Chapter Fifty-Eight: "The World-Eater's Wraith"
Nathan tensed his arms and flexed his fingers as Alduin locked his wings to soar straight toward them as fast as he could. However, Nathan could tell by where Alduin had locked his eyes that he was going directly toward Jack. He'd accepted his challenge and wanted him gone more than anyone else. Which only made Nathan smirk with glee, his fangs extending as far as they could with eagerness. Alduin was arrogant to think he could only focus on one target. The Heroes spread out a bit to prepare for the fight but yelled out over Alduin's thundering roars. "When he gets close, bring him down with Dragonrend!" Nathan blinked glancing around confused. What the fuck was Dragonrend? He'd never heard of such a thing. Was it a spell or a fancy move? A weapon maybe? When his eyes met with Mark, Mark smirked at his confused look before letting out a deep inhuman growl. Mark set his sword down, his joints popping and thick fur rising from his skin as his body changed from a human to a large werewolf on two legs. Fully transforming, he let out a loud aggressive snarl at Alduin sending thick saliva out across the grass from him long wolf muzzle.
Not wanting to be upstaged, Nathan shrugged and extended out his large leathery wings to their full length and belted out an ear-piercing screech in Alduin's direction. The screech did nothing to Alduin, but it pumped his adrenaline into high gear. His primal instincts surging for a fight. Mark was in the same boat. He flexed his long fingers, his every breath deep and heavy as he waited for his prey to land. Alduin flew lower, his speed causing the strong wind in his wake to knock over trees. The other Heroes moved to be at the ready to try surrounding him, but Jack didn't move. He held his ground, letting Alduin target him. Mark whined a little and Nathan started to realize it too. Alduin was a massive dragon and if Jack didn't start running... He wasn't going to be able to get clear of him before he landed. Their worst fear was confirmed, when Alduin suddenly opened his massive jaws wide and didn't attempt to land. He was going to try swooping in to snatch Jack and fly off. Jack turned on his heel to run, but Jack had waited too long. He'd never clear his jaws at the speed Alduin was swooping in at. Alduin simply had to turn his head to grab him!
The Heroes started to panic as they called out. "DRAGONBORN!" Jack dashed as fast as he could, but Alduin's sharp teeth was growing closer and closer to him. Mark started to run on all fours toward him, but Nathan knew that he'd never reach him... but HE could. Inhaling, Nathan dashed across the field until he was nothing but a blur to the human eye. Snatching Jack around the waist, he yanked him off his feet seconds before Alduin's sharp jaws were condensing upon him. Alduin's jaws snapped shut with a loud empty sound, but Nathan position Jack to face Alduin and released him. He was able to get Jack positioned, then let himself stumble across the grass from the sheer speed of his own momentum. He just couldn't stop so suddenly at the speed he'd been going. He'd done enough for Jack to shout out at Alduin as he flew by empty-handed. "JOOR ZAH FRUL!" The Heroes on the other side heard Jack and quickly joined in with the same shout. The shout hit him from both sides, his large body trapped in a glowing blue light from the spell. Nathan watched in amazement as Alduin was forced to the ground like a rock in water. Alduin hadn't expected it, his face slamming into the ground first, before the rest of him was yanked flat to the ground with a heavy tremor from his size.
Alduin had slide across the ground, his face almost buried in dirt and grass. Nathan chuckled a little, listening to Alduin groan with pain and frustration. He couldn't blame him. That had looked like it had fucking hurt. It couldn't have been good for his long neck. From somewhere, Gormlaith called out to everyone in a rallying yell. "Stand together and we shall defeat him! Alduin's doom! His death or ours!" Alduin jerked his head up, flicking dirt off his face as he rolled onto his feet. Bracing for a fight, he thrashed his tail wildly to keep them all back from him while he tried to recover from his fall. Nathan knew how he felt after his own tumble but smirked as he saw Mark racing across the field on all fours toward Alduin. Leaping over Alduin's thrashing tail, Mark went straight for Alduin's throat! Alduin snarled as Mark managed to jump onto his neck in a spot that he couldn't reach easily. Snapping his canine jaws onto a hard neck scale, Mark snarled and tugged as he tried to rip it off with all the strength he possessed. Alduin snarled, lifting his hind leg to try clawing Mark off, the Heroes had finally reached him and began to slash their weapons at his tail and vulnerable leathery wings.
Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Nathan straightened himself up and shook off his fatigue as he let out a war-crying screech. Shifting into a swarm of little vampire bats, he rushed in to help keep Alduin's attention off Mark. Going straight for his eyes, Nathan clung to him and tried to sink tiny fangs into his eyes and face. However, Alduin's scales were like thick steel! There was no piercing them and pulling them off felt like an impossible task. He was strong not just in power but in body! It was a marvel to see how strong he was, and it made sense why no one had ever been able to bring him down in the old stories. He was a mighty beast! Even his eyelids were as hard as steel when closed. Trying to wedge his tiny claws into the seem though, he tried to poke and jam at his eyes anyway. He was good at being annoying and so... he was going to annoy him to death! Alduin shook his head wildly, stomping and throwing a tantrum but Nathan didn't let up. He refused to let him open his eyes. He had to give the others the best advantage that he could and hope that they could break through to hurt him. In all his poking and jamming at Alduin's eyes, he had caused his eyes to start bleeding. Which in turn sent Nathan into a hungry frenzy as the blood leaked out where his tiny bats could lick away at him.
Nathan smelled more blood coming from one of Alduin's wings, but Nathan couldn't divide his attention too much. He had to keep his focus on Alduin's thrashing head. Incurring his wraith, Alduin grew so annoyed with them all that he lowered his head toward the ground and unleashed a blast of flames beneath him. The white hot flames rippled out beneath him like a wave! The Heroes and Jack fled out of range as the blast exploded into a protective circle around Alduin. Nathan tried to keep up his attack, but Alduin jerked his head into the blazing white flames, forcing Nathan to flee before he was reduced to ash! Fleeing away, Nathan reformed on the ground and licked his bloodstained lips. The taste of Alduin's blood setting Nathan's veins ablaze in power unlike anything he'd ever felt. The magic in his veins was a well of limitless energy! It made the magic in his body feel wild and explosive. With Nathan unable to save Mark, Alduin leaned more into the flames to try burning him. Mark saw it coming and leapt off before he could be burned but he never made it to the ground. Alduin anticipated that he'd jump off. So, in mid-jump, Alduin whipped his head to headbutt Mark away.
Mark's yelp was sharp and distressed as he was sent flying and hit the ground roughly. Nathan tensed, hearing a bone snap but he could hear Mark whining softly as he stayed down. Seeing Mark go down rattled everyone, but none more than Jack. Jack looked completely terrified and looked like a soldier lost within a war flashback as he stared after Mark. Nathan called out to Jack, but he didn't seem to hear him. From behind the rippling flames, Alduin turned to face Jack with bared teeth, growling out to him in a dark menacing tone. "Dovahkiin, you should not have come here. Nu hin sil dii." Nathan blinked, understanding Alduin's phrase to say, 'His soul is mine.' Nathan's heart sank and Jack's face paled as Alduin turned his head toward Mark. Opening his massive jaws, Alduin started to inhale through his mouth... drawing Mark toward him! Mark let out distressed yelps, crawling at the ground helplessly as his body was dragged across it and back toward Alduin. Nathan sprang to his feet, unsure how to help since he couldn't get past the fire. Alduin was going to devour Mark's soul if they didn't stop him somehow. Jack rushed back up to the flames, fearlessly shouting out in a voice that was full of unyielding command to protect the man he loved. "FUS RO DAH!"
Nathan got goosebumps down his arms from just feeling the power ripple out from Jack's shout. While Alduin got hit with it at full blast. The impact of the shout hit Alduin so hard that Alduin toppled onto his side like someone had straight out punched him across the jaw. The force of the powerful shout had even hit so hard that any concentration Alduin had to keep his wall of flames up was gone. Snuffing the wall of flames in one strong gust like a blown out candle. The second the wall of flames was gone, the Heroes burst into war cries and charged back in toward Alduin. Taking full advantage of him being down while they had the chance. Nathan marveled at their fearlessness. They hacked and slashed at Alduin with everything they had. Trying to hit anything they thought was a weak spot or would cause him the most pain. It wasn't enough though. With an angry roar, Alduin rolled over to attack them. His jaws snapping out at Gormlaith since she was the closet to his face. Gormlaith expected it, jumping to Alduin's leg to avoid his jaws before pouncing onto his nose! She made it look so easy and she did it in full steel armor! For a moment, Nathan was simply awestruck to see them fighting.
He couldn't believe the skill they had at fighting dragons. They really had fought dragons all their lives like the stories claimed. To see them in action was simply inspiring. Balancing perfectly, she slashed her sword at Alduin's large eyes and then tried to impale her blade between them. However, when her sword struck against his hard scales... her blade shattered upon contact. For a split second, Gormlaith looked utterly surprised that it hadn't worked. In her moment of hesitation, Alduin flicked his head up, sending her flailing into the air before he snatched her in his jaws. Nathan winced, watching her soul burst in Alduin's mouth like hot steam. Then to Nathan's chagrin, some of Alduin's wounds healed upon swallowing her soul. Alduin's lips curled to unleash a menacing growl as he turned a hungry grin on the other Heroes. Shaking himself back into action, Nathan rushed over to Jack who stood just as startled by the events. Reaching him, Nathan said a bit distressed. "His scales are too hard. We can't even scratch them! What do we do?" Jack looked like he was about to shrug, but after looking over Nathan, a smirk pulled at his lips.
Before he could ask, Jack told him quickly. "Blind him! Then follow my lead!" Nathan lifted an eyebrow, prompting Jack to point toward his sun sword. Smirking in return as he understood, he nodded. He didn't need to be told what to do next. Dashing from Jack's side, Nate put himself in front of the Heroes that Alduin was trying to suck in and withdrew his sword. Nathan winced as the sword burned his hand with a soft hissing sound, but Nathan ignored the pain to force the sword into activating. Raising the blade high, the little sun in the rounded guard began to shine with the blinding white light of a mini sun. Unable to look at the Heroes or Nathan, Alduin flinched away from the light. Giving Jack the opening he wanted. Alduin couldn't see him coming. Running in, Jack slashed his katana blade across a spot on Alduin's large throat. The blade slicing through Alduin's scales like a hot knife through butter! The sword cut into the skin enough to make it bleed, but the cut wasn't deep enough to kill him. It did cut off a good chuck of his scales to expose the soft skin beneath though. As blood sputtered from the vein that Jack had nicked, Nathan sheathed his sword and lost control. Bursting into a swarm of tiny bats, Nathan attacked the exposed vein to drink his fill to heal his own wounds caused by holding the sun sword.
Nathan briefly saw Alduin raise his hind leg to try clawing Nathan off, but Jack came to his rescue by stabbing the underside of Alduin's foot. Alduin yelped, shifting his weight, but before he could recover, Jack slashed another scale off his side to expose more raw skin. The Heroes then rushed in to attack the raw skin, drawing Alduin's aggression on them as he truly felt the pain from their weapons now. Resorting to using his tail, Alduin tried to lash the Heroes with it, but Mark leapt into action. Latching onto his tail, Mark practically played tug-of-war with it to keep him from using it against them. Growing more frustrated and desperate, Alduin flipped his wings out aggressively to smack the Heroes back. Jack managed to duck in time to avoid the blow. Then the wings moved to try clawing Nathan off. Moving under him, Jack managed to slice another scale from the smell of fresh blood, causing Alduin to abandon everyone in order to focus on Jack. Who had proven to be his biggest issue. Alduin snapped his jaws at him, and Nathan held on as Jack fled back under Alduin. Alduin didn't stop trying to get Jack. Going so far as to chase him around the field like a cat after a light source.
Jack rolled and dodged in the only ways that he could to avoid his snapping jaws. Until one failed dodge ended up knocked Jack to the ground with the bump of Alduin's nose. Bracing over him, Alduin opened his mouth and Nathan felt Alduin's throat heat up and vibrate as molten flames moved up his throat. Nathan stopped drinking, trying to think of how to stop Alduin's attack, but Jack beat him to it. Raising his hands, Jack blasted frost into Alduin's mouth! Snapping his jaws shut, steam hissed from his mouth as he jerked his head up to avoid the bitter cold. Catching up to Alduin since he stopped running around, the Heroes rushed back into attacking the exposed flesh. Drawing Alduin's fury back on them. Alduin responded to one by stomping his foot down on Hakon, his soul bursting into mist that Alduin inhaled quickly through parted lips. Turning on the last Hero, Alduin knocked him back with his wing, but when he went in to eat him, Felldir raised his hands to blast his face with frost too. Seeing Alduin resist his frost more than he could with Jack's, Nathan leapt off to help him. Landing beside him, Nathan reformed and raised his own hands to join him.
The wild magic in his veins from Alduin's blood made his blood spell surge with enough intensity that it was enough to hurt Alduin deeply. Hitting him with his little red ball of blood magic, Alduin's blood was pulled from his eyes, nose, and wounds to be absorbed into Nathan's fangs. Alduin let out a snarling whimper, trying to curl away from them. Mark ran in then to help, digging his claws into Alduin's exposed skin to make them worse. Alduin was succumbing to them. Forcing him to try and flee for his life. Nathan refused to let up, using the power from Alduin's blood to keep the pressure on him. While Mark tore into him with a vengeance. Just as it looked like they had him on the ropes and were going to win, Alduin did the unexpected. Kicking Mark away with renewed adrenaline, Alduin shouted out at both Nathan and Felldir. "GAAN LAH HAAS!" The blast hit them both hard, causing Nathan to feel like he had been drained of everything! He lost his stamina, his magic, and even his life felt like it had taken a massive hit. Falling hard against the ground, Nathan spit up the blood that he'd drank from Alduin. He couldn't move. His whole body was in agony.
Beside him, he saw a little wisp of floating light where Felldir had once been. Nathan couldn't see well but he felt the ground tremble from Alduin slamming his foot down, before snarling out to who he guessed was a pinned down Jack. "It ends here, Dovahkiin. You cannot best me! I am the World-Eater! I spit fire and block out the sky in storm clouds! Look into the eyes of your death!" Nathan heard Alduin inhaling deeply to bring forth his molten fire, but he couldn't help him. Looking to Mark weakly, he saw that Mark's leg was broken and he looked exhausted from attacking as hard as he had. Nathan felt like this was the end... until Jack's voice shouted out. "STRUN BAG QO!" Looking up at the beautiful swirling purple sky, Nathan furrowed his brows as a darker cloud formed to block out the bright sky. The hair on Nathan's arms rose as the feeling of static hung in the air. Nathan gulped, digging his fingers into the ground to try and ground himself. He could sense what was coming. Then from the sky, there was a bright flash as a massive bolt of lightning struck Alduin in the square of his back! Alduin let out a tortured scream of agony, his body rippling in bluish white static.
Nathan did not envy him in the slightest. Alduin staggered on his feet, whining and bowing his head as he tried to shake off the pain. He didn't get too far before another bolt of lightning struck his horns, forcing him to hang his head lower as he groaned in pain. Stiffly sitting up, Nathan's jaw dropped as he watched Jack get to his feet. Jack didn't seem real as he hefted his blade with an expression that was focused in on Alduin. Running out after Alduin, Jack leapt up onto Alduin's bowed head like Gormlaith had done. Alduin snarled, shaking his head to try shaking him off, but Jack grabbed onto his horn to steady himself. Nathan couldn't breathe as he watched Jack raise his sword in his free hand to aim between Alduin's eyes. Alduin titled his head back, rising up onto his hind legs with his wings spread out wide in a frightening display of aggression. Alduin's tail rose up behind him like he was going to strike Jack off with it, but the attack didn't come soon enough! Jack plunged the blade into Alduin with a loud yell of anger, sinking it in to the hilt! A burst of white flame came from Alduin's jaws moments before his tail swatted Jack square in the chest to knock him off.
Nathan flinched as he saw Jack hit the ground in a brutal way that made Jack scream in the most heart wrenching way. He could hear him gasping for air and Mark whining at the sight of it, but neither of them could move yet. Alduin landed back down to all fours, letting out a sinister growl as he staggered toward Jack. Nathan opened his mouth thinking he might just scream helplessly, until he saw little Tiidgein hop out onto Jack's shoulder. Turning his brave little head toward the sky, he shouted out in a fierce tiny voice. "STRUN BAG QO!" Alduin panted heavily, getting ready to try and blow fire down upon Jack and Tiidgein, until another bolt of lightning came down and struck the hilt of the sword still impaled in Alduin's skull! The lightning seemed to vanish into the blade, causing Alduin to rise up again on his hind legs with another tortured scream. Spreading his wings, Alduin looked like he was trying to take off and flee his fate as he agonizingly stated aloud to the sky. "Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis ablaan!" Excitement flooded Nathan as he understood him. He claimed he was eternal and that he couldn't die... but Nathan could smell the fear in his blood. He was feeling the end come for him!
Alduin curled up briefly like his chest hurt him, then he jerked back with his wings wide as his scales and skin was blasted off his bones! Splattering blood across the field in all directions as Alduin roared in a mix of pain and utter fear. The blackened meat left on Alduin's bones melted away gruesomely to reveal the golden light of his soul within. The glowing golden soul appeared to be sucked up into the sky by an unseen force. The sky rumbled as the soul broke up through the grey clouds. As the last of Alduin's soul left his body, Alduin's bones became brittle and fell to dust... but not before one final blast of power shook all of Sovengarde. Nathan was knocked flat to the ground again by the sheer force of the souls that Alduin had devoured being released back into Sovengarde. Then as quickly as it had happened... it was over. Alduin was no more. It was as if he had never been. Nothing remained of him, except for a blackened looking katana sword in the grass. To Be Continued...
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