Breaking out part 2
A/N Hey peeps here is the second part of the story for you. More character's!!! and maybe a peak into why sky has the squid king in his dungeon....
Its been seven days since they threw him in the dungeon and it only took three before Herobrine got bored enough that staring at the wall was entertaining. Einshine had been let out only hours after Herobrine woke up so it was only him and the squid king. He was just lying on his bed when they heard a guard come in.
"Squid King?" The guard asked looking at the cells. Herobrine got up and looked through one of the windows.
"Here" Squid king said getting up. Herobrine watched as the guard walked over to the king and handed him a letter. After that she ran down the hall out of sight.
The Squid king opened the letter and read it. He then went over to his bed in his cell and sat down with a shocked look on his face. He reread it about five times before he slowly set it down.
"What? What is it?" Herobrine asked staring at the squid man. They had gotten to know each other pretty well over the couple of days they had been down there together. The squid king didn't respond for a moment but when he did it was barley audible.
"Ten years. Ten years I have been down here and THIS IS WHAT HE DOES?!" The squid king yelled. he threw the letter down and started pacing the cell. "No, he wont get away with it. He can't!"
"What!? What happened?" Herobrine asked again. When the squid king didn't answer Herobrine teleported into his cell and picked up the letter. Her read it several times because he just couldn't believe it.
"There going to kill you?! What did you do to get them so mad at you?" Herobrine asked with surprise in his voice.
"I had come to ask Sky to stop killing my people without reason but he took me prisoner instead. I have no idea why he hates us. He tells me we are all annoying and useless but I do not see that. Only some of us are annoying just like some of you humans are annoying." the squid king said still pacing. "I have to get out of here! I know, you could teleport me out! That way we are both out of this horrible place."
"Sorry, I seem to only be able to teleport to the other cells in here. Believe me I already tried" Herobrine said sitting on the bed watching the squid king pace back and forth. After about ten minutes of just pacing and muttering the squid king sat down on the bed next to Herobrine and read the letter one last time before crumpling it up into a ball.
"Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to stop this. Did the letter say when the execution would be?" Herobrine asked trying to cheer him up. There wasn't much hope but he felt he had to try. Once he would have love to watch the execution but now he just couldn't.
"I would like to be alone for a while. If that would be ok brine." The Squid king said
"All right squid king" Herobrine said teleporting back to his own cell. They sat in silence for several hours before they heard another sound. The door at the end of the cell block opened then closed.
"Squid king. We are here to take you to your new cell in the Obsidian section." The guard said opening the door.
"NO! I WONT GO!" Herobrine heard the squid king shout and got to the window just in time to watch him be dragged away down the hallway. He watched him go until they dragged him screaming out the door. After watching the squid king be dragged away Herobrine walked over and fell on his bed. Why did the world have to be so cruel? Herobrine just lay there on his bed for what seemed like forever until he started singing. He didn't know why but he just needed to do something besides stare at the wall. He sang his song that he used to sing to Diamond when she was upset. She loved it when he sang it to her.
(It is you I have loved by Dana Glover, changed a little)
There is something that I see,
in the way you look at me,
There's a smile,
There's a hope in your eyes.
But an unexpected way
On this unexpected day
Could it mean this is where I belong
It is you I have loved all a long.
There's no more mystery,
It is finally clear to me,
It is you I have searched for so long,
It is you I have loved all along.
There's I time I ran to hide,
Afraid to show the other side,
Alone in the night without you.
But now I know who you are,
And I know you hold my heart,
This is finally where I belong,
It is you I have loved all along.
Over and Over
I'm filled with emotion
Your love runs through my veins
And I'm filled
with the sweetest devotion
as I look at your perfect face.
There's no more mystery
It is finally clear to me
Your the one I've been searching for so long
And it is you I have love all along.
Oh its you I have loved all along.
He finished the song and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly there was a sound right outside his door.
"That was a great song" Crystal said from outside the door. Herobrine practically jumped off the bed in surprise.
"What are you doing down here?" Herobrine asked "And how did you get past the guards?"
"Answering the first question, we are here to break you out. Second, we had a little help" Crystal said moving out of the way to reveal the guard who had taken the squid king.
"You" Herobrine growled and grabbed the guard "Where did you take him!"
"W-we moved him so he wouldn't get hurt in the explosion!" She said flinching in terror "He's in a waiting cell just out side that door" She pointed to the door at the end of the hall. Herobrine dropped her. Just then Quartz popped up in one of the windows.
"Speaking of which, you might want to step back and get behind that table over there. We put down a lot of TNT" She said with a mischievous smile then yelled "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Before running down the hallway away from the lit dynamite. Seconds after Herobrine ducked behind the desk the door exploded. Herobrine got up and immediately started running down the hallway where the others were hiding behind the corner. He ran right past them.
"COME ON! THE GUARDS WILL BE HERE ANY SECOND!" He yelled as he past them. He heard footsteps following him as he ran towards the door. They just past beyond it when Herobrine remembered the squid king.
"We've got to save him!" Herobrine said as he ran to the nearest cell and looked in. There sitting on the bed in depression was the squid king.
"Hey Squiddy! We're breaking out. want to join?" Herobrine said as he blasted the door open. His powers were back. The squid king looked up at him with tears in his eyes.
"thank you" He said as he ran out to join the group. Budder, who was in the back and Herobrine hadn't seen before then, was looking uncomfortable as the squid king stood next to him.
"Hello" the Squid king said
"Well? lets go!" the guard said running down the hallway. Everyone followed and soon they found themselves at a dead end. The alarms were blaring now and they could here the sound of thousands of feet coming there way.
"I thought you said you knew this prison inside and out, Kye!" Fluffy yelled at the guard, Kye, Who was looking at a map of the prison.
"Sorry, just took a wrong turn." she said rolling up the map " We just have to go back this way and take a right instead of a left" She started to walk down the way they came but stopped when it filled with guards.
"Freeze!" one shouted in the front of the group. He was wearing golden armor and Sunglasses.
"Wait, Budder? Is that you?" Great. It was Sky.
"Ok time to get out of here" Herobrine said and grabbed everyone in a bear hug and teleported them all out into the forest outside. The whole castle looked like it was on lock down. It probably was but Herobrine wasn't going to risk it.
"Come on. Follow me" He said running off into the forest. He looked back and saw them all still standing there. "What are you waiting for? I know a place we can stay until we figure something out"
They all stood there looking at him. There mouths were hanging open in astonishment as they stared at him.
"What?" he asked looking at them in confusion.
"Look at yourself" Quartz said. Herobrine looked down and saw he was starting to go back to his normal way. His shirt started to look more torn and beaten up and his pants were ripped at the bottoms of his pants legs.
"So? this is how I looked before?" He said
"Yea but you still look young" Kye said.
"lets just keep moving" Crystal said
They followed Herobrine until they came to a clearing with a house in the middle.
"Here we are" Herobrine said walking through the front door. The others hesitated before following him in. First thing they noticed when they walked in was that it was bigger than it looked. Herobrine was looking around at the furniture like he had never seen it before.
"What's wrong?" Crystal asked
"I never put any furniture in here" He said.
Just then they heard a sound come from the kitchen. Herobrine quickly ran to the kitchen as quietly as he could. He waited a second before kicking to door open and tackling the guy in his kitchen. He screamed as he fell on his back with a diamond sword pressed against his neck.
"Who are you and why are you in my house?" Herobrine growled as he pinned the scared boy to the ground.
"I just found it! I didn't know anyone was living here!" the boy said staring up at him in fear.
"Well, this isn't your lucky day" Herobrine said raising his sword for the strike
"Stop!" Herobrine spun around and saw Phil run into the room in his human form.
"I'll be with you in a moment Phil. Just let me take care of this" Herobrine said raising the sword again.
"NO" Phil said running over to them. He tried to push Herobrine off of the boy but was instead pushed against the wall. He fell to the ground unconscious.
"DAD!" The boy screamed staring at Phil
"Wait dad?" Herobrine said looking between the two. The boy did have the same toxic green eyes, black hair and had an enderman hoodie on with black pants but other than that he looked completely human.
A/N It the new character! yes I've been waiting for a while to reveal him. Hope you guys liked it and I am still waiting for name ideas for him. I have a few on deck but any more will be greatly appreciated. until next time my Foxy armada
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