On the wall
They had been following dawns army for the past day once they figured out they were lost. Budder apparently didn't know the way back and they had found out several hours later when they had reached a village and asked for directions. It had been Crystals plan and turned out they had gone the complete opposite way they were supposed to. Nova hadn't let up on Budder since.
"Which way do we go Budder? Should we go left or right? How about we follow some people who actually know where there going or next time why don't we bring a map?" Nova said
"Shut up Nova" Budder said keeping his eyes straight a head. Crystal was in front trying to spot the army. They had lost them when they stopped to give the horses a break.
"I'm just saying, it is your kingdom. How could you not know how to get back?" Nova went on
"Because it's been seven or eight years since I've been here and even then I didn't know we would be on the run and trying to save our friends in a suicidal mission going back" Budder said
"Both of you stop it! You sound like Morgan and Kye when they're debating" Crystal said turning around and staring at them.
"Sorry" Budder and Nova said looking down.
"Good, lets just try and find the army again" Crystal said "Did either of you pack any food?"
"I thought Nova did" Budder said looking over at him. Nova was looking around the forest and anything besides them.
"Nova, you forgot food didn't you?" Crystal asked
"Well, I wasn't really thinking about it at the time so, no. I didn't bring any food" Nova said blushing.
"seriously!? It's a two day journey and you forget food!?" Budder yelled.
"You could always join us for supper" A voice said from behind them. They turned and saw Dawn and some of her scouts standing behind them. Budder turned and turned a deep red color when he saw Dawn.
"Sorry mom" he said as he dismounted his horse. Two of the scouts lead his horse away. Crystal and Nova dismounted after and four more scouts took there's.
"You should be. Sneaking off and following us like that. Honestly, your just like your father" She said turning around and heading back to her camp with Crystal, Nova, and budder following behind.
"WE just want to help! They're our friends too!" Budder said trying to convinse Dawn to let them stay.
"I would send you right back if we weren't so far. I SHOULD send you back now with an escort but I need all of my men and making them take you home would be a waste. You will stay here at camp while we go stop your father. Understand?" Dawn ranted turning to Budder.
"Yes" He said looking down. A smile was playing on his lips though.
"Good. Now go back to your tent and stay there" dawn said walking into the tent they had stopped in front of.
Budder walked into his tent seconds later. Since only one tent was available as a spare Budded, Nova and Crystal had to sharer
"What she say?" Nova asked
"Mom said we could stay" Budder said "But we have to stay here while she talks with them"
"Why are you smiling about that?" Crystal asked "We have to stay here while our friends might die!"
"I was smiling because" He paused and pulled out a map "I got a map with the coordinates of Budder castle" He held it up showing them the quickest rout.
"If we leave now we could probably beat them there" Budder said drawing a line on the map with his finger. "And with our horses we could be there by morning too!"
"Thats great! I'll pack the bags you two get the horses" Crystal said already pulling out their bags.
"Great ,see you soon" Nova said rushing out the tent, hood up.
Herobrine and Tomy had left the Nether yesterday and had gone to the house for the night. The next morning they set out and had been walking since then. Tomy didn't complain once.
"How are you holding up Tomy?" Herobrine asked when they stopped for lunch.
"Pretty good. I'm worried about Morgan though" He replied looking at the apple Herobrine had given him
"I'm sure she's fine" Herobrine tried to comfort him.
"I know but I had a bad dream last night about her and the others being hanged by our parents" Tomy said "But it was just a dream right?" HE looked at Herobrine with big eyes.
"Of course it was just a dream. There's nothing to worry about" Herobrine said but was worried. What if something happened to them? They were probably in prison.
"Lets get going" Herobrine said after they finished eating. Tomy jumped up and started running into the woods.
They had only been walking for about an hour before Herobrine heard a group coming there way.
"Hide" he said pulling Tomy behind a tree to wait for them to pass. Moments later three horses wit hooded figure ran past. None of the riders seemed to notice Tomy or Herobrine watching them go.
"Lets keep going" Herobrine said when the cloud of dust stirred up by the riders subsided.
They hadn't even walked one hundred blocks before they heard another group coming from the same way. Like before Herobrine and Tomy hid in the forest and watched them pass.
"I cant believe they were able to sneak off, Again!" A woman's voice floated to them.
"I don't know. Who left the horses tethered at the edge of the camp?" A man's voice asked. Tomy recognized it and, before Herobrine could stop him, he started running towards the group.
"DAD!" Tomy yelled as he tackled a man in a green shirt.
"Tomy!? What are you doing out here?" The man asked picking the boy up in a hug.
"I'm out looking for the others with Herobrine" Tomy said and pointed to the tree Herobrine was behind. Taking that as his queue, Herobrine stepped out from behind and faced them.
"Hi, I think I found your kid" He said rubbing his neck.
"Thank you for bringing him back" Toby said looking at Herobrine with tears in his eyes
"Um, no problem? Now, I have to go find my daughter, so, nice talking to you!" Herobrine said and started to run off.
"Wait! WE know where she is!" Dawn called after him. Herobrine stopped and looked at them. He teleported right in front of Dawn.
"Where is she?" He asked looking into her eyes.
"She and my sons had been traveling with us back to Sky's kingdom to stop an execution today. Last night they stole three of the horses and we've been chasing after them since then." Dawn said staring back.
"So that's who they were" Herobrine muttered. "They aren't that far off. If we hurry we might be able to catch them before they get to the castle" he said a little louder.
"We'd better go then" Toby said putting Tomy on one of the extra horses then mounting himself. A guard brought Herobrine a horse but he turned it away.
"I'll meet you there" He said before taking off at a sprint. Before too long all that was left was a trail of settling dust.
The others rode swiftly towards the castle hoping they weren't too late.
"What should we do for the last, nine hours of our lives?" Fluffy asked pausing to look out the window at the now rising sun.
"What we've been doing for the past three days, try and figure out how to escape" Kye replied also looking out the window. Only she wasn't looking at the sun. They had started construction of the gallows and had finished last night while they had slept. Looking down at them Kye could finally wrap her head around their situation. She knew this was going to happen when the guard came in but until now she thought it was a bluff, them trying to find out where Crystal and the others went. They never told.
"this is actually happening" Morgan said standing next to her "Today's the day"
"Yep" Kye said staring at the bone like figure of the gallows
"No way out?" Morgan asked looking at her. Kye sighed
"No, we have to find a way even if it just keeps our hopes up" Kye said and backed away from the window.
The stone in the ceiling moved to reveal Kelly and Connor looking down. Einshine dropped down after them.
"You wont believe what we just heard" Kelly said walking over to Kye.
"What? Are they letting us go?" Frog asked
"No, something else but it's related" Kelly said looking at him.
"What did you hear?" Kye asked looking at Kelly who's smile was so big it looked like she was trying to copy Jeff the killer.
"Steve and Notch just arrived and went to talk to 'the leaders' and Steve had a crumpled up piece of paper in his hand that looked like one of the posters they put up" Connor said quickly. None of them called them there parents anymore, they just referred to them as the leaders.
"I wanted to tell them!" Kelly said tackling him.
"Hey! Don't kill him!" Fluffy said trying to pull her off. Connor was laughing his head off as Kelly tickled him. Everyone was talking at once and the whole cell block was in complete chaos.
They all stopped when they heard the door being unlocked. Everything went silent for a second until Einshine jumped back into the ceiling.
"Come on! We have to get out of here!" He called down. Connor jumped up and Einshine pulled him up. Kelly jumped up and got in just as the door opened.
"Get ready kiddies! Your time has come!" The guard from before said walking down the hall at them. Behind him were ten more guards, there escorts.
"But we have until this afternoon!" Morgan said running up to the bars.
"Well its been moved up" The guard said and unlocked there cell door.
He walked in there cell and put hand cuffs on them before pulling them out and going to the next cell. He did this until all of them were out in the hall before leading them down and out the door. It wasn't long before they came out into the greens where the gallows were set up. Kye looked up at the balcony opposite the stand but didn't see anyone. She had seen an execution before, although not for treason, and the leaders who were visiting all sat up there but now no one was there.
"Where are the leaders?" Kye asked still looking up
"They wanted you to be outside for a bit before. To be nice" One of their escorts said to her.
"Why? I don't remember them doing this for anyone else" Kye said. The guard shrugged his shoulders.
"Guess your a special case. Why do you all wear hoods?" The guard on the other side asked.
They were lead past the gallows and to a small, enclosed garden in the middle of the court yard. The main guard, after locking the door behind him, went around and took their shackles off them, letting them wander.
"Why are they doing this do you think?" Fluffy asked coming up to Kye.
"I don't know. I guess they feel guilty about it and cant stop it" Morgan said joining in.
"Sure, that's why. They cant stop it" Kye said "More like they wont stop it"
"I know, I wish they would just realize the mistake their making. We don't have to die even though we didn't do anything wrong" Quartz said sitting down under a tree.
"We should make them realize what exactly they're doing." Frog said "Any ideas?"
"I have one" Kye said looking at the sky "When we get up there and they ask for last requests we all take our hoods off. Then the recruits will see who we are and the leaders too"
"What are you thinking!?" Steve asked when he stormed into the meeting room. All the leaders stopped there conversation and looked at him.
"Don't worry-" Sky said walking towards Steve.
"What do you mean 'don't worry'? Your about to hang your own kids in public!" Steve was seething and his glare would have made even Herobrine back down.
"Just let me explain" Deadlox said standing up "As you know several of the kids escaped and we know they came up from the nether so we devised this plan to lure them out. If they've seen the flyers they should be here soon"
"And what if they don't show?" Notch asked stepping out from behind Steve.
"Then we postpone it" Deadlox said with a shrug "But I really doubt it. They're all good friends and wouldn't leave each other. You saw how they fought in the library"
"You cant postpone it forever. They'll start to get suspicious about it" Steve commented "And what will the recruits say when they find out? They know about the hanging from posters but they don't know who you're hanging."
"They wont know either. They've all sworn they aren't taking there hoods off" Sky answered.
"Are you sure they wont as a last act? You really don't know what they might do anymore" Notch said.
"We've covered all this already. There is absolutely no chance they will take there hoods off and we will get the others eventually" Kermit said butting in.
"Lets hope then. No harm should come on Crystal though, remember that." Notch said before exiting. Steve gave on last glare around the room before following Notch.
"We're almost there!" Budder shouted over the wind.
"I can see that! We should stop now. Don't want to be caught before we can help" Crystal said slowing he horse from a gallop to a slow walk before dismounting and letting it go.
"We should probably keep the horses incase we need a quick get away" Nova commented as Crystal's horse ran away, halter and saddle still on.
"That would have been a good idea" Crystal said watching it go "But I can just teleport away once we are ready to leave. You can tie yours to the trees and out of sight if you want"
"Alright, How are we going to get up?" Nova asked
They had set up a plan where they had to get up to one of the battlements and wait until they saw there friends before breaking out the chaos to come. It was going to be fun.
"There are secret tunnels leading all over the place. Even from the outside of the castle" Budder said walking towards the castle wall. They had stopped close enough to the castle so they could see it but they couldn't be seen by it. If that makes sense.
He pressed a button and a doorway opened where one hadn't been before.
"Ta-da" Budder said grinning before walking in. Crystal and Nova quickly hurried in after him and the door closed behind them. The passage was dark but Budder pulled out some flint and steel and lit a torch he found hanging on the wall. When the passage was illuminated it was even creepier than before. Cobwebs were hanging from the ceiling and there were bones scattered on the ground around them.
"I hope no mobs spawn down here" Nova said looking around.
"Don't worry, these catacombs are still used. But only by those who know about them or stumbled upon them by accident. We shouldn't run into anything down here" Budder said with a slight hint of uneasiness.
"And if we do run into anything I could probably talk to it and get it to turn around and leave us alone" Crystal said trying to make them feel better. It worked for a bit before they heard the sound of footsteps coming down the hall towards them.
"Quick! In here!" Budder said ducking into a room near them. They waited and watched as the light of a torch passed by. Crystal and Nova stayed in the shadows but Budder was curios and watched the figure go by.
"Oh my Notch" Budder said when he saw who it was
"What? Who was it?" Crystal asked.
"That was Deadlox, we have to be more careful" Budder replied as he opened the door a crack. The light from the torch had disappeared down the hall way and all they could see of it was a faint flicker.
"Come on" Nova said snapping them back to their quest.
They walked down the hall in darkness, not wanting to be given away by the flicker of a torch, until they started to see faint light coming from up ahead.
"We're here" Budder said and pressed a hidden button on the wall. A door appeared and he walked through onto the guard wall.
"How did you know about these?" Nova asked looking at budder.
"Dad, he made sure I knew how to get out without being see incase there was a squid invasion" Budder said with a sigh. "Their are passages that go all around the castle and if you know where they are you can access them from anywhere."
"That's pretty cool. And it could be useful in the future" Crystal looked around, checking for guards or anyone else who had seen them. No one.
"Yes it could. Lets get moving before we get caught" Nova said just as an iron golem came around the corner. It stopped when it saw them. They stared at each other for several long, long seconds before the golem moved on.
"We're going to have to get better guards" Budder said when it left
They crouched ran across the wall until they came to the what they were looking for.
"Look! There's the gallows!" Crystal whispered and pointed into the courtyard.
There were more guards than before moving and training below. From time to time some would look at the gallows and then resume training or several would just stare at it while talking to one another.
"I wonder who the poor souls are" a voice drifted from behind them.
Budder turned and saw two guards walking towards them on the wall above them.
"I don't know, Sky wont say but I've heard who ever they are they're being held for treason against the Sky army and Notch himself" The second guard said. They hadn't noticed the three below them.
"Why are you such a gossip Jason? I swear your almost as bad as Dave" The first said
"I don't know Fred. Why are you so serious?" The second guard, Dave, asked "You know what else I've noticed? The prince hasn't been seen in several days. And all the other kids have disappeared too. Wonder what happened to them"
"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him for a while. That is weird" The first guard, Fred, said "I wonder if these prisoners have something to do with it"
They moved on before the guards could see them. Once they were sure they were out of ear shot.
"They haven't told them yet? I would assume they would at least say we were missing or something" Nova said
"No, that would cause panic among the recruits and if they found out who it was being executed that would cause an uproar" Budder said "get ready, this should start soon"
As if on queue trumpets started blaring and the bells in the church started to ring calling everyone to the castle.
They heard the bells ringing.
"Guess its time then" Kye said and stood up. The guards were already walking over to them.
"Ready?" Morgan asked as the guards put the hand cuffs back on and lead them out of the gardens.
"As ready as I'll ever be" Was her reply.
They were lead back into the court yard and up onto the gallows. A guard stood at attention next to each of them and looked up at the balcony above. One by one the leaders walked out until the last, Sky, was standing in front. A crowd had gathered in front and everyone was looking up expectantly.
"Hello everyone!" Sky said addressing the crowd which started cheering. He waited for them to settle down before continuing.
"We have gathered you here today for the executions of these traitors" He said gesturing to the group on the gallows.
"Dude, that sounded like you were inviting them to a wedding" Jerome whispered in to him.
"Shut up" Sky said smiling at the crowed. "I'll try and do better"
"They have been tried and found convicted of treason of the first degree" Sky continued
"Wow, really bring out the big words aren't you?" Husky commented looking at Sky.
"Give me a break, I'm trying to sound convincing" Sky said
"I and the others have decided a fitting punishment for the severity of this crime will be" Sky paused for effect "Hanging until dead"
The crowd looked up and cheered. Several shouted up at them.
"Let them hang!"
"The Sky army is invincible!"
Sky waited for the crowd to calm down again.
"wow, your o[;people really like bloodshed" Seto commented
"Probably think there squids" Jerome snickered. Sky ignored them.
"Drum roll!" He called. The drummers started drumming.
"WAIT!" Kye shouted
This isn't going to plan! She thought in horror.
"Yes traitor?" Sky asked looking down at her. The drums stopped.
"Don't we get any last requests or something?" She asked
"Well, what are your requests?" Sky asked getting curios
"We would like our shackles off so we can show you all something" Kye said
"Sorry, cant do that"
"Why? That is our only request. Are you denying our death request?" Kye asked. The crowed started mumbling to each other.
"Fine, unshackle them" Sky said quickly. The guards took them off.
"On three guys" Kye said loud enough for the rest to hear.
Sky looked down at tehm
They grabbed there hoods and Sky realized what they were about to do.
"GUARDS! STOP THEM!" He screamed as a last effort. The guards charged at them but Kye was quicker.
"THREE" They all ripped there hoods off and the crowed gasped. The guards stopped there charge just as the sky went dark. Lighting struck a tower next to them and when the smoke cleared a figure stood up from the middle.
"Let them go" Herobrine said as he stood up a scream went through the crowd.
"Ok, Herobrine just showed up" Crystal said looking up at the sky.
"How can you tell?" Nova asked just as the lightning struck the tower across from them.
"that's how" She replied. "Nova get that shot set up. We need to get them out now!"
"On it!" Nova said. He set up the shot and let it fly. One shot was all he needed. The arrow flew down and cut all the ropes holding there friends.
"What was that?!" Sky yelled as the arrow embedded its self in the wall opposite.
Crystal, Budder and Nova stood up on the wall of the tower and faced them.
"That, would be us" Crystal said and pulled her hood down. "Since no one else is caring about showing who they are anymore" She said looking at Kye who blushed "and it would only be a matter of time before you guess who we are, we'll just save you the trouble" Budder and Nova stood next to her and pulled there hoods down.
"What are you doing here?" Kye called up "We were just about to break out"
"No need to thank us! It's the least we could do!" Nova said as he jumped off the tower. He park cored to the ground and ran to Kye. They hugged once he reached her.
"How did you do that? Why-" Kye got cut off as Nova pushed his lips into hers.
"I've always wanted to do that!" he said once they let go. Kye was speechless. She pulled him back in.
"HEY! Love birds! We're kinda in trouble right now!" Quartz said whacking a guard with his sword she stole. All the others were battling the other guards coming at them.
Up on the wall Budder and crystal were fighting back to back against the guards pouring out onto the battlements.
"Why did we do this again?" Crystal asked as she slashed a guard.
"Because our parents are insane!" Budder replied as he kicked a guard off the wall.
"Got that right!" Crystal said. The guards were closing the distance between them, slowly advancing on them.
Herobrine was busy himself right now. Steve and Notch had been in the crowd waiting for one of them to show up or stop the execution, which ever happened.
"Herobrine! Stand down" Steve said when he had finally gotten up the tower.
"Never. You will pay though" Herobrine said flashing his famous smile at Steve before launching himself into battle.
"Why did you take her? She meant everything to me!" Herobrine said swinging a violent blow at Steve who deflected it.
"You wouldn't understand!" Steve replied giving an equally hard blow to Herobrine's leg. Herobrine jumped into the air to dodge only to be blasted back by a ball of energy from Notch.
"What do you mean I wouldn't understand? She is my daughter!" Herobrine launched off the ground, ignoring the flaring pain coming from his shoulder.
"We'll talk about this later" Notch said trying to put a cage around Herobrine who kept jumping away. He launched a ball of energy at Herobrine.
"JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION" Herobrine said as he caught it launched the ball of energy back at Notch. He wasn't fast enough to dodge and it hit him square in the chest, nocking him back into the castle wall.
"Notch! Get up!" Steve said staring at Notch who wasn't moving.
"Your turn" Steve turned back around just as Herobrine's fist hit his face. It sent him flying back next to Notch. Steve started to get back up but Herobrine kicked him in the side sending him toppling onto Notch. He landed so that he was looking up at the sky and as Herobrine came forward he tried to turn and roll onto his stomach but Herobrine grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall.
"Ready to die?" Herobrine asked as he brought his sword arm back, ready to deal the final blow.
"Let me explain" Steve gasped out as he tried to break free. His air slowly fading.
"It's too late for that" Herobrine said his face softening for a moment before he started to stab. He was stopped before he could finish the job.
"That's enough" Notch said pulling Herobrine away from Steve who fell to the ground gasping.
"Let go of me" Herobrine said trying to pull his arm free. Notch's hold grew tighter.
"No, just listen first" Notch said dragging Herobrine away. Steve finally caught his breath and followed.
"Let me go! You can't contain me!" Herobrine said
"Oh stop it" Notch said and teleported them up to the balcony.
"Hey you caught him!" Sky said when he saw Notch and Steve dragging Herobrine, who was still fighting, into the room.
Deadlox looked on with an evil smile on his face. He walked over to the balcony and jumped onto the railing.
"Deadlox! What are you doing?!" Jerome asked when he saw Deadlox about to jump. He looked back with a smile of pure evil at Jerome. He was about to respond when the door to the room burst open.
"He's not Deadlox!" The real Deadlox said. He was covered in blood, scratches and his clothes were ripped, one of his shoes was missing and his headphones had a huge crack on the left side.
"Deadlox? then who's that?" Kermit asked pointing at the Deadlox standing on the railing.
"Oh, you've met me before. Don't you remember? I think you called me" His smile grew larger and he bared his razor sharp fangs at them. His eye started to glow purple "Enderlox"
"But we killed you!" Sky protested. Deadlox looked like he was both terrified and angry as the nether.
"Yes, but you cant keep me dead" He jumped off the balcony and flew at Crystal who was too busy fighting to notice the danger coming her way.
"CRYSTAL!" Herobrine yelled finally breaking free and running onto the balcony.
She turned just in time to see Enderlox swoop down and grab her. She tried to scream but he put a hand over her mouth.
"Shh, now there's no need for that. We're just going to take a little trip" Enderlox shot a smirk at Herobrine before flying away. The whole court yard was silent and all fighting had stopped.
"NO!" Herobrine screamed and tried to jump off the balcony to follow, forgetting it was thirty blocks up. Steve and Notch grabbed his arms and pulled him back from the railing.
A/N Hey Foxes! So sorry about not updating a lot, this chapter, as you can see, is very long and took me a long, long time to right. The previous three chapters had all been prewritten and I had done that so I could work on this. You have no idea how exited this makes me to put this up. But also so sad! This book is almost done but I DONT WANT IT TO BE!! :'( Luckily there will be a sequel! YAY! so until the next chapter.
P.s I was watching the Sky/Mudkip live stream while writing this and was distracted a bit. Sorry if some things don't make sense BYE!!
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