Chapter Eighteen: "What We Want..."
Nate slowed to a stop to look back at the guard like he was making a sick joke. When the guard noticed how Nate was looking at him, he blurted out. "It's true! A messenger was sent out from Whiterun. The dragons have returned! And the Dragonborn has been found!" Nate rolled his eyes, stating a bit sarcastically. "Right... It's probably just war propaganda." The guard puffed up his chest, curtly retorting as Nate turned to leave. "The dragon attacked as Ulfric was to be executed. The war was almost over. But the gods have other plans it seems." Nate shot a glare back at the guard, snapping out. "The gods don't care. We're on our own. Trust me." Nate stormed off before the guard could add anything. Following behind him, Dumbuk told him in a gruff tone of voice. "Dragons...? Must have been a Mage trick. Dragons are gone. If they ever existed in the first place." Nate huffed, muttering out to him. "Ya, and they say the same about Vampires. Who knows what's real and what isn't anymore. Sounds like more of Ulfric's tricks to me. Or more lies from the Empire. Either way, I want nothing to do with it." Approaching the doors to the hall, the guards stopped their chatting to tell them seriously. "Sorry. No visitors. The Jarl is dealing with a crisis."
Nate chuckled softly, then grabbed the guard by the front of his tunic. Yanking him close, Nate told him in a light but dark voice. "Look, Buddy. I have been up all night dealing with a Vampire crisis she hijacked me into. I am tired. I am filthy. I am irritated. Now you can let me pass. Or I'm going to paralyze you to the fucking spot. Sound fair?" The other guard drew his sword, but Dumbuk grunted and flexed his large muscles. The slender guard sheathed his sword, telling them just as seriously. "We are doing our job. We can't let you in." Nate snapped his fingers paralyzing them in place. Then pushing them over to fall across the grass, he told them with a deep inhale. "I warned you." Dumbuk released a throaty chuckle, uttering out. "Not much of a morning person, are you?" Nate shot Dumbuk a glare over his shoulder, muttering out. "No... I'm not." Trudging up the steps, Nate shoved the doors open. The doors banged against the walls, silencing the conversations going on inside. The Housecarl drew his sword, asking aloud. "What is the meaning of this?!" Nate strolled into the hall, stating out gruffly. "Sorry to intrude on your morning news. But I'd like to inform you how our little adventure went so that I can get to bed. Some of us didn't have the pleasure of sleeping all night."
The Housecarl started to take a step forward, but the Jarl stated aloud. "Gorm, step aside. I want to hear this." Gorm reluctantly stepped aside, and Nate walked up to the throne. A messenger stepped away from the Jarl, closing the bag that was open to show the Jarl something. Once he was within the light, the Jarl smirked at how Nate looked and said coolly. "Well, look at you. If only everyone acted like you. I'd have less problems and more solutions to offer. The hunt went well, I presume?" Nate bowed respectfully to her, then answered as nicely as he could muster. "The Master Vampire, Movarth, is dead. His coven cleaned out." The Jarl straightened up in her chair, saying with shock. "By the Eight, you two did it on your own? When I heard the others returned... I was sure that the task couldn't be done." Giving them a bright smile, she told them with the upmost respect. "Incredible. You both have my humblest of thanks. As a token of my gratitude, your reward as promised." The Jarl snapped her fingers, ordering Gorm firmly. "Gorm, their rewards?" Gorm bowed, then left to the war room once again. While they waited, the Jarl told them warmly. "Give my thanks to the Dawnguard. Should the need for you arise again. You will be the first I send for."
Dumbuk grunted and bowed to her. Nate glanced at Dumbuk, when the Jarl added nicely. "Did you learn more about what happened to your father, Bard?" Nate shook his head but answered in a softer voice. "No, Highness. I don't suppose that I will." The Jarl's face turned a little grim, but she told him nicely. "No matter. Tarin would be proud of you. You finished what he started. Not bad for a Bard." Nate smirked a little, answering lightly. "I'm full of surprises." Gorm walked over and handed a large leather coin purse to each of them. Taking it, Nate stashed it and gave the Jarl one last bow. Upon turning to leave, Dumbuk caught up to him to ask with sudden interest. "You're related to Tarin? Tarin Sharp? One of the Vigilant Soldiers of Stendarr?" Nate made his way down the steps, checking that the guards were becoming unparalyzed. Seeing they were, he headed on to the inn, replying dismissively. "Ya. I'm his son. What are you a fan of his?" Dumbuk grabbed his arm to stop him. Nate tensed and faced Dumbuk for a possible fight. Dumbuk's eyes were mournful as he told him. "I'm sorry for your loss. He was a good man. A good vampire hunter." Nate forced himself to give a nod, then tried to keep walking as he said aloud. "Thanks. I have to go." Talking about his parents always made him uncomfortable.
Dumbuk kept up with him as he offered hopefully. "Look, kid. The Dawnguard are recruiting. You should think about joining us. You handled your own against a Master Vampire and his coven. That's proof enough to me that you can handle it. With a little training you could be-" Nate whirled around to stop him by cutting in as nicely as he could. "Listen. I appreciate the offer. But I'm not a fighter. This time was... I only did this to help a friend. One time thing. I'm done. So, thank you. But no thank you." Dumbuk straightened up to his full height, saying rather boldly. "Think about the offer. I'll be riding out tonight. We need men like you... because despite what we tell people. We are losing the war with the Vampires. And as you said... people don't even believe they exist. Tarin was helping us fight a much bigger Vampire threat. He was onto something. Something the Volkihar Vampires are looking for. He died before he could tell us what it was... As his son... You might be able to figure out what it was." Nate exhaled, watching Dumbuk start to walk by him. As Dumbuk walked up the steps of the inn, he told Nate over his shoulder boldly. "You might not be a fighter. But we need more than just fighters. You befriended that Vampire... That's a useful skill to get information. Just think about it."
Nate huffed, running a hand through his bangs to move them out of his eyes. His hair felt wet and when he saw the blood on his hand, he groaned. He even had blood in his hair. Trudging into the inn, the Barmaid dropped her broom and rushed over to tell him excitedly. "You're alive! Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Nate raised a hand to slow her down and asked hopefully. "You have a bathtub here?" The Barmaid bite her lip, blushing as she answered. "Most go to the bathhouse. But if you want something more private... we do have tubs that can be brought up and filled? Costs a little more though." Nate waved a hand dismissively, telling her with some relief. "I'm not worried about the cost. I want privacy. Bring one up, please?" She nodded and sprang off to ask for help from the bartender. Nate slipped into his room and began to strip off his gear. Afraid to get anything dirty, he sat on the floor and decided to clean his sword and boots while they brought in the tub and filled it with boiled water. When it was finally ready, the barmaid offered sweetly. "You know... I'd be happy to help you wash? I'm good with massages?" Nate smirked, telling her sweetly. "Maybe later. I'm too tired for company." She pouted but slipped out with a smile.
Once she was out of the room, he moved up to the door and locked it. Lighting a few candles, he moved to the window and unlocked it. He scanned around outside, then closed the curtains. He hoped Escher would come visit him. He didn't want to end up waiting another few years before seeing him again. Facing the tub, Nate began to strip off his dirty clothes. It felt good to get them off. All the dried blood was making them stiff and uncomfortable. Grabbing a washrag, Nate dipped it in the water and rubbed the blood off his skin. Setting the rag down on the edge of the tub, he leaned over it to start to climb inside, until he saw the shadow of the curtain move. There was no wind today. Staying still, he waited to see if a shadow would appear. When one didn't, his heart sank, and he climbed into the water. The warm water felt good on his tense muscles. Relaxing himself, he propped his feet up on the far end and pulled the rag lazily into the tub. His mind was thinking everything over. Did he want to join the Dawnguard? Being a Bard was fun... but he was growing bored with it like he did with everything. He loved his music, but he was running out of things to sing about. He needed inspiration. He just didn't know if hunting vampires was something he wanted to do. What would Escher think?
Taking a deep breath, Nate ducked under the water to wash the blood from his dark hair. Sitting back up after his hair felt loose and blood free, he spit water off his face and brushed his hair back with his hands. Reaching for the soap that sat on a small rack attached to the tub, Nate froze. The soap bar was gone. Behind him, he felt fingers trace up his back and he shot to the other end of the tub to huddle against it. Leaning over the tub on the other end, Escher chuckled and purred out. "Enjoying yourself?" Nate exhaled, clutching his heart as he said. "Damn it, Escher. You scared me..." Escher pulled the chair to the desk over to the back of the tub. Sitting down, he beckoned Nate back as he told him sympathetically. "Sorry. I was trying to avoid being seen." Nate shyly moved back into place and blushed when Escher's hands touched his shoulders. Nate found himself crossing his legs nervously, prompting Escher to ask by his ear. "Would you like me to leave until you finish?" Reaching up, Nate grabbed one of Escher's hands before softly replying in a breathless voice. "No... I'm good. I just...You do things to me that I can't explain." Escher's fingers slid down his chest, until his arms could cross over him. Nate tilted his head back against Escher's shoulder, exhaling as he forced himself to relax. His heart was racing, and every cell of his body was sensitive to Escher's touch.
Escher kissed his neck, causing Nate to arch his back a little. Licking his lips, Nate swallowed and forced himself to start a conversation with him. "Is it true what Movarth said? Are the Volkihar vampires... dangerous with him gone?" Escher lifted his head from Nate's neck, answering honestly. "The Volkihar are the oldest vampire clan to date. I can't even tell you how old Lord Harkon is... but yes. Harkon is dangerous. Even more so when angered. Why?" Nate stroked one of Escher's arms absently as he regaled openly. "Are you close to him?" Escher pressed his forehead to Nate's temple, truthfully replying. "Physically, yes. Mentally... no. Harkon is... a tormented soul. I'm not sure he even knows why he does things anymore." Nate licked his lips, exhaling out nervously. "So... If the Dawnguard are hunting him... What would you do?" Escher's hands slid back up Nate's chest and started playing with his loose wet hair when he purred out. "Harkon is a big boy. He can take care of himself. What's with this sudden interest? Are you scared of him finding out about us?" Nate shifted in the tub to face him better. Escher's fingers kept pushing his hair back from his eyes and ears, while Nate replied casually. "I've just been thinking. You seemed scared of what Harkon would do to you if you failed to kill Movarth. And Movarth asked what Harkon would do if he knew I cared about you..."
Escher dropped his hands from Nate's hair to lean on the tub in silence. His expression was unreadable. Nate put a hand on Escher's arm, asking him with soft concern. "Are you afraid of him?" Escher stared into his eyes, answering without hesitation. "Yes. But he turned me... that means I'm bound to him. Not by choice. If it was as easy as that. I never would have left you at the inn." Nate smirked just a little, looking away to hide his blush. Escher brought his lips closer to his ear, whispering to him. "I like you, Nate. I've never smiled so much in a long time." Nate reached up to touch Escher's cold neck, turning his head to capture his lips with his own. After the kiss, Nate kept his forehead to Escher's and whispered back. "So, we are in agreement? We both want... whatever this is?" Escher's pale lips spread into a gorgeous smile that had Nate in awe of his beauty. Giving him a nod, Escher tilted Nate's head back and kissed him again. Staying in the kiss, Nate's hands moved to Escher's shirt and began unbuttoning it. Escher didn't stop him as he slid the fabric over his cold white marbled shoulders. Rising from the chair, Escher shrugged off his shirt and started unlacing his pants.
Breaking the kiss, Escher pushed his pants down his strong pale thighs. Kicking his boots off, Nate chuckled at how much Escher was trying to keep himself from moving as fast as he could. Sinking in the water a bit, Nate looked over Escher's body. His body looked like it was crafted from smooth marble and while Escher wasn't as muscular as Movarth had been, he still had defined muscles that were beautiful to look at. Escher's soft blue eyes stared down at him, asking through a blush. "You've seen me before... Why the look?" Nate bit his lip, then replied honestly. "My memory doesn't do you justice. I'd forgotten how... breathtaking you are." Escher gripped the sides of the tub and gracefully hopped over the edge. Nate flinched, but Escher didn't splash into the tub. He lowered himself in slowly like a menacing predator. Barely making the water ripple. Nate straightened up more in the tub to make room, even though there was enough room for two in it. Shifting to all fours, Escher crept through the water until he was braced over him. Bringing his lips to Nate's, Escher purred to him lovingly. "So, every time you see me it is like the first time? While I remember every inch of you... perfectly." Nate wrapped his arms around Escher's neck, pulling him down over himself as he breathlessly told him. "Do you now?"
Escher grinned wickedly, his hand sliding to Nate's inner thigh as he asked devilishly. "Let's find out. Are my fang marks still there?" Nate jerked as Escher's fingers traced the soft sensitive skin along his inner thigh. The higher his fingers went, the more Nate arched in the tub with anticipation. Finding the two puncture scars, Escher brushed his lips over Nate's parted lips teasingly. Nate moaned a little in response. He had known they were there after a woman had asked him about them. After that, Nate had worked hard to keep them hidden from everyone. Escher's fangs slowly slid out as he asked Nate in a wispy voice. "You've healed well. Few more months and they might just go away... If you wanna play though... I have to open them back up. What do you say?" Nate lifted his legs to drape them along the tub. Looking Escher in the eyes, Nate told him calmly. "I thought you'd never ask." Escher chuckled to himself, shifting back a little before telling him. "Keep in mind that I don't have to breathe. So... I could be down there a while." Nate gripped the side of the tub to brace himself. To Be Continued...
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