Chapter One: Rebirth
Dabi certainly wasn't expecting to almost trip over a body on his way back to the Lov base.
"Oi what the fu-" He sighed, rolling it over with his foot, more than surprised to see a familiar fanboy. "..the fuck? Oi, kid, ya dead or some shit?"
He crouched down after no reply and checked his pulse, it was there, just faint. He sighed and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder like a potato sack. "I swear to fuckin' god ya brat. If ya die on the way back and make me spend all this energy for nothing I'll donate your damn hands to Shigaraki.."
"Aye, I told you no fucking bringing bodies into the bar." A scratchy voice growled, the disturbing sound of raw skin being rapidly scratched following up his words. "Blame Toga for the rule."
"Oi oi oi, he aint dead yet. I don't think. Get him healed, he's worth keeping alive." Dabi sighed, throwing him on the couch.
"That thing isn't my responsibility." The hand man hissed.
"Then call Kurogiri."
"You do it."
"If I leave him Toga's gunna try and fuck his body with a knife."
"Never say that again and I'll get Kurogiri."
Long story short Izuku was treated after Kurogiri teleported him to the league's doctor, then to Dabi's room since he was the one who saved him.
"So who is that kid anyway?" Shigaraki ended up asking. Dabi still had to wait for the greenet to wake up, so he was in the bar. "And what the fuck happened to him?"
"Hell if I know." Dabi snorted, asking Kurogiri for a vodka shot, downing it once his request was fulfilled. "Th' brat's a villain wannabe. Knows a lot 'bout me and the league by the looks of it, especially from the first and last time I talked to 'em."
Shigaraki was also holding a shot glass, though it was empty. That was very good especially because at this knees he disintegrated it with a glare at the scarred ravenette, Kurogiri just giving a long and drawn out sigh.
"He knows our information and you didn't kill him?!"
"He's an interesting case. Would have killed him if I didn't think he could be valuable to us. Ya always rambling about wantin more pawns or some shit anyway.."
"Said he's quirkless."
Shigaraki's hand slammed down on the table, though in a fist so he didn't ruin the bar. "How the fuck is he useful then?!"
"Oi, fucking loud ass crusty Bitch, calm th' fuck down." He growled, rolling his eyes. "He's a fanboy. Knows shit. Kill em if you don't think he's useful, I don't give a fuck. Just tryin to help ya out, fucker."
The man child crossed his arms and slouched in a pout, grumbling out a fine.
Dabi grabbed a cigarette box from his jacket pocket making Shigaraki glare. "Do that shit outside or in your room stitch bitch."
Just to spite the blue haired male he lit the cigarette up with his finger and puffed out a cloud of smoke into his hand covered face and quickly ran off to his room as profanities were shouted after him.
He arrived to the sight of his door open which in itself pissed him off.
"U-Uhm.. c-can you give me s-some space..?" He heard from his room.
"Toga how many fucking time do I have to tell you stay out of my goddamn room." Dabi growled as he walked in, Toga pinning Izuku to the wall, she was grinning at him, though the greenet didn't have a likewise expression till he saw Dabi.
"D-Dabi..! Can you.. get her off me?" He squeaked our, face clearly red from the close contact.
The older rolled his eyes and dragged the girl off him, she huffed and whined about whatever she thought of.
"Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyy~! Meanie heads..!"
"S-sorry Toga.." Izuku really did look apologetic which only made Toga laugh.
"It's okay Deku-poo! I was only joking~!"
"Oi, Shigaraki wants to see you kid."
The greenet makes mouth dropped as his eyes lit up. "Shigaraki! The leader! Wow, god, am I ready for this?! Am I in the league's base?! Oh my god! I must be!-"
He drowned on into a whirl of mumbles, freaking out internally and, probably accidentally, externally.
Dabi only sighed and started dragging him from the back of his shirt into the hall, the kid giving a startled yelp, squirming around.
Dabi didn't drop him until he was infront if the man child, falling quite as his raspy voice hissed out:
"This is all he is? Pathetic.."
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