The Hearth
Percy POV
I felt eyes on me when I woke up, but refused to look over to the other side of the room.
"I know you're awake." Percie said after a few minutes of silence.
"Good for you."
"Someone's in an ugly mood." She muttered.
I chose to ignore her.
"It's almost finished." She said suddenly.
"What?" I sat up and looked at her in confusion.
She pointed at her chest. "The light. It's almost reached my heart. I'll have to fight it to keep it out of me."
"Why do you want to keep it out?" I asked. "It's goodness, it feels nice."
"I hate it. It hurts, to me. Doesn't your darkness hurt?"
I searched my body for a feeling of pain or unstoppable anger. I found none.
"I don't even know where it is." I confessed. "I can't feel it at all."
Percie frowned and looked down. "Will you fight it?"
"Because I refuse to let myself be used as a weapon again." I told her pointedly, before standing and stretching.
I wandered around Olympus for a while, looking at things and thinking about everything that was going on.
A part of me wondered what Annabeth was doing right now, down in the Underworld.
Not watching where I was walking, I ran into someone, knocking them to the ground and scattering the things they were carrying.
"Sorry!" I exclaimed, stooping to help gather the flowers back into the basket. The woman I had run into chuckled.
"It's okay, Percy, they won't be soiled. Thank you for helping me."
I looked up to see a smiling, familiar face.
"Hey, Wisteria." I handed the basket back to her.
"Hi." She hooked her arm through the handle. "What were you thinking of that you were so distracted?"
I sighed. "Just everything going on. I've lost some good friends, and now I have to work with the one who did it to stop more deaths from happening."
Wisteria looked at me, her eyes seeming to search my soul. That's probably what she really was doing.
"Your darkness is growing." She said abruptly.
"I can't feel it yet." I told her.
"You won't. Evil feels the good in it, but most of the time, good doesn't feel the evil." She sighed. "How are you going to fight him?"
I shrugged. "I asked my father to talk to Morpheus."
Wisteria nodded. "And then?"
"If I can find a way to search my mind while I'm asleep, I can find my darkness and figure out what to do with it."
She grabbed my arm. "Don't kill him."
I frowned. "Why not?"
"Each time you kill or remove your opposite, a new, stronger one will grow. If you kill or remove the one you have now, the next one will come back too strong for you to fight."
I nodded slowly. "Thank you, Wisteria."
She smiled. "A hero like you has probably had enough of fighting at a moment's notice, a warning for this battle is most likely appreciated."
"It is." I told her.
"You should go talk to your father. The faster you find a way to deal with this," Wisteria poked my chest. "As quickly as possible."
"I will. Thank you again."
"Any time, Percy."
I turned and walked away, heading for the Olympian Throne Room. I had no clue where my father actually was, but I knew someone who would.
The doors opened easily and I stepped onto the marble floor and looked around, remembering all the things that had happened there. I could clearly picture the destruction from Kronos, a dead Luke Castellan lying on the floor. I could imagine standing in front of Zeus for various rather idiotic reasons, I could remember being offered godhood and turning it down.
"Hello Percy."
I shook myself out of the memories I was reliving and looked over to the goddess of the hearth.
"Hello Lady Hestia." I smiled at her.
"No need for formalities at the hearth." She reprimanded me.
I smiled. "Of course, I forgot."
"Come sit. You seem like you need to feel at home." Hestia smiled, patting the floor next to the hearth. I walked over and sat down in it's warmth.
"Would you like something to drink? Or to eat?"
I started to refuse, but my stomach grumbled and proved me a liar.
Hestia laughed sweetly, her eight year old face shining with amusement. "What do you want?"
"A burger would be nice." I said.
"Burger and soda, coming right up." She smiled at me. The two food items appeared, entirely blue.
I chuckled and picked up the burger. "Thank you, Hestia."
"Of course."
"Why are you here, young hero?"
"It's Percy." I said after swallowing the bite I had taken. "And I was wondering if you knew where my father was."
Hestia smiled. "I always know where my siblings are. I can tell you where he is, but you should relax for a little while."
I wanted to say no, but sitting in the warmth of the hearth and feeling like I was at home quickly changed my mind.
"You're right."
[A/N Chill Percy...kind of a filler chapter, 'cept Wisteria turned up again. Nico will show up soon. The picture is what I would imagine Hestia as]
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