Chapter Seventy-Two: "Daughters Of Coldharbour"
Groaning, Nathan got to his feet reluctantly. Escher picked up their clothes, shrugging out sweetly. "It was fun while it lasted. Come on." Rolling his eyes, Nathan dressed himself as he followed him, retorting dryly. "Ya... seems to be about my luck these days..." Heading back up into the lab, Nate tried to calm his grumpy mood. Serana was busy cleaning a fancy dagger on a table, when she told them coolly. "Take those bowls there and pour them into the vessel over there." Escher grabbed two bowls and Nate grabbed the last, while Escher asked her. "Do they go in a certain order?" Serana pointed to the bowls in turn, informing them a bit excitedly. "Finely ground powder. Then the purified void salts. Then carefully put in the soul gem shards. The rest is up to me." Escher led him over to the little balcony where the vessel sat. Carefully pouring in the ingredients in turn like she wanted, they then stepped back and put the bowls on the floor. Making her way over with the dagger, Serana told them a bit nervously now. "I'm not entirely sure what this thing is going to do when I add my blood. So... stand back and pray that half my blood is better then nothing."
Clearing his throat, Nathan slipped in curiously. "Can I ask you something first?" She nodded, prompting Nate to ask curtly. "What will you do if we find your mother?" Serana bit her lip, turning to face the stone vessel as she said softly. "I've been asking myself the same thing since we came back to the castle. She was so sure of what we did to my father... I couldn't help but go along with her. I just... I never thought of the cost." Escher glanced between them, interjecting lightly. "Sounds like she did everything for your sake. Figured the rest would sort itself out in time." Serana exhaled, before replying openly. "Possibly. I guess, even a vampire mother is still a mother. She worried about me. About all of us. But she wanted to get me as far away from my father as possible before he really went over the edge." Nathan tried to relate to her circumstance but couldn't image what that must have been like. So, he just straightened himself up and told her nicely. "We'll know soon enough. When we find her and ask her." His words seemed to perk her up, causing her to smile and say in a hopeful voice. "Yes. You're right. I'm sorry. I just didn't expect anyone to care about how I felt about her. Thank you."
Escher waved a calm dismissive hand. Allowing Nate to state out with a shrug. "I get it. Let's get that portal open and find her." Nodding, she looked back to the vessel and extended her hand over it with the dagger. Taking a deep breath, she uttered out under her breath. "All right. Here goes nothing..." Slicing her palm, she let a stream of blood drizzle over the mixture, until her skin healed over. Escher and Nate took a step back as the vessel shimmered with a purple light. That's when the tower shook and the circular engraving in the floor started to spin and stretch up toward the balcony to reveal a purple shimmering abyss below. Holding onto the railing for support, Serana gasped out in shock. "By the blood of my ancestors... She actually did it. She created a portal to the Soul Cairn. Incredible!" The pieces of the circle locked perfectly in place to create stairs that led down to the center of the circle, leaving a gap that would allow them to jump down into the purple abyss. When the shaking stopped, Nathan swallowed. As a necromancer himself, he was fascinated by this... but as a Mage with any knowledge on the Soul Cairn, he was terrified as well.
Looking to Escher, he tried to joke out. "Really to meet the Ideal Masters of the Soul Cairn?" Escher smirked, sensing how uneasy he was but teased back. "Sure. None of us have a soul for them to take. We should be fine." Serana chuckled, starting down the steps with Escher right behind her. Serana fearlessly jumped in. Escher stopped at the bottom though to look back at him. Extending out his hand toward him, Escher sweetly coaxed up to him. "Come on. You know you want to." Taking a quick swig from his Daedric Wine, he carefully made his way down. His hand shook as he reached for his hand, mumbling out nervously. "Is now the wrong time to mention that I have a fear for things that are just... an endless abyss?" Taking his hand, Escher chuckled out. "Just don't look down and jump." Gripping his hand tightly, Nathan trembled but jumped when Escher did. To both their surprise, they didn't fall far. They simply jumped down to the unseen steps that laid beyond the purple veil. Nathan nearly fell but Escher caught his arm and chuckled out. "Well... That wasn't so bad. Now was it?" At the bottom of the steps, Serana stood still and surveyed the area.
Joining her, she told them in awe. "Look at the sky. So... fascinating. It would be beautiful... if not for the smell. Let's try to handle this quickly." Glancing up at the sky, Nathan found himself gawking at it too. "It was beautiful. Thick dark clouds of purple spanned the sky, but bright glowing lines of light purples and blues shimmered across like northern lights. The landscape looked to be made of soft pale sand with high towers of stone spaced around the vast horizons. There were skeletons of every species large and small scattered around like one would see in a desert. Everything here appeared to be lifeless and gloomy looking. Kneeling to touch the sand, Nathan commented mostly to himself. "Damn... This place is worse than the Sovengarde. I guess, the Ideal Masters don't care much for décor." Escher moved out to what could be called a clear path, before telling them uneasily. "Well... Finding her is going to be a bitch. This place is huge. And... there are ghosts everywhere. So, where should we start looking?" Nathan realized the sand was really grinded down bone and let the sandy bone remnants slip through his fingers. Getting to his feet, he looked to Serana and asked her coolly. "Any ideas where she might go?"
Serana walked out to the path, then pointed to the distance and told them slightly confident. "There are some big towers that way. I'd guess that she'd head there. Seems safe and could be somewhere that she's hold herself up in." Escher started walking, regaling aloud. "It's as good as any. Looks like a long walk though. Better get started." While walking along the path, Nathan asked Serana lightly. "Are you sure that your mother took the Elder Scroll here?" Serana brushed her hair behind her ear, answering honestly. "She wanted to get it as far from my father as possible. I can't imagine a harder place to get to than this. He's never had the patience to deal with alchemy or mixing ingredients. Plus, he doesn't share her blood and hasn't fed on her for centuries. So... really this place is perfect." Escher glanced back, asking her a bit bluntly. "And if she doesn't have it?" Serana picked up her pace a little, stating confidently. "Then we find out where she hid it. If she's still alive... Well, as alive as she was before. Or is now... Or... you know what I mean." Nate smirked, flashing her one of his charming smiles. She gave him a coy smile in return. Escher chuckled, then said casually. "I get hiding the Elder Scroll here. But to stay here for centuries... If we do find her... Won't she be ravenous? Why not just return and stay hidden?"
Serana shook her head, telling them both seriously. "My mother would have planned for a long stay. It's probably why we found all those bones. She can ration blood. She's good with self-control. As for not returning. It was probably to avoid whatever my father would do to her if he ever got his hands on her. My father clearly has been looking in all the places he knows. It would just be a matter of time before he really has looked everywhere." Her pace slowed suddenly, and her voice turned a little shaky when she added anxiously. "Or... maybe she did plan to return but got stuck here." Nathan shivered at the thought. Escher glanced at a ghostly soul that was pleading to be know where they were and claiming a need to help finish a war that had ended almost a decade ago. Slowing to walk with Nate, Escher asked him uneasily. "What happens to the souls here? Are they just... trapped? Why would Necromancers find this interesting? It's... depressing." Nathan gestured to the beams of light coming from certain towers around them, upon informing them. "There is a theory in the college that the Ideal Masters that rule the Soul Cairn are themselves large black soul gems. They devour souls to become stronger and grow smarter. It's unknown how powerful or how intelligent they are. All we know is they tend to trick necromancers into giving up their own souls."
Pulling out a gold coin from his pocket, he continued to inform them. "Necromancers are drawn to this place because it is said that if you trade enough souls or powerful souls to the Ideal Masters that they'll teach you powerful necromancy spells. So just like gold in our realm, souls are the currency of the Soul Cairn. And even if the necromancy isn't interested in power, look around you. There are some extremely powerful undead beings here. Beings that have never been recorded or are claimed to not exist. Proof of them and what they do could easily set up a Necromancy in our world for the rest of his life. Hell, it could prolong it if he found out how to harness death itself." Serana turned to blurt out surprised. "You're referring to the Soul Reaper? The harvester of Souls here in the Soul Cairn? It is a myth." Nathan pointed to her, teasing out playfully. "That's what they say. But the story of him wouldn't exist if someone hadn't seen it. Hence, the reason Necromancers venture here. It's all uncharted territory." Serana smirked at him, teasing back lightly. "Well, if you know about the Soul Reaper. Then you know that if you make it out of here... a skilled Necromancer like yourself will be able to summon spirits from the Soul Cairn. Powerful spirits. It's what my mother desired. The Mark of the Soul Cairn. Do you hope for that too?"
Nathan smirked to himself, before admitting softly. "No. I did once. But the souls I was looking for are not here. Thankfully." His words seemed to usher in a silence that lasted until they followed the path up to a shuttering castle. The castle was made of dark stone and the towers had floating broken bits that hovered around beams of light. All around the castle steps were piles of bones. Cautiously making his way up the steps, Nathan told the others defensively. "I'm sensing a lot of magic here... Be on your guard." Escher pointed over his shoulder to a strange barrier set up before the enclosed castle structure, prompting Nate to stop in his tracks as he blurted out. "What is the world...?" Just as he inched closer to examine it, he jumped back instinctively as a figure moved out from the shadows by the castle door. Flicking his fingers, he ignited a flame in his palm, only to have Serana gasp out. "Mother?!" Clenching his fist to snuff the flame, he watched the tall slender woman slowly approach the barrier. The woman was similar to Serana in looks. She had the flawless pale skin of a vampire with dark black hair that had been pulled up into buns along her head. She was older that Serana but didn't look a day over her early thirties.
She stared at Serana with wide red eyes as she uttered out in disbelief. "Maker... Can it be? No. It can't be. Serana?!" Serana bounced a little, excitedly exclaiming. "Is it really you? I can't believe it! How do we get inside? We have to talk." Serana reached out to see if she could touch the barrier, but Nathan put an arm out to coax her back for her safety. He didn't trust this. Something felt wrong. Her mother walked up to the barrier but didn't touch it either. She looked so calm. Eerily calm. Yet, her voice was full of distress when she snapped out. "Serana, what are you doing here?! Where is your father?!" Serana stared only at her mother as she told her in a voice like a small eager child. "He doesn't know we're here. I don't have time to explain." Serana's mother turned away slightly, muttering out with disappointment. "I must have failed. Harkon's found a way to decipher the prophecy, hasn't he?" Serana shook her head, her voice turning back to excitement as she said happily. "No, you've got it all wrong. We're here to stop him... to make everything right." Serana's mother jerked her head up to suddenly glare at her daughter, before turning her attention to Nathan and Escher. Pointing at the boys, she snapped out angrily. "Wait a moment... you've brought strangers here?! Have you lost your mind, Serana!"
Serana quickly shook her head, pleading out. "No, you don't-" Before she could finish, Serana's mother turned her pointed finger more directly on Nathan, beckoning him as she sneered out. "You. Come forward. I would speak with you." Escher scoffed, grumbling out as he put his hands on his hips. "Why him? Aren't I a bigger concern? I'm the one sleeping with- Ow!" Serana elbowed Escher in the ribs to stop him, then backed up with him to give Nathan a little privacy with her mother. Nathan slowly walked up to the barrier, keeping a neutral expression. Her eyes narrowed on him, her finger shaking a little when she growled out in a low hostile tone of voice. "Your face. I know it. You're the son of a vampire hunter. Yet... you have been turned. Tell me. How has it come to pass that a vampire of mixed blood and morals such as yourself is in the company of my daughter? Speak!" For a moment, Nathan said nothing. He wanted to choose his words carefully. Being called a mixed blood had made his blood boil, but he needed her on his side if he wanted the Scroll. She didn't wait for him to start. Pacing before the barrier, she growled out like a caged animal. "It pains me to think you'd travel with Serana under the guise of being her friend or protector in an effort to hunt me down. Did the Dawnguard put you up to this? Who turned you?! What do you want?!"
Licking his dry lips, Nathan calmly told her in the nicest neutral voice that he could. "This isn't a ruse. I've been keeping her safe." Stopping to stand in front of him, she sarcastically shot back at him. "HA! Forgive me if I don't believe you. Coming from one who murders vampires as a trade, I find it hard to believe your intentions are noble. Someone may have turned you... but you are not one of us. No vampire hunter turned vampire EVER is. Now what is it that you are after? Don't play games with me. I'm in no mood." Realizing that she wasn't going to trust him, he lifted his chin and bent the truth just a little as he told her in a serious tone. "I'm here to help. I was a member of the Dawnguard, until I was turned by Harkon. However, due to some unholy interference. I'm to stop Harkon and replace him. We want the same thing. You don't have to trust me. You don't have to like me. But know that I saved Serana and we've been keeping her safe." Crossing her arms, she darkly sneered out. "You call bringing her here safe? Has she explained nothing to you? Serana and I have sacrificed everything to prevent Harkon from completing the prophecy. I would have expected her to explain that to you."
Nathan straightened himself up, telling her a bit more defensively. "She has told me. I know what a risk this is. However, I can't stop it. Unless I know the details in which to do so. That's why I'm here for the Elder Scroll. Did you hide it here?" He watched her slowly tense up, her red eyes glinting in the lightning flashes behind him, when she stated sternly. "You think I'd have the audacity to place my own daughter in that tomb for the protection of her Elder Scroll alone? The Scrolls are merely a means to an end. The key to the Tyranny of the Sun is Serana herself." Nathan raised an eyebrow, completely taken aback as he asked suspiciously. "What do you mean?" Her eyes darted from Serana to Nate, before regaling openly. "When I fled Castle Volkihar, I fled with two Scrolls. The Scroll I presume you found with Serana. Which speaks of Auriel and his arcane weapon. Auriel's bow. The second Scroll declares that 'The Blood of Coldharbour's Daughter will bind the eye of the Dragon." Shrugging, Nathan bluntly stated out. "What does that have to do with Serana?" Locking cold eyes with him, she regaled a little reluctantly. "Like myself, Serana was once human. We were devout followers of Lord Molag Bol. Tradition dictates the females be offered to Molag Bol on his summoning day."
She started to pace again, wincing as she continued without meeting his eyes now. "Few survive the ordeal. Those that do emerge as a pure-blooded vampire. We call such confluences the 'Daughters of Coldharbour.' Now do you see why I wanted to protect Serana? Why I've kept the other Elder Scroll as far from her as possible?" Nathan felt the world shift under his feet as he bowed his head and uttered out breathlessly. "Harkon doesn't know... He will have to kill his own daughter to bring about his vision of the new world." To Be Continued...
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