Chapter Sixteen: "Movarth's Lair"
Nate followed Escher into the dark cave entrance. The tunnel was so dark that Nate couldn't see anything. Stumbling, he tripped into Escher who grabbed him. Nate clung to Escher's arm as he straightened back up. Escher didn't appear to have a problem with him holding onto him, asking Dumbuk in a soft voice. "You should let me go first. I can see in the dark. Unlike you." A match struck as Dumbuk lit a torch and turned to face them. Escher hissed as the torch almost smacked Escher in the face. Dumbuk gave Escher a dark smile, replying flatly. "And have you up front to warn them? Not likely. We'll be fine." Nate watched Escher's fingers curl a bit as he angrily whispered back. "Yes. Because nothing says stealth like a lit fucking torch!" Dumbuk pointed a finger at Escher, gruffly snapping back softly. "I'm not taking advice from a lifeless corpse!" Escher tensed, his fangs showing more as he retorted heatedly. "I knew Orcs were thickheaded, but I didn't know that meant they were one trick ponies! You charge in there and-!" Dumbuk thrusted the torch at Escher, who stopped talking to shrink away with an aggressive hiss.
Nate grabbed the torch, stepping between them to snap out in a low voice. "Knock it off! We are on the same fucking side right now!" Dumbuk yanked the torch from Nate's grip, growling back with distrust. "Never trust a blood sucker, kid. Their words are meaningless lies." Escher moved closer, sneering back at Dumbuk with a sudden eerie grin. "Is that right? Well then... I'm sure you'll survive." Dumbuk grinned for a split second, then the smile faded when he realized that Escher was fucking with him. Turning on his heel, Dumbuk led on, holding the torch high. Nate sighed, looking to Escher. Escher's fangs retracted before he told him softly. "Stay close. Pawns always go first." Nate snorted to himself. He didn't like the tension between them, but he did like Escher's sense of humor. The tunnel led down into a mined out cavern with a spiral wooden staircase along the wall. Dumbuk crept down the side, pointing toward something below. Nate started to move to the edge to see, but Escher pushed him back against the wall, whispering out. "Frostbite Spiders. The little girl's pets. They guard the entrance." Nate raised an eyebrow, upon asking curiously. "You knew that little vampire?"
Escher rocked his hand from side to side, answering honestly. "Briefly. I was stalking the place before you arrived. She tried to pull the lost little girl ploy on me... until she realized what I was. We talked a bit." Nate felt a sudden sting of jealousy as he blurted out without thinking. "Did you like her?" Dumbuk raced down the steps to kill the spiders, while Escher stopped to look at Nate with a small smile. Blushing, Nate uttered out meekly. "What? I know you killed her, but..." Nate felt stupid having asked now. Escher chuckled to himself, answering with amazement as he started walking again. "No. I didn't like her like that. Besides, I don't date people that look like kids. It's... creepy." Nate scuffed his feet a little, trying to ask casually. "And what about people younger than you?" Escher turned to face him, whispering to him with bright blue eyes and a warm voice. "Almost everyone I meet is younger than me. Unless they are vampires turned before my time like Harkon." Nate swallowed, asking in a wispy voice. "And me?" Escher touched Nate's chin, telling him sweetly. "You're about the age I was when I was turned. That's good enough for me. Or does my age concern you?" Nate shook his head, honestly admitting. "I don't have any issues with older guys." Escher smiled, lowering his hand as he asked in a soft timid whisper. "You make is sound like you want to woo me?"
Nate shifted anxiously on his feet, opening his mouth to answer. He didn't get the chance though as a dagger flew toward Escher. Escher caught it before it touched him. Nate gasped, stepping back. Escher looked over the Orcish dagger, then lowered it to glare down at Dumbuk. Dumbuk stood firm in the center of the floor below, telling Escher seriously. "Leave the kid alone, demon." Escher huffed, flipping the dagger in his hand to hold the end of the blade. Inhaling sharply, Escher turned and threw the dagger back at him. Nate watched the dagger, his eyes widening as Escher jumped off the ledge to race it to Dumbuk. Dumbuk's eyes were on the dagger, bracing to move to the side. As the dagger got close, Dumbuk stepped to the side easily. However, Escher suddenly appeared beside him with the Orcish dagger blade pressed against his exposed throat. Dumbuk tensed, while Escher told him in a dark voice. "Or you'll do what exactly, Mortal?" Dumbuk locked eyes with Escher, before turning his torch to point at him. Nate raced down the steps, calling out with concern. "Escher?" Escher backed up from Dumbuk, dropping the dagger at Dumbuk's feet without breaking eye contact with him. Dumbuk crouched down slowly to pick up his dagger, then grunted at him as he walked to the next tunnel.
Nate slowly approached Escher, asking in a softer voice. "You alright?" Escher's soft eyes finally met his, giving him a small smirk before he vanished into what looked like white mist. Nate then jumped as arms wrapped around his shoulders. Against his ear, Escher whispered sweetly to him. "Vampires always attack your blind spots. Stay on your toes and when in doubt... drop to your knees when you see them disappear. Young vampires tend to slash and run to wound prey before coming back for the kill. If you feel a rogue breeze or a sudden chill close by... don't trust it. You shouldn't feel anything like that down here." Nate nodded, looking over his shoulder as he breathlessly said. "Ok..." Escher kissed his neck, adding in a whisper. "They are going to smell you. So, don't bother hiding. Instead, position yourself back against a wall. Force them to come at you from the front." Nate tossed caution to the wind, bringing his lips to Escher's to kiss him briefly. Escher accepted the kiss, then stared at Nate only a little surprised. Nate inhaled deeply to gather himself upon stating out. "Just in case things don't turn out well." Escher slid his hands down Nate's arms. Forcing himself to step away from Escher, Nate hesitated briefly. Dumbuk was standing just inside the tunnel watching them with his jaw hanging open in shock.
Nate cleared his throat, trying to just walk past Dumbuk without looking at him. Dumbuk grabbed his arm to stop him though, stammering out. "Did you just... with it?" Nate pulled his arm from Dumbuk without answering. He didn't want to get into this now. He had hoped that Dumbuk hadn't seen him do that, but of course he would. As Escher strutted in after Nate, Escher playfully shut Dumbuk's mouth with his fingertips, smugly stating. "You should keep that shut before someone mistakes you for a gargoyle." Nate crept down the dark tunnel, sliding his hand along the dirt wall as he went. Every few feet his hand hit a wooden support post, until he saw light ahead. Behind him, Escher gently pushed him against the wall and crept farther ahead. Dumbuk was about to complain about Escher taking the lead, until a woman asked from ahead. "Who goes there? Speak." Escher stepped out, flashing her his fangs. The woman relaxed, giving him a little bow as she said respectfully. "Good evening, Sir. Can I help you?" Escher nodded, walking casually toward her as he said calmly. "Yes. I'm looking for someone. He's expecting me." The woman looked a little confused, but gestured to the tunnel next to her, replying swiftly. "I'm afraid most of the coven was called in to address an emergency. You'll have to-" The second her eyes left his, Escher grabbed her and snapped her neck cleanly.
Stepping out from hiding, Nate didn't say anything but Dumbuk blurted out. "She was human... You knew that?" Escher looked back at them, nodding as he said. "She's a thrall. Human cattle. Whether forced or willing, we don't have time to figure that out. I'm not taking chances. We don't know how big the coven is. Now they have one less to attack us with." Dumbuk gawked at Escher, growling out. "You heartless beast!" Escher turned to point a finger at Dumbuk, retorting icily. "Don't start that shit. You were going to condemn a thrall for the murder of his family. So, fuck off, hypocrite!" Dumbuk stepped closer to Escher, replying sternly. "That's not the point. You killed a human! You knew the difference and instead of letting us deal with her. You killed her." Escher rolled his eyes, muttering out. "We don't have time for this." Dumbuk rushed up to Escher, snapping out a bit too loud. "Yes! We do. We are here to save lives. Human lives!" Escher snorted, pointing to the woman as he said coolly. "Then she means nothing to you, then? She's not human. She's an Elf. A Dunmer." Dumbuk shoved his hammer against Escher's chest, growling out. "You know what I meant!"
From the next tunnel, a voice cooed out happily. "Well, now. Seems like we have some uninvited guests. And you all look like you got a bit of gold in them pockets. I think I'll kill you and take it." Escher lazily gestured to the man in the next tunnel, sarcastically telling Dumbuk. "He's a thrall. You handle him." Dumbuk snorted, straightening up as he snapped back at Escher. "I will! Sit back and watch, Corpse!" Escher stepped away toward Nate as a big burly Nord in iron armor stepped out of the tunnel. Dumbuk's face fell in shock. The Nord was six foot and built like a troll. Nate lifted his sword expecting to fight with Dumbuk, but Escher pushed his wrist down. Giving him a wink, Escher joked out innocently as he crossed his arms. "Don't. Let him show me how he's going to 'save' this one. This I've got to see." Nate gestured to Dumbuk with his sword, mumbling out. "But he could die...?" Escher leaned back against the wall, huffing out. "I'm not that lucky. Plus, he's an Orc. He'll be fine." The Nord removed a battle axe, gripping the long leather bond handle with both hands. Dumbuk positioned himself with his Warhammer, the two facing off. Both their weapons were heavy and would require a lot of stamina to swing them.
Nate felt like it was an even match up. The two began to fight and within just a few minutes, Escher grew bored. Taking Nate by the arm, he started to drag him around their fight to the other tunnel. While being marched through, Nate stammered out. "Hey! You can't leave him to fight on his own!" Escher huffed, pushed Nate into a large open part of the cave, uttering out. "I just did. Don't worry. He'll catch up eventually. His fight is going to take too fucking long with all the huffing and puffing between swings." Nate wanted to tell Escher to go back and help, until Escher turned Nate around. There were carts with fresh bloodless bodies. All of them were dressed in rags with bound wrists and bag covered heads. Their exposed skin had slashes and all kinds of bites. They'd been drained dry. Nate tensed, while behind him, Escher whispered. "They are having dinner. Down that tunnel there. I can hear them." Together, they moved around the carts to the next tunnel and froze. The tunnel opened into a massive cave where a large iron throne chair sat before two grand wooden tables. The gothic looking chairs along the tables, all had vampires in them. All of them were female, except one. The man sitting in the throne chair, stirring a goblet in one hand. Movarth.
Nate's jaw dropped at the sight of Movarth. He could easily see why Alva had romanticized him. The guy was gorgeous. His skin was as pale as moonlight. His loose short hair was a platinum blonde that was practically a pure white. The man had muscular arms bond in iron armlets that showed off his muscles even more. His sleeveless black tunic hung open just enough to reveal his broad chest. Nate usually hated guys with scruffy beards, but Movarth's was light and sexy on him. He looked more like a Nord god than human. As the candlelight reflected off his eyes, Nate licked his lips. The fiery tint of his eyes made him really seem superhuman. Movarth lifted his tunic to rub his chest while someone spoke to him and Nate tried not to drool. Movarth has a six-pack that was so defined it would make an Orc cry. Beside him, Escher cleared his throat and glared at him with pure jealousy on his face. Nate blushed a bright red, wincing as he gave him a guilty shrug. Nate just couldn't help himself. He saw the attraction. He looked like a guy that had been a fighter his whole life and was good at it. Escher shook his head, mumbling out a bit salty. "You're drooling over a guy like him? Come on... He's..." Escher looked at Movarth clearly trying to think of something wrong with him. When he couldn't think of something, he growled out under his breath. "Straight."
Nate curled his lips over his teeth before his lips spread into a bright grin. He kind of liked seeing Escher so jealous. Escher narrowed his eyes on him in response. Giving Escher a wink, Nate turned himself invisible and moved closer. Nate hugged the wall and positioned himself on a high wall that overlooked the table. He was close enough now to hear what was going on. Sitting to the right of Movarth was a young woman with beautiful long black hair. She wore a green and yellow dress that revealed a lot of her cleavage. Nate assumed she was Alva from the way she told Movarth nervously. "Again, I'm sorry, Master... She was a mistake to bring on. I won't make that mistake again." Movarth's eyes darted to her as he said in a deep soothing voice that gave Nate goosebumps. "Morthal doesn't worry me. With the snap of my fingers, I can take the hold. What worries me is the Volkihar. Did you kill it?" Alva rested her hands nervously on the table, shaking her head as she rushed out. "No, Sir. I didn't see them personally. I got my information from the hunter." Movarth exhaled, then drank from his goblet. Nate watched the other vampires at the table feed on a person that was draped across the table like food. As one lifted their head, she sniffed the air with sudden interest.
Nate tried not to breathe or move. The woman turned to the woman across from her, asking in a greedy tone of voice. "Smell that?" The other woman shook her head as she continued to drain blood from the person's leg. The first one hit her to make her raise her head and cooed out. "Stop and smell. I smell Orc." The second vampire finally raised her head, her fangs dripping with blood as she retorted. "Impossible. Orcs never come this far north. They hate snow." Alva jumped to her feet, exclaiming to the others. "The hunter!" The other females hissed like snarling distressed alley cats. Faster than Nate could see the females dashed from the area and back where Nate had come from. Movarth got up calmly, wiping his mouth with a napkin. He started to follow the females, until he suddenly stopped just below where Nate was. Movarth inhaled deeply, then backed up a little as he said in a loud clear voice. "Now that is an aroma that I haven't smelled in a long time. I almost didn't catch it. There is just so much Nord blood around here... but you're not all Nord... Are you?" Nate kept his eyes on Movarth. Movarth chuckled to himself, backing up toward his table.
Lifting a goblet from the table, he offered aloud. "Come out. Join me for a drink? You smell familiar. Have I encountered you before?" Nate didn't answer. He needed to think of something fast. He didn't know where Escher had gone, but he hoped that Escher and Dumbuk could handle the females alright. Movarth smiled wickedly to himself, stating aloud with amusement. "No? I guess, I'll hunt you then. After all... I enjoy smelling one's fear. It often leads me right to them." Nate tried to keep his emotions calm. Movarth couldn't smell fear if he was not afraid. That's when Movarth chuckled and turned invisible too, causing Nate's heartrate to spike. To Be Continued...
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