The Tsuyoi Tree
"My home?" I asked. "But I-" I was interrupted by Ikasu. "NO BUTS!! It's your home now whenever you like it or not." "But that's not the problem..." I muttered. I spoke a little louder. "I prefer living the way I've always lived." Blaze huffed a sigh. He sure sighs a lot."Haven't you felt like you were different from the others? Haven't you felt out of place?" I shook my head. "No." I said. "If I'm out of place in my area, then everyone is. We all have different things to do, apart from finding food. And sleeping."
"Finding food?" Asked Ikasu.
"I live in my own place in the town. To most of us, money doesn't feed bellies for us..."
"Us? I thought you were the only half-blood there." Blaze questioned.
I glared at him. "Are you stupid or something? I probably am. But I'm not the only cat in the streets, am I?". It was then, I started to notice my surroundings. I stared up, amazed, as, the building inside, was absolutely full of crazy things that I have never seen before. There were ropes of every colour reaching every level. In the air above us, colourful and crazy things whizzed, spun and shone as they flew, glided or cut through the air. Blaze said to me, "This, is the home I live in.". Blaze took me to a tour around the area. The building has 75 storeys, with 500 people living in each. I live in the top storey. There's a rooftop garden with a tree as big as the middle segment." The building's bird's eye view looked like a circle in a doughnut. "Five rooms are in the middle segment, containing the people like you and me. The researchers have a special access card different from mine to confirm their I.D. Normal people that need protecting or are born involved with spirits and demons live here too.". Ikasu had run off somewhere and, it only took a couple of minutes for the building to be enshrouded with sound. This place seemed pretty lively. I asked Blaze "Where are the half spirits and demons?". Blaze looked at me and said, "They went off like me to find other people like you.". I nodded. "Now... Wait here." Blaze said to me. He stopped in front of a room that said:Broadcast Room. I saw, through the stained glass, that he was starting up the equipment. "Can everyone listen carefully please? Thank you, now, we have a new member joining us today. His name is Kuro. Please look after him okay? This is Blaze, reporting in." It took a matter of seconds. Suddenly, there was a huge flow of people running down the hallway. Blaze grinned at me and gave me a thumbs up. They were only a meter away when I started to run away. It was my instincts that caused this. I could even feel the adrenaline pulsing in my bloodstream. I felt worried after a while. I didn't want to get smouldered in the crowd, but I also didn't want to hurt their feelings. I then turned a corner, in front of me, there was a couple of people standing still in front of me. One of them stepped forward. He chanted some unrecognisable words. Suddenly, spell tags appeared out of nowhere. They formed a circle around and forced me towards the wall. "GOOD JOB!" I turned around and saw Blaze coming from behind them. I was utterly confused. Blaze muttered to them, "Let him go, he doesn't know how things work around here." I heard one of the people, a girl around my age, argue to him."But he's a newbie, newbies don't like to follow orders!". The man who cast the spell raised his voice. "That's only in the manga you read, he might not be the 'perfect' stereo-typical guy that you keep dreaming up.". I just waited until they finished quarrelling. Finally, they remembered me. The man undid the spell, and I was set free. I wasn't too happy after that. Blaze turned to me. He said "Now that everyone knows you... You have to find a place to live. I suggest that you get a room. But still, it's your decision where to live.". I thought hard. The rooms felt too cramped for me. Then a idea came to me. "What about the rooftop?". Blaze said, "There's a tree that grows on top. It's called the Tsuyoi Tree. We can't destroy it because it's been growing here since it started. It was planted here on the day this building was built.". I though again. Then I said, "What if I build a house on the tree? That way it doesn't need to be destroyed.". Blaze thought about my idea. Then he said, "Yeah, I guess that could work. But... we need to get permission from the owner of this building." I said, "Who owns it?". Blaze just said, "Follow me.".
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