Days past and I finally gain the courage to go to the heavens to see if I can get out of this dumb mission.
I stand at the gates of heaven. Waiting.
Don comes to me, a sympathetic smile playing on his face. "Sorry Thana, you have to complete your quest, no if, ands or buts,"
I roll my eyes at how foolish I was. They knew why I would come. Hell, this is the first time I've visit without a soul with me. Anger instantly boils within me at the quest of these stupid archangels.
"I'm sure it won't be hard to have him trust you." I raise a brow at his words, and he scratches the back of his head nervously. Green eyes that were once warm to me glowed in anticipation to be that way again.
"Yes, because being a reaper is so special and scream for someone to be friends with," I state as I turn from him. He was no longer the friend I once had, just like I was no longer an angel he once knew.
"Well, if you fail, you know I'm always here, we could hang out like old times," I cringe at every word from his mouth. Like eighty years of silence between us meant nothing.
"Yes, and I'll cut my wings off while we are at it," I state, my voice clipped as I glare into the in-between.
I look back at Don, who seems hurt.
"Come on, Thana. Don't be like that " I raise an eyebrow. He can not be serious. How can he act like angels and reapers could be friends, of course, they all believe they are so perfect.
"We aren't friends. You're an angel." I state the obvious.
He shrugs his shoulder. "What's wrong with an angel."
"Nothing," I state harshly. "That's what they say anyway. You're supposed to be perfect." I glare at nothing as the words fall from my mouth in distaste.
"Look, I don't know why you don't like Angel's so much." He argues. He crosses his arms, becoming defensive.
"Right, why would I hate the things that sent me to hell," I sarcastically state as I throw a glare to him. The memories of being tortured by demons for half a century make my blood boil even more at his words.
"It's part of being a reaper."
I nod my head at his words, the shit the Archangels would tell them.
"Yeah, I thought that too. Yet none of the others were sent, I was the first one. All of them were Angel's for half a century and then turned into reapers." I state, causing his eyes to widen. I found that out shortly after joining. Just because you leave hell doesn't mean the torture is over. The reapers learned that by having me around.
After a couple of seconds of silence, I break it. "Have you ever really been to hell? Like in a cell, with demons using you as entertainment. No sense of time, constant hunger and thirst and pain, and exhaustion. Desperation consumes you " I tilt my head as I look at his reaction. Guilt covers his features. Of course, it leaves after a moment.
"I didn't send you there." Is his lame excuse. I hold back a harsh laugh.
"No, you didn't say anything either. You never asked why, how long. If I truly deserved it." I state a fact. The look on his face tells me I'm right.
"So excuse me if I can't jump right back into being friends with you; you were one of my tortures in hell, Don. So no, we can not be friends."
With that, my wings break free and take me away from him back to my cottage.
I sigh as I look at the dead man in front of me. Surrounded by woods, he hangs from a tall tree. I take my scythe and follow my routine.
I keep his back facing his body, and he smiles as he sees my angel form.
"I made a mistake. I change my mind." He pleads to me. As if I could fix it. I place a hand on his shoulder lightly as I shake my head.
"I have a family, and they need me." He pleads, his eyes beg me.
"We all have left people who need us. Plus, you were going to die next week in a car crash anyway." He looks speechless as I lead him away; I fly him to heaven.
Another tingle goes through my body as I drop him off.
I quickly fly back to earth.
I observe the situation before me as I land.
A man, in front of a dozen cops, holds a young girl at gunpoint, he shouts demands, police are trying to calm him.
Or distract him.
A sniper sets up somewhere. He gets ready; the gunshot sounds through cutting the wind. The man falls, the girl screams.
I walk calmly to him. Smile as he comes up in smoke.
I smile at him. He looks terrified as my darkness wraps around him before he can think of running. I take him to hell. I spot the same demon from last time waiting for me.
The gates open, and the soul gets sucked in. I don't give the demon a chance as I turn.
"Wait," I groan at his hissing voice. I turn as I summon a ball of darkness in my palm. I am not in the mood for this; I'm ready to go home.
"I've had a bad day. I'm going home." I state through a hiss of my own. No argument allowed.
The demon remains silent for a moment.
"Master offers tea." He hisses as I raise a brow and smirk. I decide to taunt the demon for a moment.
"No thanks, tell you what, he has a strawberry smoothie you have a deal," my smirk widens at the possibility of the devil having smoothies.
"Deal," My smirk instantly drops as I sigh in defeat and walk through the gates following the demon. I'm back in the hallway, the demon disappears.
Instead of staying in one place, I walk the hall; it's better than waiting. I open the first door I come across and walk-in. The walls are mirrors. I look around in confusion, before gasping as I look in the mirror in front of me while taking a step back.
I look at my human reflection. Long Chesnut brown hair, hazel eyes are staring at me. The scar on my cheek from when he beat me with the mirror. Every injury I see, I see the memories just as vividly.
Tears well up in my eyes as I see the broken human—the broken me. My hand goes to the scar on my cheek. I don't feel it; It's only in the reflection.
"I bet you were gorgeous before the scars." My head snaps to the side, and I see Lucifer. I never heard him come in.
I ignore him. Too busy reliving the pain of when I was alive on earth. The small scar on my throat, when he almost slit my throat.
I itch to lift my clothes and see the scars from what killed me. A throat clears, and I turn and see Lucifer. He looks at me, a little worried. He seems to stop himself from scooping me up and holding me, at least that is what it seems.
"So you were human," he states. I nod. I can't deny it; I stare at her—my dead self.
"What was your name," Lucifer asks as he steps to me. His hand goes to my arm gently, yet I flinch as the memories from my life as her haunt me.
I swallow harshly. " Millie Day." I clear my throat as I look away from my reflection. I look to Lucifer, who is studying me.
"What room is this?" I ask in wonder of how I can see her.
"Past mirrors. Your past life shows." He states, and I look back in the mirror.
I blink, and white-blonde hair and red eyes stare into mine. I clench my jaw as the memories from that life come to me, such a short life. All of my lives were short, though, the goddess never let me live long for some reason.
"You were reincarnated, that's rare," Lucifer observes as he tilts his head slightly. "You were a shifter."
I nod my head; my reflection moves with me as I look into her eyes. "My name was Zerro; I had a kid; I died when he was young. A bullet through the head," I shrug at the pity look Lucifer sends me. Again he looks like he wants to take me away from her, yet he is curious to learn more about me.
My eyes widen again at her. Well me, white-blonde hair with pale skin, crystal blue eyes. Scars dance over my body.
"Three lives?" Lucifer observes as he studies the girl in the mirror. "A power human? What was your name." I smile slightly at the eagerness of Lucifer, almost like that of a child.
"Growing up, it was Navi, then I lost my shit, so they called me Desdemona." My voice is clipped as I think back to them how I missed my friends and sister. I blink, and the reflection changes again. "My sister was forced to kill me, or I would have killed everyone."
Scars gone, beige blonde hair and crystal blue eyes stare into mine. An innocent glow surrounds her.
"So, not an angel, huh?" Lucifer smirks as he looks at me. I glare at him.
"I was at one point," I state matter of factly as I take a step back. Before I can go through, I hear lucifer gasp.
I turn to my reflection, where he is looking.
Black eyes stare into mine. Black hair surrounds her. Despair rolls off her in waves. She looks scared and broken. Raw.
I look at Lucifer whose stares at the reflection of me. I notice he still looks the same in his reflection.
"You were a demon?" Lucifer asks as he finally tears his eyes from the reflection and looks at me.
"No," I state as I look at him in the eyes. "Just tortured by them."
His eyebrows knot up. He opens his mouth. "It's not important," I interrupt him, causing him to glare as I turn and walk out of the room.
I enter the hallway, Lucifer hot on my heels.
"No, I want answers. What are you?" I roll my eyes at his demands. I'm supposed to make the king of hell trust me. Then what? Deal with a man who is used to getting what he wants, for who knows how long? Hardly.
I start towards the door leading back out of hell. He grabs my arm, and I flinch lightly from reliving memories only moments ago.
He turns me around; we are close to each other. He looks down at me, taking my breath away as he does so. "What are you."
I sigh, if I tell him, he will lose interest in me and I can stop having him forcing me back here.
"I am a reaper, Lucifer; I bring souls to heaven and hell." I cross my arms at him. "Mostly, it's to hell, but I get the occasional souls that go to heaven," I state with a shrug and a slight glare towards him. I then pay attention to him; he is in a dark clean suit. His hair is up in a lazy bun.
Lucifer nods slowly at my words. His red eyes are eating away at me.
"I've read about you. I didn't know you actually existed." I shrug at his words as he continues to stare into my eyes intensely.
There were books on us, written before I had become a reaper.
"Now that you know what I am, you can leave me alone," I state with a huff.
Lucifers lips pull up into an amused smile. My stomach does a small flip at the shock of how gorgeous his smile is.
"Of course," I narrow my eyes at his words. They do not speak the truth. Nevertheless, I nod and turn walking out of hell.
"Wait," Lucifers voice commands, and I curse at how close I was at leaving. I turn to see Lucifer striding to me with a cup in his hand; he hands it to me. "I promised you a strawberry smoothie," He smirks as I glare at the cup but take it from him anyway. I then turn to sip on the smoothie as I continue my way out of hell.
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