Avalyn looks at me with her jaw dropped. "Michael is such a pain in the ass.” Morana's eyes widen at Avalyn's langauge.
I smirk at her comments. At least we were not the only ones with a hatred for the archangel. “Ralph can't do much. He is still weak from the separation of his grace. It could take him another century to get back to normal.” Avalyn explains, which provides a touch of comfort.
“Well, I feel better knowing he isn't just letting his brother do all of this own purpose, at this point he literally is powerless against him.” I confess, I knew there was a reason I didn't hate Raphael as much as the others Avalyn pushes a strand of hair back as we walk the hospital halls. “Michael is secretive and wise, he is older than all of us.”
“So he has at least a century of planning against us.” I finish and she nods. I roll my lips as my mind races with the information.
“Talk about a head start.” Morana groans as we stop at a delivery room.
“Well, thanks to Thana I will have a lot of free time.” Avalyn gives me a pointed look. “This is the last of new souls since the fertility fairies mysteriously disappeared,” I grin at her words. I knew hiding them would give me an advantage, I just didn't realize it would be my sister.
“You are welcome. What are sisters for.” I say sarcastically.
"Har, har har.” Morana smiles at the sarcasm between the two of us. “I should be able to snoop. Maybe I can find where Michael has Bora, since she is being tortured that means more people know about it.” Avalyn schemes as she allows a soul to enter the delivery room to a crying newborn.
“Smart.” I state and she flashes a big smartalec smile. Of course, Michael wouldn't be the one to get his hands dirty.
“Now, why don't you be wise and not push Lucifer away.” She reasons and I glare.
“Says the one who doesn't have to kill their love,” I deadpan, causing Avalyn to grimace.
“Touché, but I think Lucifer could help.” I didn't want his help. I wanted to protect him. Was it selfish yes but this time I would succeed, this time I needed to succeed in protecting a loved one. I have failed too many times.
“We need to figure it out quickly though, Micheal most likely has a back-up plan,” I say, moving the discussion back on track and away from my love life.
“Well, I will do some snooping as I do so. See what his end goal is and what Plan B might be.” Morana furrows her eyebrows at our conversation.
“Well, what can I do? I want to be useful, too.” Avalyn and I look to Morana.
I smirk at her, “Maybe you could cozy up to Michael and seduce him into telling you his intention.” Avalyn snickers at my words as Morana glares at me.
“Ah yes, Michael will totally tell his enemy's best friend anything and everything.” Morana crosses her arms as Avalyn shrugs.
“I don't know. Michael's head is so far up his ass you could probably say anything to stroke his ego and he might start gloating about his plan,” Avalyn explains.
“Ah yes, his weakness his head is shoved up his ass like it's a crown," My eyes widen at Morana's language. The girl who I've never heard cuss. My sister and I must be a bad influence.
Avalyn nods in agreement as we continue down the hall, heading towards the exit. “Well I will see you gals soon, I hope.” She sighs as she looks up at the gates of heaven. Her white wings burst from her back, and she quickly leaps into the air as Morana waves bye.
“That was informative,” Morana states, as both of our wings burst from our backs, and we quickly take off.
I walk into my cottage with a sigh as I hang my scythe on its normal hook,, but freeze as something moves from the corner of my eye.
I quickly get into a defensive stance.
“Even as a goddess, you couldn't take me,” My eyes widen at her. A smirk I knew all too well.
She chuckles. “It's actually Ares now. I'm the angel of war.”
“Angel? I thought Ares was a guy and a god.”
Riley, or I mean Ares, sighs as she shrugs. “I'm not that powerful like the moon goddess or the big god,, so angel of war seems to suit me better.”
So many gods and angels. This universe is full of mythical shit. I look at Ares, she stands tall before me, her black hair is braided back in two dutch braids. Black top and black skinny jeans with black lace combat boots. I chuckle at her appearance.
“Being an angel and all, shouldn't you be wearing a robe.” Riley slumps into my couch and puts her feet on my coffee table.
"Being a queen, shouldn't you be wearing a crown?” I push her feet off my coffee table, causing her to glare at me before I slump beside her.
“You haven't changed much.”
“I haven't lived different lives, so my personality is the same, now I just know more stuff.” I nod at her words and glance at her confused.
“Where is Daniel?”
“He is Raguel now,” I see a sad look pass her eyes as she stares into the distance before she smiles and makes eye contact with me. “Angel of justice.”
I tilt my head at her. I could feel the tension in the air. “You aren't together anymore? I thought you had a happy relationship.”
A dark chuckle leaves her lips as she glances down, “We did, but I did not come here to talk about my love life. It has been over for almost a century now.” She continues to avoid eye contact. I scoot closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder. I couldn't wrap my head around it. The last times I had seen Riley and Daniel on earth they were both happy, together with kids, all the way till his death.
“Why did you separate what happened? Is there someone else?” I ask, but that too made little sense. Riley clenched her fist as she rises. She peers at me and exhales.
“It's Michael.”
I gag, “EW, please don't tell me-”
“No, not like that,” Her hand goes to her hip as she glares. “Nasty ass.” She shakes her head as she peers at me with ridicule. “When I got to heaven and became an angel, I tried to find Daniel,” Ares paces in front of me. “I found him, but he didn't know who I was. I made a scene and Michael came to calm me down and explain what he did.” My eyes widen as I stand up.
“Oh no,”
“Oh yes,” Ares chuckles darkly, her broken heart showing through, but I see in her eyes, she has accepted it already. Her eyes are dry but still hold the sadness of the reality. “Michael altered his memory. Instead of me as a mate, it was someone else. He said the angels of war and justice didn't fit his image of a couple.” Her words are bitter, and I immediately want to go rip Michael's head off.
“I couldn't figure out how to tell Daniel that his memories were lies, so I left. I made sure that Michael would see the consequences of his actions. Now his precious world is in a never-ending war.” I shake my head. Michael was distorting everything. Someone needed to stop him. For a moment, I wish God and the moon goddess would come and fix it, but I push that thought back, wherever they were was too important than all of us. None of the other Demi gods would do anything. Archangels were pretty powerful, especially with there being a handful of them, along with angels to back them up. Demi gods don't get along with other demi's, and one demi god would not be enough.
“But that is not why I am here.” I snap up to meet Ares' determined look. “I'm about to tell you some shit and I don't want you to lose your shit, okay because I will punch you in the face if you do.” I smirk and cross my arms at her words.
“Should I sit down?”
“I mean you might want to get high or something, I don't care, whatever helps you take the edge off.” I laugh and sit down, causing her to give me a pointed stare.
“I swear to the fucking God and moon goddess if you pull some Navi shit we will have a problem, I am not doing that shit again.”
I giggle again at the wild look in her eyes. “I still do dumb shit but not like that, okay. I'm more mellowed now.”
Ares throws her hands up, “What is your definition of Mellow because blasting an angel and starting a war with archangels is anything BUT mellow. I mean it's badass but it's not mellow.” I snicker at her words as she points towards outside to where the fight had happened.
I giggle and shrug, “Okay, I mean I'm not insane, I'm just mad.” I look at her seriously, “I'm ready, tell me.”
She sighs as she sits by me. “I mean, I kind of already did when you walked in.” She puts her palm on my shoulder. “Now I don't know all of it,, but I know a few things,” she explains as she lets her hand fall and leans into the couch. I follow her movement and bring my knees to my chest, trying to prepare myself for what is coming.
“You and Annie, or whatever her name is now, are both Goddesses.” Ares says slowly as she tries to say it in a calming way. My eyes widen slightly.
“Goddess of what?” Ares shrugs at my question.
“I do not know. I just know you are twins and are both goddesses. Your life ends in tragedy and is normally short, and Annie's is always of natural causes and in old age or whatever. You both are the daughters of the moon Goddess and God. You also never had a real mate in your life times on earth, which is why you were so mentally messed up, no offense.” I roll my eyes at her causal way with a serious subject. I then nod, it made sense why Michael was so obsessed with me kneeling to him. Not only that, but I had a feeling he knew what I was. He knew I, in reality, am more powerful than him.
“ I don't seem like a goddess.” I comment, which makes Ares snort.
“I mean, I don't feel like an angel, but here I am, wings busting out of my back like a motherfucker.”
I smile lightly at her words. Though I felt, I couldn't breathe.
I'm a goddess. I stood for something, but did not know what. Likewise, I find myself again struggling to figure out who I am.
Talk about an identity crisis.
“Are you okay?” My eyes snap to Ares and I see her watching me intently, trying to determine how close I am to falling apart.
"It's a lot to take in,, but I'm okay,” Ares looks me over and nods.
“Good because you need your head in the game.” My brows furrow as I adjust my posture. Ares changes her sitting position, crossing her legs.
“Michael is throwing a party in a few days. Everyone is going to be there. Which means it will be the perfect time to snoop.” Ares smirk and I grumble at the, though.
“Another one of those damn things? Michael must be leading up to something big. He never does things like this.”
“Which is why we have to be there.” Ares states with a smirk. I groan again, letting my head fall into my knees, causing Ares to laugh.
I stand before the gates of hell, complentating turning around and leaving. I'm not quite sure how I ended up here. After Ares left, I determined I needed to clear my head after the bomb that had been dropped, so I decided to fly aimlessly, and here I am.
I told myself things were over between us, but with the goddess bomb being dropped, maybe I could let this little visit slide. If this is what kept me sane, then I could see him once more.
I allow my wings back into my back as I step into Lucifer's domain. My eyes widen as I walk into an elegant but dark living room instead of the normal maze of halls.
“Took you long enough to visit, my dear angel.” Immediately sending him a glare at the nickname. Lucifer smirks at me as he sits lazily in a recliner. His hair is pushed back, with a few strands laying lazily in his eyes. A black button-up shirt with the top four buttons undone and black slacks. He swirls a wine glass that holds wine the color of his eyes. Of course, his eyes make the wine seem dull compared to his. His smirk grows, showing his pearly whites. “I love when you openly check me out,” He hums before bringing the glass to his lips and taking a sip, his eyes never leaving mine.
Again I can't breathe, but now It's for a whole other reason.
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