Treetop Stars
I stood at the bottom floor, wondering how to climb up. There was no stairs that I could see, no way of passage to get up. There were ropes hanging all over the place, but I didn't actually think that we had to use them, until Blaze grabbed one, went "Wheee!", and started gliding up using the ropes. Yeah, I said gliding. And I'm not kidding. Blaze did something, causing wings twice his size to spread out, and launched up, towards the stars. I stared at him, being kinda confused and sighed. Ignoring all the silent stares, I grabbed the rope and started climbing it expertly, as though as I had done it all my life. After all, I was born a cat, living my life before, as a stray. I learned things the hard way. I also picked up a few tips from other cats, such as, learning to beg for food, learning to know when to flee, and knowing when to stay and fight. It was a rough life out there. I didn't learn all the tricks of the trade fast enough though. I stole some food from an older cat when I was starving. I didn't run fast enough and I was still too small to jump high enough to escape fully. That was how I ended up dead. But now look at me. Blaze was hovering above me with his fiery wings, mouth slightly open in awe, ironically in his position but still, I managed to get up without too many slips and falls. The Tsuyoi Tree was bigger than I had anticipated. In fact, it was so big, I think that even 10 people, arms wide open, side to side, couldn't wrap their arms around fully. It really was that big. "Pretty big huh?". I nodded in agreement. "How long do you wonder it's been here?". Blaze thought about it. "Maybe about the age of this organisation, which is about, let's see..." He checked his notebook. "Around 3 centuries I guess?". "Whoa..." I said, gazing at the tree. "It's seen some interesting things happen over the ages." Blaze nodded. "Let's get started ?" I said. Blaze smiled. I took out some timber and got to work. Blaze moved to help but I stopped him. "I can do this myself.". Blaze respected my decision and backed away. I worked hard on my project. It took several weeks so I shared Blaze's room. After all, he was the only person that I had really known. When building it, I got a small crowd of onlookers, but they eventually got bored and they went back to their jobs/personal hobbies. After it was done, I felt accomplished. And you know exactly how that feels. A small rope ladder with wood planks holding it together led up to the main house. It was a small and humble house. It was about the size of an average, urban room made out of wood. I wasn't concerned about it burning down because Blaze could control fires, meaning that he could extinguish them. Anyways, I had a small deck that the rope ladder hung down from. Inside the room, I had a navy blue couch with a small, wooden table. Beside it, there was a kitchen, not too fancy and not too big. Just good enough for treetop cooking. There also were the birds of every colour. Occasionally, I would feed them something small or big enough for them to feast on, as long as they shared. If you thought that I eat birds, you're definitely wrong. I don't hurt animals unless I was absolutely dying. Like an inch away from death. I hadn't had the needs to eat one anyway. My bed was a cosy single, with black blankets. There were also some wooden planks nailed to the wall, acting as ladders leading to the next floor. On the second floor, there were three doorways leading to an observation deck with a telescope. In the middle of the room, there was a steel, round beam that not only was a good support beam, it also acted as a good thing to use when getting down without dropping down and shaking the whole tree. It went from the top level to the very bottom, which was in the tree itself because the middle part was hollow (the tree wasn't dead). The middle part was pretty much the toilet and shower. It took a lot of piping and wiring just to get everything that needed them working. For light I used a solar panel for the light bulbs. The rest needed actual electricity. There also were wooden doors and window covers that could be pushed opened easily (I had attached a simple latch on all of the windows and doors). That's about it I guess. Oh yeah, at night, the fireflies and the glowworms would shine at night, looking absolutely amazing. I'd always fall asleep at night with those night lights shining in my vision. They kind of reminded me of little stars glimmering through the canopy. Once, I climbed up to the top of the tree to see what the view looked like. It was like watching a light show at night. But they were still not as good as having those little treetop stars glowing throughout the night.
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