Chapter 2 - I Become A Spy
This chapters kind of short, and sorry if I spell some stuff wrong. I'm always updating so some things might not be the same, but its not boring I can tell you that!
Reluctantly I left Grover and followed Will towards the cluster of buildings shaped like a greek omega. Now that I was up close, I noticed that they were all numbered 1-20. We walked up to Number 7 and Will opened the door.
My jaw dropped. On the outside, it looked like a small, rundown, summer camp cabin. But despite its size, it was much bigger inside.
Beds lined the walls, all with a curved privacy curtain that could circle all the way around, closing off your space from everyone else. Along the back wall was a big shelf with a bunch of cubbies with name tags, like a kindergarten classroom. Each space was occupied with some type of instrument.
Sun was shining in my eyes and I looked up and gasped in pure wonder. A skylight was above my head, and Will must have noticed me looking, because he said,
"It follows dad- er, the sun, when it moves." I hadn't noticed it outside because the roof was slanted. Hanging on the walls were different types of bows, and not the type you put in your hair. There were huge bows and of all different kinds. And instead of a traditional moose head hanging on the inside of the door, there was a pair of golden arrows making a cross like an X. A huge purple carpet covered the middle part of the cabin, with what must have been Apollos "logo" on it in gold.
Some kids were sitting on beds string bows, others were polishing instruments. Then all looked up as we entered the cabin. It was then that I realized music was playing. I looked around and spotted a radio on top of the shelf in the back of the room. It was playing my favorite song. Will noticed this too, and said,
"It plays whatever you want it to. Everybody hears it differently." Magic? How was that possible? Though I kept finding out things were possible; Grover being part goat, the sun is really a convertible, my dad being a greek god. A radio that played whatever you wanted didn't seem as impressive. But it was more curious to me than scary.
"Hey guys, this is Ashely." Will introduced me to everyone, though I forgot most of their names as they said them. Will gave me an empty bed near the back of the cabin and told me to meet him in the pavilion, - which was a big dining space, - for dinner. He and everyone else in the cabin all got up and said something about going to archery. They left me alone in the cabin.
Reluctantly I swung my backpack off my back and opened it up. I guessed this didn't mean school for a while, though I hesitated to throw away my books. Even if they were about algebra and the American Revolution. I put them and some late homework papers in a drawer on my nightstand which each bed had. Then I pulled out my walkmen and put it on top of the nightstand. My red backpack I stashed along with my now-empty school bag underneath my bed. Soon I heard some horn thing blow in the distance. Will had told me that would be the dinner horn. I hadn't realized how hungry I'd been. I didn't eat breakfast, and had barely touched my lunch.
I got up off my bed and headed to the door, still wondering what was going on.
I looked around and saw a lot of campers were headed in the same direction, probably to the pavilion. I followed them towards a big greek looking temple thing. There were about 12 different picnic tables in the pavilion, and sitting on them were different groups of people. Literally.
A group of big burly kids sat at one table. They all looked similar and shared the same feisty spirit as played rough with each other.
I saw that Leo McShizzle guy sitting at a table with a bunch of kids who looked like they worked out for a living. Leo looked sort of out of place there, but they must have all been siblings of some sort because they all looked alike and got along like siblings.
Then I spotted Will and headed towards him as he waved me down.
"Welcome to the cabin 7 table!" He called over the noise. I sat across from him, with just barely enough room for me.Was everyone here's dad Apollo? Were they all my half siblings? 12 tables... 12 olympian gods. Did that mean everyone here was related to me? I pushed that though aside as food suddenly food appeared on empty plates in front of us. Everyone stood up with it, and not wanting to draw attention, I did the same. Picking up my plate, I followed them over to a fire pit and watched as everyone scraped the best parts of their meal into the fire. Why would they do that? My brain asked as I went along with it.
When everyone was done and had taken their seats again, the older guy with the leopard print shirt appeared on a sort of stage.
"Ah yes, well hello there." He said. "I believe we have a new camper, uh, Ally Walter. Yeah. Arrived today, blah blah blah." He wasn't very enthusiastic. "Yeah, and now Chiron." Ally Walter? That wasn't my name. I wanted to protest, but it died down in my throat as Chiron walked up to the stage. Or should I say trotted. He had hooves, because he was a horse. Or at least from the waste down. From the waste up he looked like a normal guy. A centaur, I realized. He was a centaur.
"Campers," he addressed. "There is a matter to be discussed tonight at the campfire. Not quite as serious as the Prophecy of 7, but a more or less quest type situation." And then he was done. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I happily dug into my food not wanting to worry about it.
Then it was time for the campfire. Everybody was antsy from Chiron's announcements. I was a little interested, but I mostly wanted to know what this place was. I found my seat with my cabin again, and Chiron started talking.
"I assume you all have heard of the Avengers," There were many nods and a few dizzy expressions as some of the campers looked around dreamily. "But they have not heard about us. And it must stay that way." There was a lot of murmuring about that.
"Which is why we are sending a camper to join the new Stark Initiative Project for Young Heroes." The campfire rose higher and higher and turned a brilliant gold. I thought about what it would mean to work and train with the Avengers. I mean, the Avengers. They were legends. But then again, so were the greek myths. But now I'm assuming they're real. I let that happy thought sink in.
"Now, I've thought about who should go on this particular mission. Not a child of the big three because they'll draw too much attention. Not a child of Hermes because they're likely to pull pranks and steel and get thrown out. Someone who can fit in easily, and is fairly new..." Oh no. I knew where this was going. "Someone like are newest camper, Ashley Walker." All eyes turned to find me while I tried not to blush too hard. I felt neglected. I'd barely even been here before they were telling me to leave. I mean sure I'll be staying with the Avenger, but I'd also have no idea what I'd be doing there. I barely even understood what was going on here and what this place was, and now they were asking me to guard their secret from the Avengers?!
"Ashely, you'll get all the details tomorrow." Chiron addressed me. "But for now, it's off to bed." It took me a minute to realize that the last comment had been directed towards everyone. I followed Will back to our cabin and crawled into my new bed, pulling the privacy curtain all the way around. I just wanted to be alone. Soon I realized the curtain was sound proof. That eased my nerves a little, but what really makes me relax is music. I grabbed my walkmen and pressed play, falling asleep to Lady Gaga's Poker Face.
And then it was morning. Or at least I assumed it was. Dim light streamed in from a window above my bed. I sat up and had a slight panic attack as I forgot where I was. Once my brain remembered the events of yesterday, a sense of dread formed in my stomach. I pushed back my curtain to find everybody getting ready for the day, all in orange camp shirts. Someone had put one out at the foot of my bed and I grabbed it gingerly. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I hadn't realized I had been so tired.
I was about to ask where I would change when I heard a toilet flush and someone walked out of a room I hadn't seen before. A bathroom.
Once I was changed I made my way towards the Big House, or at least that's what Will had called it. And it wasn't an understatement. I waited on the porch while everyone who passed me scoffed and rolled their eyes. And believe me, I'd rather stay here then go there... maybe. Then came Chiron.
"I bet you're still getting used to all this." He said from behind me, which made me jump.
"Uh, yeah. But I still don't really know what it is that I'm getting used to." I said. He chuckled.
"Here, let me explain." He put a hand on my shoulder and brought me inside to the room I'd seen in my dream that was covered in grapevines. What freaked me out was that the jaguar's head was really was real, and I watched as Chiron fed it something that looked like a sausage. Then he explained to me about how the old greek myths about Zeus and Athena and everybody were real, and how that it needed to stay secret from everyone who didn't know about them. Which was why I was going to the Avengers tower to keep an eye on them. But he also told me how all the monsters from the myths were real, and they were dangerous. How mortals couldn't see strange things like swords and monsters because of the mist. A magical force that makes mystical things look normal. But being a demigod, we could. Also about how monsters could smell demigods, and if any found me, the Avengers probably wouldn't see them at all because their mortals. I would have to kill it before any of them realized what was going on.
When I asked "why me?" he said I didn't know how to fight, cause it wouldn't stand out that I already knew. Also that most Apollo kids train with a bow that it would be suspicious if I came in with a sword. I gulped when he mentioned weapons.
"Though I think you should get your bow and arrows at the tower, not here." I nodded. It would probably look bad if I came in armed. Then he shoved a bag of something into my hands.
"Here, keep this with you at all times. It's nectar and ambrosia. The Food of the Gods. It will heal you fast if you get badly hurt, but too much of it will kill you because you're not fully a god." Suddenly I felt like he was handing me a ticking bomb.
"Uh ok," I said. "But how do I contact you? I don't have a phone. Chiron stroked his beard.
"I have thought about this. Leo!" He called. Soon the kid I'd seen get mugged by flames was by my side, like he'd been waiting on the porch the whole time.
"Do you have what I asked about?" Chiron said and Leo nodded. He produced a phone sized, well, phone from one of the pockets from his tool belts.
"This is your 'phone'. Click this button here and then this will..." He went on like this for a few minutes, explaining how the phone worked and a bunch of other stuff. It basically works just like a normal phone, but modified so that monsters wouldn't find me or something like that.
"Uh, is there a learners manual or something?" I asked. The fun in his eyes dropped and he boredly pulled out a small manual from his tool belt.
"Here." He said, handing it to me.
"Uh thanks," I said shoving it in my pocket. He mumbled something about always having to have a manual and about how it sucked the fun out of everything and how it was expensive to make manuals for everything they made and how long it takes.
"And you might need this." Chiron said, handing me a book. It said So Yuro A , or at least that what it looked like to me.
"What does this say?" I asked him.
"So Your A Demigod. Great book, updated. Though most people just watch the orientation film. Any way, this book has information over what has happened within the last few years. I nodded again and tucked it under my arm.
"So how am I getting there?" Chiron looked past me and I followed his gaze. He was looking at a hill out the window.
"Go up there, you'll find Argus waiting for you next to the camp's van." The camp had a van? "Just try not to stare." He left me with that bit of wisdom as he got into deep conversation with Leo about some mechanical birds or something.
I stopped by my cabin to grab my red backpack, and my half brothers and sisters said goodbye to me. Then I made my way towards Argus.
When I saw him all I could do was stare. I mean, you would too if you saw him. He was covered head to toe in eyes as far as I could tell. I pried away my gaze and made my way towards the van he was leaning against.
"Hi," I waved. He said nothing, but pointed to the back seat of the van for me to get in. I opened the doors and sat there. This was going to be a very long ride.
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