We stop at the gates of heaven, Morana looks to Avalyn and smiles. "This is as far as we go, good luck," Morana waves to Avalyn with a smile. I don't say anything as Avalyn looks between the two of us in wonder.
"Will I see you two again?" She asks, causing the smile on Morana's face to dim.
"You'll probably run into me sadly," Morana explains with a shrug. Avalyn's smile slips from her face understanding what Morana means the part of being a reaper.
The gates open, and I see Raphael step out. "Come, Avalyn," He calls, and I scrunch my eyebrows up, wondering why he took the time to come and get her. She gives us a final wave and walks to Raphael, the gates close, and Morana looks to me with a fire in her eyes.
"Race you home!" Morana giggles as she jumps into the air letting her wings take over. I roll my eyes but smile at the playful girl as I follow behind her.
Morana lands on the island and looks back at me with narrowed eyes as I land after her. "You didn't even try," She whines, and I shrug with a small smile on my face. I didn't mean to be a party pooper, but that's just how I am now.
"Morana, how did it go with the angel?" I scrunch my nose up in disgust as Kasedeya struts to us. She cast me a look as she looks down at the both of us. I almost walk away, but Morana is to nice to call her on her bullshit, so I stay put in case Kasedeya tries to give her trouble.
"Oh, It went well, other than demons, but I got to meet Lucifer," Morana explains nicely, and Kasedey's smile grows at Lucifer's name. Internally groan at what could possibly leave her mouth next.
"Oh, I was wondering how that ordeal was going with you Thana, have you gotten Lucifer to trust you yet." Kasedeya looks my way with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. I resist the urge to glare at her, and before I can say anything, Morana tries to come to my rescue.
"Well, he seemed tak-"
"I didn't ask you Morana, I asked Thana," Kasedeya scolds before looking back at me. I clench my fist at her tone but swallow it down.
If I could, I would have already killed Kasedeya years ago; she was the definition of a mean girl. We didn't need those around her, witnessing death over and over again every day was torture enough.
"No," Is all I say, causing her to smirk more. I itch to slap the smirk off her face but resist the urge.
"Of course, I figured, I mean no offense but who would trust someone with a resting bitch face as strong as yours." Kasedeya giggles as she plays with a strand of hair.
"Well, Lucifer had her in his arms, so I think he digs the resting bitch face," Morana states quickly, causing Kasedeya to glare at her. I resist smirking at my friend's words, ever the hype girl.
Before she can say anything, I interrupt her, "You know Kasedeya if you think you can do it better than do it, I didn't want the mission in the first place," I say though jealousy strikes me at even the idea of those two even knowing each other.
"Hmmph, you know what I will, I'll show the Archangels who gets stuff done around here," With that, she quickly turns and struts off. Morana looks at me in shock.
"Poor Lucifer, now he has to deal with her," I laugh at Morana's words laced with sympathy. We start walking towards my cottage.
"Who knows, maybe they will be perfect for each other," I state with a laugh causing Morana to glare at me.
"What no, I've already shipped you and Lucifer together; I'm still working on the ship name, though," Morana states as she twirls her hair in thought.
I roll my eyes at her words, "I told you, It's not happening."
Morana sighs at my words, "Well, when are you seeing him again?"
I roll my eyes but shrug my shoulders. "I don't know."
"Well, I learned that Avalyn also lived three lives like you. I think she was your sister in one. Annie was her name," My eyes widen at her words, but I nod. What we were in our past lives didn't matter anymore. Just because we were close in one life doesn't mean we will be best friends now, she is one of the very things I hate, angels.
"You know all of the lives she lived were all pretty happy ones unlike yours. She died of old age, happily married and a queen," Morana states as she looks at me with sympathy.
I sigh and shrug, "Sometimes that's how it goes," Is all I know to say.
I get to my cabin, and Morana and I part ways. I sigh as I go to my bedroom and strip the torn robe, throwing them in the trash bin I look in the mirror at my body, not a scratch on me. I couldn't understand why Lucifer healed me, by his reputation, it was apparent he didn't just heal anyone.
I change into a loose gown and lay down in bed. I sigh as everything hits me at once and close my eyes.
I'm woken up by a pounding on my cottage door. Immediately setting me off in a bad mood.
Before I know it, I'm slamming the door open ready to kill. "What!" I yell in anger at a smirking Kasedeya.
She is wearing a black robe with a deep v-neck showing major cleavage; the sides of the robe have slits to her thigh, showing off her long legs.
"Come on, we need to go get a damned soul so you can introduce me to Lucifer," She smoothes out while looking at her freshly painted red nails in boredom. I feel my left eye starts to twitch at the audacity.
"Are you trying to gain his trust or gain his dick Kasedeya," I hiss as I point at her outfit, "Plus, what does Ubel think," I ask wondering where her boyfriend was anyway.
"He knows it's for a mission, now get dressed we have souls to get, my body tingled earlier, and I have a feeling it's going to be hellbound," She states excitedly, making me glare even more at her words. None the less, I shut the door and walk back to my room and into my room. I slip on a black skin-tight robe, this time without a slight but a v-neck that shows a hint of cleavage.
I grab my scythe and walk out of the door to Kasedeya. She pushes a strand of brown chestnut hair behind her ear while twirling random pieces to make them look slightly curled.
"You must really want the devils dick Kasedeya, I don't think you've tried this hard for Ubel before," I say with a laugh as she pushes her boobs up and together, my words cause her to look at me and glare as she continues to adjust her boobs.
"I take my missions seriously," Kasedeya hisses as she lets her wings break from her back.
"Ah, yes, nothing screams trust me like boobs in a push-up bra," I say while snickering.
"Shut up and come on," Kasedeya grumbles as she shoots up into the air, I follow behind her as she starts to descend to earth.
"What makes you think the soul is hellbound?" I ask curiously, kasedeya died from breast cancer at the age of thirty-six. Her calling is deaths from illnesses; most of them went to heaven.
I see her shrug before casting a glance at me. "I haven't had a hellbound one in a while." I roll my eyes at her words wanting to cringe at the desperation. "Plus, if not, yours are hellbound eighty percent of the time." Kasedeya smiles brightly at her brilliant idea as we land on earth.
A gunshot rings through the air causing Kasedeya to smile excitedly to me. "See! Death by a bullet, not cancer!" Kasedeya excitedly claps her hands as I follow her to the body. A cop, with shaky hands, lowers his gun as he looks at the deceased black man on the ground.
Kasedeya groans as she looks at me. "Damn it, not hellbound," Kasedeya grumbles as she goes to collect the man's soul. I glare at her back. Kasedeya is extremely self-centered, I wouldn't wish anyone to hell. I cringe as memories from my experience attack my mind.
"I didn't do anything! My ma is waiting for me at home." The soul argues, and Kasedeya shushes him.
Without saying anything, Kasedeya grabs his arm and flies him to heaven. At that moment, a tingle goes through my body. I decide not to tell Kasedeya and watch her fly away before leaving in a different direction.
I end up in a jail cell. I watch as the two men beat the child predator, guards look the other way as the man screams for help.
"I bet you didn't stop when that little boy begged you, huh? So why should we?" One convict yells as he stomps on the man's head. They beat him until finally, the man takes one final breath. I collect his soul, and immediately he screams at the sight of me.
"No, I don't deserve hell, I didn't do that many bad stuff," The man tries to convince me.
"I really don't give a damn how good of a person you believe you were Dalton," I hiss out, "I literally deliver you, that is all," I explain as I let my black smoke cover him up to his waist.
"Trying to sneak off to hell without me I see," I cringe at Kasedeya's voice, I turn to see her arms cross as she looks at me with a smirk. "Told you, you always get the hellbound ones."
I don't say a word as I take off with the crying man, Kasedeya follows behind me.
We land at the gates of hell, and immediately the soul is sucked in. I look at Kasedeya with a raised brow.
"What excuse are you going to use to meet him anyway?" I ask, crossing my arms, her eyes widen, and I smirk as I realize she didn't think that far ahead. Her lips slightly pout as she thinks of something before her eyes brighten, telling me she has an idea. Though probably not a bright idea.
"You are going to act like you're trying to set me up," Kasedeya explains, and I grimace at her.
"That would only be believable if I was setting you up to get killed, Kasedeya."
"You are not funny, Thana," She states with a glare. I shrug my shoulders while scratching my head.
"I think I'm pretty funny, but whatever," Kasedeya rolls her eyes as she grabs my hand.
"Just act like you believe we would be a cute couple, and I will do the rest," Kasedeya commands as she drags me into hell. As we enter, I look around the familiar halls as Kasedeya does the same.
"Just be patient and give him a minute," I say calmly, making her glare at me.
"What if he doesn't know we are here?" She questions, and I roll my eyes at the idiocy of her words.
"I'm sure the king of hell knows when someone enters his domain," I explain as I cross my arms and lean against the wall.
Before she can say anything, a deep hypnotic voice sends a shiver down my spine.
"Thana does have a point," I look past Kasedeya and spot Lucifer fixing the cuff on his suit. As always dressed to impress. I notice Kasedeya's jaw drop as she openly checks him out, Lucifer smirks at her actions, and I scrunch my nose in disgust.
"I don't believe we have met; I'm Lucifer," Lucifer's voice is like deep silk as it caresses your ears. He knows Kasedeya is swooning, and he wants to torment her with that fact.
Kasedeya blinks before swallowing, and I raise my eyebrows, wondering if her words will ever make it out. Though finally, after a moment, they eventually do. "Kasedeya, uh, my name is Kasedeya."
Lucifer hums as he then looks to me in wonder. He then curiously looks to kasedeya, and I find myself admiring the look of wonder on his face. Lucifer obviously loved finding things out; you could tell he loved to be education solely because he is naturally curious about everything.
"So, what brings you two to hell?" Lucifer asks, and I see the curiosity brightening his red eyes. His dark eyebrows twitch in wonder as Kasedeya motions to me.
"Oh, well, Thana wanted me to meet you is all," Kasedeya bats her long curled eyelashes up at Lucifer. Lucifer looks at me with a smirk, and I can tell he knows that is not true.
"Is that so? Why did you want her to meet me, Thana?" Lucifer states as he looks my way, playing along with Kasedeya's lie. Without hesitation, I look Lucifer dead in the eyes and let the words fall from my lips.
"She wants to suck your dick," I say with a completely straight face, Lucifer's eyes widen in shock before a smirk takes over as he looks at a horrified, embarrassed Kasedeya.
"Thana!" Kasedeya scolds me with a look that could kill, though her redden cheeks tell me she will die from embarrassment first.
"Oh, too soon? I meant she wants to jerk you off, you know to start slow," I say with a half shrug and a serious expression even though I'm giddy on the inside at Kasedeya's horror-stricken face.
"No, no, shut up Thana," I try hard not to laugh at kasedeya, who tries to smooth things over as she gives Lucifer an innocent smile.
"Excuse Thana, she doesn't know how to act like a lady." Kasedeya sends me a scolding glare as she looks at Lucifer again. " Thana was actually telling me that we have a lot in common and how you would love to meet me." I try to think of anything they could have in common, and nothing comes up. Except for them being full of themselves.
Lucifer raises a perfect dark eyebrow at her words as he looks to me. "I didn't know you were a matchmaker Thana," I immediately want to swoon as he says my name, I almost beg him to say it again, but instead I bite my tongue.
"Everyone's gotta have a hobby," I shrug as I lean my back against the wall. Kasedeya takes a step to Lucifer, which doesn't go unnoticed by him as his head snaps to her direction. "It was either you or a weaver," I smirk and Lucifer smiles in amusement showing his perfect, white teeth, a chuckle leaves him as he sees Kasedeya's confused face.
"What is a weaver," She asks, looking at Lucifer who chuckles again and scratches the back of his neck.
"Honestly, It is a mutt of a hellhound," Another glare comes my way as she gasps at his words.
"Gosh, you are such a bitch." I shrug as I bounce from the wall.
"You've met Lucifer can we go now?" I ask, and she glares at me.
"Fine, I have a soul to pick up anyway," She huffs. She looks at Lucifer and smiles, "I'll try and come back without Thana next time, she can be a bit clingy," Kasedeya explains, and Lucifer nods at her words before looking at me. "Bye," Kasedeya sings as she leads the way out.
We get outside, and she quickly lets her wings break free and flies away. Before I can follow suit, a voice calls out. "Stay," I turn my head and see Lucifer, his hands in his pockets and eyes studying me.
For some reason, I turn and follow him back in without a fight.
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