I yawn as I walk towards my cottage. I nod my head at Dearil; he smiles at me as I walk past him. His green eyes shine brightly at me. A trumpet sounds through the air, making me stop in my tracks. Dearil's smile falls from his face as we turn towards the noise and see a messenger angel.
I groan as he lands, the reapers, including myself, move to surround the Angel.
He stands tall; arrogance rolls off him in waves as he looks at us all as if we are beneath him.
"The Archangels call everyone for a meeting at the meeting arch." I groan again as disgust fills my features; the angels were becoming rather needy.
I feel a presence beside me and turn to see Morana with a confused expression taking over her soft features. "I wonder what they want? I can't remember the last time we had a meeting," She curiously states; I grumble in response, causing her to snort in laughter. "Oh come on, Thana, it's just angels," Morana playfully nudges me as she lets her wings break free, I follow suit, and we follow the rest of the Reapers to the gates of heaven.
I spot every reaper but Bora causing my eyebrows to scrunch in confusion, where is she?
I don't see her as we land, but my focus quickly shifts from her to the angels making their way to the arch, the reapers follow behind me, and we make our way to the arch.
Whispers consume the air as the angels excitedly whisper amongst each other, the reapers stay quiet as we take in and observe our surroundings. I spot the archangels as they stride to the front of the stage, I follow their line of sight and place Bora with a soul, and I instantly recognize her. Finally, she died, this time of natural causes.
Poppy Rose curiously looks around as her appearance starts to change. From an older woman to a young angel. Her hair is now golden brown, and her eyes shine bright, gold like the sun.
"Why are we here for another soul transition?" Morana quietly asks as she looks at the new Angel in confusion.
"Thank you all for coming," Raphael shouts, and I tilt my head slightly as I notice the loving look that passes his eyes as he looks at the new Angel. "This is our newest member; she is a Delivery Angel, Avalyn," Raphael boasts excitedly, and I turn towards Morana, who glares at Avalyn in jealousy.
"Well, now we know why we were brought here," I grumble as I grab Morana's shoulder soothingly. I see Dearil do the same.
Reapers had the job of taking souls; Delivery Angels had the responsibility of delivering souls to newborns. There aren't a lot of them, so the angels loved to celebrate it every time they got a new one. Morana was jealous because that is what she wanted to be, but instead, she is the exact opposite.
Reapers were called based on their life and death. Morana had a perfect life and a peaceful death; therefore, she is the reaper of innocence. She takes young, innocent souls to heaven most of the time. Seeing as there are only a few reapers means we didn't always get what we are called for, but the majority of them are.
Bora makes her way to us as the new Angel watches her walk away anxiously.
"Thana and Morana," Raphael calls as he looks our way, Morana steps up first, and I hesitantly follow. I see Michael glare at my actions, but I ignore him. "You are to take Avalyn down to her first delivery, answer any questions she has and protect her from demons," I look at Raphael sideways as I open my mouth.
"I'm a reaper, why can't another delivery angel show her instead?" I challenge, Raphael doesn't waste a moment in answering me.
"They are all busy, Everyone else is dismissed," Raphael calls out, and I look behind me and watch as the other reapers quickly fly away. I turn back and watch as Avalyn shyly walks to us. Her white gown hugs her loosely and flows in the nonexistent wind making me roll my eyes. She pushes a strand of brown hair behind her ear, as she looks at us nervously. Morana, the gentle one, smiles at her and puts a hand out, Avalyn shakes it nervously. "I'm Morana, but my friends call me Mor, this stick in the mud beside me," Morana states as she points to me with a giggle causing me to glare at her as she continues. "Is Thana, She looks mean, but I promise she won't bite." I huff at Morana's words as Avalyn smiles at her.
"Hi," Avalyn states.
"Well, let's get started," Morana claps her hands together.
After gathering the souls from the soul chamber that we had to find, we quickly stretch out our wings. Morana helps Avalyn understand the basics of flying, and we take our time going down to earth.
We make our way into the hospital and walk to the delivery rooms as Morana looks at Avalyn, who looks nervous as hell. "Now, when a baby is born, they will cry, we call this the cry of life because this is when angels release the soul and the baby breathes it in, got it?"
Avalyn nods her head quickly as she looks at the mother surrounded by nurses coaching her through labor. Avalyn takes a soul out as she starts to see the baby come out, and as the baby begins to cry, she lets the soul go, it quickly makes its way to the baby, and the baby breathes it in as it cries.
"See that wasn't so hard," Morana exclaims excitedly, and Avalyn nods her head.
"It really wasn't."
Morana grabs her hand and excitedly pulls her out of the delivery room as they race to the next one. I tilt my head before tilting my nose up and sniffing, my nose scrunched up in disgust at the foul smell: demon.
I quickly take my scythe out and rush after Morana and Avalyn. My eyes widen at the two beasts in the hallway screeching at Morana and Avalyn. Morana pushes Avalyn behind her. As She takes out her scythe, I rush up beside Morana. Dark red eyes narrow at us, the patchy black demon hisses as it snaps one of its heads at us. It is on four legs with sharp black claws taking over its paws; I cringe at how disproportionate its body is. The second demon only has two legs and one red eye, a long snout with pointy teeth.
"I got them, take Avalyn and deliver the rest of the souls," I command, Morana nods as she takes off in the opposite direction, one of the demons licks his lips as he watches her leave.
I get in position, and the four-legged beast takes charge while the other roars in anticipation. I quickly block its swipes at me and go on the defense while keeping an eye on the other demon as he eyes around me. I quickly manage to hit his right front leg with my foot at the right angle, breaking it on contact.
The demon howls in agony, and I quickly swing my scythe, he jumps over, but I connect with his back leg cutting it off, another painfilled howl mixed with growl leaves the demon as he lunges at me, I duck, but his claws scratch me on the shoulder tearing into my robe and skin. The two-legged beast decides to jump in as I turn towards the four-legged one, I yelp as the two-legged one bites at my ankle and rips my robe some more. I swing my scythe behind me cutting the top of the demon as he ducks and jumps back, and the four-legged demon bites my arm as I do so, I wince as his deadly saliva attacks the wound, I grab him by his scruff and throw him off of me.
Taking my scythe, I turn and swing just in time as the two-legged demon tries to attack me. My scythe slices his head clean off. I turn, and a yelp of surprise leaves me as the four-legged demon lunges at me, sending me to the flower.
It scratches at my torso and then goes to bite my throat; I quickly bring my scythe up, causing it to bite that instead. I wrestle with it for a moment before pushing it off. I then conjure up a black ball and throw it at the demon. The black ball turns into smoke as it eats through the demon, the beast dries before it falls to the floor lifelessly, the smoke then disappears. Chunks of the beast are missing causing my nose to scrunch up in disgust.
I groan as I look down at my torn robe, one sleeve hangs completely exposing my arm and most of my shoulder, my stomach is also visible as with the scratches that are oozing blood. The robe is torn on the bottom and stops around my mid-thigh. I have a bite mark on my ankle and scratches on my thigh; my arm also has a bite mark and scratches.
"Thana?" My eyebrows raise at the deep hypnotic voice, I turn and see Lucifer looking at me in surprise. His eyes roam my exposed body before the red gems meet back with my eyes. "You killed my weavers," Lucifer states as he spots their bodies on the ground around me.
I shrug my shoulders, and Lucifer copies my actions. "They are nasty things," He states as he looks at them in disgust. "They are what happens when demons mix hellhounds with lesser demons." He explains as he takes a few steps towards me.
I tilt my head slightly in confusion, "What are you doing here?" I ask as I wonder why he isn't mad at me for killing his things.
"Well, I was here to pick up the weavers, but it seems you have cleaned up the mess for me," Lucifer states with a playful smile. He takes another couple of steps to me until he is a little to close for comfort. Yet I don't move, not wanting to appear weak.
Lucifer looks down at me, he towers over me, his eyes look deeply into mine, his hand goes to my cheek, and I curse myself as I instinctively lean into his touch. He smirks at my actions before moving his hand down my neck; his fingertips trace my collar bone as the ease over my robe cover breast until her stops at my exposed stomach. My breath catches as my hands quickly go to his in a firm grip as his palm spreads over my exposed stomach. Suddenly a peaceful glow flows through my body, making my knees weak. Lucifer wraps his free arm around my waist, catching me and pulling me to him.
"What-what are you doing?" I stutter breathlessly, and Lucifers smirk grows, and his eyes take in every bit of my reaction.
"It looks like I'm sweeping you off your feet, but really I'm just healing you," Lucifer teases, and soon the peaceful glow leaves my body, leaving my feeling winded and embarrassed. Lucifer takes his hand from my stomach and wraps it around my waist, pulling me closer to him. His lips inches from mine, I can barely focus on his next words.
"Let me know when you can stand on your own, and I'll let you go," He whispers, and I nod my head as I swallow harshly. Lucifer's eyes dart to my lips before bringing them back to my eyes.
I bring my hands up and rest them on Lucifers arms before trying to put weight on my legs. I sigh when they wobble a moment, before becoming more dependable. I look up at Lucifer, feeling breathless, and unable to speak. I nod, signaling to him I am okay. He gently and slowly backs away from me, keeping his hands on my waist. I then let my hands drop from his strong arms as I take a step back.
"Thana?" Lucifer and I both snap our heads back to a confused Morana and Avalyn. "Who is he?" Morana hesitantly asks as she tries not to drool over Lucifer.
"I'm Lucifer, and you are?" Lucifer asks in a teasing voice causing me to roll my eyes. I see him smirk as Morana and Avalyn's eyes widen, Avalyn even takes a step behind Morana.
Morana's jaw drops, her mouth starts to move as she struggles to speak. I facepalm before pointing at her. "This is Morana, this is Avalyn," I explain as I point to Avalyn. Lucifer looks at me, his cunning red eyes looking at me playfully.
"Nice friends you have Thana," He states as he grabs my hand. He brings it up and kisses my knuckles. "Farewell, I hope the next time I see you it will be under different circumstances." Lucifer sends me a wink and I swallow harshly as my knees feel as they could buckle under me. Lucifer turns nods his head at the other two before walking past me, making eye contact with me once more. I turn slightly and watch him walk away out of the hospital.
I turn back towards the girls, both wide-eyed and jaws drop. Morana shakes her head, "My Goddess is he intense."
You have no idea.
don't forget to vote and comment!
Also yes this book was originally called Lady death but I decided I would change it since it was including both daughters. It has been updated in the list.
Thana had lived three lives, Millie Day's story will be more of a bonus story because it doesn't reveal anything towards the series, it will be started after this one is over.
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