I click my tongue as I stare up at the giant golden door. For some reason, it felt as if it was calling me. I chew on my bottom lip, contemplating if I should go in or not, it did not look like a door I was allowed to go through.
I had avoided Raphael for some time now, ever since word of war with the reapers spread through the archangels, and sadly the angels; thanks to Don. He and Michael had been at each other's throats. Raphael did not want war with Thana. I could see it. He feared her. He had seen something she had done. I wanted to know what.
Maybe this door had the answers? It looked important.
I click my tongue once more before finally pushing through the golden door. My jaw drops as my eyes widen as I look around. It looked like the inside of a small church, but a giant statue stood in the pool pit.
The Moon Goddess.
Her silver statue towered over me; she looked down with a relaxed and loving face. Her features soft and welcoming, her arms reaching down at me, welcoming me to pray to her. I had so many things to ask her. Is she truly my mother? Why was my life so much easier than my sisters. Why did I even live human lives?
"It isn't nice to stare, you know?" I jump and at the motherly voice and quickly spin around, a gasp quickly leaving my lips as I stare in awe.
The dark green flowing dress made her glowing olive skin stand out and seem to glow more than it naturally was. Blue silver eyes contrasted against her skin and made her Chesnut brown hair seem lighter. Her skin is wrinkle-free; she doesn't look a day over twenty.
"Ho-how, are you here?" I struggle to get the words out, making her smile showing pearly white teeth. She walks towards me, and I notice how graceful she seems to float.
"You called for me. This is the room the Archangels come to pray to me," She explains as she motions around the room.
"So, you just always pop up?" I ask in confusion, making her giggle as she watches me with a patient and loving look.
"No, my dear, I only appear for my daughters," She gives me a knowing look, and I immediately don't know what to say.
"So me and Thana?"
"Correct," She gives me a knowing smile and takes a step towards me as she takes my hand. "I believe you have questions for me? I can't answer them all, but I can answer a few."
I nod my head quickly. "What am I the goddess of?"
"Too soon, my dear, I am sorry."
I purse my lips in disappointment but nod my head in understanding. "Okay, why was my life so much better than Thana's?"
The moon Goddess, or well, my mother sighs, "You are different types of Goddesses, so you needed different lives. You were being prepared for your roles as powerful goddesses. It will make sense when you find out who you are."
She squeezes my hand lightly with an encouraging smile, and I return it with a smile of my own. "Any more questions?"
"Raphael, is he truly my soulmate?" My question causes her to chuckle.
"Ah, yes, he has been smitten over you for centuries. I remember when he was a young angel, he saw you in your first life and was taken away at your beauty. He begged me to allow him to be with you at first I said no," Mother explains as she looks away as if reliving the memory. "I didn't want an archangel with my daughter. They were not perfect and unstable because they possed to much power, of course, nothing like a God, but enough to make them think they are Gods."
At her words, my mind immediately goes to Michael.
"The second time you were reborn, he came again to me, begging me to allow him to prove himself, so I did, we had a deal. If I were to put part of his angel grace into humans body, a mated dragon shifter to be exact and he could make you fall in love with him, without any memory of wanting you. I would reconsider," The moon goddess chuckles, "Of course, I didn't expect him to achieve it. Somehow you fell in love." The moon Goddess hums as she looks back at me. I'm in awe at the mothering look she gives me.
"So when you were reborn the last time I decided to do it again, I put his angel grace in another vessel and made you second chance mates to see if you would be together again. Of course, he found you and worshipped you. I made sure he had no memories of being an angel multiple times, it was as if you were made for each other," She pats my hand with a sigh. "So when he left his vessel and returned as an angel, I granted him his wish, I gave him my blessing to be with you, so long as you wanted him as well."
"You make it sound so romantic," I giggle, causing her to follow suit.
"For an archangel, it is very romantic. Raphael fought hard for you, he loved every part of you, and I saw that, so how could I say no?" I smile, noticing my mother truly admired the love Raphael had for me. Again my love life seemed so easy compared to my sisters.
"Why does Raphael fear her," I whisper with a concerned look gracing my face if Raphael feared her, shouldn't I?
"He doesn't fear her, my dear, he fears what she can do," The Goddess advises, "Just as you should." My eyes widen at my mother's words.
"Well, is Michael right about Thana?" I ask, confused about it all. Would Thana be the villain once again?
"No," My mother states sharply with a glare. "You should be respectful of Thana's power because, your weakness is her strengths, just as her weakness is yours strengthens."
My mother sighs as she drops my hand and looks to the golden door. "Raphael fears her because he is the only one to remember that terrible day of Navi's death." She looks at me, and I almost gasp at the pain in her eyes.
"Your sister died and came here with darkness in her heart." My mother starts as she tells the tail of Navi's arrival in heaven.
Flashback told by the Moon Goddess.
I was not there the first time Navi died. She walked into heaven, and the angels cheered. Michael greeted her with a smile. Until Navi Looked him straight in the eye and told him to bow before her, Michael took her challenge and immediately snapped his fingers for guardian angels to arrest her. Somehow though, Navi was able to break the lock I had placed on her powers, she had full access to them.
So when the guardians stepped up and tried to restrain her, Navi snapped her fingers, causing the angels to explode into black dust. Raphael tried to get Michael to stand down, but with only half of his angel grace, he was not powerful enough. So Michael sent more angels, and at first, they kicked Navi out of heaven only because she was still powering up.
Lucifer caught her when she fell. He didn't know any better and showed Navi how to use her wings. He didn't know what was going on, he always kept small tabs on heaven, but other than that kept to himself. For some reason, Navi spared him. She did not attack him or his demons and left back to heaven.
She attacked heaven. It lasted for three days before heaven was a gravesite for angels and archangels. Raphael barely made it to my temple and prayed to me before she came and killed him. Of course, prayers take a while to reach us gods. So God and I only heard it a week after, when I arrived, the world was almost wholly consumed with darkness from Navi. She had started working with the seven deadly sins; they worked together and killed the seven holy virtues and let the four deadly horsemen out. The world would not last a year.
When I arrived at hell to speak with Lucifer, he smirked at me. "That is one rebellious teen you have there," I remember he said to me.
"You have done nothing to stop her?" God yelled at Lucifer, causing Lucifer to glare at him.
"I am not in charge of her. You are her parents, not I," Again, I remember he smirked, "Plus, I admire her work."
God was enraged at Lucifer. They never got along. God was used to the Archangels worshipping him after he saved them from some crazy greek God we used to know. Though Lucifer would never bow down to him. Lucifer always said he never asked to be saved, so why should God expect such praise and worship.
Though I saw what God didn't notice, under the mischief, when Navi's name was mentioned, I saw the same look God gave me when he thought no one was paying attention. Lucifer was falling in love with my chaotic daughter. How could he not? Put aside the darkness in my daughter's heart; she was strong and powerful. She did not know what no meant. She was also kind, in her past lives so generous it was always her downfall. Later I would beg God's blessing to have them soulmates; he would decline and go on about how Michael deserved the Goddess more.
I'm getting off track. Navi's corruption continued until God, and I finally decided what to do.
We called in the time God who owed us a favor. Putting our powers together, we erased everyone's memory but Raphael's, he needed to remember to keep Michael in check, so this wouldn't happen again, of course, to make sure he wouldn't speak of it I cast a spell to keep the words from ever leaving his mouth.
Then we went back in time to Navis's death, so when she died instead of going straight to heaven, she met me. I made sure to let peace take over her heart, to help numb the darkness.
It didn't take it away; it just made it dormant. I stayed with Navi a while, making sure she didn't realize she could unlock her powers, or she even had any to unlock. It looked like she was healing, so I finally allowed her to heaven, making sure to blur most of the memories from our time together.
The world was back to normal, the seven sins and virtues doing their part to keep the balance between good and evil and the four deadly horsemen locked up again. The only thing I did that your father doesn't know is I allowed Lucifer to keep those feelings he started feeling for Navi. I erase the memory of their time together, but when Lucifer sees her, he will feel as if he knew her and be drawn to her like he was before.
I only hope your father didn't do the same and go behind my back and tried to portray those feelings on to Michael as if they were his own.
After we made sure everything was back to how it was, your father and I left.
*** End of the flashback told by the Moon Goddess.
Avalyns POV
"So Thana almost killed everyone," I state slowly, and the Moon Goddess nods.
"Your sister is not meant for destruction, so don't start painting her in that light, if I had let you go through her trials you too would also be on the verge of insanity." The Moon Goddess warns me with a warning look only a mother could give.
"Why didn't you give me those trials," I ask with a tilted head. Did she not believe I could handle it? I could probably have handled it better than my sister.
"I already told you, different Goddesses, different lessons." My mother explains with a slight aggravation to her voice. She then quickly looks towards the gold doors before speaking again. "Michael is coming. You need to leave." I look towards the gold doors, but when I look back to her, she is gone.
I quickly rush to the gold doors, but they swing open, stopping me in my tracks.
Michael smirks when he sees me.
"I didn't expect you to be the praying type."
Sorry about the random updates I am trying to get used to work schedule and I am in my third trimester and the baby is on a nerve so I'm in pain a lot. I plan to write again soon but I'm not sure when.
thank you all for being patient!
dont forget to vote comment and follow!
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