Chapter 1
(The main characters view will mostly be the story I might change the view a little but I'll tell you so for now it's the main character.)
I woke up. My mom, Sarah and Andrew were fighting again. Andrew is my stepdad even though I hate him. He doesn't like me either. He is abusive and a jerk. I kept telling my mom that she was better then him that she needed better. Yet she never listened, I could always tell she agreed with me so I don't know why Andrew's still here.
"Will you ever shut up Sarah? I'm the boss NOT you now go make me some bean dip, get me some chips, and get me some drinks will ya? Go before I..." Andrew didn't need to continue I was watching him and he raised his hand ready to hit her I was so mad. She hurried off.
"Sorry honey," Sarah said as she brought the food, "I don't know what came over me I-it won't happen again..."My Mom sounded scared of course. He would hit her and of course he was playing poker with his buddies, Paul, Jack, and Sam. They kinda stuck up for me and my mom sometimes. They would say things like "She's just a kid" and "She's your wife" or "She's your kid." And Andrew would always respond with things like "I don't care" and "I wasn't talking to you" and which I liked this one cause it was true and I never wanted it to not be true but he would say, "She's NOT my kid. Never has and never will." I like that one cause he was right I wasn't his kid and I never wanted to be either.
I had to go back to bed so I went up to my room. Oh right my names Lulu, Lulu Sun. My mom is Sarah Sun and I'm so happy she never got a new last name. Andrew's last name was Coy. Could you imagine Sarah Coy or Lulu Coy. No! I don't like it. It doesn't sound good or right my last name is Sun and will stay Sun! Anyways I headed off to bed and went to sleep. I always have nightmares this time it was a bit different then usual.
I was standing in a corridor it was long. I reached out to the walls but I couldn't touch anything. It was like I was in a never ending room. Suddenly a stick appeared on the ground. I picked it up and realized it was a pin. (Sorry guys I'm copying here cause I can't think of something else sorry.) I uncapped it and a sword came out. On the sword it read Riptide. It took me a long time to read that though because I have Dyslexia and I have ADHD so I can't read well. I saw something coming to me it was a monster... it had 5 legs, 3 arms, and 2, heads. It was so random I nearly dropped the sword. It was the only thing to protect me. So I swung at the monster and it disappeared into yellow dust. Suddenly something it me from behind.
It was about to stab me and I woke up. My alarm clock was going off for 6:00 A.M. school time... I had one friend named Clinton. I call him Clint for short though. He was always out of PE for some reason something about his legs. My favorite teacher was Mr. Pope, he was my History teacher. Then there's Mr. Coyal he hates me I don't know why but he loves my enemy Sue. Anyways Mr. Coyal teaches math. A terrible subject for a terrible teacher. Mr. Coyal was so boring in his class just teaching math. Mr. Pope on the other hand was super fun he let us act out the history and he still taught but he added more facts that aren't in the book and they were always cool facts. Then there's a guy who likes me names Jaxon. I've never liked him back though. Right Sue had orange hair and brown eyes. She also was super pale but she was super popular as well and always teased me about how my only friend was a boy.
Clinton had brown hair that was curly. He also had sky blue eyes and a nice tan. He was pretty but in a friend way. Mr.Pope had blue-green eyes and brown hair. But his hair used to be blonde until he dyed it. He has a kinda tan and is always in a wheelchair. I think he's always cold cause he always has a blanket. Mr.Coyal has brown hair and green eyes. He is pale and well you know he hates me. Jaxon well every girl likes him. Yet he only likes me which is weird. Anyways he has brown hair and a light green eye and a light blue eye. It was so cool how his eyes here like that. He had a good looking tan and well he's a hottie as most girls call him. Oh right incase you couldn't tell I'm 13 and in 7th grade. Usually you'd be 12 but I started school later. I have brown hair, sea green eyes, and an okay tan. My mom has red hair and blue eyes yet she's pretty pale. So I must take after my real dad. Andrew is a fat, lazy human with brown hair and brown eyes and super super pale. He never leaves the house or does work so he's fat.
Oh while I'm telling you this I'm getting ready for school. My mom never talks about my dad though... I ask quite a bit and she says he just got on his yacht and left. I'm always pretty mad at my real dad for just leaving like that. But I guess this type of stuff just happened. Anyways I'm done getting ready for school. Oh I go to Las Floras it's a middle school in New York. (Not actually so don't be trying to find a school called Las Floras in New York please but it is in a place called Richcreast or however you spell it.) I walk to school because we live pretty close about a block away maybe but probably less. Most of the kids have houses and I live in an apartment. Clint I don't know about all I know is even though there's something wrong with his legs he can still hecka run when there's a pizza day. Anyways I'm at school now. And my first class was History. I walk in and so does everyone else we all sit down.
"Okay class today we'll actually be leaving for a field trip since it it the last day of school. We will be going to the a Museum here in New York and this will be mostly of Roman mythology of course. Well who thinks they can't come?" Mr.Pope asked. No one raised their hand. "Okay great anyways if you don't have a sack lunch we'll get you one from the cafeteria. For lunch it's an apple, pizza," As soon as he said it Clint's hand went up and I face palmed. "Salad and milk or juice of your choice. Now who will-" Mr.Pope finally saw Clint's hand. "Put down your hand Clinton." Clint's hand went down. "Now as I was saying who would like to have a cafeteria lunch?" Mr. Pope asked and about 8 people raised their hand... 8 out of 34. Wow. "Also we will be joined by Mr.Coyal's class." Some people groaned including me and Clint. Anyways we got on the bus and left for the field trip.
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