Chapter 9
(This will be Kats POV)
Well after Lulu left due to me spying on her. Not gonna lie I was spying. Anyways after she left GiGi came.
"KAT!" She yelled at me.
"What?" I ask.
"I think I know how to figure out Lulus godly parent!" She says, "In fact I think I know who it is.!" She exclaims.
I was confused. So I just said, "Okay and who is that?" I ask her.
"Neptune!!!!" She says.
"Okay and why do you think this?" I ask her.
"She was telling me all sort of things about how sh-" GiGi stopped then I saw it. Lulu had a trident over her head. Many people were staring. Khieron came over.
"Everyone. We have a daughter of Neptune!" He says.
Neptune huh. She was my cousin then. Everyone clapped and cheered. I saw Justin looking at her. Did he like her? Last time I checked he liked me.... I didn't know. But I was kinda hurt by it... did I like him back? Nah I couldn't.
"Kat you alright?" GiGi asks me.
"Yeah Fine looks like you were correct and looks like I have a new cousin. And you have a new. I don't know." I say.
"Yeah." She says. Then I realized it was getting late. It was almost time to go to bed. And I had a new roommate she seemed nice and all but meh. I went back to my cabin and slept.
The next morning. I do not want to get up. It's too early. And I know I've been her for so long you'd be thinking I'd be used to it. Well you were wrong. I hate waking up early. But I got up anyways and I made my way down to breakfast. I sat alone at the Jupiter table and Lulu was sitting alone and the Neptune table. GiGi was stuck at the Mercury table. If there was a table for Gaea she'd be there, if Gaea even claimed her kids that it. Gaea usually only had titan kids. So GiGi was supposed to be a titan but she refused to help her mom so Gaea turned her into a halfblood. Now I'm stick with her. I'm joking GiGi's and awesome friend and I love her as a friend of course. Anyways breakfast ended and it was time for activities. Unfortunately I had archery first. I was not that good at it.
"Hey." Justin said from behind me. I almost screamed. He just literally crept up on me.
"Hi do you like Lulu cause I totally ship it. The only problem is Minerva and Neptune of course but you would still be good together. And-" I would continues but he stopped me.
"Okay stop, why would you think I li-" I stopped him there and covered his mouth. I pointed my sword which I always had on me to his neck.
"Tell me the truth. Do you like her as more then a friend. I won't let you go until you tell me." I say and he starts to mumble because I was covering his mouth, I kept it covered until he licked my hand. "You are disgusting!" I yelled at him.
"Sorry you wouldn't uncover my mouth. Now let me answer. Yes I do like her as more then a friend. Why does that matter to you huh?" He winks then I slapped him.
"I'm telling Lulu for you doing that see ya." I say and then run to archery to avoid him. Of course archery was a fail..... but meh. The was art. I'm a terrible artist. Then was canoe racing. Of course Lulu won that. Then there was lunch. I loved the food. Then there was sword practice. I asked Lulu to be my partner she said she lost Riptide in the lake so I told her to jump in and get it. So she did. I won her in that. Then there was other activities till dinner and at dinner I ate food and then it was lights out. I know a lot of 'then this then that' sorry. Anyways I went to sleep to await the next day...
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