What is Pain?
WARNING: This story contains strong words and terms about death and pain. It has a strong emotional feeling and is not for the weak of heart or for young audiences.
Pain is deep like a bullet wound, it will heal but it will be a while. Hate is like a deep black hole in your chest which grows so big it devours you whole until only the memory of you remains, with no good memories only the bad ones. Suicide is a way to kill that anger by killing you. Once you are dead your body rots and decomposes into dust and that dust goes to HELL! , with your spirit. Your blood stains the knife and the carpet or grass around your body. You feel as though 1000 sharp knives are cutting at your skin and as though teeth of monsters are tearing and ripping at your flesh tearing out your heart and leaving you for dead. PAIN! is a 4 letter word. P for permanent for once one dies they are dead forever, never to be seen again never able to be brought back to life NEVER!! , alive again. A is for anger and aggression. For pain, it hurts so bad you get so angry and aggressive towards others. I is for injury because pain hurts because if one piece of this complicated body we have is broken, that's a very painful injury. And lastly N is for never as in NEVER again once one is gone, they are GONE FOREVER!!!. This is how I feel NOW!
How does it FEEL!?
The Pain feels as though your bare body is wrapped in barbwire and it is wrapped so tight it cuts and stabs you in your back and in your heart. As if the Angle of Death has started to kill you, but left you only half dead. Pain is a broken heart which is healed only to be broken again. If this is so, then what is the use of healing your heart if it will only break again. Pain leads to death and do you know what Death is? Death is like a ticking clock inside us, it ticks and tocks as our heart beats its little drum. But when the clock stops ticking the heart stops beating, then you DIE. But your heart only stops when it's drum stops beating and the clock stops ticking inside you. You can stop the clock only when you commit a crime called SUICIDE! This stops your clock and heart before the drum is worn out and lost it's beating feel. OHHHHHHHHHHH it is the sound of the ticking and the tocking which leaves you with the feeling how long LEFT? The ticking and the tocking the drumming of the drum leaves you crazy inside mentally unbalanced and leaves you wanting to know WHY? Why me? why us? why DEATH? WHY PAIN AND SORROW? It hurts so bad but it just won't go away it stays with you until your dying breath. Relief to you just not to others around you. Pain and sorrow it will stay with you until death do you part. Some people say "we are all just corpses awaiting to decay". That we were born dead and when we "die" it is just the start of the decaying process. Pain is a deadly contagious disease that was introduced to us many many years ago, it is a disease that kills many many people, through pain and suffering as well as suicide and DEATH!. Pain is a ruthless game full of sorrow and regret. It makes you do awful and horrible things you will live to regret, if you live it makes you see the truth and shows you all the faults and lies others have, no matter how bad they are. It's like a wake-up call saying to others if you go down that path this is how you end up, DEAD! With no friends or family or place to call home. It is a curse inflicted upon us by the Angel of Death. A burden we are forced to carry. So heavy it feels as though we are holding up the sky by ourselves. This is humanity's curse.
Now, Don't feel this. Don't feel Pain for it is a wasted emotion. It is a curse. Stop Pain, stop sorrow, stop death and stop suicide. Pain feels different to others but for me, it feels like a waste of our time. All it does is end up making others and our selves feel bad and cruel. But we all should ask ourselves this... After death will you live again? Or is that just one big rumour? Will we ever really truly DIE? or are we immortal? Doomed to never die? I can't tell you the answer for there are many, all I can tell you is that Pain hurts it makes us and others do things we would never do in our right minds. It confuses us, gets us to say and do horrible things. It takes control of us.
So.....Stop Pain, Stop Sorrow, Stop Death and Stop Suicide
Before it is too late...
Thank you for reading this short story and if this is too emotional for you, know that I am not feeling this amount of deep Pain But are you? if so please see a guidance counsellor and tell your parents or someone close to you or even a friend.
Thank You!
First Published on the 31st of July 2019
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