Chapter Forty-Two: "A God's Favor"
The Commander withdrew his sword, racing down the steps toward Nathan. Nathan turned to run down the steps, but at the bottom step, Nathan extended out a hand to make an illusion of himself keep running as he went invisible. Behind him the Commander thundered down the steps, rushing out in heated anger. "HEY! Get back here you son of a bitch!" Nathan stepped aside from the stairs, watching the Commander chase after the illusion with a smirk. Sometimes the Nords were just too easy to fool. Glancing back up the steps, he was only slightly surprised to see the Dragonborn staring off in his general direction. It wasn't uncommon for other Mages to recognize when spells were used. They were practically trained to look for it, but it was the fact that the Dragonborn hadn't tried to expose him that surprised him. Any other mage would have. He assumed that the Dragonborn would out of some moral high ground. Instead, the Dragonborn just smiled until Mark stepped down beside him. Nate had seen enough jealous looks to notice his. The damn wolf didn't even try to hide it. The jealousy was leaking from his voice like dog drool when he asked. "Who was that? I thought you were with General Tullius?"
Nathan pulled himself up on the wide stone wall that lined the stairs, positioning himself like a gargoyle and listening closely. The Dragonborn nodded, seeming sincere when he answered. "I was. When I came out you two were still sparring. So, I just started chatting with this bard. What were YOU doing?" Nathan jerked his head up a bit. Could the Dragonborn sense that he was still here? Or did he just suspect that he was? Mark gestured toward the tavern, replying promptly. "He offered to buy me a drink. I was going to accept and meet back up with you. If I had known you were out, I would have declined the offer." At the mention of drinks, Nathan scurried along the wall like a speedy cat and hopped down beside them. Ending his spell to reveal himself to them. The Dragonborn jumped away from him, clutching his heart. While Mark jumped but positioned his hands to punch him. Although, he managed to hold himself back with great effort. Extending out his hand to them, Nathan casually introduced himself with his best smile. "Hello. Nice to meet ya. The name's Nate, but my stage name is Paultin Seppa. Were you talking about getting something to drink just now? Mind if I join you?"
Mark pointed a stern finger at him, and Nathan locked eyes with him. He could see Mark sniff the air and he started to open his mouth to say something about it. Nathan had a plan to counter his argument, until Nainsi's lovestruck voice called out from across the street. "OH, PAULTIN?!" Nathan flinched like someone had struck him, looking over his shoulder. Seeing her husband remove his axe, he heard him growl out darkly under his breath. "Paultin Seppa. Wife stealing son of a-!" Torn between staying and going, Nathan's instincts made up his mind for him. With no sign of a Moth Priest in his travels, the next best thing was the Dragonborn. Quickly snatching the Dragonborn's wrist with inhuman speed, Nathan tried not to rip the Dragonborn's arm off as he bolted toward the main gate with him. Racing through the square, Nathan managed to weave clearly through the crowd of civilians. His lightning fast reflexes keeping him from getting jostled too much. However, as a civilian moved a vegetable wagon into his way to avoid the clustering guards, Nathan was forced to release the Dragonborn to leap over it. Clearing it effortlessly, Nathan dropped to all fours to avoid one of the guards trying to grab him.
He'd moved so fast that the guard became confused by how he'd managed to miss him. Dashing out through the main gate, Nathan slid across the ground to slide into a bush before anyone could see him. He was feeling quite clever, until he saw the Dragonborn run out shortly after him. He'd followed him? Even after he'd let him go? Grinning, Nathan sprang up to his feet and grabbed the Dragonborn's arm. Yanking him down into the bush with him, Nathan covered his mouth to keep him quiet. While huddling down, Nathan's breath hitched. Being this close to the Dragonborn was dangerous. He smelled so delicious that it was making his fangs slid out. Unable to focus on anything outside the bush, Nathan's eyes drifted to the Dragonborn's throat. Removing his hand off the Dragonborn's mouth, Nathan found his lips drawing nearer to the Dragonborn's pale skin. He could feel the warmth radiating off him. Nathan's fangs were inches from the Dragonborn's skin, when Mark's voice suddenly grumbled out darkly. "Jack, give me one good reason why we're helping him?" Nathan jerked his head away, his fangs retracting as Jack began to crawl out of the bush. Nathan clawed his fingers into the dirt, trying to resist the strong urge to drag him back in to feed on him.
Crawling out with him, Nathan listened to Jack chuckle out without a care in the world. "Just kind of happened honestly." Upon straightening up, Nathan saw Mark eyeing him with guarded eyes. It was obvious that Mark could smell what he was. Just like he could smell what he was. Composing himself, Nathan reluctantly concluded that it wasn't safe for him to stick around Jack. As much as he wanted to kill the werewolf, he couldn't do that and keep the Dragonborn on his side. Plus, without knowing how strong they were together... he wasn't sure that he could overpower them. The two of them had to at least be strong enough to hold their own against a dragon. So, straightening up, he patted Jack's shoulder and cheerfully told him with a charming smile. "Again, thank you. Sadly, I must be on my way to Markarth. So, I'll take you up on that drink some other time." Giving Jack a playful wink, he started walking toward the stables, humming softly to himself to seem disinterested in the turn of events. Internally, he was frustrated with himself though. He'd thought he was getting his vampiric desires under control... but he didn't seem to be in as much control as he'd thought.
Before he got too far down the road, Jack called out to him curiously. "Hey? Aren't you going to ask for our names?" Turning on his heel, while still walking backwards, he waved to them and said aloud with a grin. "I know who you are. Dragonborn, right? The green hair gives you away." Jack's adorable chuckle made Nathan smile warmly back at him. He had to admit. Jack was cute for an Imperial. His lean muscular frame and soft features were quite appealing. His bright blue eyes were clear enough to get lost in and the thrill of him being a powerful mage held its own appeal. Clearing his throat, he lifted his hand and to let out a sharp shrill whistle to call his horse. It was even an added joy to see the werewolf flinch and rub his ear. Turning around, Nathan watched Walter gallop through the stone archway. As Walter slowed down to a trot, Nathan quickly grabbed his black saddle and swung up into it. Walter pranced in place as he gave the Dragonborn a little respectful salute with his fingers, then turned Walter to leave. Gently kicking the sides of Walter, he leaned forward and shouted out excitedly. "GIDDY UP, WALTER!" Walter's hooves lightly clattered over the cobblestone before softly thudding against the open dirt road as he rounded the corner.
Racing down the road, Nathan kept his eyes ahead and tried to keep himself from looking back. He had a strong urge to turn around and steal the Dragonborn but resisted it. Heading down the road to Markarth, he scolded himself. This was his chance to take the Dragonborn to Harkon. His moment to kill him if he proved useless. Yet, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't want to be that kind of monster... but he was starting to feel more and more like one. He kept riding well into the day, until Walter was too tired to keep going. Taking a break, he let Walter rest and set up a little camp. Chasing down a deer, he drained it dry and took the body back to cook the rest of it. Drinking around the fire, he watched over the meat as he cooked some and made jerky out of the rest. Drinking the daedric wine, he looked over the wineskin with a heavy heart. He felt stuck. Caught between two worlds. Both human and vampire. Always running and being hunted. Pulling out Escher's letter that he'd slipped to him months ago, Nathan read it for the hundredth time. It gave him comfort just to read his words. Even if they were just telling him that he and Selene were working together to figure out where her mother had gone.
Glancing at Walter who nibbled on a patch of grass, he asked him softly. "Do you think the Dragonborn feels torn between man and dragon? How do you think he knows what to be?" Scoffing to himself, Nate rolled his eyes, grumbling out. "Must be nice to be a hero." Taking a deep swig from his wineskin, Nate tensed up as a familiar voice answered casually. "Being a hero is exhausting. Trust me." Turning his head, he saw a man in dark robes slowly move closer to sit by the fire across from him. His face looked human, until he pushed his hood back to reveal his flawless dark skin with red facial markings and sturdy black horns. Relaxing, Nathan chuckled out in surprise. "Sanguine? Damn. Haven't seen you in a long time. Come to party with me now that I'm a..." Nathan drifted off to smile as he let his fangs grow out. Sanguine chuckled in return, cooing out. "Oh, I would love to cause a stir... but I'm afraid that is not why I'm here." Nathan folded Escher's letter to put in his pocket as he uttered out. "Shame. I could use a distraction about now. What's going on?" Sanguine leaned forward on his knees, telling him seriously. "I need you to change course and go to Whiterun."
Nathan furrowed his eyebrows with a perplexed look. Sanguine stared at him unblinkingly, coolly informing him. "I need you there before nightfall tomorrow." Nathan snorted, asking with just a tab bit of interest. "Ya? Why is that? Planning a surprise party?" Sanguine smirked but told him a bit grimly. "Not exactly. I've been told under good authority that something bad is going to happen to the Dragonborn." Nathan tensed, his eyes meeting Sanguine's with slight worry. Did he know that he was supposed to kill him? Sanguine stared him down, telling him in a calm tone of voice. "Seems that Arkay has reached out to me and my Daedric kin. For the first time... he actually has asked for our help. He's curious to see the outcome of this world." Nathan straightened up, asking very softly. "I'm listening." Sanguine straightened up more himself, before exhaling and regaling cautiously. "Arkay believes that THIS is the Dragonborn he's been looking for. He's driven and growing stronger every day. He's done things that have pleased Arkay... fascinated him even. He's given him reason to believe the world has a bright future. I can say that I'm impressed with him too. But sadly... in order to do what needs to be done. The Dragonborn needs help."
Nathan shrugged, questioning him lightly. "I don't understand. From what I hear, he can take down dragons just fine. I've seen him. He looks healthy enough." Sanguine shook his head, telling him seriously. "No. Alduin is no ordinary dragon. He cannot be slain so easily. From what I'm told... He's never been this weak. His journey through time. Resurrecting his most loyal kin. He's running on empty and with the Dragonborn having wounded him... Arkay sees only one opportunity for Alduin's end. The Dragonborn needs strong warriors. Warriors who are trained and know how to fight a dragon like Alduin." Nathan couldn't' help blurting out snarkily. "Good luck. They are all dead by now." Sanguine grinned, replying swiftly to his surprise. "Exactly. Arkay has a plan to help Hircine's Harbinger get into the land of the dead. He's pretty confident that the Dragonborn will make his way to Whiterun. The only piece missing is you." Nathan huffed loudly, rising to his feet to ask curtly with doubt. "ME? What the fuck can I do? Let his precious Harbinger werewolf deal with it." Sanguine rose slowly to his own feet, informing him in a calm tone. "You are the most important piece in this. Getting to the land of the dead is easy... but the odds of the Dragonborn getting out... is impossible. Unless..."
Nathan stared at Sanguine, mumbling out as he realized what Sanguine was hinting at. "Unless you're undead." Cursing, Nathan turned away from him to process this. Sanguine casually moved closer, telling him openly. "You have more experience with Necromancy. Your new vampire body can withstand the alluring power of the mists. He's mortal. If he gets lost in those mists... It's over. And in his fragile condition... He will fail without you. Arkay has seen it." Sanguine put his hands on his hips, adding reluctantly. "I'm a pacifist. That's no secret. But I love this world and I know you do too. I'll leave the final choice to you. If you think this world is worth it. Save it. If it's not... stand aside and watch it burn." Sanguine then shrugged, pulling on Nathan's arm to make him face him. Looking into his eyes with his worried ones, he told him hopefully. "Your soul is mine. I could make you... but that's not in my nature. I know what my brother wants you to do to him... but trust me. It doesn't hurt to help a powerful god when they ask. Especially, a god like Arkay. Arkay is not someone you want to turn down. Besides... Just think what the Dragonborn would do to help you. If you help him now."
Nathan raised an eyebrow, asking coolly. "You really want me to go, don't you?" Sanguine batted puppy eyes at him, trying to restrain himself when he said a little excitedly. "I really really REALLY want you to go." Nathan chuckled, watching Sanguine chuckle with a blush on his face. Tossing his hands up, Sanguine sweetly told him. "It's a once in a lifetime adventure! Think of the stories you'll have when you come back! The songs you could sing! Don't dwell in the shadows and be another boring vampire. Get out there! Explore! Party! Have fun! Just because your immortal and undead now doesn't mean you have to act like a corpse!" Nathan inhaled deeply, mumbling out nervously. "What if I can't control myself? What if 'I' kill him?" Sanguine put a hand on his shoulder, telling him confidently. "You won't. I didn't put you in the path of my brother because you are weak. I did it so that when you were ready... you'd be able to do this. And when the time comes... I think you'll enjoy where this road takes you. But it is YOUR choice to make." Nathan looked off in the direction of Whiterun, uttering out softly. "Well... I still don't have a Moth Priest... and this would give me an excuse to tail him."
When Nathan looked back to see what Sanguine thought, he smirked to himself. Sanguine was gone, but on the fallen tree that he'd been sitting on was a small leather pouch with a note that clearly read; 'Take this with you.' Rolling his eyes, Nathan picked it up and stuffed it into his bag. Then packing up the campsite, he got Walter ready and saddled up. Kicking Walter into a run, he stated aloud. "Come on, Walter! Let's go to Whiterun!" Walter let out an excited whinny as they bolted down the road in the dark. With Nathan's ability to see in the dark though, Nathan was confident that he could make it in time to intercept the Dragonborn. To Be Continued...
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