“Yay, my ship is sailing!” Morana bounces in excitement on my couch. I roll my eyes.
“I should have ended things with him. What am I supposed to do, Michael wants me to kill him.” I grumble as I pinch the bridge of my nose.
“We are all working to help you take Michael down, as a team. We have Avalyn working on our side too,” I nod. I just hope we aren't too late.
A pounding on my door sends a sinister wave to settle into my gut. Morana gives me a concerned eye. Another harsh knock rings through the air, causing me to rapidly advance to my feet. I open the door to greet a messenger angel. He hands me a larger package and I bring it in. I glance back to the door and see the angel gone. I glimpse at the box and then peer at Morana. “Leave," I murmur as another round of dread fills me. She hesitates before I give her a curt nod. She promptly leaves, shutting the door behind her.
I pick up the small card attached and read the words.
Much Love working with you,
I hold my breath for a moment. I read the words over and over again, the sinister meaning ringing clear through my mind. I crumble the note in my hand before opening the package.
My blood goes cold at the sight before me. The lid falls from my palms as I stumble back, a sob escapes my lips. I reach out before halting my movements. My knees go out as I drop to the floor. I stare back at the box, at the black and white wings covered in blood.
Bora's wings.
I hyperventilate as I close my eyes, my hands holding my face. Black smoke pours around me as my powers mimic my emotions. I feel as if I am choking on the pain and darkness. The room spins around me.
I stand abruptly as my wings burst from my back, crushing the nearby furniture and sending some across the room.
I turn and instantly leave my home, my wings taking me up as I charge up to heaven. I'm met by a smirking Michael and a tortured Bora barely clinging to life. Her back is bloodied and two slits are gushing from where her wings should be. Her arms and face are covered in bruises and cuts. Her dress is torn and bloodied. She is on the brink of death. Tears roll down her dirty face, making a clean trail through the dirt and blood.
“You are taking too long Thana,” My hands ball into a fist at his words. My eyes do not leave Bora and I see her plead with her eyes.
“Let her go, this is between me and you.” I exclaim, and Michael chuckles as he shrugs. Bora's eyes widen as if she knows my words were her death sentence.
“Oh, I plan to let her fly, I have another deal. Ours is off.” My shoulders relax in relief, though I stand guard noticing the word he uses, knowing she may never fly again.
“She is all yours, if you can catch her.” Michael states before throwing her off the side of the clouds. She plummets down to earth.
“No!” I scream as I run to jump, but someone grabs my arm delaying crucial seconds.
“Now wait, I think we should talk,” I turn and see Don. I lift my palm and let a black blast leave my hand, hitting him in the chest forcing him off me. I then dive after a falling Bora. My wings fold in, trying to help me fall faster.
Tears stream down her face as she reaches out to me, but I'm too far. I will myself to drop faster as my hair is whirling around me from the drop. I clench my teeth and point my toes as if that could help me fall faster.
Bora looks into my eyes as she realizes I won't catch her in time, with a tearful smile, she mouths. “Kill that son of a bitch.”
Tears speed into my hair as I push myself more, not wanting to accept her dying but nonetheless I nod. She closes her eyes and spreads her arms out and relaxes the best way she can as tears continue to leave her eyes. I reach once more before my wings spread out stopping my fall as Bora collides with the earth making it ripple, causing a small earthquake. The earth is broken beneath her body, cracks spreading through the ground from the fall; her broken body is held by the caved in hole created from the impact.
I land beside her and drop to my knees to her side. Her eyes are closed and tears are slowly falling from her cheeks as a trail of blood falls from her nose.
A sob escapes me as I pick her body up and cradle it to my chest, I bury her face in my neck as sobs harshly go through me. I open my mouth and let a scream leave me.
Millie's POV
I gasp as I come to. I look around and see I'm in my room, but it looks different. The colors blurred in comparison. Everything is slightly dull. My hands cover my mouth as I see my bloodied body lying on the floor. My glassy eyes stare up lifelessly onto the ceiling as blood runs from every opening, especially the stab wounds. I have tears drying on my cheeks. Defensive wounds cover my arms, they lay lifelessly on the floor. I hear a gasp as I see a royal maid find my body, she then screams and faints.
“Hello, I am certain you are feeling all kinds of emotions.” My head snaps to the bald woman with caring eyes. She holds her hand out. “I'm Bora, your reaper,” She takes a step towards me, making sure not to startle me. “You were murdered, I'm sorry.”
A sob escapes me, and she takes me into her arms and rubs my back. “I know it's hard, my dear. You are no longer in pain.”
I nod as another sob goes over my shoulders, causing them to shake. “O-okay.” I whisper as she slowly pulls away. I'm still in some type of shock, but her presence gives me some comfort.
“Come, it is time for you to go to your next life.” She smiles in excitement.
“So reincarnation is a thing?” I ask curiously, and she nods, “Yes, but it’s rare. You are very special Millie,” I smile at her kind words as it brings hope in my heart. Maybe in my next life, I will get a happy ever after. Like a fairy tale.
I grab her hand in excitement as she transports us elsewhere so that I can start my new life.
Zerro POV
My eyes pop open and I look at the woman, slightly familiar but yet I can not place her name. She sends me a sad smile. "Hello Zerro, I am Bora," I smile at her before looking around, everything seems blurry as I take in the scene, people are rushing around screaming in panic. I then see Kyan holding on to my body. My eyes widen as I see the hole in my temple.
Dread feels my body. "I'm dead?" I question as I look back to Bora. She grimace as she nods slowly.
"I'm so sorry Zerro, I'm your reaper." I shake my head as I turn away from her.
"Atticus," I yell as I search but I know he is not here. I look again to Kyan as I rush to him and my body, he sobs as he holds me. I lie my head on his back. "My love, I had just found you again, and now they inform me I must go again." I close my eyes as I enjoy on the warmth of his body, the fabric of his shirt is smooth against my cheek, his back rises and falls quickly from the sobs in an uneven pattern.
I don't understand, we were going to be a family. We finally were going to be a family.
"No," I whisper as I quickly look to Bora with a new found determination. "My boys need me, you can't take me away." I all but scream as I square my shoulders at her.
Bora gives me an understanding nod. "I understand you are a mother, but you will just have to love them in your heart, nothing more." She explains. "Your destiny is not here," I shake my head.
"No! it is here, with my son," I yell as I turn and start to runaway from her. She ends up quickly grabbing me from behind in a bear hug and I fall to my knees sobbing. She holds me close rocking me and running her hand through my hair as I sob.
Why? Why me?
"We are running out of time, we have to go." Bora whispers into my ear. I look at her and she gives me a soft smile. I stand with her and walk to Kyan, I bend down to him and touch his shoulder, though I know he can't feel me. "Tell my baby boy I love him," I whisper. "I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you before." Tears stream down my eyes as I stand back up. I look back at Bora as she walks to me, she puts her hand out and smiles warmly.
I hesitate. "There is no way I can stay?" I give Bora a pleading look and she shakes her head no.
"I'm sorry Zerro we must go," I nod as I take her hand and give one last look to my love.
Navi POV
I peer up and notice her looking at me and smiling; I feel as though I've seen her before, and I think I know her name. It lies on the tip of my tongue. I look around and see we are in a meadow. The woman approaches me slowly, her gown making her seem as if she is floating. “H-hello, I'm Bora." She states cautiously as she takes slow, calculated steps.
“Hi, I'm Navi.” I whisper shyly as I eye her steps. She smiles warmly.
“How is your memory?” I furrow my brows as I peek around. I shrug as I glance at her, I notice her watching me closely and cautiously.
As memories come back, my eyes widen. “I died.” She nods slowly as she takes closer steps to me. “I went a little crazy,” I breathe as I stare back to the meadow. I pull at the green grass.
“Some of us get a little crazy,” she states again, I sense her choosing her words wisely.
I nod as I stare at her. “What now?”
She smiles sweetly as she sits down with me. “Thankfully, we aren't in as much of a rush this time, so I figured we would enjoy this beautiful view before I take you to heaven.” I nod in understanding as I continue to pick at the grass.
“This isn't the first time I've died.” I state, and she nods.
“It's not, that's why I am not rushing. This will be the last time I take you, this will be the last time I will be your reaper,” she grins as she looks at me. “I hope I never see you take your last breath again.”
I give her a sad smile at the bitter-sweetness of the moment. There is a bond between us, unspoken but present. “Will I see you again?” I ask her as I look at her, and she beams.
I glance around at the meadow and breathe in the smell of grass. I listen to the critters scurrying around me. I close my eyes and take in the warm sun, wondering if this will be the last time I ever experience it. I eye the butterflies and the bees.
The dead admiring the beauty of the living.
I then look to Bora who also seems to take everything in. “I'm ready.”
She turns her head at me and smiles and stands up, offering her hand. I accept it and let her help me to my feet.
“Let's start your new journey, Navi.”
don't forget to vote and comment!
also a quick life update.
I am okay, i am no longer struggling with postpartum depression.
i recently became an aunt, I now have a cute little niece.
my daughter will be one next month so I will probably not update the first and second week of september. Ill try and update once more before than but no promises.
thank you all for being so patient. I'm writing more than the daughters which is why its taking me longer in between chapters and I'm taking care of my baby girl. but i will see you soon!
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