Oh Gods, This Is Going to End Badly
Third Person POV
Percy knew something was going down as soon as he saw Alessa at dinner. She was fidgeting nervously at the Hermes table, and barely eating her food. He frowned and resorted to keeping a close eye on her from the Poseidon table.
Towards the end of the meal, when kids were starting to get up and go to each others' tables to talk, she got up and went over to talk quietly with Chiron for a minute. Percy narrowed his eyes and shifted in his seat so he could get up quickly, if needed.
When Alessa turned around, she caught his eye and darted over quickly. "I just want you to know I seriously thought about what I'm about to do and I understand the possible consequences."
He caught on immediately and grabbed her wrist as she turned away from him. "You don't have to do this."
"I know." Alessa gently pried her arm from his grip and walked back to Chiron as the centaur stood, effectively gaining almost everyone's attention. When he began to speak, the rest of them looked at him too.
"Miss Alessa would like to address you all. As you may know, she came to camp today, and has not been claimed yet."
Alessa climbed up onto the small stage that was next to Chiron's table for serious announcements, along with other things.
"Um, hello everyone." She said meekly, wringing her hands in front of her as she began to speak. One hand drifted up to rub the back of her neck briefly and Percy noted with slight surprise that he did the same when dealing with situations that made him nervous.
"So, my name is Alessa.... it's actually a name that I chose for myself, about 2 days ago."
Percy shifted again, watching the crowd's reaction.
"Before that, my name... it was, uh, Percie. P-E-R-C-I-E. I know I look 12, but I'm actually 20 years old...." Her appearance shifted back to her normal self.
People began to murmur. Percy tensed.
"There's an ancient spell that some descendants of Hecate attempted to perfect centuries ago, that essentially uses the life force of a demigod to separate the personalities of a demigod. One good, and one evil. This spell has been recently made successful, and when performed properly, will suppress one side of the demigod and bring the other to the forefront. Clearly this spell is not one that is going to be used for good...."
She took a deep breath. The pavilion was filling with murmurs now, a lot of kids questioning what she was talking about or where she was going with this.
"I did a lot of things I'm not proud of. I killed a lot of people, I set the forest on fire, and I nearly destroyed a park in Manhattan. I am, by all definition, the evil side of Percy Jackson's personality."
Uproar. Absolute uproar. Percy leapt to his feet along with over half of the camp's residents, racing to the platform. Somehow he got there before anyone else did, launching himself onto the stage and drawing Riptide.
"Enough!" His voice rang over the shouts of the teens. He may or may not have used some water powers to magnify it, making it ring off of the pillars.
Piper hopped up onto the stage next to him, also facing the audience.
Percy took a deep breath and began to speak loudly. "Hear her out. Hear us out."
"Sit down." Piper ordered. The kids began to sit in their seats slowly. Once she was satisfied, she stepped aside and let Percy and Alessa speak.
"When two personalities are physically split," Percy gestured to himself and Alessa, "they begin to grow new opposites inside them. In time, that new good or evil personality must fight the personality already residing in the body. Alessa's goodness won out. For all intents and purposes, she's my twin sister now. I trust her."
"How do you know her goodness won?" Someone shouted.
"Because I saw it." Percy said flatly. "Courtesy of Morpheus."
"What about yours?" Another voice asked.
He paused, then responded in an equally flat voice, "I made a deal."
There was some nervous murmuring in the crowd, but Piper crossed her arms. "Do you really think he'd be here, talking about this if his evil was free to roam? I trust him."
"So do I." Leo shouted suddenly. He'd been quiet the whole time.
"Me too." Nico said after a moment.
Chiron stood. "Percy has a unique advantage in this, that his fatal flaw is loyalty. I trust him."
That seemed to tide everyone else over, and suddenly Poseidon's sign flashed over Alessa's head.
"All hail Alessa Jackson, daughter of Poseidon."
[A/N- I'm staying up to make sure something downloads properly onto my computer, so thats why you guys get lots of stuff tonight]
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