My Doubts
Percy POV
I could feel myself shaking, but didn't try to stop it. Percie was right across the hall from me, being allowed to live after everything she did.
"Why would you save her, Piper?" I hissed, trying to keep my voice down. It probably wasn't working very well.
"Percy, you of all people should get it!" She replied, planting her hands on her hips.
"Well I don't so please explain!" I snapped.
"Don't you think we've had enough death lately?" She snarled back. "I saved her because there's someone else behind it and I think she might be able to track him down."
I opened my mouth to argue, then stopped and thought about her answer.
"Fine. But I don't have to be happy about it."
There was a gold flash out in the hall and Apollo bustled into the room across from mine, carrying several pouches with what I could only assume was blood inside.
"I never said you did." Piper replied, her eyes flashing a warning at me. "But don't you dare try to get in my way with all of this."
She left and I pushed my bed into a lying down position and glared at the ceiling.
I looked over to the door. "Hey Dad."
Poseidon entered the room with a slight awkwardness and sat down on the chair next to my bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Are we talking physically or emotionally?"
"Both." He shrugged.
"Well, I'm in pain, but not nearly as much as I was before thanks to Apollo and Hecate. As for my mental state, I don't want to have anything to do with that thing across the hallway."
He nodded. "I doubt you'll have to. Piper doesn't want you near her, something about your emotions clouding your judgement."
"Good." I muttered, going back to glaring at the ceiling.
We sat in silence for a few minutes.
"How did it feel?" Poseidon asked.
"What do you mean?" I rolled my head sideways to look up at him, noticing again that we looked so similar.
"When Percie was in charge. Could you see what was going on or were you put out for it?"
I frowned, thinking back. "At first I was under, I had no clue what was going on. Then she let me wake up, I assume that was when she decided she was strong enough to control me mentally and physically. After that I could see rather vividly what was going on."
"And when was that?" He asked me quietly.
"A little while before Nico got attacked. After Jason died." I replied just as softly. It was as if we were trying not to wake a tiger that could lunge at us if it so much as opened an eye.
"How did you get away from her?"
"She was keeping me chained up in my own mind, but it was like I was sitting inside this giant maze, held right in the center. She did something that made me mad and I had a thought of Leo suddenly. It seemed to hurt her so I did my best to pull all of my memories of my friends. That seemed to weaken her hold enough for me to get out and hide in my mind.
"She couldn't find me for a while, then began the chase. One day when I was hiding, I realized she was fighting someone I knew. Nico, to be exact. I fought against her, trying to help him. Suddenly we were getting pulled away from each other, like someone was separating the fight. Then I was on the ground and she was standing over me, and we were separate people."
"Was it painful?" Poseidon asked.
"A little bit. I think it hurt me more than it hurt her, since she didn't have a physical form to begin with, she just hijacked mine."
He nodded, then patted my knee carefully. "I'm glad you're on your own now, without her up in there."
I nodded too. "I am too. I'm sorry for what I did, Dad. It doesn't matter if she forced me to do it, I still carried out the deed."
Poseidon shook his head. "You don't need to apologize. I forgave you the moment I found out what really happened."
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hecate walk into the room across from mine.
"Dad, do you really think that she could do anything good?" I asked.
"Yeah. She was meant to be purely evil. Do you think she'll actually be useful?"
"She has your same sense of personal loyalty, Percy. Piper saved her life, maybe she'll count that as a favor that needs repaying."
"But what if she doesn't?" I insisted. "What if she just stabs us all in the back and waltzes out of here leaving the Greek Pantheon decimated and in flames?"
Poseidon frowned. "Then someone will need to hunt her down. You'll get to say I told you so and then find and execute her."
I sighed and he stood. "I have a council meeting to attend. Take it easy, Percy."
"You got it, Dad."
[A/N Updates will be coming scantily during the week because production week for our musical is coming up and I'm kind of throwing everything I can into that so we have a good performance each day]
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