Chapter Fifty: "Timeless One"
Nathan's leathery grey wings tore through Nathan's shirt and sent blood splattering everywhere. Flicking out his wings, the red leather webbing extended to make his wings larger, allowing him to rise off his knees and into the air. Where the rest of his body changed into a more masculine monster that was a cross between a man and a bat. Locking eyes with the dragon, Nathan unleashed an aggressive screech that showed off his sharp white fangs. His hands raising at his sides to conjure two spells between his long black talon claws. The dragon shifted uneasily, watching him closely with narrowed eyes. She didn't appear to know much about his kind, but she wasn't afraid of him. She had been told he was coming. He was sure of that. Slowly Nate lowered himself to the ground, but kept his wings raised high behind him. He wanted to look as frightening as possible. Although, the smell of fear coming from behind him was messing with his primal urges. Why fight a dragon... When he had an easier meal behind him with the same blood? Glancing over his shoulder, Nathan looked down at Jack. Every muscle in his body tensed, but Nate resisted the urge to attack him as best as he could.
Jack stared up at him with timid eyes, his body was practically trembling with distress. His every instinct told him that if he chose to run... He'd kill him. Only prey runs. Turning to face Jack, Nathan took a step toward him. The smell of his fear was drawing him in like a challenge. He wanted to make him run. Jack was a mouse in the presence of a lion. He would make an easy meal. No matter what Nathan tried to think to change his mind, his vampiric body only cared about its basic needs. Just as Nathan took a step toward Jack, the dragon let out a challenging snarl that instantly offended him. From one predator to another, he could have left her alone. However, if she felt like she could kill him. That was a challenge he couldn't refuse. Quickly turning to face her, he hissed aggressively, and she whipped her tail into a building behind her. Roaring back at him, she spread out her stance in a territorial display. Curling his wings back, he dashed across the courtyard toward her to accept her challenge. Thrashing her head, she shouted at him, causing another powerful blast to blow across the stone yard. Nathan's inhuman speed was reduced back to normal as the blast hit him directly in the chest. She could try to drain his power all she wanted, but he was already dead!
She looked briefly confused that he hadn't gone down, but he didn't hesitate. Leaping into the air, he flew right at her face! Digging his talons into the nooks of her scales, he tore them off to expose her skin beneath. She thrashed her head and roared, but he worked as fast as his body was able. He was quite literally out for blood. When thrashing didn't work, she tilted her head and tried to strike him off with her tail. Nathan only had time to see the shadow of her tail, but he reacted instinctively. His body transforming quickly into a swarm of smaller bats that avoided her blow, causing her to hit herself. It was an odd feeling becoming a swarm of over a hundred little bats with the same hive mind. It was like splitting himself into tiny vampire bat clones. Only they couldn't do more than that. After avoiding the blow, they clustered back up and reformed back into his larger vampire form. The sensation tingled and he was a little surprised that he could do that. In his excitement, he slashed her face to stay on her, drawing fresh warm blood. The warm blood splashed over his face and that was it for him. Any humanity he had fell into the background and he became obsessed with feeding. Bring his face to her wounds, he sank his fangs into her.
He drank fast and deeply. The taste of her was pure bliss. She was like a well of pure unfiltered power. He'd never felt such power surging through his veins. He could feel his muscles spasming to adjust to the power that filled him. Centuries of training as a mage was nothing to the power in a single drop of her blood. His body almost felt like it was changing the more he drank. She clawed at him, but he just burst into more bats, before swarming back to her open wounds for more. He was out of control. All he wanted was ALL of her blood! He tore scales off her blindly and bit her purplish soft flesh. It didn't matter what she did to try to stop him. Realizing that she was unable to shake him, she jerked her head up and roared out a distressed roar that was followed by bright white flames that was blinding in the cloudy low light. The heat rose around her mouth, but Nathan merely shifted on her head to avoid the ripples of flame that threatened too increate him. Having shifted though, he saw Jack running out into the clearing with his sword drawn. Just as Jack got close, the dragon fell limply to her side. The weight of her made the ground tremble beneath Jack, slowing him to a stop. Nathan smirked to himself. He'd taken enough blood from her face that she was lightheaded and disoriented.
Nathan's victory was short lived, when she began to scream in fear and clawed at her face desperately to try and get him off. Retreating into bats that swarmed around her like flies, a few watched Jack just sit there on his knees before slowly reaching for his dropped sword with a sad look. What was he doing? Jack slowly got to his feet, but the tip of his sword dragged across the ground as he did. Beneath him, the dragon curled up defensively to protect her face from him. He fluttered around her as tiny bats, watching her pant heavily and wounded from her own exertions to stop him. Peeking out at Jack though, she stared at him with soft white eyes that had blood dripping over them. Jack's hand shook as he raised his sword, until the dragon whimpered out. "Dovahkiin, Aaz! Mal dovah!" Instantly Jack lowered his blade and Nate blinked. Had her blood done something to him? Why did he suddenly understand her? She wanted Jack to stop because... she had babies. Nathan got goosebumps at the thought of having changed because of her blood. Seizing the moment, Nate rushed in to feed more. He fed and fed, until he was unable to drink anymore without getting sick. Even if he wanted to drink her dry... there was just no way. He'd barely gotten a pint from her.
Hiccupping, Nate jumped off her in his vampiric form. With him off her, she adjusted to look over a mass of broken ruins that neither him or Jack could see over or get around. Cautiously, Nate inched up beside Jack, asking him calmly. "You're not going to finish her? She could be lying." Jack's eyes stayed on the dragon, his eyes so docile and almost loving. Nate couldn't believe what he was seeing. The Dragonborn of legend looked like he really cared for dragons. He seemed to have no pleasure in it or desire for it. As much as Nate liked dragons, he didn't think that was wise to feel for them all after almost getting killed by them. Jack took a deep breath, replying to him honestly. "I'm not a dragon slayer. I'm not without mercy." Jack turned on his heel to walk away and for a moment Nate wondered if something had happened with Mark to make him say that with such... pain in his voice. Watching him go, Nathan seriously piped up after him. "Have you thought about this? If she does have babies, they'll grow up..." Jack stopped in his tracks, then slowly turned to look at him as he answered gently. "I know. But I'm not going to be known for wiping them out. They aren't all bad. They're scared of me and of the tyrant Alduin. Unlike Alduin, I refuse to be the monster they think I am."
Nate nodded to himself. He could understand something similar to that. Puffing his chest up a bit, he replied sweetly. "I'm not disagreeing with you. I was just curious what you were thinking." The dragon finally looked back down at them, softly purring out with gentle loving eyes. "Kogaan, Dovahkiin. Losei Aaz Fen Ni Bo Vonun." Despite understanding what she had said, Nathan turned a nervous expression on Jack in the hopes of him translating. He didn't know how long he'd be able to understand Dragons and it was something he wanted to keep to himself for now. Just in case Jack tried to pull something later. Without question, Jack translated for him by saying aloud. "She thanks me and says my mercy won't go unseen." Jack then bowed to her respectfully and replied sweetly. "Ven Ahrk Hin Viing." Which Nate understood to mean; 'Wind under your wings.' It was a curious phrase to him, but he wasn't classed in phrases of dragon speech. When the Dragon bowed and restated that phrase back to him, Nate guessed it was a formal thing. Something like wishing one well. Nathan's attention was then directed to Jack, who asked him a little nervously. "Are you ok? Did you feed enough? Is that permanent?"
Chuckling to himself, Nathan started walking on beside Jack as he told him honestly. "It's not permanent. I can change back into a more... normal looking vampire, if you want? Otherwise, ya. I'm full and clear headed now. I almost feel supercharged. Her blood was amazing!" Jack gave him a cautious nod and Nathan caught him rubbing his neck in his peripheral vision. It made him smirk to see the Dragonborn so nervous. Continuing to walk on, they made their way through the ruins and up an intact set of steps to the Skuldafn Temple. The remnants of Nathan's ripped shirt were starting to bother him by the time he got there. So, without thinking about it, he just yanked off what remained. Going shirtless wouldn't be a problem for him. He couldn't feel the cold and he didn't wear armor. Flexing his wings as he took in how free he felt now, he caught Jack staring at his abs. It was brief, but the way Jack's hand rubbed his own stomach absently made Nate almost giggle. Walking closer to him, Nathan patted his back, trying to cheer him up as he told him genuinely honest. "Don't do that. Don't envy me. You're a better man than I." Jack rolled his eyes in response, shooting back suspiciously. "How did you...?" Nathan wasn't sure he understood the question, but his mind suddenly become distracted by a strange scent on the breeze.
Sniffing the air, he replied a bit distantly as his eyes scanned the direction of the smell. "I can smell it in your blood and by the way your heart is beating... Do you smell that?" Jack shrugged in response, before they both turned to look behind them. Farther back, the dragon carefully landed on the steps behind them. They both stiffened, watching her very carefully put something on the steps from within her mouth. Nathan's keen eyes narrowed in on it, before his eyes went wide and he crouched down to sweetly coo out. "Oh, my gods! It's adorable!" As the mother lifted her head, the small puppy sized baby dragon staggered on the steps on little uneasy legs. Nate couldn't look away from it. He'd never seen a baby dragon in his life, and it was too cute for him to process. Every fiber of him wanted to touch it. The mother nudged the baby's little bottom to coax it toward Jack, before telling Jack in a deep proud voice. "Fah Hi." Nathan didn't quite understand what that meant, but he was too absorbed into the baby to care. Jack on the other hand, raised his hands to stammer out. "Oh, no! I couldn't do that to you! Keep him!" The mother shook her large head, replying in a sweet tone. "Zin Zu'u Voth Ok Dein."
Jack lowered his hands in what looked like defeat, while Nathan tried to coax the baby toward him upon asking to confirm what he heard. "She wants you to keep it?" Kneeling, Jack scooped up the baby before Nathan could, answering seriously as he looked up at the mother. "She wants me to honor her by raising it. I... I don't know what to say..." Nate chuckled a bit sarcastically, stating out with a bright excited grin. "I'll tell you what I'd say. THANK YOU! You can't say no. Look at those eyes!" Jack chuckled to himself, then moved closer to put his hand on the mother's nose. The mother inhaled Jack's and the baby's scent in response. Which prompted the baby to nuzzle its mother's nose, letting out soft cat-like purrs of affection. As reluctant to take him as Jack looked, he wrapped his arms protectively around the little green dragon and told her confidently. "Thank you. I will take care of him. What's its name?" The mother took a minute to think, before leaning over the baby to whisper to it through a gentle but powerful magical shout that the baby's body appeared to absorb. The name echoing in a hushed tone throughout the ruins in such a way that it gave Nathan goosebumps. "Tiidgein." Timeless one. It brought a small smile to Nathan's lips.
Jack smiled too as he said under his own breath while holding the squirming baby. "Timeless one. I like it." The mother gave Jack and Tiidgein one last smile, before taking off into the sky with a soft roar that drew Nate's attention away from Tiidgein briefly. Upon looking back at the baby dragon, he saw him crawl up onto Jack's shoulders. Lifting his tiny wings, Tiidgein let out the cutest tiny roar in response to hers. Once she was out of sight, Tiidgein then began to snuggle and arch himself against Jack's throat like a cat. Even letting out loud purrs as Jack stroked his head. Nathan couldn't help feeling a little envious. He would have loved having a pet dragon... but the more he thought about it, the more he talked himself out of it. Having a baby dragon in Skyrim would be a nightmare and that wasn't counting the raising of one. While stroking Tiidgein's head, Jack told the baby dragon lightly with a warm smile. "I can't wait until Mark sees you." Nathan couldn't stop himself from blurting out through a chuckle. "I'm sure he will love him. And if not... was he really worth saving?" Nathan winced after he said them. He hadn't meant to sound so sarcastic about it. Jack didn't seem to notice though. His attention was on Tiidgein's adorable cuddles.
Leading Jack up to the Temple doors, Nate used his vampiric strength to push open the heavy stone doors. Holding the doors open for Jack, he waited for him to enter and then closed them behind them. The inside of the Temple was dark and musty. He could see the years of dust and neglect everywhere with his dark vision. Up until Jack took it upon himself to light the brazier with his magic. The sudden bright firelight, blinding Nathan for a moment. Rubbing his eyes, he waited for them to adjust. When they did, he took in what Jack saw. It was a strange place for a wall that had two corridors going into the same room beyond. He couldn't see a reason for such a thing. However, knowing Nords and their desire to keep the dead undisturbed. He could think of one BIG reason why it was here. Jack started to go toward the corridor on the left, but Nate grabbed his arm with inhuman speed. Jack stopped moving and Nate inched forward a tad to look at the walls. Then kneeling, Nate picked up a piece of rumble and tossed it across the floor of the corridor. From all sides of the corridor walls, darts shot forth in a fury. Nothing was getting through there without getting turned into a pin cushion.
Tiidgein arched up on Jack's shoulders, hissing at the hallway with distress. Discreetly, Nathan picked up one of the darts and sniffed it. He recognized the smell of the poison it was dipped in. Setting down the dart, he picked up another piece of rumble and went to the other corridor. Tossing the rumble across the floor, he heard the trap trigger... but nothing happened. Smiling, Nate gestured to it as he said happily. "This way. The traps are empty." Deciding to go in first just to be sure, Nathan's wings tensed every time he stepped on the pressure plates. He listened to every click, cautiously moving through. Once they were out and heading up the large steps of the Temple, Jack let out a loud groan behind him. Nate looked over the Nord puzzle. Nate didn't see the big deal. He'd been raised around Nordic puzzles. Walking over to the rotating stones in the center of the room, he started clearing them of thick cobwebs to look at the pictures. Some were so dusty that he had to rub has hand over them to clean them up a bit. Behind him, Jack conjured a ball of light and started looking over the ones he cleared. When Nate finished cleaning the stones, he stood back to get a good look at them.
There were three stones lined up in the center of the room with pictures that could be seen from all sides. Then there were two Nordic head sculptures set before two barred off doors with a picture on a tablet in their mouths. Jack paced around, then walked up to the lever platform in front of the rotating stones. He looked lost in thought as he mumbled out to himself. "Three stones... two pictures?" Dashing up with inhuman speed to the ledge above the barred off doors, Nathan cleared away a set of pictures that he had missed and retorted coolly down to Jack. "Wrong. Four pictures and three stones. See?" Jack turned away from the lever to look up at him. Crossing his arms, Jack blurted out with annoyance. "Oh, great... How is that even possible? There are only three stones! For all the others, I just had to slip in a missing stone. How am I supposed to work with this?" Jack dropped his arms limply to his sides, muttering out in a pained voice. "I bet Mark would know..." Nate jumped off the ledge to land gracefully to the floor near Jack. Folding his wings back, Nathan straightened up and confidently told Jack. "Now don't give up just yet. We're Mages. Let's figure this out rationally." Nathan was no expert at Nordic puzzles, but being a Nord himself, he felt like he had enough experience to decipher it. To Be Continued...
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