Chapter Forty: "Just Business"
Nathan nodded to Garan and headed up the stone steps. Just as he approached the wooden door to open it, Harkon's voice stated aloud from inside. "Come in, Nathan." Nate raised his eyebrows with slight surprise, then opened the door slowly. Slipping into the dimly lit room, Nathan closed the door behind himself. He had hoped to see Escher, but he wasn't here. Harkon was sitting alone by the roaring fireplace. Slowly approaching Harkon, he watched Harkon gesture to another lavish throne chair beside him. Lowering himself into the seat, Harkon extended out his hands for the covered chalice in Nathan's hands, his voice like warm butter when he said. "Ah, you have returned. And you were successful?" Nathan let him take it, removing the cloth over the liquid and fishing the journal from his bag as he answered. "Yep. Wasn't as hard as I thought it would it be. Here. In case you want to know what he was up to with the spring." Harkon smiled warmly, saying with a deep regard for him. "Good. You've done well. I'll have Garan examine the journal and add it to our collective works. As promised, I'll have the Nord cattle and Death Hounds you require sent there at once. We've got a lot of rebuilding to do to get things running smoothly again."
Nathan leaned forward on his legs, asking curiously. "Where is Escher?" Harkon sipped the blood from the chalice, before answering coolly. "With my daughter, Serana. He's helping me patch up old wounds. Which reminds me. I have another issue to discuss with you. Now that you've proven that you can... handle yourself." Sitting up just a little, Nate shrugged out. "I'm listening." Harkon set the chalice on a small rounded table beside his chair, before telling him casually. "When I told you that I was grateful for my daughter's safe return, I told the truth. But I did not tell you everything." Nate smirked, almost sarcastically uttering out. "I figured as much." Harkon leaned back in his chair, smirking out in a light tone of voice. "Good. Strong instincts and a cunning mind will serve you well. Anyway, as you know. Vampires are powerful, but we have limits. Our great enemy is the sun, and until recently it's an enemy we've had no way to fight." Harkon got up, walking to stand by the fireplace. Staring into the fire, he continued solemnly. "For centuries I searched for an answer to this problem. To find some way to help lesser vampires survive in order to help us conquer Skyrim. For an army is only as mighty as its weakness. And the Nords would simply overtake us during the night... and turning everyone into Vampire Lords is out of the question."
Harkon looked up from the fire, telling him with some excitement in his voice. "I was just starting to lose hope, when I came upon an old prophecy written by a Moth Priest. You know, those scholars who read the Elder Scrolls?" Nathan nodded; he'd heard tales of them in his Arcane studies. Harkon nodded in relief, continuing with satisfaction in his voice. "Good. Now the prophecy tells of a time in which vampires will gain power over the sun and will no longer fear its tyranny." Nate put a finger across his lip as he propped his head up. He wanted to say something, but Harkon wasn't finished. So, he waited. Harkon straightened himself up, regaling on. "It took me another few centuries to hunt down. But I believe the secret to unraveling that prophecy is written in the Elder Scrolls that Serana and her mother took from me. I thought all was lost with it... but fate didn't just return one of those the Scrolls to me. It brought me YOU. Now I have a Scroll that I cannot read... but I have a plan." Harkon gestured toward the door, saying with a broad grin. "I have ordered the court to assemble. For I have a new task for us all to carry out. Though, I feel you will be more proficient at this. So, I'll be relying on you to truly see this task fulfilled."
Harkon moved closer to Nate, holding out his hands for Nathan to take as he said. "Come now. Garan will have finished assembling them. Come and hear my proclamation." Carefully taking Harkon's hands, he let Harkon pull him up to his feet. Leaning closer, Harkon brought his chest to his in a regal kind of embrace, kissing his cheek before purring close to his ear. "I'm proud of you, my Ward. Continue to make me proud." Nathan bowed his head a little, watching Harkon release his hands as he moved off toward the door. Turning to follow a few steps behind Harkon, he followed him out the door and over to a balcony that overlooked the dinning hall. Nathan searched the crowd of vampires below but didn't see Escher or Serana among them. The dining hall was packed with all the vampires within the castle. Their chatter dying as they took notice of Harkon's presence. Harkon put his hands on the stone banister, announcing to the dining hall in a clear bellowing voice. "Scions of the night! Hear my words!" Nathan stepped a bit closer to Harkon, straightening up to look more serious and dignified. He couldn't help himself. He didn't trust anyone and didn't want to appear weak.
Harkon slowly raised his hands as he got everyone's full attention, informing them excitedly. "The prophesied time is at last upon us. The dragons have once again returned. Skyrim is at war within itself. Brother has turned against brother. And the rumors of a Dragonborn are whispered on the wind. Soon we will claim dominion over the sun itself and forge a new realm of eternal darkness! We alone shall be this world's salvation!" Nathan didn't breathe. He stood like a statue as he listened. Harkon reached back to touch Nathan's shoulder, pulling him closer to the banister as he stated happily. "Now that one of my Elder Scrolls has been reclaimed. The next thing we must do is find ourselves a Moth Priest to read it!" Harkon's hand squeezed Nathan's shoulder, when he chuckled out. "I have sent messengers out across Skyrim to spread false rumors about the discovery of an Elder Scroll in Skyrim to lure a Moth Priest here. No doubt those rumors have reached powerful ears." Harkon looked at Nathan now, telling him with an almost giddy expression. "Now it is time to see if those rumors have borne fruit." Looking back to the crowd, Harkon stated out louder. "Go forth! Search the land for any whispers of a Moth Priest within our borders! Look to the cities. Speak to innkeepers, carriage drivers, anyone who would meet a traveler! Go now and carry out this task! This is my command! And the person that finds the Moth Priest first... will be greatly rewarded."
The crowd began to whisper amongst themselves with excitement and intrigue. Nathan could overhear just how much this appealed to them. To finally be making progress after centuries and the simple idea of an reward tempting others. Harkon's hand slid down Nathan's arm, before taking his wrist to pull him back from the balcony and into the shadows. Standing uncomfortably close to him, Harkon whispered into his ear. "Your connections as a Bard should make this task easy. However... be careful. The rumors of this Dragonborn are more than whispers. He's making quite a stir in Skyrim. They are calling him a hero... Right now, his focus is on the Dragons, and I want to keep it that way. The last thing I need is some bolstering hero trying to snatch up the Elder Scrolls to hide them away somewhere." Nathan raised an eyebrow, wondering why Harkon was telling him this, when Harkon added quietly. "I've gotten word that he's venturing to Solstheim. This will give us plenty of time to find our Moth Priest before he returns... I hope. Otherwise... if we fail to find one... I've heard rumors that the Dragonborn might be able to read the Scrolls. Sources tell me that he might even have an Elder Scroll on him. So, if in your encounters you find him. Keep an eye on him. He may be of great benefit to me."
Nathan nodded, but his attention was drifting to the sight of Escher walking around the corner with Serana. Nathan straightened up, prompting Harkon to follow his eyes to them. Taking notice of them, Harkon whispered into Nathan's ear more compassionately. "Do this for me and as your reward... I will give you anything you want. I'd even give up my hold on Escher." Nate slowly turned his head to look into Harkon's eyes. He felt like that was a lie, but Harkon's expressionless face was unreadable. Filled with even the slightest hope that it was true, he nodded. Harkon stroked Nathan's cheek with his finger, purring out. "Good. I eagerly await your success." Harkon then looked over his shoulder, announcing clearly. "Serana, Escher. Come. We have much to discuss about my other missing Elder Scroll." Serana passed him, eyeing him with her big curious eyes. As Escher passed him, his hand went out to hold his briefly. Nathan felt the piece of paper against his palm but cared more about his soft touch. Watching Harkon guide them away, Nathan reluctantly backed up to leave. He didn't want to leave, but he had a feeling Harkon was doing this to isolate him from Escher on purpose.
Garan met up with him and together they collected the Nord cattle that he wanted. The Nords were surprised to see him but treated him like a Noble that they respected. Garan then gathered a few wooden crates with young Death Hounds and their vampire trainer that was to go with them. Garan gave him supplies for the mortals and told him where to find the carriage that would be waiting for them. Garan even gave him a chest filled with enough gold to make any repairs and care for the Cattle in his care. Loading up the carriage on the mainland, Nathan rode Walter ahead of the carriage to lead the way back to the Rift. They stopped off in Solitude to buy the best armor, weapons, and clothes that the Nords wanted. Then headed back out. Anyone that passed them on the rode would never have guessed the conditions these Nords were in before. Dressed and armed, the Nords laughed and cheered to their newfound freedom. The whole way, they defended Nathan like he was their master and proclaimed that he was a rich noble to guards that asked them questions along the road. The vampire trainer only came out of her hidden coffin at night to sit with them. While most of the Nords were uneasy around the woman, they eventually warmed up to her when they heard she was a turned Nord and was only recently turned for her skills with handling hunting dogs.
For not having much hope that his new enterprise would work... It appeared they would actually do quite well. Returning to Redwater Den, Nathan helped them unload the supplies and got everyone settled in. He bought proper beds for the staff and anything that they felt would make the place feel less gloomy and cozier to work in. It was agreed that unless a Nord was already a Skooma addict, that they'd only infect those not native to Skyrim. Or simply Imperial Soldiers. Nathan agreed to keep the peace for now. For now, they made a list of their enemies and gave the list to Nathan. He'd be the one to find and infect them with their first batch of Red Skooma. Learning to brew Skooma required him to find a knowledgeable Khajit that was willing to help them. After learning how to make it... Nathan told the vampire woman to get rid of him. To which she drained him dry. He couldn't afford any lose ends. Within a month, the operation was finally up and running. Leaving the Vampire in charge, Nathan took a few bottles of their fresh Red Water Skooma to find the people on their lists. He stopped at every inn to play music and asked around about his target and a Moth Priest. No matter where he went, there wasn't anyone that even knew what a Moth Priest was.
He knew Moth Priests lived in Cyrodiil and mostly kept to themselves unless hunting for Elder Scrolls. It was painfully clear that almost everyone NOT familiar with Mages had no idea who he was talking about. He thought about going to the College in Winterhold, but he was positive that his 'Vampiric condition' would throw up some red flags. Plus, he doubted they'd let him in after his dismissal from the Arcane University. Making his way across Skyrim, he eventually rode back into Solitude. He had saved this target for last. After months of ridding around, he wanted to enjoy his last target in a place he knew inside and out. Arriving late in the night, he asked a few guards where to find his target and stalked off to their house. Using his lockpicks, he broke into the person's house and crept silently through the dark house. Creeping up the steps like a shadow, he made his way to the bed where a man was sleeping. Waving a hand over the person, he casted a spell to keep him in a deep sleep. Then removing the last bottle of Red Skooma, he uncorked it and carefully poured it into his mouth. Making sure he drank just enough to get a taste; he corked the remaining skooma and set it on the nightstand with a note that had the general location on where to find more.
Patting the man's shoulder, Nathan slipped out and headed toward the Winking Skeever inn. With his Bardic charm, he convinced the male bartender to let him play and he rocked the place. The place went from half-dead to a lively party. The Imperial Soldiers, Nobles, and people that knew him from the Bard Collage all bought him drink after drink. He never turned a drink down and found himself in drinking games to prove Nords held their liquor better than any Imperial Soldier. Before long, Nathan was smashed and laughing at everything. While laughing with a few buddies from the Bard College, his eyes drifted to a woman that was staring at him in the corner. She was the prettiest woman in the tavern. Slender and fair skinned. Her soft brown hair braided down one shoulder. She looked to be in her late teens or early twenties. She blushed when she caught him staring back, averting her eyes as she nibbled on some bread. He didn't recall getting up, but he found himself slipping into the chair across from her and purred out in a charming tone. "What is a pretty woman like you doing in THIS place so late at night. Isn't it your bedtime?" She chuckled, then mumbled out in a sad voice. "This is my anniversary dinner... My husband was supposed to take me out. But he's busy waiting on that spoiled woman upon her throne... So... here I am."
Nathan tsked, laying his hand across the table to rub his fingers across her smooth arm. Staring deep into her eyes, he told her in a wicked tone. "What a jackass. You shouldn't spend this night alone. Someone should steal you away. That would teach him..." She blushed a deeper red but leaned closer to him as she softly told him. "Yes. It would... Would you be willing to steal me away?" Nathan moved his hand up her arm to brush her soft long bangs from her eyes, drunkenly chuckling out. "Sure. I'll show you the best time." The woman took ahold of his hand, breathlessly telling him. "I'm Nainsi. It means grace." Nathan tapped her chin to bring her lips closer, whispering over her lips. "You can call me Paultin. It means humble." She giggled, then kissed him. He kissed her back in return, savoring her soft lips and loving how she smelled. After the kiss, he started suffering blackouts. One minute he was kissing her and the next they were sneaking off through the town. The next, he was in her house and stripping her down. He got bits and pieces of making love to her and biting her upper thigh to feed. Her moans and wails of pleasure flooding even the darkest parts of his mind. Then... nothing. When he awoke, his mind was a mess. He couldn't recall anything from last night and was a little surprised to realize he was in someone's house.
Flipping the blanket off his naked body, he saw a slender arm that didn't belong to him draped over his side. Sitting up, he quickly checked to make sure she was alive. Her hair was all frizzy and when he touched her, she giggled in her sleep and mumbled out. "Yes... do it again." Shaking his head, he checked her neck and arms looking for bites. When he saw her thigh, he winced but hoped she wouldn't notice. Groaning, he looked at the dawn leaking through the windows and said bitterly to himself. "Damn it. I should be looking for the Moth Priest..." Her legs quickly wrapped around one of his legs, hugging him tightly as she sleepily told him. "No... I don't want to leave with you just yet. Let's fuck again, then we'll go..." Nathan blinked, blurting out. "Excuse me? When did I say you are coming with me?" The young woman snuggled closer, giggling out. "Last night. Don't you remember? You promised to take me away." Nathan gawked at her, trying to gently pry her off as he said nervously. "Um... I think you misunderstood..." She shook her head, when the door downstairs opened. Someone stepped inside, before a burly male voice called out. "Nainsi? Are you up? Look, I'm sorry about last night... Jarl Elisif was freaking out. The Emperor has been assassinated... She's gotten so paranoid that she'll be next... but..."
Nathan heard the heavy footsteps take the stairs two at a time and gasped. While beside him, Nainsi jerked her head up and uttered out swiftly in a low voice. "Bolgeir... Oh no." Bolgeir hopped onto the top step, holding out a small bouquet of flowers as he said. "Happy anniversary!" At the sight of Nathan, his smile vanished. Nathan swallowed, staring at the six-foot-tall muscular man. His steel armor was polished, and a bear pelt cloak was draped over it with a bear claw silver clasp. The man was scruffy but attractive with his long dark red hair that had braided bangs and his thick short beard. Nathan gave him a small smile, wincing out. "Happy anniversary..." Bolgeir dropped the flowers with a stony face that prompted Nainsi to rush out. "Bolgeir... Your temper... I can explain." Bolgeir removed his axe from the holster on his back, stating out with a dark grin. "You can explain... after I CASTRATE HIM!" Nainsi screamed, releasing Nathan as she scurried to the far side of the bed. Nathan yelped as the axe came down between his legs. Jerking back against the headboard, Nathan blurted out in both relief and horror. "That's my cue!"
Flipping over Nainsi to get off the bed, he ran to collect his stuff as Bolgeir struggled to yank his axe out of the bed. Nathan was just starting to run for the stairs, when Bolgeir got his axe free and stepped into his way. Bolgeir raised his axe to swing at him with a war cry, causing Nathan to scream in response before ducking the swing and turning to run for the window. Without thinking about it, Nathan jumped to crash through the window. In his mind, he was a vampire that could take the fall damage over being hacked apart with an axe. Falling from the second story window, Nathan braced to hit the cobblestone road, but instead fell through the soft roof of a passing carriage. The Noble woman inside the carriage jumped with fright, then gasped with a blush when she realized that he was naked. Placing his bundle of stuff over his crotch as he laid between the seats, he chuckled out to her. "Good morning, my lady. I can explain." To Be Continued...
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