell us what you're running from?" Nathan placed a hand on his chest, faking shocked innocence. Snorting, Mark handed the basket to Nate, adding with a calm but suspicious tone of voice. "Jack finally came around to telling me about you. I kept meaning to get you alone to ask you in person... but I think you've been avoiding being alone with me for the same reason. I know you want something from him." Nathan took the basket, chuckling out. "I think it's all in your head." Nathan turned to walk away when Mark blurted out casually. "Jack trusts you. And for whatever reason. You helped us. So, I'm trying to like you. But there were times that I sensed something from you. A change." Nathan stiffened but stated over his shoulder. "Whatever you felt. It's in the past. Since working in the College... I'm finding ways around the issue." Mark inched by him to grab the milk bucket, coolly stating in. "You could have gone anywhere for your winter break. Could have sent the reports through a courier... You didn't."
Nathan locked neutral eyes with Mark, asking lightly. "Are you saying I have to have a malicious reason to visit friends?" Mark inhaled as he moved closer to him, then exhaled out slowly as he replied. "No. But I've got instincts, just like you. I've learned to trust them. I have a good life here. A family. And if you do anything to hurt them..." Nathan bowed his head a little with understanding, before saying nicely. "I'm not here to hurt anyone, Mark. But... you're right. I did come here for another reason." Mark tensed, prompting Nathan to truthfully tell him. "I've been doing research on Moth Priests. Trying to find one. I haven't been so lucky. Now... I hear that Jack has some experience with reading Elder Scrolls." Mark narrowed his eyes on him, but Nathan shrugged out calmly. "If I were to bring him to a special scroll. Do you think that Jack would read it for me?" Mark kept suspicious eyes on him, asking in a guarded tone. "An Elder Scroll? You have one? Why do you need it looked at?" Nathan bowed his head, exhaling out a bit reluctantly. "It's personal. I just need it translated." Mark slipped out of the fence, stating out a bit stand-offishly. "You need it translated... Or your maker? People don't just have an Elder Scroll laying around, Nate."
Hopping over the fence gracefully with the eggs, Nathan followed him around the house to a set of stairs leading up to a second floor outdoor porch, rushing out. "Mark, I did you both a favor and all I'm asking is this one thing. After everything I did for you, can you at least hold up your end to help me." Mark set the bucket of milk on the table that looked to be set up for breakfast, before telling him sternly. "I want to help you, but I know you are not telling me the truth. If translating that Scroll puts others in danger, then I'm sorry... but no. We owe you a favor, but not one that goes against our morals." Nathan groaned, setting the eggs down as he shot back firmly. "He's not going to be doing anything, Mark. I just need him to read some stupid prophecy. That's it." Mark crossed his arms, snapping back. "You're a Mage, Nathan. Tell me. How many times has a prophecy led to war? How often do people get hurt after one of those damn readings?" Nathan pointed a finger at Mark, starting to raise his voice when he said a bit angrily. "Mark, you have no idea what-!" Nathan stopped talking as the door to the porch burst open and four young children rushed out to excitedly call out. "NATE!"
In that split second, Nathan's anger puffed away, and he held out his arms to happily state out with a bright smile. "HEY! How have you munchkins been?!" The kids rushed over to hug him, giggling and talking over themselves as they rushed to inform him about all the things that he had missed since he had last seen them. While listening to them, Nathan's eyes drifted to Mark who growled softly but went about setting up the table. He could tell their conversation was over, but Mark wasn't going to continue the issue now. It was easier just to pretend that they were getting along in front of Jack and the kids. Slowly, Jack emerged from the house with a yawn. Mark walked over to Jack, greeting him and giving him a long kiss on the cheek. Jack leaned into Mark, humming sleepily to him as a return greeting. Taking a seat on the bench, the four children swarmed Nate, asking him excitedly over each other. "How long are you staying?" "Will you play a song?" "Can you make the fire dance again?" "Look what I can do!" The young girl of the group moved closer, causing the three boys to jump back as she snapped her fingers and made a tiny spark. The spark was so tiny and flickered out so fast that someone could easily miss it.
Jack tensed, telling her seriously. "Samantha. What did I say about doing that so close to people?" Sam blushed, bowing her head guiltily when she mumbled out. "To not too..." Nate waved a careless hand, leaning closer with his hands out as he told her excitedly. "Do it again. I'll show you something." Sam lifted her hand and snapped her fingers between Nathan's hands. Snapping his own fingers, Nathan captured her tiny flame and rolled it in his hands to shape it. Then closing his hand on it and opening it slowly, he revealed that he had turned her tiny flame into a tiny violin that played a beautiful lullaby. The kids leaned closer, marveling at the details and how clear the song was. Nate smiled at his own work. All his studying and his practicing was paying off too. Mark rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Big deal." Shifting in his seat, Nathan held the little violin out to Mark, teasing out. "Here Mark. I made it for you. The smallest violin in the world... and it's playing just for you." Mark narrowed his eyes on Nate as the tension between them rose. Until Jack reached out to smack Nathan's hand, causing the tiny violin to puff into harmless smoke. Staring them both down, Jack told them in a warmer voice. "Let's eat. Shall we?"
While they ate, Nathan informed him on why he had returned and the things he wanted his opinion on to help the college. He left out the political stuff for the sake of the young children. He didn't want to scare them. Most of the day was spent catching up and going over the plans he had for the college. By the time they finished, Nathan played his music for the kids and told them a story using his magic during dinner. The kids loved it. While Jack and Mark snuggled in the far back of the room. Once the kids were tucked into bed, Nathan watched Jack coax Mark upstairs before heading to the basement where his coffin was. The basement was cozy and had a nice desk that he could sit at and read without disturbing anyone. He didn't plan to head to bed for a long time. He wanted to keep up his studies to master the Elven language. While in the midst of reading, Nathan heard a metal clicking from upstairs and tensed to listen. Unable to resist, he got up and slowly made his way back upstairs through the trapdoor. Crossing into the doorway, Nathan stayed in the shadows of the smoldering fireplace to listen for the sound again. This time the metal clicked and jingled, before the front door slowly creaked open.
From the stairway, Mark started to make his way down. He had clearly heard the noise too. Noticing Nathan, Mark shrugged to him without a word. Nathan put a finger to his lips, then pointed to the front door in the distance. From where Mark was, he couldn't see the front door. Mark nodded, creeping down the steps to head for the kids' room that was right at the bottom. Mark managed to slip inside, when three men inched into the house. The first looked around, then whispered to the others. "They're here. Spread out. Find them." Just as they moved into the long main hall, Nate stepped into their view, asking quietly. "Can I help you boys?" The first man hissed at him. While the second blurted out. "Nathan. He is one of the men we're looking for. A word?" Nathan gestured to the door they'd come from, until the third man sniffed the air and purred out excitedly. "Mmmm, maybe a snack first? I'm starving." Nathan dashed out with inhuman speed to block off the man's path, hissing out. "Touch them and you'll regret it. Outside. Now." The men hissed with disapproval, but Nathan herded them out the door. Once outside, Nathan snapped out. "What are you doing here?"
The second man of the group seized the moment to answer boldly. "We have a message from Lord Harkon. He's tired of waiting. Months have passed and no Moth Priest. Now... a little birdy told Lord Harkon that you're hanging around the Dragonborn. So, he sent us to help you take him in. So? Where is he? We'll make this quick." Nathan glanced at the house, before telling them firmly. "Who told Lord Harkon that I'm with him?" The first man chuckled, stating out smugly. "Come on, Nathan. You didn't think you weren't being watched, did you?" The men giggled, then tried to head back into the house. Without hesitating, Nathan grabbed the arms of the first two that tried to walk around him. Holding them tightly, he told them in warning. "Don't. Leave them alone. No one has to get hurt." The second man laughed a little, blurting out. "Relax. We'll finish them off quickly. They'll never know we killed them. It will make capturing the Dragonborn so much easier." Nathan glared at the man mercilessly, retorting icily. "Don't. Or I'll kill you." The men suddenly straightened themselves up, before the first one told him darkly. "Not very smart, boy. You're out numbered. And while Lord Harkon might want you back alive... we don't. So, move."
Nathan puffed his own chest up, getting ready to fight them. The men chuckled, teasing out. "You're very stupid. We'll rip you apart, boy." They hissed at Nathan, but Nathan stood his ground. Then from around the corner of the house, Mark walked out. His eyes glinting a yellow in the lantern lights outside the door as he growled out menacingly. "Not if WE rip you apart first." The men gasped, prompting Nathan to smirk to himself. Even with three against two. Mark being a werewolf had clearly caught them off guard. This would be a short and uneven fight... If Mark didn't get the urge to turn on him too. To Be Continued...
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