Chapter Seventy-Seven: "An Old Friend"
Nathan ran his hands up Harkon's smooth chest, admiring the dark tattoos over his torso that hid the worst of his battle scars. At his collarbone, Nathan licked a streak of blood up to one of his healing bites, before purring against his neck teasingly. "There is no chance of me falling for you. I wouldn't be a Bard if my heart could be so easily seduced." Harkon's hands ran up through Nathan's loose dark hair, bringing his lips back to his when he growled out in a whisper. "Good. Cause I just need to fuck. Keep the sweet talk to yourself." Harkon wrapped a controlling arm around Nathan's back, practically crushing him down against him as his free hand moved down to yank Nathan's pants down over his pale ass. Burying his face against Harkon's neck, Nathan grunted and winced at how rough Harkon was. He could handle rough, but Harkon was borderline controlling his every movement. Rolling him over, Harkon wasted no time removing his pants and laying into him. A sharp groan left Nathan as pain tore through him, but Harkon didn't care. He was after only one thing. Nathan bit his own lip with his fangs, trying to force himself to enjoy it on some level but the pain made it difficult.
It also didn't help that the corpses of the human cattle were scattered around him. He'd fucked people in weird places, but this was a first. Arching his back with a strained moan, Nathan saw the living cattle in other cells watching them with uneasy glances. It made him feel dirty and uncomfortable. Why did this bother him so much? He'd done orgies without issue. Had husbands pay him to sleep with their wives while they watched. He should be used to it. Yet, he wasn't into this. Harkon's arms pinned Nathan's above his head, his fangs going straight for his throat. Just as the fangs sank into him, Nathan gasped and realized why he didn't like this. Harkon was treating him like a fuckable piece of meat. Even the soldiers that he'd fucked were more feeling than Harkon. Harkon finished inside him, his fangs easing slowly out of his neck. Nathan laid very still, but his eyes followed Harkon. Getting up onto his feet, he chuckled down to him as he pushed his long dark hair back. "You are good. Now clean yourself up and go retrieve my Scroll, Ward." Nathan slowly sat up, resting his arms over his bent knees in silence. Harkon patted his shoulder, adding through a long exhale. "I see why Escher likes you. I look forward to next time."
Without another word, Harkon collected his things and slipped from the cell. He didn't look back or care how Nathan had felt about it. Swallowing, Nathan let himself sit for a minute to work through his thoughts and feelings. Then pushing them down like he did with most things, he got up and collected his stuff. Harkon had ruined his clothes, but he had spares in his bags. Changing in silence, he walked out as calmly as he could. When it sank in that Harkon might notice the Scroll missing, he quickly broke out into a brisk jog as he left the castle. Nodding to the guard, he transformed to fly across the water and changed back to mount his horse. Escher and Serana's horses were gone. Confirming that they had ridden on ahead of him. Wincing in the saddle, Nathan spurred Walter to catch up. His body had never been more sore and tense. Especially after sex. Nathan followed the road, until he came across their horses. Escher and Serana had stopped to let the Moth Priest eat and stretch his legs. Upon seeing him, Escher rushed over and gaped out in horror. "Nate? What happened to you?" Shrugging, Nathan tried to sound casual as he faked innocence. "What do you mean?"
Digging in his bag, Escher pulled out a cloth and reached up to wipe Nathan's cheek. He then held it up to show him the blood. Narrowing his eyes on him, Escher added softly. "And that's just a small part of it. What happened?" Taking the cloth, Nathan wiped his face, neck, and chest as he mumbled out. "Harkon was feeding... I got too close. I'm fine." Escher's gentle hand pulled the collar of Nathan's shirt down. A knowing expression crossing his face as he traced a finger over the freshly healed skin where Harkon had bit him. Feeling dirtier than ever, he pushed Escher's hand away and pulled his collar up more. Clearing his throat, he dismounted and mumbled out to them all. "I'm gonna stretch my legs. Then we should go." He headed off into a secluded part of the woods and leaned back against a tree weakly. Harkon had drained him more than he had anticipated. Taking a swig from his Daedric wine, Nathan glanced around for something to attack. At the sound of a snapping twig, he turned predatory eyes toward it and then let out a soft whimper. It was Escher. Putting a hand on the trunk of the tree, Escher leaned a bit closer to him, asking gently. "I was wondering how you'd keep him distracted... It was reckless of you."
Nathan shrugged, meekly mumbling out as he turned his eyes to the ground. "I'm a Bard. It's what I'm good at..." Escher rolled his eyes, stating back flatly. "I would have warned you what he was like. Had you asked." Nathan slid down the tree to sit, uttering out so softly. "I'm fine. Can we just...not talk about it." Stepping over his leg, Escher kneeled in front of him. When he lifted his chin with a finger, Nathan didn't protest. Escher glanced between his eyes, then sighed out softly. "You should have waited until Harkon was done feeding. He goes through human cattle like candy. You're lucky he didn't drain you dry. Though I'm sure you feel like it." Lifting his arm, Escher rolled back the sleeve and told him sweetly. "Here. I fed recently. The blood in my veins should still be warm." Nathan pushed his arm away, but Escher moved it back under his nose, telling him sternly. "Do it. We can't have you attacking the Moth Priest or our horses. I ate too much anyway. You'll be doing me a favor." Sniffing Escher's arm, Nathan's fangs lowered. He smelled good. There was warm blood in his veins. He opened his mouth to bit him but stopped before his fangs pieced the skin. Flashes of Harkon biting him so... animalistically had him second guessing this.
He didn't want to be so... unfeeling and needy. Pulling his fangs away, Nathan bowed his head, his features hidden under his loose bangs. Escher ran a loving hand through Nate's hair to uncover his ear, then whispered into it lovingly. "Nate...? Please? Don't make me force feed you." A small smirk tugged at Nathan's lips, prompting him to give in. Taking ahold of his arm tenderly, Nathan stroked his fingers over his soft skin and then bit him. Escher winced, but slowly sat down and pulled Nathan against him. Nathan drank slowly and deeply, enjoying how Escher played with his hair. It soothed his tormented mind. After he drank enough to feel stable, Escher nuzzled his raw neck. Kissing the skin there so lightly that Nathan got goosebumps. Smiling against his throat, Escher licked up his neck and nipped his ear playfully to get Nate's attention. The moment their eyes met; Escher told him warmly. "You're not Harkon. Don't let him get to you." Nathan nodded, then got up to his feet. Upon helping Escher up, Serana moved approached and asked aloud. "Is everything alright?" Nathan nodded, answering as he walked past her. "Yes. Just needed to eat. Are we ready to go?"
Serana followed behind him, quickly informing him lightly. "Yes and no. Nathan, this plan of yours... I'm worried about it. The Moth Priest isn't acting normal." Rolling his eyes, Nathan chuckled back. "He's human. What's normal human behavior for a vampire?" Serana pulled him to a stop, firmly regaling. "Nate. I'm not kidding. He's acting strange..." Sighing, Nathan faced her better to ask more seriously. "In what way?" She gestured off, uneasily informing him. "He was staggering around when I was trying to rush him from the castle. He's been rubbing his eyes a lot. He jumps when I talk to him, and he doesn't hear me approach..." Nathan couldn't help laughing as he shot back. "Sounds like you woke him up and he's groggy. Relax, Serena. He's only human." She frowned at him, prompting him to shrug out innocently. "What do you want me to say? He's trying to adjust to a vampire sleeping schedule. You should make more noise when you sneak up on him. Serena, it's fine." She looked to Escher for support, but Escher just waved a hand and whispered to her in passing. "He's in a mood. Just keep an eye on the human." She rolled her eyes in return but trudged off to her horse.
The trip took so much longer with a human. They had to keep making stops and feeding him. It was startling to him how slow humans were. He didn't recall being like that, but he'd never been in much of a hurry to get anywhere. By the time they were riding up the familiar road, it was dark and downpouring. Nathan spit rainwater that dripped through his soaked hood and called back to the others. "We're here. Let me to the talking." Turning his horse off the road and into the enclosed area, Nathan kept himself very alert. He didn't know where Tiidgein was and didn't want to spook him. Walter shook himself, his body drenched. The rattling of his bridal cutting through the pattering rain. Moving out into view of the house, Nathan pulled Walter to a stop. Tiidgein was laying over the top of the house, his eyes locked on him. Nathan had almost mistaken him for a statue. Lifting his head carefully, Tiidgein snorted water calmly. Waving to him, Nate grinned out. "Hey, Bud. Remember me?" Tiidgein sniffed the air, then narrowed his eyes on him cautiously. Biting his lip, Nathan asked him quickly. "Jack here?" From the side of the house, Mark's deep voice asked gruffly. "Who's asking?"
Nathan waved to Mark as he came around the corner, his arms covered in blood and a baby calf resting in his arms. At the sight of him, Mark groaned out. "Oh... It's you. Back again." Wincing, Nathan mumbled out. "I deserve that... but you know why I'm here. I need your help." Mark sniffed the air, then let out a low growl that turned his eyes a wolfish yellow. Raising a hand, Nathan quickly rushed out. "They're with me! We're not here to hurt. We just wanna talk." Putting the calf down, Mark pointed to the stable, telling him defensively. "Leave your stuff in there." Nathan dismounted, leading Walter into the dry stable. He beckoned Escher and Serena to follow and when they were close, Serena uttered out softly. "Ugh... smells like wet dog." Mark stopped at his front door, growling in warning and causing Serena to perk up as she realized why. Patting her horse, Nathan told them softly. "Don't. Just keep things like that to yourself." Dismounting, they left their weapons and most of their gear in stable. However, Nathan took the Scrolls with him. Wrapping them in his cloak to keep them from view as they jogged to the door. Above them Tiidgein let out a low rumble, causing both Serena and Escher to take notice of him.
Slipping into the warm house, Nathan heard the kids laughing, until Mark told them seriously. "Go to your room. Now." Shoving back his dripping hood, Nathan eased into the cozy manor, and smiled when he saw Jack by the fireplace. Closing his book, Jack set it aside and stood up to face them. Mark stood halfway into the room, his eyes dark and protective as he took in the other two vampires and the strange human. Looking them over, Jack gestured to the dining table and asked them nicely. "Have a seat. Nice to see you again, Nate." Nathan saw the kids' bedroom door crack open, and he winked at them. The kids giggled, until Mark moved closer to pull their door shut. Clearly the vampire attack on his kids had left an impression on Mark. Straightening up, Nathan unwrapped the Scrolls and set them on the table as he told Jack. "Since you won't hand over the Scroll... I figured that I'd bring the Scrolls to you." Mark's jaw fell open as he stepped closer to look. Serena tensed with a soft hiss, but Nathan hissed at her. Jack leaned on the table, staring blankly at the Scrolls when he asked. "Where did you find those?" Giving Jack a small guarded smile, he stated out nicely. "Better that you don't know. What matters is that I have them and I'm missing one. The one YOU have."
Escher coaxed Serena to sit down. Mark started to pace, growling out anxiously. "Nathan, what did you do? If you put us in danger again because you stole-" Nathan's eyes darted to Mark, rushing out over him firmly. "I didn't steal these. The Elder Scrolls don't belong to anyone. And I only brought them here because you refused to give me your Scroll." Mark stopped, walking up to Nathan to sneer through bared teeth and eyes of flaming yellow. "Damn it, Nathan! I told you-!" Jack's soft voice silenced Mark into a calm whimper when he slipped in calmly. "Mark. Let's hear him out. Nathan. What exactly do you want with the Scroll?" Shifting on his feet, he tore his eyes away from Mark to answer Jack honestly. "I just need the Moth Priest to read it. There is a prophecy about vampires that... I have to stop from happening. There is a weapon in here that can do that... but without the Dragon Scroll... I don't know where to look for it." Jack's eyes drifted to the Moth Priest, who stood behind Serena's chair with a distant look. Sighing, Jack bowed his head and asked very softly. "What happens to these Scrolls when you finish?" Nathan locked eyes with Jack, curtly telling him. "I just need the weapon's location. After that... keep them all."
Serena jumped to her feet so fast that she was a blur, her voice shrieking out. "WHAT?! You can't do that! Those belong to me and my mother!" Nathan lazily looked at her, stating back louder. "They don't belong to anyone and in the wrong hands they could be devastating." Serena pointed to Jack, snapping out louder still. "But you'd entrust them to a human like him!" Nathan gripped the table a bit too tightly but told her in a darker voice. "Serena, he's the Dragonborn! I'd trust them with HIM over anyone in Skyrim. Or all of Tamriel for that matter. He has a... mentor that can help him protect them." Serena scoffed, until Nathan added coolly. "A dragon." Serena's eyes widened and she slowly sat back down. Exhaling loudly, Nathan asked Jack bluntly. "Do we have a deal or not?" Tapping his fingers on the table, Jack nodded and strolled from the room. Mark shuffled his feet, looking like he wanted to stop Jack but decided against it. Instead, Mark looked Nathan over and asked suddenly docile. "How have you been, Nate?" Dropping his head with a smirk, Nathan exhaled out in a tired tone. "I could be better. You and the kids?" Crossing his arms, Mark smirked out. "We're good. My little girl is thinking about going to the Mage school next fall." Nathan smiled and Mark returned it until his eyes fell on the others. Then his guard dog expression came back. It was enough to make Nate chuckle. To Be Continued...
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