Chapter Forty-Nine: "The Guardian"
Once he was invisible, Nate dashed out across the courtyard as fast as he could. In passing, he swiped the leg of one Draugr, causing it to go down to one knee and lose its head to his Dremora Lord. Then rushing to a few Draugr he hadn't told Jack about, he withdrew his sword and started to cut them down. He cut their bows and impaled their skulls. He even knocked a few into view of Jack's Flame Thralls, allowing them to finish them so that he could keep moving. Nate was moving so fast that he had cut down quite a few before they could even get in range of Jack. When he reached a moment where he could pause, he looked back to check on Jack and cursed. One of the Draugr swordsmen started to charge Jack but stopped short to shout out. "FUS RO DAH!" Jack hadn't expected it to do that and was sent flying into what remained of a stone tower wall. Landing hard on his side, Jack moved much slower now as he tried to shake off the hit. One of the Draugr Archers that Jack had been handling, drew back his bowstring. He'd kill Jack before he even got up or the Swordsmen could reach him to kill him. Running into the line of fire, Nathan deflected the arrow with his sword, then removed his dagger off his belt to throw it with such strength that it broke through the Draugr Archer's thick metal helmet and knocked him dead across the ground.
Nathan didn't have time to savor the victory. Whirring around, Nathan dashed with as much speed as he could muster to reach Jack. Stumbling over a bit of rumble, he dropped to a knee reluctantly, but got his sword up in time to block the Swordsmen's blade from coming down over Jack. The sharp clang surprised both Jack and the Draugr, but Nathan didn't waste his time. Quickly spinning up to his feet, he decapitated the Draugr in one clean swing. Dawnbreaker's blade then set fire to the remains of the Draugr to burn the body to cinders. Reaching down, Nathan grabbed Jack's shaking raised hand. Jack had looked like he was going to cast something... but he looked to unsteady and disoriented. He couldn't blame him after hitting a stone wall like that. He was more shocked that he was alive. Pulling him up to his feet, he asked Jack over the roar of fighting that was still going on between his Dremora Lord and only one of Jack's Flame Thralls now. "Are you alright?" Jack nodded, replying over the noise. "Ya! Just dazed!" When Jack's face suddenly paled at the sight of something, Nathan turned to look. More Draugr Death Lords were bursting out of the other towers to engage them as one of the bastards managed to escape to ring a heavy bell.
Beside him, Jack withdrew his sword and conjured another Flame Thrall. Letting out a heavy sigh of his own, he told Jack with more confidence than he felt. "Well, let's do this! We've got to choke them, or we'll be surround!" Jack sent out his Flame Thralls to create a wall of flames that would help channel them into a smaller opening. His Dremora Lord stood at the front, masterfully fighting two Draugr swordsmen at once. Nate started to move to join his Dremora until he saw two Draugr Scourge rush up to the wall of flames on either side to blast frost spells at the Flame Thralls. The Scourge Draugr were so strong that they were overwhelming the Flame Thralls and were able to cool the wall of flames. Heated steam puffed over the courtyard when the Flame Thralls were defeated, prompting Nate to curse and yell out to Jack. "Damn it! Got anything bigger?" Jack huffed, telling him seriously as his locked eyes ahead of him. "I do... Stand back!" Nate moved to stand a good distance behind Jack, watching him jog to the fray. Upon taking a deep breath, Jack shouted out as a crowd of Draugr approached. "YOL TOOR SHUL!"
Nathan jumped back, watching what could only be explained as Dragon fire shoot forth from Jack's mouth. The flames hit the first row of Draugr, incinerating them to ash instantly, while others caught fire. It was frightening enough to witness. He'd never seen such a powerful fire spell and as a vampire that was just as vulnerable to flames... it was unsettling. That wasn't all though. The flames suddenly began to swirl and shape itself into a flaming dragon head with a long neck that snaked through the air to attack the Draugr with no mercy. The Draugr scramble away from the flaming dragon, trying not to be set on fire as its body moved over them and ate others. Whenever the Fire Wyrm blew fire of its own or snapped its flaming jaws on Draugr, they just incinerated to ash by the dozens. Nate was left utterly speechless, until he saw Jack go down to a knee. He was panting hard to catch his breath. Walking up beside him, Nathan felt his invisibility wear off. As much as he was grateful to save his own energy, Jack had practically wiped himself out. That was never a good thing in times like this. Shivering from the idea of the flames, Nate swatted Jack's shoulder playfully and chuckled out. "Son of a bitch... That's some tapeworm you've got. You should lay off the spicy stuff."
Jack laughed a little breathlessly, swatting Nathan's leg in return, before snapping back with a smile. "Fuck you!" Smirking to himself, Nathan hefted his sword and began to cut down any bold Draugr that tried to get to Jack while he was down. Two axe wielding Draugr tried to rush him in return, but he raised his sword and let it send out a strong pulse that incinerated them. Two Draugr that had been coming up from behind them, jerked to a stop after being blinded by Dawnbreaker's pulse that was practically like looking into the sun itself. Which allowed him to decapitate them with little effort. He hadn't expected the fifth Draugr but got his blade up to clash blades with him. The Draugr growled at him, staring him down with his glowing blue eyes. Nate could tell by how he was armored that he was a big burly fighter in his time. Yet, despite knowing that he could out muscle the guy, he instead played things much calmer. He wasn't invisible anymore and didn't want Jack to become suspicious of him. So, he just shoved the Draugr's blade away and spun up against him to stab the Draugr in the back. Once it impaled the Draugr, the golden blade began rippling with bright white flames.
Nathan waited for the Draugr to fall to his knees, then kicked the Draugr in the back to get him off his sword and onto the ground. Where he then brought his foot down on the Draugr's neck and snapped the neck bone with a sudden burst of strength. For a moment, Nathan's own actions scared him. The sword had been enough to kill the Draugr, but his primal desire to do more was making his body tense up. He could feel something building under the surface. A desire to hunt and feed. All this killing was making his instincts spike with adrenaline. For a single moment, Nate saw Jack raise his hand toward him and debated whether to kill him or not. Struggling to remain still, Nate winced as Jack casted a spell at him. Only to discover that it was a Ward spell to protect him from an incoming ice spike. The ice spike shattered off the ward and Nathan felt all his self-control fade. Turning around to face the Draugr Scourge, Nathan unleashed a loud aggressive hiss that caused his fangs to drop. The Scourge removed an axe from his belt, heading toward the Ward with a desire to break through. Nathan felt the rage take over. How dare it try to attack him! Moving faster than he'd ever gone, Nathan left the ward to get behind the Scourge without being detected.
The Scourge jerked, confused at where he'd gone until Nathan wrapped an arm around his neck. The Scourge panicked, raising a hand to unleash a burst of frost from his free palm. Before the Scourge could aim it back at him, Nathan grabbed his wrist and turned his hand to aim it at another approaching Draugr. Upon realizing what Nathan was making him do, the Scourge stopped using his Frost spell and Nate responded by snapping his neck. Then rushing over to the Draugr swordsmen that had become frosted over, Nate let him try to swing at him. Without fear or concern, Nate caught the blade as the Draugr swung it toward his neck. The sharp blade cut into Nathan's palm, but it felt like nothing more than a bee sting. Gripping the blade tighter, he snapped the blade in half and impaled a flaming Dawnbreaker into the Draugr's chest. The Draugr screamed, turning to ash before Nathan's eyes. Only then did he drop the broken bit of the Draugr's sword. The broken bit of steel clanged across the stone courtyard in the sudden eerie silence. All around them were the ash remains of the Draugr. Yet, Nathan was anything but calm.
Nathan could smell blood and feel warmth nearby. A warmth that made him think of fresh blood. All the fighting had worked up a hunger that no bloodless Draugr could quench. His whole body trembled at the thought of attacking Jack now. Behind him, Jack approached and chuckled out innocently. "Well, that went better than I thought it would." The closer Jack got; the more Nate felt the strong urge to attack him. Resulting in him extending out a hand to gesture for Jack to stop moving. Unable to look at Jack for fear of losing control, he shouted out through a distorted primal growl. "STAY BACK!" Jack stopped and at the soft sound of something dripping, he pulled his hand back to look at his own bleeding palm. The blood running through him wasn't his own. The smell filling his noise and for a moment, he thought he just might bite himself. However, a primal instinct told him to feed on something to heal. The desire clouded his judgement and made him feel like a monster. Was feeding on Jack his only way to heal? Nathan was struggling against himself, when a golden light swirled over his hand and his palm healed. With the open wound closed, the strong smell of blood faded.
There was still blood on his palm, but it wasn't as powerful as an open wound. Forcing himself to look up at Jack from behind his dark bangs, he watched Jack quickly heal himself. It upset him that he was a Mage and yet... his urges had made him forget something he could have done. Was he that hungry? Would this happen every time he fought? His fangs were starting to wonder if Jack's blood would have a powerful taste. What would dragon blood taste like? Raising a cautious hand that didn't imply a possible spell, Jack asked him in a shaky voice. "Nate...? Are you ok?" Nathan tensed, turning to face Jack defensively. He could hear the sudden soft flapping drawing closer. Lifting his chin to look up at the sky, Nate told Jack a bit gruffly. "It's coming." Hearing something land in the distance, Nathan whirled around to look farther into the large courtyard. After a few second, the ground began to shake as heavy footfalls made there way closer. Then from behind the wall farther in, a massive blackish purple dragon walked casually out into full view. The dragon had large horns that curled around its head like a ram and large solid white eyes.
The dragon's eyes scanned the courtyard, taking in the many ash piles of fallen Draugr. After which, its eyes rose to look directly at them with an emotionlessness within its eyes. Nate stood his ground, feeling the rumble of the Dragon's low snarl to his very core. All around them, dust and rubble were shaken off the walls just from its low and light sounding snarl. Nate glanced at Jack, hoping that he knew how to handle a dragon like this, but Jack looked terrified. The dragon shifted better to face them, its long spiked tail swaying calmly and menacingly behind it. Puffing up its chest, it bellowed out in a deep feminine voice that shook the stones and softly boomed through the air like the approach of thunder over the ruins of the castle. "Dovahkiin. Skuldafn fen kosdinok." Nate turned his eyes to Jack. While he didn't understand a word of it. Seeing the way Jack swallowed, he could tell that it wasn't good. Sighing, Nate felt like this was all his fault. If he hadn't slandered Sanguine's name, he never would have told her that he was coming. Taking a step toward the dragon, he glanced over his shoulder and told Jack seriously. "Jack, listen to me. This is my fight. So, if you get the chance... run to the gate and don't come back for me."
Jack withdrew his sword, snapping back sternly. "I'm not leaving you behind to die!" Nate locked his eyes with Jack, seeing his own red eyes reflected in the depths of Jack's blue eyes. Clenching his jaw, Nate growled out under his breath. "You can't save me, Jack! I'm already dying." Jack took ahold of his sword with both hands, boldly retorting. "I don't care. We stand a better chance together." Nathan was going to yell at him to leave, but the dragon snorted and drew his attention to her. She straightened up to her full height and unleashed a powerful roar that shook the stone ruins around her and blasted the ash straight toward them as she shouted out. "GAAN LAH HAAS!" The shimmering power of her voice was so powerful that it took up the whole courtyard. Nathan raised an eyebrow it wasn't what he had expected. He didn't feel like the voice was as big of a threat for some reason. So, he didn't throw up a ward, but Jack did. The blast hit the ward and pushed Jack back, but it went right through Nathan harmlessly. Although, it had done something to him. Lifting his hand, he felt stiffer. Snapping his fingers, he realized that he couldn't produce a flame. His magic had been drained!
Nathan paled a little, turning narrowed eyes on the dragon. That was a cheap trick. The dragon flashed them a devilish grin, inhaling deeply with satisfaction. Sheathing his sword, Nathan cracked the tension in his neck by pushing his fist against his chin to loosen himself up more. Compared to Odahviing, this one struck a nerve. Both the mage and vampire in him was pissed from being weakened like that. The dragon shifted a little, getting ready to shout again. Nathan couldn't imagine why it would try to drain them again. Until he looked over at Jack. Jack's magic was gone, and he was practically at the edge of the cliffside. One more force from the shout would send him over and without his magic or the ability to summon his wings with it... Jack would die. The Dragon shouted again, and Nate dashed over to stand in front of Jack. As the shimmering force reached him, Nate dug his talon nails into the stone ground and let the force hit him directly. His talons kept him from being pushed back into Jack and his body took the full effect and force of the shout. This time, Nathan felt the hard effects of what being drained so much of his magic felt like.
Dropping to all fours, Nathan started panting desperately for breath that he didn't need... but it helped keep his body from shaking. Normally losing too much magic resulted in the death of the Mage... but he was already dead. So, there was only one thing his body could do to recover from such a devastating hit. Nathan felt Jack place his hands on his back, trying desperately to heal him but it wasn't working. Not that it would help Nathan anyway. Nathan's body knew what it needed. Jack yanked off his bag, pleading out behind him. "Hang on, Nate! I might have something!" Jack grabbed a potion bottle from his bag that would help him recover his magic, but Nathan grabbed his wrist to stop him. He wasn't going to let him waste that on him. It was too late. He just couldn't resist the urge anymore. Arching his back, Nathan let out a deep animalistic snarl as pain shot down his back. Wincing, Nathan managed to tell him. "Don't! Save it... for yourself." With a sharp bat-like screech, Nathan's body began to rapidly change in front of Jack. There was no hiding his secret now. To Be Continued...
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